The Gamers

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When Ryuunosuke allocated his Talent Points and the clicked the 'Accept' Button in the Talent Window he would feel his observational skills increase a small bit, as did his ability to focus himself. Unfortunately his Mana Backlash still didn't heal. A couple of windows also would have appeared for him after applying his Talent Points.

A Skill has been unlocked through your Talents. By reaching Level 5 Observation, your observational skills have gone up and the ability to better analyze various targets and acquire information about them, Observe; has been acquired.

Observe (Lv 1: 0%) (Active)
You know how to observe others to garner basic information on them. When using this Skill on a target basic information on them will appear. The amount of information you can scan from a target depends upon what they are doing, the difference in Level between you and the target, their relationship to you, and a number equal to your Observation Score + 1. To Level: Use the Skill, Gain New Information, Gain Rare/Unique Information, Use your own natural powers of observation.

After that came his Stats. He would feel a small bit tougher, stronger, and more dexterous after applying those three points. Unfortunately this amount was a very small amount since there was only a +1 increase to each, but it was still a noticeable increase, the feeling of his body growing stronger and growing more skilled in various areas through leveling up was... strange... in itself. It was nothing like normal studying or working out. Here the change was instant and there. It was quite incredible.​
[Fieldbox="Caleb Miroffe, green, dashed, 10, Courier New"]
Level up, huh? Caleb thought offhandedly as he closed the notification window. He idly touched the area where the imps' claws had struck him. True to the whole gamer ideal there was no blood or lasting bodily injury. It didn't take the edge off of the initial pain though. Sighing, he regarded his stats. Following Rei's advice, he allotted one of the three points into vitality, then strength, and wisdom. Might as well try to balance my stats a bit like I usually do Caleb thought. Then addressing his talents, he placed a fifth point into observation. What to do with the last point... he mused. The weapons he had stocked after the oil and lighter were a wrench and a chainlock. The teen slid the wrench out of his belt loop, weighing it in his hand. After some contemplation, he chose to stick to the familiar heft of the wrench. In the end, he chose to place the last point into melee weaponry.

"Um, hey guys, before we go fight the imps again, could I make a suggestion?" Caleb spoke up. He wasn't a particularly good speaker, but he figured that it was a fairly relevant point. "I was thinking - the imps tend to focus us in groups, especially when one of us initiates a move. That's generally because we kinda lack crowd control abilities, so when we focus one imp, it leaves us open to get attacked," he explained while rubbing his ear lobe. "So I was thinking, why don't we work in pairs? That way when one of us goes in, a second person can target any imps that go after the first person's blind spot."[/Fieldbox]
Caleb would feel his body growing a tiny bit stronger as did his mind after he clicked the 'Accept' Button for applying his Stats. It was a strange feeling, suddenly growing stronger in multiple areas like this. It wasn't by much, but the fact that it was still an instant, noticeable change was what made it rather... unique. Of course after applying his Stats came his Talents. Once he hit 'Accept' the following two windows would appear before him since his Observation Talent had gotten to Level 5.

A Skill has been unlocked through your Talents. By reaching Level 5 Observation, your observational skills have gone up and the ability to better analyze various targets and acquire information about them, Observe; has been acquired.

Observe (Lv 1: 0%) (Active)
You know how to observe others to garner basic information on them. When using this Skill on a target basic information on them will appear. The amount of information you can scan from a target depends upon what they are doing, the difference in Level between you and the target, their relationship to you, and a number equal to your Observation Score + 1. To Level: Use the Skill, Gain New Information, Gain Rare/Unique Information, Use your own natural powers of observation.

