The Hazed



Original poster
This page is for characters and info only! If you have questions message me or head over to the OOC. Post character sheets here.
For the OOC go here
For IC go here


[spoili]In the later months of 2018 and early months of 2019, the tension between nations grew more tense as conflicts in the Middle East escalated. World powers such as Russia and America were at a cross roads, and a threat of another cold war was a real possibility. Eventually in the Spring of 2019, the first missile was launched. Either side blamed each other, the Russians saying the United States fired first, while the U.S claimed Russia was to blame.
Regardless humanity was doom from the very start. At first it wasn't chemical weapons, nor nuclear. A few air to surface missiles striking US compounds in the Middle East, a Russian convoy being destroyed by American airstikes, et cetera.

As the war was mainly fought in the Middle Eastern countries, neither side dared attack the others main land, and kept the conflict in third world countries. Finally disaster stuck as the first of the "Green Haze" bombs exploded in Egypt. Those in the immediate area were killed, but those on the far reaches of the bomb changed. Not due to radiation, but the altering effect of the chemicals on the human brain. Cells died off, the common human thought process was missing entirely on those infected by the Green Haze. The survivors of this bomb were called The Hazed. They fit the zombie stereotype of blood thirsty, brainless killers.
The following days were bloody and most people world wide were in awe that such a weapon would be used, and as the war went on, both America and Russia bombed each others nations, thousands died due to these attacks; but the Green Haze wasn't seen again.

In Egypt where the original bomb went off, the area was still effected. The country was shut down, the people were locked in and no one without a hazmat suit was allowed in. A storm formed and blew from Egypt across the Mediterranean to Greece, where the second outbreak of the "Hazed" broke out. The chemicals that effected the water in Egypt stayed with the partials that evaporated into the rain clouds, and as the rain poured down onto the people of Greece, they too became sick and effected by the Green Haze bomb.

Fast forward several months and no society had a way of curing the Hazed, nor a solution to the Green Haze itself. The war escalated between America and Russia, before either side had to turn their attention on the Hazed that soon infected their country. By then it was too late, and the majority of the world has gone into chaos. Now nearly every storm carries the Green Haze virus, and the only survivors are those who are smart enough to boil the water, cook their food, and keep a gas mask on them if they are forced to be outside in the elements.[/spoili]
Setting and Start up
The start of this Roleplay is set in Wyoming, in the fictional area of Redhill.

Redhill itself is a large city, slightly smaller than Cheyenne, Wyoming. The city itself houses a wide variety of buildings and districts, ranging from factories and a hospital, to residential areas. At the start of the outbreak of Green Haze, the government tried to set up checkpoints and camps within the city, but needless to say they failed.

Site B: Research and Evacuation Center
Located on the west side of Redhill, Quarantine Site B was the largest evacuation center in the city. It doubled as a ground base for scientists studying the Green Haze Virus, and the people infected by it. People across the city went here to be escorted out of Wyoming and into more secure areas via truck or helicopter.
A horde of infected marched from the nearby town Tall-Oak, and as the military started to evacuate scientist and high ranking officers first, citizens rioted. Something caused an explosion in the research area, releasing clouds of Green Haze into the air. Many people were caught without a gas mask, thus resulting in many unnecessary casualties.
Today the Quarantine Site is full of the infected, trapped within the walls of the once secure place. It is no doubt full of supplies ranging from weaponry and medical supplies, too food and gas.


Northern Red-Hill: "The Vacation District"
The northern area of Red-Hill was once a tourist hub, scattered with hotels, restaurants, and various activity centers. While Red-Hill wasn't necessarily the first choice for vacation, the nearby Lake Hamilton was popular for fishing, camping, skiing and other lake activities.

Southern Red-Hill: "The Nightlife District"
South Red-Hill was a shit-hole before the outbreak. Once a haven for criminals and degenerates, Nightlife District is still crawling with bandits. While having no important landmarks, it also housed a smaller quarantine district (Quarantine Zone A) which suffered a similar fate to Quarantine Zone B.

Eastern Red-Hill
Once a lovely suburb that many people called home. Numerous neighborhoods and houses are scattered about on the Eastern side of Red-Hill, inbetween the main highway and the city. It housed Quarantine Zone C, but it was abandoned before it became fully operational.



The small town of Tall Oak is close to Redhill, and was the first place to fall into chaos. When a group of residents became infected by the Green Haze, probably from infected meat, the military tried to quarantine the city. The citizens revolted, and the situation escalated severely.


The wilderness in the Redhill area ranges from trees and hills, and rocky plains and mountains. Rivers spread through out the forests, flowing from the Rocky Mountains, many ending up in Lake Hamilton. The wild life flourishes here.

Lake Hamilton
A lake located in the middle of a forest. Tends to be a popular spot for people since the infected can't swim, but it isn't without its dangers. Bandits roam the area around the lake constantly. Lake Cabins are scattered around the lake, along with a summer camp that once was popular for kids.

Crossroads (Starting point for the RP*)
Located within the southern forest, the crossroads was the center ground for a small rural community before the outbreak. The Crossroads itself only holds four buildings: the Church, a gas station, a liquor store, and a hunting shop. Through out the forest in the area are homes hidden in the woods, and most people passed through here to or from the lake.
To the North is Red-Hill, to the East is the highway and the suburb area of Redhill, to the West is Tall-Oak, and to the south is Lake Hamilton.
*Note: We will all be starting in or around the area. You don't necessarily have to start in the four buildings, and can make your own place in the area if you wish.

