The Guild's Revolution (taken)

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"We keep quiet. And we are only here at night."
She nodded a bit. "Oh... okay..." She let out a small sigh. "I guess I could stay for the night..."
He nods and opens a door where there are beds. "Find one that hasnt been claimed. I have to see my boss. let me know if you need anything"
She nodded lightly and then walked into the room, finding an unclaimed bed and collapsing onto it with a sigh.
the night turns to day. When you awake, there is nobody around. Acksel is walking around in the workings of the clock.
She yawned as she woke up, rubbing her eyes a bit and looking around. "Oh... great, just leave me to die if there's an attack..."
She let out a small sigh, standing up and going to the door to leave. "It was time to get up whenever everyone else left..."
"everyone else had business to tend to. I had to keep the clocks working before leaving. nobody else woke you because you came into the tower with me." He sits at a desk shoved into the corner of the room and sits "I have to keep working your job. I also have business with my guild. I'll need to go to Cirencester." He sighs. "Which means stealing a horse. Or the money to buy one."
She let out a small sigh as she looked to him, looking through her bag a bit before pulling out five gold pieces. She put them in his hand before heading towards the door. "Consider it part of my payment to you, and get yourself whatever supplies you need... meanwhile, I'm going to get my own horse." She then exited the clocktower, heading towards her father's mansion, though she was heading towards a back entrance that would lead into the stables.
He goes to a room in the clock tower containing only a glass display case and an armor rack.. He opens the case and pulls out his dagger. he then puts on the armor and leaves for the stables. Once there, he gets a horse and heads to the gates to the Capital to wait for her.

(blades included)
After a few minutes, she would arrive on a black horse that was adorned in strong but light armor. It had a fierce look in its eyes, one that said that it only had one rider.
His is an average brown horse. He has the blades of the armor on his back and the dagger in its sheath. "Ready?"
She nodded lightly as she approached him, patting her horse's neck lightly. "I am."
"Lets move, then." His horse starts walking out of the gates. He looks at you "Why are you coming with, anyway?"
She shrugged lightly and leaned forwards on her horse a bit. "I have nothing better to do... So you're a good option."
He nods and watches the path they are traveling for any signs of trouble
She would glance around, occasionally pulling down her hood when a caravan of guards walked by.
A guard partol stops them on their way.
Guard: "hold a second. Off the horse"
"I suggest leaving now, sir"
G: "Get down now!"
He glances at the guard and then at you. "I dont have time for this." His horse takes off running"
Kitten blinked a bit when she saw the guard stop him and then the horse take off running, looking to the now angry guard with a nervous smile. "So... I'm guessing that counts for me too?" She blew some hair out of her face before spurring her horse forwards, the war steed taking off at a quick speed and easily catching up to her company's average horse.
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