The Heralded Coming

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Original poster
(So... I caved.)

Hello! Many of you probably know me by Stephanie (or... actually, let's not go that far back), if you're a refugee from MoonWings. I thought I'd try out a new name if I am going to come here, and was named a very pretty name by one of your own, in fact. You can call me either Elyd or Stephanie, and we'll see which one sticks. xD I am here because I finally miss people from MW enough to try and see if I can find you all again, and hey, maybe there'll be nice new-to-me people to meet here, too. I'm not a big RPer, but you can see if you can talk me out of that. *shrug* I could be willing to learn.

So, I'll be looking around and poking at things. Please take good care of me. *bows*

(Furthermore, if you bother me, I reserve the right to go crying to The Butterfly! :P)
Welcome to Iwaku, Elyd also known as Stephanie.

I would be one of the Nice 'new-to-you' people. Hope you enjoy your time here and I look forward to seeing you on the forum!
Stephanie! :D
*pokes at Diana with a microscope* Hmmm... iiiiiinteresting...

Thanks, October Knight!
*places Stephanie in a suped up Pope-mobile and stands guard outside it*
Well hello and welcome to Iwaku.
I've been told a great deal about how lovely you are by Miss Diana, so I have great expectations!
I look forward to roleplaying with you.
I'm Kitti, by the way. If you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask.
*gulp* By Diana? That's a bit intimidating... ^^;; Hello Kitti and thanks for the welcome. I might ask for help choosing a roleplay to get my feet wet in, but we'll see what happens... xD;
Hmm...Willing to learn...I may have to start a 4E game for learners...Or maybe even 3.5! Or AD&D, cause I have those books now.
I have no idea what any of those numbers signify, but sure?
Dungeons and Dragons my dear. The various editions. AD&D is Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, aka 2E
I was under the impression you can't play D&D online...?
Wrong! Albeit goes at a much slower pace. Playing online is known as Play-By-Post. There are numerous ways to handle the various aspects. Take maps for example. You can do free form (mapless), ASCII maps, or GM and/or Player map .jpg editing.
Dammit, Diana. I KNEW you were fattening Iwaku up so you could offer it up as a sacrifice to the internet gods... Moonwings herself to be specific!

Anyways, hello Stephanie. It's a pleasure to have you on the site, and I hope you enjoy yourself here, and find it to be a place of enjoyment.
Welcome, Stephanie!! *tackles and hugs!*

Hmm...Willing to learn...I may have to start a 4E game for learners...Or maybe even 3.5! Or AD&D, cause I have those books now.

Hell, if you're going to do that, *I* might be convinced to play!

I've done some table-top (still have my old character sheet, too!), and did some AD&D and White Wolf LARPs for a time as well.
@Jumi: Actually you can thank The Butterfly for my joining rather than Diana. Although who knows, she usually does have nefarious and subtle plans about.

*hugs Alan back*