Rei now moved back to his perch where he was sitting before, figuring he could get some reading done while he waited for them to figure out their tactics and apply their level ups in preparation for the next fight. "Once you all are done and ready, one of you will have to create the Imp ID since my Monster IDs are currently on cooldown. Just say 'ID Create, Imp ID' to do so". With that, Rei was now reading from a book, wondering how they would do in their next battle.​
After the battle with the imps, Lucian looked into his status window, questioning how he want to build himself. Glass cannon is my standard go to in most games, stupid high damage, but, if enemies get to them, they go down fast...I do not mind living, so that option is a bit risky... He looked at his stats, the three points to place, this was a game, but not a game. He would have to chose wisely. Guess I can go like this... he bit his lip and clicked away, placing a stat into his Agility, Intelligence, and finally a point into Vitality. "Yeah, that will do." He spoke quietly to himself as he accepted the changes, and went to his talents. Five to get a skill? why not, the more skills the better. He upped his observe talent by one, making it the required five, then placed his remaining two points into focus and acrobatics. "Well, I am all set here now." Lucian got ready, assuming they would go another round.
Lucian felt his mind sharpen just a small bit, his body grow a bit tougher, and he felt just a small bit faster. These noticeable changes were strange, but almost surreal. The feeling of actively and instantly growing stronger. It was almost intoxicating really, like something someone could easily get used to but at the same time never get used to. After that came the Talent Points. With his INT now being 12, an additional Talent Point was granted to him, meaning he had three to spend instead of two.

One he applied his new Talents a couple of windows appeared before him.

A Skill has been unlocked through your Talents. By reaching Level 5 Observation, your observational skills have gone up and the ability to better analyze various targets and acquire information about them, Observe; has been acquired.

Observe (Lv 1: 0%) (Active)
You know how to observe others to garner basic information on them. When using this Skill on a target basic information on them will appear. The amount of information you can scan from a target depends upon what they are doing, the difference in Level between you and the target, their relationship to you, and a number equal to your Observation Score + 1. To Level: Use the Skill, Gain New Information, Gain Rare/Unique Information, Use your own natural powers of observation.

Rei was occasionally looking down at the Gamers as they discussed and leveled, but for the most part he had his eyes looking into a Manga he was reading. Normally he would try reading a certain different book, but this wasn't really the time or place to get that form of studious reading done.​
Selina Rosenburg's Real Font - Wedding Fonts - exmouth_.png
Selina looked around toward the rest of the group. Ugh. Why the hell did I space out? It's quite possible that someone could've died because of my idiocy. Selina, you need to focus. As Selina watched the rest of the players distribute their stats, she wondered what she, in particular, should do with her stats. Selina sighed as she pulled up her status window. She looked through each of the stats and wondered where she should distribute them. She knew that she wanted to have a mage build. Though, she wasn't sure what exactly to distribute to. She knew that she wanted a high intelligence, so it was obvious that that was where one of her points was going to go. Okay. Higher intelligence... And...? Now what else? She looked through her MP and MP regeneration. She knew that she also wanted that to be high, so... She distributed a point to Spirit. Higher MP... I can't decide on the last one. I could put it into Vitality, but... I haven't really gotten hurt in a battle. I'm usually the one standing in the back formulating a strategy for the group, so... I feel like Vitality would be a waste. I also don't want to put it into Strength... I don't really use that stat very often, but it will be important in the beginning when I have no spells that I can use. Also, it's kind of strange to put my last point into Luck. Luck isn't a skill that I'd use very often, but... I guess it's kind of important. No... It's not important. Not right now anyway. Hmm... She stared at the stats for a while before she decided to pull up the talent window beside her stat window. She looked at what the majority of the skills used as a stat, and she noticed it was Dexterity. Dexterity... I think I need that to be very high, but... I just feel like I'm taking too big of a risk with it for some reason. Selina paused for a moment to think about what she should do. In the end, she did end up giving in to Rei's advice and putting the last point into Vitality. She hit the 'Accept' button and she heard a small ding to confirm that what she just did was set in stone.

She looked over at the talent window and looked over all the skills. I seem pretty well-rounded and I already have the skill for Observation, so... Would it still be important for me to put points into it? Selina bit her lip in response to her own question. Hmm... It's probably for the best since other people are doing that too. My other skills should be just fine without points... Selina looked at her 'Focus' talent. Alright. Add a point there. And then the other... I do already have the skill, but... If I can obtain more information from a monster, that'd help me out better in future battles. Alright. Two points to Observation it is. After she put the two points in, she touched the 'Accept' button and heard another ding in response.