Important Notes and Rules
  • Dangerous green storm clouds warn the survivors of the hazardous chemicals within the rain. While this rain isn't harmful to your skin, the gases that radiates from these storms can cause you to become one of the Hazed. The most common way to deter the chance of being infected by the hazardous gas is to remain inside during the storm. However if you must go outside, gas masks help prevent the harmful vapors to enter your lungs.
  • Another common way to become infected is drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated food. Animals seem to have an immunity to the virus, and they don't show any more aggression than normal. However if their meat isn't properly cooked, it is possible to become infected through consumption. Natural water also must be filtered or boiled before drinking.
  • Survivors are few, but those that do still live often form groups. These groups tend to be dangerous towards outsides, often taking supplies and lives to help them and their own survive.
  • All Iwaku rules apply
  • This roleplay while have mature themes included but not limited too: violence, drug and alcohol use, and strong language. If for some reason any scene gets sexual, leave it fade to black or take it to the PM's.
  • For now every roleplayer has a max of three characters. If you'd like more message me and it can be arranged to have more. Make all characters unique, no mary sues, etc. NPC's are allowed, so just include their basic information. (Age, gender, looks, etc.)
  • Try and post atleast 2-3 paragraphs per post, and post once a week. If you plan on going on vacation for a week try and let me know ahead of time.
  • Don't be stupid! While I won't be killing off our characters at every turn, if you do something dumb, it may have bad consequences! (Ex. Don't charge into a horde of infected with nothing but your fists, and expect to come out alive)
  • I will give warnings if I think your character is pushing the like between survivor and unkillable god.
  • Have fun! We are telling a story together, and while I may guide us in certain directions, the course of this is up to y'all!
The Hazed

The Hazed are the victims that inhaled the Green Haze virus within green storm clouds, ate infected meat, or drank contaminated water. These storms are nicknamed "Haze Clouds" by survivors. Once humans, the Hazed suffer from a deteriorating mind, leaving their minds only able to comprehend one thing. Hunger. They don't tend to go for the brain or the neck, just anything they can sink their teeth into.
They have many common names: zombies, infected, the dead. No one is more correct than the other. The infected tend to wander around looking for anything living to eat. While most stumble around at a steady pace, some of the healthier ones can run and sprint after prey. They can't open doors, use tools, or comprehend what you are saying, though some tend to have enough intelligence to go around traps, avoid hazards like fire, and flank around or stalk prey.
  • The health of an infected is based around how much they eat. The more food an infected eats, the higher up on the list they go. If they go some time without eating, they go lower on the list.
    Starving: The infected stumble and walk senselessly, mostly relying on sound.
    Hungry: Infected can keep a steady pace, though easily out run able. have keener eye sight and hearing. Seem to have knowledge to climb.
    Peckish: Able to run straight at prey, though may be tricked into tripping. Along with good eye sight and hearing, they also seem to develop a sense of smell. Have enough intelligence to avoid spikes and not run into water, but not enough to go around objects. Climb Faster
    Well Feed (Also known as Feral): Able to sprint at prey, vault over objects in their way, avoid hazards like fire and visible traps. They tend to stalk prey and wait for a good time to attack, flank around and cut off people, and have sharp senses. Rare however, but very dangerous.
  • Though their whole being revolves around eating, they don't need too. Once feed, food stays in their system for about 24 hours before they throw it up, along with a green bile. They then revert down the chart. (Example: A feral Hazed throws up a day after being full, they then revert back to peckish if they don't eat again. If they don't eat that day, they revert back to hungry, etc.)
  • The infected don't need to drink what either, though if they remain submerged long enough it tends to bloat them, making them slower.
  • They also don't need to breath, use the bathroom, and they also cannot communicate.
Hazed cannot feel pain, the only way to kill them is to lop their heads off or destroy their heart.

Luckily a scratch or bite from one of these things isn't enough to turn you.
The most obvious way you get infected is through storms carrying the Green Haze. These storms tend to have a green tint to them, and just like normal storms vary in severity and size. Larger storms tend to be more dangerous, as they bring a heavy green fog that obscures vision. Regardless of storm size, the safest way to handle the storms is to wear a gas mask, find shelter, and wait for the storm to let up before traveling in it. If you're lucky enough to find a building completely intact, you can ride smaller storms out without the discomfort of wearing a mask, though with larger storms it is recommended you wear the mask through out.
Food and water also can run the risk of infecting people. Natural bodies of water like rivers and lakes must be boiled before drinking. Animal meat should be cooked completely before consumption. Prepackaged food and drinks tend to be safe, as long as they are completely sealed up.
While there is no cure once infected, there are steps that can take be taken before reaching Stage four of infection. A good amount of clean food and water, plenty of rest, and keeping the fever down. At later stages antibiotics help keep the infection from turning worse.
  • Stage One
Similar to a cold, its hard to tell if you are infected or not. The virus tends to start in the lungs, so coughing and trouble breathing is common. Keeping well fed and hydrated can stop the infection before it becomes worse. Your body can help fight it off, but if let unchecked it can develop into Stage Two. Lasts about four hours before stage two, though symptoms may last longer if your body is fighting off the infection.

  • Stage Two
Start to feel better despite a mild fever. If advanced to this stage, staying well fed and hydrated, along with the use of antibiotics give a chance for the person to feel better. The virus starts to spread to other organs, though the primary ones are the stomach and heart. The infected person may have trouble breathing and trouble eating.
Rest is highly recommended. As long as you don't exert yourself, keep taking medicine, and stay hydrated you can prevent the infection from worsening, and eventually cure it. This stage lasts two hours, though symptoms can last longer, depending on the severity of the virus.

  • Stage Three
Severe fever, throwing up, and skin color starts to change. Virus has entered the heart and blood stream and rapidly spreads. Hints of green show in the victims eyes.
Very hard to ward off infection, but possible with rest and medicine. By this time its a game of chance. Lasting only an hour, its hard to fight off but symptoms may last less than an hour, and revert back to stage two if treated in time and properly.

  • Stage Four
The virus spreads through out the infected body. They tend to pass out and die during the time they are unconscious. There is no cure at this moment, and they awake a dead-man walking. Once it hits stage four, the infected are goners. They tend to pass out ranging from fifteen minutes to forty five minutes before turning.

The dead and weather aren't the only dangers of the new world. Other survivors can pose just as serious of a threat. Bandit is a broad term, ranging from people who mug and steal from others survivors, too cannibals that kill and eat other people in order to survive. Most bandits don't find themselves too successful when working alone, therefore they form bonds and groups to help them survive. While some tend to be small groups of around 5, the primarily dangerous ones are the groups that have members in the dozens.

