The Getting to Know You Game!

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I've actually thought a great deal about that. It would either be piano, Spanish, or some sort of mixed martial art. And, mostly, because I want to! Although, if you are talking like a school subject, it would be physics, because, as my teacher says, everything is either physics or stamp collecting. I'm not entirely sure what that means, but it seems relevant!

Would you rather read a book or play a video game.
I think it would honestly depend on my options as far as books or video games went.

What color are your eyes?
Brown, because I'm full of shit xP

Do you think it's romantic or creepy for people to stare into each other's eyes?
That can go either way depending on the people involved, but if two people just stop what they're doing and start staring at each other it's kind of weird.

What's your favorite shoe company?
Payless Shoes? Or if you mean shoe brand, All Star. Classic and functional.

What would be your dream career?
I wanna be a successful freelance artist and manga-ka~

What's your favorite water animal?
Pepsi. Coke aftertaste is horriawful. Or terribad...

Blue Angels or Thunderbirds?
Eh, have to go with Blue Angels.

Pokemon, or Digimon?
I like to pick up my coats and flannels from Rural King, and sometimes I see something I like from a local Amish clothing and supply store called the Tack and Feed. I get most of my graphic t-shirts from online, namely T-Shirt Hell and Level Up Studios.

Sneakers, heels, or boots?
Well that depends on the occasion...sometimes I like to wear heels to feel like a classy lady...even though I'm a dude, and I did wear heels once, and promptly tore a ligament in my ankle...

American Football or Association Football?
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Neither, I don't really follow sports

Favourite cartoon when you were a kid?
Rarity, hands down.

With 24 hours of unlimited funds, what would you spend the day doing?
Buying a house, furnishing my house properly, purchasing all the essentials for home maintenance, and then purchasing a stockpile of non perishable essentials. I would end the day by withdrawing an ungodly sum of money in cash, to be stored in a safe location. That way I'll continue to be better off the next day because I won't pay for rent or things like TP and ziplock bags for a long time!

Do you like to wear your pyjamas in the daytime?
Hell, I don't even wear pajamas after dark. *NUUUUUDE*

Favorite fandom?
Sherlock frickin' Holmes. BBC version or the books.

If you were at an amusement park, what would be the first ride you went on?
Roller Coasters…. unless the funnel cake stand would be considered a ride ouo

Any show you hated in particular as a child?
Teletubbies O_O

If you really could live forever, would you want to?
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