Selina smiled as she faced the rest of the group. "I'll try to make the pseudospace, since I almost couldn't last time. That's alright with everyone, RIGHT?" As she said the last word, it seemed as if she was demanding that she be able to do it. After a few seconds to let that seep in, she went back to her smiling face.​
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Imp Punting: Round 2

Once everyone had allocated their Stats, and the Imp Horns had been picked up by someone for later splitting between the group (doesn't matter who for now), it was time for the next round of Imp fighting. Selina this time made the Pseudospace and soon enough the Gamers were fighting Imps once again, eight of them this time unlike the first six they fought. All Level 4 still, so their strength wasn't different. Just their numbers. Still, hopefully things wouldn't end up badly this time around because of the two extra Imps, meaning the Imps were outnumbering the Gamers 2 to 1.

The Gamers, despite the odds normally being stacked in their favor, did pretty well. Ryuu's lasso tactic worked as did the tactics of more or less sticking together. Unfortunately Selina did take a hit this time, the following two windows appearing after she took a pretty bad 14 Damage hit.

A Skill has been created through a special action. By enduring physical pain, the ability to better do so; Physical Endurance, has been created.

Physical Endurance (Lv 1: 0%) (Passive)
+5% HP, +1 Constitution. You know how to better resist pain and physical damage, allowing you to survive tougher hits and take more punishment. To Level: Take Physical Damage, Take Massive Physical Damage, Survive a Fatal Blow, Endure a Critical Strike

Of course, a couple other hits were dealt to everyone. Luckily once five Imps had been dispatched, the Gamers received another notification displaying the fact that they have leveled up. This also meant that their HP would be fully healed, making dispatching the next three Imps a bit easier. Luckily no one got hit after that.

Six more Imps dropped Items. Horns like the last ones. Unfortunately there was no time to get them as suddenly up on the perch where Rei was, about five yards behind him, there was a red flash of light.

A loud, feral growl could be heard as Rei quickly stood up, but before he could act the creature charged and slashed. Rei, unfortunately, was knocked down from the perch, landing on his back to where the Gamers were with a thud and a groan, the creature's attack having done about 48 Damage to him, the red text that appeared with that Damage alert being '48 Critical'. Up where Rei was standing now was an Imp. Only... it was much bigger. About six feet tall to be exact.

Its muscles were bulging to, it looking more like a very beefy human except for its obvious dark red skin, hooves like the other Imps had, long razor sharp claws on its hands, and the large horns on its head where its obviously demonic looking face was. Above its head was the following.

Lv 12
Big Imp

"Heh... Hello there... we meet again huh" A small smirk appeared on Rei's face as he stood back up, groaning a bit as he did so as the attack had hurt alot, both the powerful critical hit slash down his back and getting launched down from said perch. "So it decided to show up huh, a Boss Monster". Its text was different from the regular Imps. Darker, and a bit more emphasized. This was obviously some sort of powerful monster. The creature now let out a red light as it let out a guttural, demonic growl. Five regular Imps appeared now, near the Gamers, bearing their claws.

"Don't even bother fighting with the boss. He'll take you out in a single hit, ill take care of him, Equip Set 2". Rei's school uniform seemed to become something different now in an instant. Now he was wearing a black jacket, a grey shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of blue sneakers, a pair of Caestus upon his fists. Rei usually acted cold and tried to keep his emotions contained, but the Gamer in him couldn't help but get a bit excited at this. Plus... it was also for revenge. His fists clenched a bit as he stared up at the monster.

Right after it did its summoning, Rei did a couple of things of his own. "Strength" was the first Skill he used, a blue glow covering his body for a moment. After that he pointed his hand at the creature. "Arrow!" Two light blue, arrow like projectiles of energy, although in reality they were more like small comets in appearance, appeared next to Rei and shot forward.

The first one hit square on, the second not so much, but it still hit its target pretty center. Two numbers appeared over its head when both arrows hit, the first being 31 and the second 28. While it did damage, the creature just tanked both hits and growled a bit more. Luckily though, the inexperienced Gamers hopefully wouldn't have to deal with this powerful super Imp. Considering it was 9 Levels, they would probably indeed be easily killed by it considering that it was able to effectively launch Rei who was 15 Levels higher than them.