Family of the Final Flame
Better known as the Cult of the Final Flame by those not in the group, the Family is a crazed group of religious zealots that worship fire. They believe they are doing a justice to the world, and baptizing it in flame. Ran by Father Christopher Kelt, a former preacher to the north of Red-Hill.
He has convinced his followers that there are only two ways to reach heaven:

1.) If he deems you worthy, serve in his Flock and do as he commands. You are then deemed righteous by God and earn a place in Heaven. If you double cross him, or disobey him you are deemed a heretic. Heretics are often tortured if caught.
2.) If you are weak, and he feels you resent your sins, he preforms "the Baptism".
His cultist chain you to a make-shift wooden cross, normally made by the closest materials, strip you down to your underwear, and place a silver cross onto your neck. From there you are covered in gasoline, and then lit aflame.
A horrific way to go, these monuments of torment litter the area of Red-Hill. In populated places; the sounds of screaming and smoke draw Hazed to the corpse, which often feast on the remains

While some people don't believe the crazed preacher, they often stick with the Family of the Final Flame to stay safe. Stay with them long enough, and you tend to start to believe it however

Located a few miles off the coast of Lake Hamilton is the Church of Christopher Kelt. Once a place a worship, it is now a marker for how crazed and desperate some people have come. Surrounded by walls, patrolled by cultists, and often holding a bonfire, full of the corpses of the Hazed. You don't want to wind up a prisoner here: if you aren't baptized within the first day you are likely deemed a heretic, and an even longer and more painful death is heading your way.

Character Sheets
Full Name:
Family: (If any)


(Picture or Description)
Unique Traits: (Scars, Piercings, Tattoos, etc.)

Weaponry: (Don't go overkill please)
Gear: (I recommend atleast a bag and gas mask ;) )

Character Roster
Isiah Belmont - Alive
A protective father with a mistrust of strangers after the death of his wife.
Eliza Belmont - Alive
A rebellious girl that resents her father, and is eager to help everyone.
CJ "Jet" Colt - Alive
An ex-military pilot who has done his share of horrible things. Looking for a way to break his bad habits and become a better man.
Dakota Alejandra Santiago - Alive

A young girl alone in the world with her pet ferret as she looks for her brother.
Amanda Rickards - Alive

A woman with a hatred of strangers, traveling East with her siblings looking for a better place.
Zipporah Angela Wolfe - Alive

A woman driven only by animal instincts and a desire to avenge her sister by finding a cure for the Haze.
Willoughby Catherine "Willow" Kross - Alive
A mother determined to keep her daughter alive, heading to Canada to find a peaceful life.
Daniel Craig Kross - Alive

A man wanting to keep the remainder of his family alive, so they can reach a safer place.
Thomas Edward Shackleton - Alive
An Englishman traveling the area in search of his fiance, and hoping to find a place in the new world.
Jack Farmer - Alive
An ex-soldier who has been through his share of hardships. He now seeks to bring justice to any bandit group he encounters.
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Isiah Belmont
Beth Belmont - Wife - Deceased
Died after an infected broke her gas mask during a storm
Elizabeth "Eliza" Belmont - Daughter - Alive
After the death of her mother, Elizabeth begun to resent her father some. In grieving, she decided to start going by Eliza to distance herself from her mothers name.
Zach Belmont - Brother - Infected/Deceased
Dying towards the beginning of the end of the world, Zach was the first infected Isiah witnessed.
Parents - Deceased
Dying from mundane causes before the outbreak.
Past Occupation:
Security for events, celebrities, etc.

Standing at 6'1, Isiah has short black hair with small sprouts of gray mixed in, especially in his beard. He has a wide frame and looks bigger than he actually is. He is fit, with a tan skin tone due to traveling on foot during the day.
While he has no tattoos, he does have a few scars ranging from a small knife wound on his hand, to a bullet hole in his shoulder.

Once a fun, caring and thoughtful father, he is now rash and protective. Isiah doesn't hesitate to put himself in harms way if it means his daughter, Elizabeth, will survive. He rather avoid conflict and stay out of anything that doesn't involve him or Elizabeth. Its hard to convince him to do anything, and the only person who is still successful in doing so is Elizabeth.

At the start of the outbreak, Isiah and his family lived in Austin Texas. The storm that fell there caught alot of people off guard, and while Isiah, his wife, and his daughter were fine the next morning, Isiahs brother who lived down the block was not. When Isiah opened the door of his brothers apartment, he realized his brother wasn't himself anymore. The pale, dead eyed creature that once was family was no more, and Isiah barely escaped with his life.
Several months later and the Belmont family successfully left the city and start traveling north towards Canada. Stopping in Kansas for shelter and fuel, the family encountered another group of survivors. After staying the night with them, a storm blew in overnight. Wearing gas masks, the Belmonts and the other group made their way back to their car, where they were attacked by a few of the infected. With only a few scratches and bruises Isiah and Elizabeth survived were fine. Beth however, though not scratched, bitten, or otherwise worse for ware, her gas mask was broken. Hit by one of the infected, Beth was exposed to the toxic air. Immediately it was clear there was nothing to be done.
After putting Beth out of her misery before she could turn, her wishes, Isiah took Elizabeth and left. Leaving the other survivors to fend for themselves, Isiah blamed himself for not protecting his wife, and the other survivors for not helping her. Now Isiah and his daughter find themselves in Redhill, continuing to make their way north as they try to survive the harsh world.

Hand to hand combat
Playing the guitar

Losing his daughter
Afraid of snakes
Cannot swim


Remington Tactical Shotgun-
His brothers police shotgun, which he can use with buckshot or slugs. Deadly against bandits and the Hazed alike.
Beretta M9
Picked off from the body of the body of an infected soldier, its a reliable side arm.
Combat Knife
Gas Mask- Kept on his waist on all times
Hiking Pack- Filled with food, canteens of water, matches, a flashlight, and rope. He keeps a bottle of scotch at the bottom.


Eliza Belmont
Full Name:
Elizabeth Belmont

Taken up shortly after the death of her mother, Beth Belmont.

Though she grew up straight with no signs of liking other girls, after the death of her mother she has been questioning alot of things: her sexuality one of them.
Beth Belmont - Mother - Deceased
Died after an infected broke her gas mask during a storm
Isiah Belmont - Father - Alive
Relations with her father have been tense the past few months after the death of her mother.
At 5'7, Eliza is about an average height for a woman at her age, with long dirty blonde hair that goes down to the center of her shoulders. She tends to keep it up in a ponytail, but it isn't uncommon for her to leave it down: despite her father urging her not too. While her father is fit, she is slimmer and less defined. Her legs are strong, though her upper body is lacking in muscle. She shares her fathers tanned skin however, though other than that she has her mothers look, primarily her eyes.
Unique Traits:
While she wasn't lucky enough to get any tattoos, she had her ears and belly button pierced before the outbreak. However she doesn't have any piercings in either place.

