The Great Fantasy

Riley sat on the bed next to him. She was eating some grapes as she turned to him. "I'm sorry. That sounds rough," she commented. "If it's any consolation, I think you're cool."She smiled at him and offered him a grape. "I know that probably didn't help much," she said, laughing.
Returning the smile, he took the grape from Riley's hand, and ate it, it was rather sweet. He laughed when she said she thought he was cool, not knowing what to reply. "Tomorrow we should leave," he stated "The word will get round about the killings soon, and people will be looking for newcomers." He said, notknowing what their next plan of action would be.
"Then... Won't every town be looking for newcomers?" she wondered out loud. "If we leave so soon, people will become even more suspicious. I think we should stay for a few more days," Riley suggested.

She looked out the window thoughtfully. "Or we could go back to Brinkton through the sewers again. They might've stopped looking for us already. We could hide out somewhere, I know a lot of abandoned places and places where I would be welcome to stay, even if I'm with a friend." Riley turned to him, wondering what he would think of her suggestions, and waited for a response.

((Brinkton is the old town they were in, I couldn't think of a better name xD))
Faroh looked around, considering her statement, "Well, I doubt that anyone within Brinkton would expect us to try and escape to another town without a carriage, due to the dangers of travelling on the roads, so perhaps they haven't told them yet, it's up to you though, what would you rather do?" He looked at her, and gave her a smile.
"To tell you the truth," she began, "I'd much rather stay in this town for a little while longer." Riley smiled at him. "Anyway, if you want to leave, you can just tell me and I'll go."

Riley stood up and held out a hand, laughing gently. "But for now, I'm going to look around. Come with?"
Faroh gently smiled back, taking her hand, "Of course, my lady" He said with a smile, he gestured with his free arm, "Please, lead the way"
Riley kept a hold of his hand and led him out of the inn into the streets. Once they were outside, she looked around. "This way!" she said after a few moments. She began pulling him towards the center of the town.
Riley pulled him through the Inn, out into the market, this way, she had said, he followed the guidance of her soft touch, he could feel the warmth in her body, though he had none. They were near the centre of the town now, and he wondered where she was going to take him.
Riley let go of his hand for a second, running ahead into the crowd of busy merchants and others. Riley came back again, grabbing his hand gently and pulling him so they walked alongside.

"Come look, there's a pretty fountain here," Riley said with a smile. "Sorry for dragging you. I just like fountains." Riley led him to the large fountain, one with angellic beings standing with buckets, as if dropping water onto earth from the heavens. Riley knelt down next to it, dipping her hand into the cool water.
He looked at the fountain, then at Riley, "Yes, it is very beautiful" He replied, not sure if he was talking about the fountain, or her. Both, he decided. He followed Riley, getting some water inside his palms, then he drank it, it was very refreshing.
Riley glanced at him mischeviously as he drank the water. She laughed a little before putting a hand on the back of his head and dunking him into the water. She took her hand away immediately, letting him take his head out.

"I'm sorry," she said, still smiling, "I... Couldn't resist." Riley pulled out a small handkercheif and put a hand on his cheek, turning his face towards her so she could dry it. "It was childish, but funny," she admitted. "I had to. I apologize though." Riley smiled and dabbed the handkercheif on his forehead.
Faroh's head was dunked under the water, and as quickly as it had happened, it was out again. He laughed as Riley explained how she was sorry, though he doubted it, it was humorous though.

He looked into her eyes as she dyed his cheeks, their heads were close now, but he had excuse, there was no guards around.
She finished drying his face and leaned towards him, kissing his cheek gently. "Forgive me, Mr. Faroh," she said, laughing quietly.

Riley lifted herself up to sit on the edge of the fountain. "I do things on impulse sometimes," she admitted, blushing a little. "Though, as of late, it seems to only happen around you." Riley's cheeks turned a brighter red as she said the words out loud and she turned away from him.
Though not showing it, Faroh like it. He watched as Riley sat herself on the side of the fountain. He thought to himself, ha! Now's my turn! He walked over to her, and quietly said, "It's okay, I forgive you", Then without warning he gave her a gentle push on her shoulders and she fell backwards into the crystal clear water.
He caught her before she fell in completely, pulling her back out, close to his body, "Sorry, sometimes I do things on impulse" He said, mimicking her.
"Hey!" Riley shouted. As he pulled her out, she pulled him closer, shivering a little. "You... I'll get you back, don't think I won't," she said, laughing and leaning into him. Whispering, she said, "If there weren't so many people, I'd use a spell on you."

Riley laughed again, putting her arms around him.
Faroh laughed and pushed her away, "A spell eh?" he playfully mocked. Walking over to the fountain, then back over to Riley, various thoughts filling his head, ones he'd never had before, before long he but his hands on Riley's shoulders and asked, "So, where to now."
"I'm all wet," she said, pretending to pout. Riley stood up, pushing him playfully. "Let's go find some shops," Riley said, looking around. She turned to him. "And yes, a spell, so watch out."

She stuck her tongue out at him, winking.

Riley smiled at him now, a genuine smile that meant she was happy to be with him. It was strange, she had barely met him and already, her heart skipped a beat when he laughed or smiled, or even so much as looked at her.
Was it just him, or was she acting rather flirtatious today? He liked, it aroused feeling within him which he'd never had before, amongst other things. Faroh followed her to the sector of the village which had the most shops, indicating which shop he recommended and which he didn't, most of them came under the latter. He though she should buy a short dress, to compliment her naturally attractive figure, but then who was he to discuss fashion? Standing there in complete black, pure ugly.
Riley wandered away from Faroh to look into a shop window. Running back to him, she held his hand gently and pulled him to the shop. "Look, Faroh, do you like that shirt?" she asked, pointing to one on display. It was white, with a collar and a loose sort of fit. "I think you'd look good in it," she said, "If you want it, I'll buy it, and don't protest. If you don't like it, I'll buy you something else."

She linked her arm in his and led him into the Tailor's Shop, where there clothes for men and women. Dresses, short and long, were lined up against one wall. On the other wall there were men's shirts and pants.
Ah ok, I'll go and try this one then, and you choose a dress, he smiled, "I've gathered enough money over the few years I've been alive, I'll pay" He insisted, with a stern glaze, showing he was not going to give in, and with that he went, off into the changing room, he put the shirt on, and she was right, it did suit him, he didn't bother changing back, he walked straight up to the owner of the shop and bought it, walking over to Riley, "What do you think?" He said.