Instead they could just more likely focus on the small fries, who due to just being summoned, would be a bit open for attack at the moment, but just a moment though.

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Right after the second wave of imps were fought off, Ryuu opened his menu once again and began adding points to his stats. 1 to STR, 1 to LUK and 1 to INT was what he went with bringing them to 7, 6 and 8 respectively. In terms of talents, Ryuu added one point to Knowledge and 1 point to Melee Weaponry, bringing them to 4 and 3. Ryuu closed his menu and said "Good jo..." when a flash of red passed by his eyes. Ryuu turned to look only to see Rei fly off of the place where he was sitting and in his spot was a big, mean looking imp. Ryuu said "A boss, eh." but the group was obviously too underleveled to take on this lv. 12 Imp. Ryuu was glad that Rei was here to help out, but he had taken a pretty brutal blow. Ryuu then noticed that there were five imps that spawned near them. In Ryuu's mind, there was really only one thing that they could do to help, pull the normal monsters away from Rei so that he could deal with the Big Imp.

Ryuu shouted 'Let's get away from the Big Imp and from Rei and drag these Imps with us! We don't want to be anywhere near the Big Imp!" Ryuu then started to back up. As he backed up though, Ryuu twirled his lasso and hoped to entrap and snag one of the Imps towards him. That way, he could go ahead and swing at the captured Imp with his pipe without having to worry too much about its claws.
Ryuu the Cowboy

The lasso wasn't really employed before, due to the fact that there was no time with how many there were, being pressed by eight Imps made for no time or openings to throw a lasso. This time though, this would be the small perfect opportunity to try and throw the lasso.

Lasso em' Up: 9 - 10 Thrown Weaponry = 10

The lasso worked! The Imp was successfully snagged from the decent distance away. Ryuu would have to pull pretty hard if he wanted to get the Imp to him in a single go so he could smack it.

Pull em' In: 2 - 7 STR = -5

Fortunately, with a mighty and hefty pull, the Imp was pulled forward enough so that Ryuunosuke could lunge forward quickly. It was a pretty impressive move, Ryuu snagging it, pulling it in, and then lunging forward in a matter of a couple of seconds, aiming to bring his pipe down on the creature.

Strike em' Dead: 0 (Critical!)

The attack hit dead on, the pipe smashing into the creature's head. A 'Critical 36!' in bold, red text appearing above its head as Ryuu killed it in one blow, a horn falling in its place. After this rather impressive show of skill, his pipe showing some heavy wear at this point, several windows appeared before him.

An impressive display of melee skill with an impressive, deadly strike has made you better at utilizing melee weapons.

+1 Melee Weaponry.

A Skill has been unlocked through a special action. By dealing a deadly strike to an enemy's weak point the ability to better do so, Critical Strike, has been created.

Critical Strike (Lv 1: 0%) (Passive)
You know how to instinctively better strike an opponent's weak spot for larger amounts of damage. When you get a Critical Strike, you deal 100% more Damage. To Level: Get a Critical

A Skill has been unlocked through a special action. By showing decent proficiency with a lasso the ability to be more proficient with a lasso, Lasso Proficiency, has been created.

Lasso Proficiency (Lv 1: 0%) (Passive)
You are decently proficient with a Lasso. You have +5 Accuracy with a Lasso and you also get a +5 to your attempt to pull or otherwise manipulate an enemy who is bound by a lasso. To Level: Attempt to Lasso, Lasso an Enemy, Defeat a Lassoed Enemy, Get a Critical Strike on a Lassoed Enemy.

[Fieldbox="Caleb Miroffe, green, dashed, 10, Courier New"]
After the second round of imp punting and another round of level ups, Caleb confronted the stat and talent windows once again. This time around, he had a better grasp on the available stats and was able to confidently place his three points in vitality, intelligence, and spirit. Personally, Caleb didn't believe himself as an overtly capable tank, but the impulse of having the extra survivability prompted him towards leaning on the stat. Perhaps, despite its mixed results in games, it would bear better fruit in real life. When addressing the talent window, he placed his points into appraisal, knowledge, and projectile weaponry.