She has a scar on the front and back of her shoulder, after falling from the building and a bar of rebar pierced her left shoulder.
Sharing her fathers determination and headstrong behavior, the similarities between the twos personalities stop there. Where her father is antisocial and prefers to stay away from others, Eliza believes humanities best way to fight off the infected are together, and loves interactions with others. She is going through a rebellious phase right now, often doing things just to spite her father, or just to do it for her own curiosity. Most of the time she is kind and happy to others, and quite gullible.
The disrespect and rudeness she shows her father stems from him being mistrusting of others. While he may believe it is because she blames him for the death of her mother, its truly due to him hating strangers, and not helping others in their time of need.

Though she rarely gets shy, she often feels like she embarrasses herself in front of people she finds attractive.
Growing up an only child was lonely at times, but Elizabeth found comfort in making friends at her school. Often seen as the popular, bubbly girl by her classmates, she took interest in meeting and learning about everyone she could growing up.
In High school she was class president for a short time before her family moved to Austin, where she spent the last two years of her high school life being home schooled by her mother. During these two years she would lash out at times,
often at times when she was feeling lonely.
Her social skills fell off during this time, and while she isn't as bubbly she is still out going.
In order to help her get out of the house more, her parents signed her up for rock climbing lessons, a hobby she picked up and loved greatly. She was skilled at it, and met people across the US. She was training to climb Mount Bear in Alaska before the outbreak happened.

After the outbreak Elizabeth was fearful and quiet alot of the time, and only happy when in the presence of another group other than her family, especially others her age. Her mother would bring the best out of her too, often with jokes or gifts they found scavenging.
When the Hazed attacked Elizabeth would often be of little help, only killing them if they got too close to her. Like her father, she blamed herself for the death of her mother.
Instead of clamming up and becoming an introvert like her father, Eliza decided that she lived how her mother would want her too. Happy, helpful, and determined.
Now Eliza doesn't hesitate when it comes to killing the Hazed, and she has never killed another living person. Her father has at times in defense. She disagrees with him when it comes to contact with other survivors. He doesn't think they should risk interaction, but she believes humans are doomed if they can't ban together against the undead.

Helpful and Friendly

She tends to be a good people person, and can help avoid conflict and defuse tense situations often started by her father. Its useful when it comes to trading or making friends in these rough times.
Skilled Climber
Before the outbreak she was a skilled mountain climber, which has carried into surviving in the apocalypse. Using it to reach better angles, escape the dead, or search for supplies in high places, it has been useful more than once.
CQC Defense
While she was never to good at throwing punches, her father taught her the basics off dodging blows and blocking them. While she can often land a punch, it rarely has enough force to end a battle.
Proud and Rash

In stressful times, Eliza tends to believe she knows best. At times plans can go out the window, and she may put herself in harms way if she believes a more peaceful outcome can be done.
Though rock climbing has helped her strength, she isn't on par with many others in raw strength, and can be overpowered easily.
She tends to see the good in people, which can get her into trouble with bandits and thieving survivors.
Fear of Fire
While most people are afraid of fire in some context, Eliza is so afraid a large fire can make her freeze in place.
Fear of being left alone
Eliza has always hated the thought of being alone. Now that humans are a rarety in the world she is more afraid than ever.

.308 Winchester Shortbarrel Rifle

Eliza rarely gets to use it herself, her father mostly uses it for hunting. The short barrel allows for easier carry and takes up less space, at the cost of range.
Australian Glock Knife
She traded two bottles of water and a bag of chips for this knife with another survivor a few weeks ago. She has its sheath on her calf muscle so she can draw it quickly.
Dual Ice Climbing Axes
A pair of ice axes from before the outbreak. Once used to scale mountains on her vacations she now uses it against the Hazed, and occasionally to help her climb.
Respirator Mask
While not a full face gas mask, her respirator mask works just as well, though doesn't give as much protection.
Climbing Pack
Food, Waters, Rope, Matches, Lighter, Flares, Flare Gun, Medication, Extra Clothes, Flashlights (x2) and an extra gas mask.


Collin "CJ" Colt Jr.


Given to him by his buddies in the military. Most people know him as Jet, and only his true friends call him CJ.
Collin Jr.
Twenty Three
Collin Colt Sr.- Father - Unknown
Victoria Metwool - Mother - Unknown
Stephanie and Rebecca Metwool- Sisters - Unknown
CJ was always taller than the majority of people around him, standing at 6'4 he would've been great at basketball if he wasn't such a delinquent in high school. He likes to keep his long hair up in a bun, the majority of the time it tends to fall out and fall into his face, as seen above. He has a scruffy beard he tends to shave after it grows too thick or bushy. Finally his eyes are green, resembling a puddle of water.
Unique Traits:
Both his ears were pierced years ago, though he doesn't have any piercings in them, the holes remain. He has his share of tattoos, and loves the artwork.
Right Arm
Left Arm

While he doesn't have any battle scars, CJ has recently received a nasty burn on his ribs in the shape of a cross. Its the mark of the heretic, the first act of torture the Family of the Final Flame enacts on its captives. Lucky CJ had friends in the group that helped him escape before he received any more scars.
On the outside CJ is very carefree and easy going. A jokester that doesn't take things too seriously unless he is starring down the barrel of a gun. He is more than eager to help others, and tends to be trust worthy when it comes to mundane tasks.
On the inside CJ is conflicted between two personalities. One that is conniving and selfish, and one that wants to do better and stay true to his word.

He has done plenty of horrible and unspeakable things in order to survive in this new world, and while he wants to redeem himself in some way, he never has the courage to do so. While he insists on being helpful, his actions say other wise.
He rather play situations safe than risk it, and when faced with choosing to save him or help out others he would much rather choose the first option. When it comes down to a fight, CJ does hold his own well and can keep a level head and be helpful. If the odds are looking bad, he tends to look for a way out however, and at times it would be wise to not trust him.

