The God Complex Sign Up

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*poke poke*
Are people still here?
Yeah, sorry. Was at a convention last night. Sounds fine by me. Where's the IC thread?
Somewhere in the modern Fantasy section… wait, the link for it is on the bottom post of page 3, let me get it for you.

There we go!

As I said, instead of having it be a full on tour I figured having it based in one location might be handier for reasons. That way if you'd want you wouldn't even have to be in the same hotel :) Though it would probably make it easier to meet others.

Edit: and it's perfectly okay, was just wondering if people hadn't gotten the memo, or if it just happened to be that they were unavailable for a little while ^-^ no harm, no worries, just curiosity XD
Hope you had fun!
Ah cool. Will post sometime next week (going to family graduation tonight after work ). But when I mentioned a tour, I just wanted you to know that one place was what I meant. Ya know like a tour of Rome? That thing.

But thanks, I'm extrememly tired. I wanna sleep but I have work and stuff.
Well yes, that makes perfect sense. There's all kinds of different tours, of a city, or through a country, continent… but yeah having a bit of a tour, and some free time through the city the hotel is in makes perfect sense with the idea that's now formed ^-^ It's set in Florence, Italy at the moment.

And I can imagine! Conventions are hard work, and fun most of the time. Hope you'll be able to get some rest soon and I'll await your post some time next week :)
"Do you like apples? My favorite are the golden delicious."
Username: Vio
Fawn Walloway Brinsby
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Mythology: Greek
God(dess) name: Eris
Waking time: Average
Appearance: Short light brown hair with bangs, sort of a bob style. Often wearing soft and comfortable clothing made of cotton or some other soft fabric. She's 5'2, with pale blue or grey eyes, and a baby face. Often wears casual clothing, or vintage. Never wears make-up, but often paints her nails. She frequently gets her eyebrow waxed.
Personality: |Soft spokenly Out spoken| Blunt| Weird obsession over apples| Cheerful| Positive put easily made melancholic|
Power: She has the habit of pitting two people against each other with out meaning too or causes arguments between two people. Seems to know the strife of others with out really being told, which causes people to dislike her or consider her a stalker of sorts.
Fawn has always lived a comfortable life, with a normal family. She doesn't have any siblings, so she's never had to fight for or demand attention. She generally makes good grades with out really trying, and her parents strangely do not expect anything from her. Fawn; however, was born with a weak immune system, so she does often get sick. None the less she never let that disturb her generally cheerful disposition. Fawn has always been a sort of a wall flower growing up, and could never really make any friends. The friends she did manage to make, always grew distant from her due to her strange behaviour. As she grew older, she began having strange dreams of a beautiful woman, who was watching a celebration from the shadows. She always felt an over whelming loneliness from the dream, and it constantly bothered her. When she told her parents about it, the sent her to a psychiatrist to see if he would help her. Their sessions were generally gloomy, but they did manage to make her feel better. To this day she wonders who the woman is, and why she is so sad.

Theme song:
(There is a reason I chose this song, if we get far in the role-play you'll find out why.)

Voice Actor: Grey Deslisle
Scroll down to "The Spectacular Spiderman (2008)" and click on the voice clip of Betty Brant. It is located a little bit before the half way point of the page.
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Just so you know, if anyone makes Will go on a walking tour, he can't be held responsible for his actions xD
Ahaha, I'll keep that in mind! *makes note to send Will on LOTS of walking tours* :P

Vio, I take it you're still working on the character? :)
Okay I am weirded out, I posted that at noon, and it says you responded at 11:54 to my noon post. Is that just some weird Iwaku thing? xD

Oh and yes she is still in the making
Well the timestamp is correct on my end of the internet, so no idea.
And Kay, just post when she's done so I can check it :)
@Vio, are you still planning on finishing Fawn?
can't wait to see it :)
I wouldn't say a direct set-in-stone order, but at least a bit of an order. As in, I will try to make sure everyone gets a chance to reply before moving my characters again. I went a little out of that for now in order to help with Puck's character, as agreed upon via PM.
If your character for example is locked in a conversation with someone it's alright to post a time or two more than usual in one go, as long as no one gets really left behind or the two characters take over half of a page of posts for example.
As time flows on there might be more, or might be less flexibility, depending on how the majority ends up reacting and responding. So this is what I have in mind, but it's subjectable to change to certain degrees. Over all the consensus will remain to be that there is no set order, but a bit of freedom to switch around with the order as long as it doesn't change too drastically.
I'll be posting something soon, I just to find the time to actually type it out, hopefully today.
Thanks for letting me know you're still planning on being part of this :) Take your time
Yes, yes we are.
I can already tell that Nepthys and Aphrodite are NOT going to get along haha.
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