The sudden red flash and gracelessly painful fall from Rei jerked Caleb back into action. "Okay, lets give this a go," he muttered under his breath. Following Ryuu's initiation, he hefted his wrench in one hand and ran into the same path behind the other teen before darting out and swinging his arm to strike a nearby imp.
Caleb went with Ryuu now. Unfortunately Ryuu and Caleb weren't right next to each other, so they couldn't really guard or help one another. Still, there were only four Imps left to deal with instead of five. Less Imps was indeed better, since now there was an equal Imps to Gamers ratio. Once close enough, Caleb prepared his wrench to deliver a smack upon the Imp.

Smack Attack: 18 - 12 Melee Weaponry + 25 Distance Penalty = 31


Damage Dealt: 9

The wrench, despite the Imp having time to be ready to dodge Caleb's attack, still smacked him pretty full on. It dealt a pretty decent 9 Damage to the beast, the creature reacting in pain with an angry chitter mixed with a angry growl. These creatures' voices though were much higher than their larger counterpart. These were also most likely much weaker than their larger counterpart. Fortunately the Gamers themselves had a stronger counterpart to help them deal with the Imps' stronger counterpart.​
"Well it seems like the first few levels will be easy enough to reach." Lucian noticed the level up, and was about to place his points again, when he noticed a red flash, and watched as their mentor got hit hard by what appeared to be a giant imp. "That looked painful, are you going to be alright?" His question was answered as Rei got up and starting to tango with the mob boss. He then looked to the other imps that they had to dispatch. Okay, not as many as before, the odds are certainly in our favour. He eyed up the scene a bit more, catching Ryuu's epic cowboy act. "Well, I guess I shouldn't let you guys have all the fun." He gave his hair a light flick back then charged in at an imp, impale don't fail me now!
More Running Stab

Lucian, just like before, repeated the same strategy of rushing forward and stabbing his knives into an Imp. Even though it was a strategy he had done several times before, it was one that seemed to work. So with that regard, Lucian now charged forward, stabbing his knives towards an Imp that was in the path of his charge.

Running Stab: 25 - 11 Melee Weaponry + 25 Distance Penalty = 39


Damage Dealt: Unfortunately the stabs weren't really on target this time, so instead of being one singular stab it was more like two different ones. Two numbers appeared over its head as the knives somewhat pierced/grazed its somewhat tough skin. The first was three and the second was six, so he dealt a total of nine Damage to the Imps. Which was an alright amount, meaning that with just one more well placed attack could possibly dispatch it.​
Selina Rosenburg's Real Font - Wedding Fonts - exmouth_.png
As Selina finished off the last of the imps, she knew that she had gotten a skill called "Physical Endurance". Awesome! I've got a skill that increases HP and Constitution! This means I should be able to take a few more hits now. After Selina had celebrated for a bit, she noticed out of the corner of her eye red text. Wh-What the hell was that? When Selina turned, she noticed Rei had been hit by this gigantic imp. It was a LV12 Big Imp, which seemed like a boss monster in her book. We're lucky we have Rei here... If not, we definitely would've been toast by now. Selina noticed that more imps had been summoned when the boss monster got there. She also heard Rei say a few different things. Including the word 'Hello'. She smirked as she turned to the imps. It appears that Rei also had the same idea as I did. He's quite a bit smarter than he looks. I'll give him that. She turned to one of the imps that hadn't been attacked yet. "Hello." She ignored whatever information she gleaned from the imp for right now and decided to just attack it and use whatever she learned later to her advantage. She gripped her knife until her knuckles turned white and rushed towards one of the imps. "I'm gonna beat the shit out of this thing."
Indeed. Normally reading information from a window after using said Skill would take time, but just using said Skill that just required you to speak a word to activate it and then ignoring it wouldn't take but a moment. It was a smart move on Selina's part. Now she rushed forward, with knife in hand, to stab into one of the last available Imps.

Selina Run and Stab: 0 (Critical)

Critical Strike!

Damage Dealt: 22

Selina managed to get in there with a stroke of both luck and blind rushing, stabbing her knife into the creature's neck. A red 'Critical 22' appeared over its head, emphasizing a Critical Strike, as she managed to get past whatever guard it had to strike an obviously weaker point on the creature. This strike, naturally, killed the creature instantly, the Imp vanishing meaning there were three Imps remaining. The following windows appeared before Selina after her rather impressive rushing attack.