CJ grew up in a broken family, his father was a drug addict and his mother took up drinking shortly after having him. At age five his parents got divorced, and he was forced to live with his father. He was strict, abusing, and stern. During CJ's early teen years he bullied other kids, would steal and smoke his fathers cigarettes. He often would stay the night at friends house just to stay away from his father.
His mother managed to get her life together and remarried, and when CJ was fifteen his mother tried to get custody of him. After lengthy sessions in court, his mother got custody of him. He had two younger half sisters now, who he hated at first. He resented his mother as well for leaving him with his father. The next few years he slowly warmed up to his
new family, and in hopes to break his rebellious and self centered tendencies he joined the air force. He quickly became trained as a pilot, and when the outbreak began he flew troop transports to and from the Middle East.
His last task before he could return home to his family was in Red-Hill. He was flying scientists and survivors from the various Quarantine Centers in the city to various areas deemed safe out of state. On one of his last flights he was there when disaster struck Quarantine Site B. Barely surviving the ensuing chaos, he traveled around the city for a while alone, doing his best to survive. He often would travel with other survivors, and once he gained their trust he would steal from them. He would never kill another survivor, unless he had to survive of course.
He then got mixed up in his most dangerous group yet: The Family of the Final Flame. He was nearly caught stealing from the large group several times, and was finally caught. The Father would forgive his sins against the Family on one condition. He would fly to a group of his men trapped in the Red-Hill Hospital and retrieve them. So CJ and his two armed companions went to the hospital where the search and rescue mission was to take place.

Disaster struck as one of the men, originally thought to only be sick, was infected with the virus and was determined to get back to the Church so the Father could wash away his sins. CJ urged the others to leave him there but they didn't listen.
Traveling back the man turned completely, and attacked the others in the 'copter. In an attempt to save himself CJ bailed from the helicopter, with a parachute ofcourse. The helicopter crashed in a field, not too far from the Crossroads.
With no supplies and no where to go, CJ made his way back to the Church. He explained himself to the father, his dismissed him as a heretic. He was imprisoned and was set to be tortured to death before several friends he made busted him out.


A rather skilled pilot, he was top of his class in the Airforce. He has a sense of pride when it comes from flying, and while he rarely gets to use this skill any more, it can eventually be useful.
Smooth Talker
Having a silver tongue, he can lie and convince others too not see him as a threat. In the past he has used this to infiltrate groups and steal from them when they aren't looking. While not a skill that helps others, it helps him survive.
Medical Training
He has received some medical training, and while only the basics it can save lives.
Throwing Knives and CQC
While he isn't the best at it, he dabbled in knife fighting in the past. He treated it more as a hobby and fun past time, but learned some tricks in doing so.


When it comes down to it, CJ breaks easy. While he holds his own in a fire fight, the first chance he sees to escape he will slip away.
Conflicting Interests
As stated in his personality, CJ wants to be a better person, but old habits die hard. If things are going good and he likes the current group he is traveling with, he often hesitates before he crosses them. Usually he does cross them.
When alone and feeling guilty of his injustices he will break down and cry. Eventually he will grow up and do the right thing. Right?
Smokers Lungs
CJ enjoys smoking cigarettes, one of his many guilty pleasures. This does a number on his lungs, and his stamina reflects it.
Mark of the Heretic
He has made his share of enemies in the Red-Hill area, and the fresh wound on his rib is an indicator of it. This cross shaped branding is a reminder that the Family of the Final Flame are hunting him down.
UMP 45 Submachine Gun
A versatile and favorite of CJ. Has a flashlight and foregrip attachment.
M17 Pistol
His pistol he has had since the outbreak.
M18 Smoke Grenade (x2)

Gear: (I recommend atleast a bag and gas mask ;) )

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Full Name:
Dakota Alejandra Santiago
Kota, Stinker
Cesar Santiago- Father- Deceased
Killed in Action during the wars leading up to the Storm
Carter Santiago- Brother - Missing
Did not return from a supply run in Cheyenne, Wyoming
Turing- Companion - Alive
Dakota's closest friend, usually found around her shoulders or in her pocket for naps

Dakota has dark features and a slight figure standing at 4'11, lean from combat practice and pickup games of baseball. She has messy hair that she fails to braid back, nimble fingers and short nails from biting them off.
Unique Traits:
Burn scar on her right wrist
Dakota can be best described as an angry tomboy, only easily calmed by her older brother, now missing. She is very clever,resourceful and secretive, with a vicious attitude and a penchant for cursing in every other sentence. Though she is normally very logical and closed off, she is very compassionate, even if she shows it in rare gestures.
Before the near-cold war, Dakota's father was a single parent. Because her mother died giving birth to her from hemorraging complications, he hadn't planned to be a sole caretaker and had to enlist as a soldier for the U.S. military and move his kids to an apartment in Cheyenne, Wyoming next to his sister. So when the battles started before the outbreak, we was rarely home and felt bad about it, so bought her a pet ferret. And when he was home, taught her hand to hand combat skills from a young age, along with her brother. However, she was more interested in complex technologies she could tinker with. She was mostly raised by her older brother, Carter. She picked up skateboarding from him and often tried to impress him and his friends because she could rarely make many of her own. Thus, she learned how to make bombs from household things and spare parts, showing them off when they managed to work properly and working on her own inventions, like the fold-up skateboard and brass-knuckle-esque skate gloves.
When her tiny family got the letter that their father was Killed in Action, they paid more attention. They stopped saying that the war won't make it to the states. Carter bought gas masks, canned food, and stole asthma inhalers. Dakota filtered the pipes and vents...just in case. And then the storm came. Since Carter had been old enough to take care of her, their aunt rarely checked on them. After the first few nights of the Haze, she stopped. They didn't want to find out why. The city was too populated and dangerous, so they rarely left their tiny home, but when they needed supplies, Carter took the risk. He made her swear she wouldn't look for him if one day he didn't get back. That day came. She fashioned her gas masks with inhalers built in, packed a bag with reserves and ferret food, grabbed her old baseball bat, and skated as far as she could, lucky to make it to Red Hill.


Inventing, using spare parts
Hand-to-hand combat
Nearly fluent in spanish
Very good at hiding
Training Turing to complete useful tasks
Researching important old inventions


Asthma Attacks (not the best runner)
Losing those she cares for

: a baseball bat, knuckle gloves and a multi-tool with a knife on it
Gear: Two gas masks, backpack with some food/water(with a bottle filter), some extra clothes, bomb ingredients, dinosaur flashlight, and her brother's canvas jacket.​
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Full Name: Amanda Rickards

Nickname(s): 'Manda by her family, but prefers her full name


Age: Twenty



Family: (If any)

  • Parents: deceased
  • Farren- Elder Brother, 26: Alive
  • Jenna- Younger Sister, 15: Alive


Amanda has unruly dark brown hair that rests at the center of her back. Although she knows she should cut it to get it out of her face, Amanda can't bear to part with her long locks, so she keeps it secured in a braid or bun at all times. Her eyes are a deep sea green that stand out against her naturally tanned skin. Amanda has a slightly athletic build, and stands at the fairly average height of 5'4.

