The Greatest Superheros...something...whatever it takes for you to pay attention to my story!!

Alex rolled his eyes at the comment about him worshipping her. Against his better judgement he lowered his weapon. "You know, it's preferred that criminals be taken alive. It's often leads to bigger things." He glanced at the Person behind her. "He took out an entire fleet of squad cars with that trick, though impressive I cannot condone that kind of property damage." He lifted his mask up to reveal his face. His skin was a little pale from his frequent use of his powers. It was a side effect of becoming invisible.
"Yeah, see there Alex...err that's the problem...Tommy and cops, well they don't really get along..." she said, "but don't worry buddy, I will make sure to get you an autograph!" she said before throwing a smoke bomb down.
Serenity grabbed Tommy and shot a car window with a man inside of it, not hurting the man, "lets get the hell outta here!" she said before yanking the driver out and throwing him on the sidewalk.
She then started the car and drove off towards the apartments.
The smokebomb didn't keep Alex from seeing their escape at all. He was a little dissappointed he couldn't talk her back into lay low. But he let them go. He owed Serenity that much, maybe more. He put his mask back on and quietly made his back to his vehicle. Hopefully the police hadn't towed it.
"Funny thing, I saved that guys life! These gang members had him, big meth cooperation! I killed all of them, but see they were on my tail...I wasn't suppose to reveal my secret powers! No no! Government's eyes only! So he sent me hiding! Hiding deep! It was either that or the governent would lock me away! Maybe torture? Anyway that's why Alex worships me...and why I gave him my info! Nice guy, didn't try and shoot even once!"
The car sped up, heading towards their home when suddenly her phone rang.
She pressed talk before speaking, "hello?"
What the hell's gotten into you?
"Hey! It's Audry! Hey there pal!" Serenity spoke sweetly.
I told you to go rescue the hostages and you got the cops shooting down the place to get to you?
"Isn't it great? I was hoping that I could maybe bomb the cars? I love grenades! Can I have some?" The woman pleaded.
Where's Tommy? Is he okay? He better be okay...
Serenity glanced at Tommy's wound, "yep...he's perfect! Just great!"
Listen to me, okay? I'm getting to the point where I don't care how many buildings you burn down! I will burn the book I got my writers making for you if you dont do as I say! Put Tommy on!
Serenity gave Tommy her phone, "it's the man who knows who you are..." she said

"Hello Tommy, my name is Dr. Audry...I am from the C.I.A....I have been looking at your file and I know who you are...I am making reports and building up a case on how anyone with superpowers should live a normal life. Let me tell you about Serenity... he began and paused for a moment before speaking once again. Serenity was a normal girl...some governmental agents that turned out to be Russian Spies took a random girl..that is to say, Serenity...and had given the same serum as Wolverine and Deadpool used...and placed it inside her. She was groomed to be a Russian spy against America...but thanks to the elixer that they gave her she became insane and refused to follow anyone...she has constant voices in her head telling her to kill everyone around her and when she did want to help people the only way she could do it was to kill was her outlet. That girl next to you was tortured endlessly just like Deadpool but she escaped...but just because she is indestructible doesn't mean she can't feel pain...I am telling you all of this because...I am asking you to be her leader, i've been studying both of you and I can barley get her to listen to me but with you it's easier!

On Alex's windshield was Serenity's phone number in case he needed to contact Serenity later.
The reason why she ran was clear and in front of the invisible man, a white van was parked nearby, there were two officers under investigation of Serenity, hoping to jump her and take her in; but how did she know that they were undercover?
On the paper under the number wrote: My autograph

She was groomed to be a Russian spy!

Tommy, I need you to tell Serenity to go to Bakerfield's Hotel, I have already paid for everything...your names are Chester and Susan, more directions will follow...and next time...don't let Serenity drive...
The man hung up and Serenity was humming a rock song as she was driving. She then stopped "oh I forgot!" she said and kissed Tommy on the cheek, "you said you needed that!" she hummed.
Alex thought himself lucky to find his SUV still there. He flicked a piece of seemingly random paper off his windshield. He got in and started back the way he came. He could probably hit the drug supplier on the move if he was fast. As he drove he thought about what he would report on Serenitys activities. She definately wasn't a good mentor for that kid.