Unique Traits:
A small scar on her outer right arm from childhood mischief

Amanda is a very quiet person, often mistaken for shy, however, she just prefers to stay quiet and observe because she believes that one can learn the most about others simply by listening. Her other strongest characteristic is her selflessness for others. Amanda does whatever she can to help others in need, even if it means putting her own needs last. Her weakest personality aspect is communication skills. Amanda can often get lost in her head and forget to tell others important information because she thinks everyone already knows.

Amanda was born the middle child to an average, middle class family. Her mother was an immigrant from Spain, and her father was a second generation Spanish immigrant as well. Her elder brother, Farren, was known as the selfish child, Amanda was known as the selfless child, and her younger sister, Jenna, was known as the mature child, despite her age, because she was able to find a balance between selfish and selfless.

At the beginning of the outbreak, Amanda and Jenna were still living at home in Northern Washington with their parents, while Farren was living in California. Their parents were both killed not from the outbreak, but from a group of men who broke into their home for a drink of water. Because of this, Amanda sees humans as the real enemy rather than the outbreak itself. After the death of their parents, Amanda and Jenna left their home and went looking for Farren, who they eventually were able to find, no thanks to Farren himself since he didn't even look for either of the sisters. Together, the three of them have been making their way East, hoping that things will be better than they are in Washington and Oregon.


  • Reading people's facial expressions
  • Running
  • Navigation
  • Piano
  • Fishing


  • Betrayal by other humans
  • Losing the remainder of her family
  • Not helping others
  • Communication skills

Two Glock 19s from her father, two switch-blades
Gear: Hiking backpack, a gas mask, fishing gear, two tarps, three canteens, three pairs of clothes, and bungee cords.
Character Sheets
Full Name: Jack Farmer
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Ethnicity Japanese
Sexuality: heterosexual
Parents: Deceased
Zachary Farmer younger brother: Infected
Pluto dog: Alive
Appearance Combat Uniform With Pads(MAP)1.jpg
Unique Traits: He has a dragon tattoo on his back
Looks somewhat like this
He is very serious most of the time but if you get to know him he can be kind and a bit of a jokester
The Backstory:
He joined the marines late during the war. When the Hazard bomb went off his brigade tried to continue on as normal but one day a Haze Storm came that infected a large part of his brigade. The infected people in his brigade killed most of the non infected with only around 5% coming out alive. In order to survive he ran south and never looked back. When he found his family again his brother had turned due to having been out without a mask in a Haze Storm and had killed his parents.

He incapacitated his brother but could not bring himself to kill him and instead left him locked in a basement in a abandoned house. He wandered around only stopping to wait out a Haze Storm. He later joined a group of survivors that became like family to him. One night while most of the group was asleep someone helped a enemy group called The Black Fins sneak in and attack them. The Black Fins greatly outnumbered them and took over their base.

Anyone who survived the attack was forced to do the dangerous work The Black Fins didn't want to. One day a group of their unwilling servants stole some weapons and attempted to escape. They managed to get the gate open however were killed before they could get out. A horde of infected that were attracted to the sound of gunfire came and overrun their base. In the ensuing chaos Jack managed to escape and vowed to kill anyone like The Black Fins who only let people live if they were useful to them. He found Pluto while he was searching for food and because Pluto was immune to the Hazard's effects trained the dog to go out and get food during Hazard Storms. He has come to the Crossroads to gather supplies and plans on going to Lake Hamilton to take care of the bandits that commonly are in the area.
He is a trained fighter who will no hesitated to kill if needed
While his is good with firearms, he is best with knives
Has arachnophobia
Fatal bee allergy
A pocket knife
A multi-tool
A gas mask
A backpack
Combat boots
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Full Name: Zipporah Angela Wolfe

Nickname(s): Wolf, Zip

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Family: Deceased younger sister, (parental status is unknown due to being orphaned with her sister at age 10)


Unique Traits: No tattoos, a large scar runs the length of her left forearm

Personality: Very practical, down to earth girl with a winning attitude. Usually, she can find the bright end of any situation, her sister Emma taught her that. Zipporah never had a hard time making friends with people, even in the dark times she lived in, she was not overly flirty but knew how to use her good looks to get hr way. She always had a plan for the future and her end goal in life was to find some sort of cure for this horrible hazed world, she wanted revenge for Emma.

Backstory: Zipporah and Emma were raised in a middle class neighborhood in Bend Oregon. It was this small town childhood that gave them their uncanny ability to love people right away and make friends where ever they went. At age ten however, Zipporah was told that her parents died in a horrible work fire, only to discover the truth two years later that her parents had left to Mexico and changed their names. She still has no idea why.

When the haze hit, Zipporah and Emma escaped their orphanage and left for the thick woods surrounding their town. Thanks to their father they had a little outdoor knowledge and this allowed them to trek through the woods and survive a few days alone on crud skills. Coming upon a cabin deep in the Oregon woods, they instinctively went in, no one seemed to be home. Once inside, Zipporah began to make a fire to help them dry off their clothes. Out of nowhere, a large man burst through the front door of the cabin screaming about his cabin and who the hell was in here, waving a shotgun in his arms. In a flash Emma was dead before Zipporah's eyes, and all for a shitty cabin in the woods. The man dragged Zipporah by the hair from the cabin and threw Emma's lifeless body out beside her. She was 15.

After burying her sister, Zipporah was never the same, much colder and more calculated, everything became an animal instinct to survive. She become an expert hunter and was very skilled at escaping the Haze. She picked up gear along the way as she went and jumped from survival group to group, just looking fo the best place she fit in. She remains positive on the outside, keeping her head above water in every situation, yet deep down she in burning with rage for Emma and what this horrible Haze has done to her life.

Strengths/Hobbies: Zipporah enjoys documenting the different birds and types of plants she comes into contact with and has an extensive knowledge of medicinal wild plants. She also enjoys a good read...of anything really. She is physically fit, but hates physical violence, she is much better with her weapon.

Weaknesses/Fears: Losing her last remaining photo of Emma (she carries it with her always), she also has a very deep fear of large dogs


Weaponry: ACOG Scope UMP 45, Colt 45 Peace Maker

Gear: Mastiff outdoor tactical duffle bag, Bulletproof SWAT vest (she lifted this off of a downed officer who certainly wouldn't be need it anymore), gas mask, various survival gear such as matches and a small bottle of rubbing alcohol.
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Full Name: Willoughby (Willow-bee) Catherine Kross

Nickname(s): "Willow"

Gender: female

Age: 23

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Sexuality: straight


Father- Daniel Kross –alive

Mother- Liliana Archer- infected/deceased

Daughter- Lynn Kross-Mitchell - alive

Fiancé- Miles Mitchell- infected/deceased



Willoughby is a bright blue-eyed woman of the height of 5'5. She has a defined square jaw and boxy shoulders. She has dark brown hair, with light brown ends, fading from when she once dyed it. She is muscular but thin, with light olive skin. She is the spitting image of Liliana, looking barely nothing like Daniel, save for maybe both being naturally muscular.

Unique Traits: Two ear piercings on both ears, scar on her left hand when she sliced her hand open as a kid


Willoughby is 90% her mother and 10% her father. She has the free-spirited outlook on her life, just like Liliana, but is a tad more cautious than her mother was. Even though she's not one to plan things ahead of time, like Daniel, she does stop to think before jumping into a situation. The young woman doesn't have the best view of her father, and has a very strained relationship with him. Just like Daniel though, she can be very stubborn when she wants to be.


Willow was born to a rather free-spirited mother, as Daniel would say. Liliana Kross named her daughter after the town she had grown up in, having such a fond memory of the place. Daniel had had no say in the naming of his daughter, but he did get to choose the middle name, and tried to call Willoughby Catherine instead, but Liliana very quickly shut that down.

The issue with Liliana was that she just didn't fit with her husband. He was serious, cautious, always thinking before acting. Liliana was a spur of the moment person, always trying new things, never planning things out, just going for it, following her heart, and she was also an artist. The marriage didn't last. Daniel got tired of Liliana after trying so hard to rekindle the flame he thought he had had with her when they were young adults. Daniel and Liliana split when Willow was seven years old, the daughter staying with Liliana and Daniel moving out west.

Willoughby grew up with a very strained relationship with her father; he always seemed to be trying to build a relationship with her, but also seemed to disapprove of all her choices. He didn't like that she wanted to be an artist like her mom; he thought it was a waste of time. Didn't like the boys she dated, even though he never met them. The list went on. When Willow fell pregnant with her boyfriend's kid at eighteen, he most definitely didn't approve, even though he had been nineteen and Liliana eighteen when their daughter was born. Daniel didn't like that Miles played football or that his family was rich, or really anything he learned about him. Willoughby put her foot down and refused to let her dad see her baby girl, Lynn, when she was born. It took five years for Willow to finally agree to let Daniel see her daughter. By that time, Miles and Willoughby were engaged, so Liliana suggested they all go visit Daniel.

The storm that brought the Haze happened while the family was visiting. Both Miles and Liliana became sick, and tried to attack the rest of the family, causing Daniel having to kill both with a hand gun he had. Willow was left with her estranged father, and her five year old daughter, Lynn. Daniel took control, and took his daughter and granddaughter from his town, trying to maybe reach Canada or just somewhere far from where the deaths that had happened.


Problem solving



Lack of trust

Losing her daughter

Allergic to shellfish (gets hives)


Weaponry: A small hand gun Daniel gave to her, but she doesn't like to use. A baseball bat.

Gear: Two gas masks, one for her and then one for Lynn. A pack filled with food and water. She keeps a piece of Miles's football jersey tied around her hair like a bandana at most times.
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Full Name: Daniel Craig Kross

Nickname(s): Lynn calls him "Poppy", Willow tends to call him by his first name, and not "Dad" the majority of the time

Gender: male

Age: 43

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Sexuality: straight


Ex-Wife- Liliana Archer- infected/deceased

Granddaughter- Lynn Kross-Michell- alive

Daughter- Willoughby Kross- alive




Daniel is the complete opposite of his late ex-wife. He is serious, grounded, always thinking things over. He's stubborn and can even be arrogant at times. He cares deeply for Willow and Lynn, but doesn't know how to show true affection. He was afraid Willow would end up like him, divorced, and alone, which was why he always disagreed with everything she did. The man tries desperately to connect someway with Willow, but she always shuts him out. He's rough around the edges, but is known to try and be gentle with Lynn.


Daniel's real story begins when he met Liliana Archer. The two had just graduated high-school, and Daniel thought she was most beautiful creature in the world. This infatuation and lust lead to Liliana falling pregnant rather quickly. Daniel was pressured to marry Liliana by both sets of parents, so he did. He did love her, but she was just so unpredictable and being young with a baby was already hard. The marriage somehow lasted seven years before Daniel final gave up, leaving Liliana and Willoughby to go live near his parents.

He worked at a shooting range, but tried very hard to make a connection with Willoughby, but she was so much like Liliana at times, he was afraid she would end up like the two of them. He tried to steer her right, but all his advice ended up as disapproving words towards Willow's choices, especially when she had a baby with her high-school sweetheart. He thought for sure the two would fall out just like him and Liliana, but he seemed wrong. They waited to get married until they were both completely sure and ready, and then the boyfriend finally popped the question. During this whole time, Willow was refusing to let Daniel meet Lynn, angry at him for the way he treated her and disapproved of everything she did, even though he left the family when she was a child.

Liliana was the one who managed to get the family out to visit Daniel, but things fell apart from there. His ex-wife and his daughter's fiancé both were infected, and then both killed by Daniel when they tried to attack them. Daniel was forced to take charge and lead his small broken family away from the death to maybe a safer place.


Strong arms

Can lift very heavy objects

Shooting guns


Losing both daughter and grand-daughter

Very slight limp in left leg from them being two different lengths


Weaponry: a few hand-guns and bullets he managed to grab from his house.

Gear: About three gas masks, just in case. A pack with supplies, clothes, and other such things. He wears his old wedding ring around his neck on a chain.
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Full Name:
Thomas Edward Shackleton

Oxford, due to his British accent



White British


Martin Shackleton (Father) -deceased-
Selena Shackleton née Renard (Mother) -deceased-
Bradley Crews (Fiancé) -missing/presumed dead-
Missy (dog) -alive-


Thomas stands at a round 6'0", with a lean, athletic build. He has dark brown hair that used to be styled but recently he has foregone his usual vanity and now leaves it to fall any way it fancies. His eyes are a light hazel which help them stand out against the dark of his naturally perfectly shaped eyebrows. Thomas' facial structure is practically perfect, with a strong jawline and prominent cheekbones, he is often admired by many on the basis of his looks, though he is far too modest to ever accept the compliments.

He is rarely seen these days without his dog, Missy, being too far from his side. She is an 8 year old German Shepherd that Thomas found roaming the wilds on his travels. She appeared to be domesticated and he naturally presumed she had been either abandoned or her owners had become one of the infected. Though way of him at first, she soon got over her caution and the pair have now become the best of friends. Missy is friendly to almost everyone she meets, but can soon turn violent and fight as well as her new owner. She's made herself invaluable to Thomas when it comes to a era layer of protection against the Hazed.

Unique Traits:
Thomas has several scars up his left arm resembling bite marks, from his countless encounters with the Hazed. He also has a scar across his chest that few know about, although this was from the emergency heart surgery he had when he was 16 yeas old after a drug induced, party fuelled heart attack.

Though seemingly cautious of new people, Thomas is extremely laid back and kind-hearted. His social anxiety stops him from bonding with those he meets straight away and this can often lead them to think he's cold and withdrawn. Once he's become accustomed to a new group, however, they often find him to be warm and kind with a wicked sense of humour. Get to know him and you'll have a friend for life.

Born in London, England, Thomas had a pretty stable upbringing. Though not stupidly wealthy, his family lived comfortably and could afford to put him through private education. As an only child, Thomas was often said to be spoiled, although he never acted like it. His parents were sure to teach him the value of money and they mad certain he was brought up to be modest about himself.

As he grew up, and despite his parent's teachings, Thomas began to act out to the point his teachers began writing letters home. This was due to the fact that Thomas was hiding his sexuality from his narrow-minded family, and coupled with his teenage hormones he felt this was the only way to express himself. At 16, he reached the peak of his delinquent behaviour. He began hanging around with the more troublesome yet popular teens at school, began smoking and drinking despite being two years below the legal drinking age. A few moths before his 17th birthday, he attended a house party and took part in taking 'legal' highs that somebody had brought with them, although it had an adverse side effect. Coupled with the huge amount of alcohol in his system, the drug caused him to collapse and ultimately have a heart attack. He was rushed into hospital and received emergency surgery, which he recovered from almost perfectly. However, the incident helped to humble him and he began changing his outlook on life.


Though still very much in the closet with his parents, Thomas began coming out to his closest friends and was grateful that they were accepting of him. As the end of his education neared an his friends started thinking about whee they would want to attend university, Thomas decided higher education was not for him. He decided to play on his natural good looks and pursue a career in modelling. It didn't take long for him to build a portfolio and land a modelling job within the London fashion industry. it was here that he met his boyfriend and eventual fiance, Bradley, a photographer working on a shoot with him at the time. The pair seemed to click almost instantly and it only took a few years of dating before Bradley finally proposed.

It was during the conflict between the US and Russia that Thomas and his family decided emigrating would perhaps be their best chance of survival. Once news hit that Egypt had been struck down with a spreading pandemic, the decision was made to flee to Canada, in the hopes it would take the disease a while to cross the Atlantic and they would have time to prepare. There were rumours, however, that cases of the Hazed were popping up all across Canada and so the Shackletons diverted to America in a desperate bid to escape the pandemic sweeping he globe, though they knew it was only a matter of time before everything caught up with them.


They were diverted towards the southern states, being advised y airport officials that the Canadian border was off limits due to infection and it would be best to fly south to decrease the risk of spreading. Landing in Arizona, however, the family realised they would not fare much better where they had ended up. Rumours had hit the media, however, that there was a safe haven further north, in Wyoming. Though cautious of the supposed safe zone, the family decided it would be in their best interest to travel north to help increase their risk of survival.


Their travels weren't all fun and games, however. The family battled often with infected groups of the Hazed, along with fighting other survivors for supplies and clean drinking water. Thomas' mother was the first to succumb to the disease, she woke late one night and, desperate for a drink, she took a gulp from a bottle of water that hadn't been boiled or filtered yet. Unfortunately she didn't realise her mistake until a few days later when the nausea began to kick in, and it dawned on everyone else that she had been infected. Unwilling to leave his wife to a fate worse than death, Thomas' father ordered the newly engaged couple to carry on north and leave him to care for her. Reluctant at first, Bradley eventually persuaded his fiance to leave them and the pair began travelling further up the country towards their destination.


Weeks passed, but they eventually reached the Wyoming border but were unfortunately met with disappointment. The safe haven, if it were ever anything but a rumour, could not possibly exist in a state that appeared to be even more riddled with the Hazed than the others they had travelled through. Refusing to let this news get them down, the pair continued on and eventually decided to settle within the city of Redhill. Although seemingly barren, they both knew that looks could be deceiving and somewhere, somehow, the human race had managed to survive the ordeal this infection had caused. Whilst looking for a place to settle for the night, the couple soon realised a storm was rushing in and they needed to hurry to shelter. Although they were both prepared with their gas masks, they knew shelter was paramount and decided to pick up their pace in search of a place to hide while the storm blew over. Whilst running, however, Bradley got caught up in some barbed wire strewn across the road, and he tripped over causing his gas mask to take some damage. Thomas was, unfortunately, completely unaware of his fiance's predicament until it was too late. As he neared some shelter, he turned around to see Bradley struggling to unhook himself from the wire. It took all of his willpower, but he knew he had to stay put. He could see the storm lowing in faster than expected and he realised running out to help his partner could cause the pair of them to suffer. Instead, he watched silently as the rain and gas clouds shrouded Bradley from his view. His gas mask stifled the sound of his sobs, but the tears streaming down his face could be seen clearly through the perspex over his eyes.


Once the storm finally cleared, Bradley had disappeared. Thomas couldn't be sure if he'd joined the ranks of the infected, or if he'd managed to free himself and find shelter from the storm. Although finding his fiancee is one of his top priorities, Thomas now wanders the city seeking signs of survivors, hoping to join a group and try to make the most of the terrible situation the world now finds itself in.

Mediocre hunter
Good in a knife fight

Despises guns
Fearful his fiance is dead
Social anxiety, causes a delay in forming friendships

3 hunting knives, one on his waist, one strapped to his thigh, and a third on his ankle.
Swiss army knife, kept snuggly in his back pocket.

A simple backpack containing;
Simple food, such as trail mix, protein bars and tinned soup
2 water bottles, one for collected water, and another with safe, filtered water. Both are clearly labelled.
1 knife sharpener, to keep his blades sharp enough for survival.
A small roll of garrote wire, for really close combat and catching small animals for food.
1 gas mask