An impressive display of melee skill with an impressive, deadly strike has made you better at utilizing melee weapons.

+1 Melee Weaponry.

A Skill has been unlocked through a special action. By dealing a deadly strike to an enemy's weak point the ability to better do so, Critical Strike, has been created.

Critical Strike (Lv 1: 0%) (Passive)
You know how to instinctively better strike an opponent's weak spot for larger amounts of damage. When you get a Critical Strike, you deal 100% more Damage. To Level: Get a Critical

Running Strike's Level has gone up by 1.

The three remaining Imps began their counterattack. Two of them, who were engaged in Melee, attacked those who they were engaged with. While the one fighting with Caleb would miss its attack, the one fighting Lucian managed to hit him full on, a razor sharp claw raking across his chest. The pain was immense, dealing 13 Damage to him.

The third remaining Imp rushed after the human closest to it, that one being Selina. Fortunately Selina was easily able to dodge out of the way while also staying within its reach so that the next attack she would pull off, if she chose to attack this enemy, would be right up close. Of course, she would also be able to back away with her dodge if she wanted to, it was up to her in that moment really.

The Big Imp, instead of giving chase towards Rei or any of the other Gamers, seemed to aim its palms towards the Imps. Suddenly two of the Imps seemed to freeze and then turn into a strange dark, red energy. Said energy suddenly flew towards the Big Imp, Rei's eyes widening a bit. "Its... regenerating... and growing stronger by using the Imps it can summon". This made Rei curse beneath his breath as he quickly climbed up to where it was, the Imp's claws seeming to visibly grow just a bit sharper. This only taking a few seconds before it seemed to make three more Imps appear before the Gamers.

Once up there, Rei decided to power up a bit more instead of aimlessly charging in right after getting up in a rather very quick manner, a matter of moments. "Boost Fist". Suddenly his fists seemed to be enshrouded in what the Gamers would now know is Mana, a glowing blue energy coating his fists now, before he rushed in . The Gamers would need to quickly take out the Imps as quickly as possible so it couldn't use them to regenerate anymore. This meant that two of them would need to attack a single Imp while Rei was going to try and kill it as quickly as possible, which Rei was working on.

Rei charged forward now, slamming one of his glowing blue fists at the Imp. He hit the creature in the stomach, it seeming to cough up as the first blow seemed to visibly be both painful looking and powerful, this appearing over its head with the first strike.

Critical 105 (25)

It was alot of damage indeed, the strike having a definite loud sound. It seemed that Rei, despite being petite, could pack a real powerful punch. That was just his first attack though, his second blue glowing fist coming right at it. Unfortunately it missed, the Imp easily blocking it, making the glowing energy around it dissipate. Rei didn't stop there though, as he quickly followed that one-two combo up with a third punch towards its side.

Unfortunately this follow-up punch dealt much less damage despite it hitting pretty spot on the Imp's torso, only a simple 17, but still it was damage nonetheless. "Kill them so it doesn't use them to regenerate!" shouted Rei after his two out of three strike combo. It wasn't normal for Rei to raise his voice, but this wasn't exactly a normal circumstance. The Gamers, if they wanted to help out the only person who could fight said Big Imp's fight go by more quickly, would have to eliminate the regular Imps as soon as possible.

The information Selina received was the same as before, with the following added on.

Species: Demon

Sub Species: Imp

Imps are some of the weakest forms of demons that are not that much stronger than average humans. They are typically cowardly and mischievous, and individually are not much to be feared. When they are in numbers though their razor sharp claws and average human intelligence makes them something to be feared. Don't let them gang up on you or they could shred you up rather quickly.

Level 4

STR: 8
VIT: 4
DEX: 6
AGI: 8
INT: 6
WIS: 3
SPI: 5
LUK: 1

HP: 20
MP: 10

Constitution: 4
Resistance: 4
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Selina Rosenburg's Real Font - Wedding Fonts - exmouth_.png
As Selina was about to stab the imp, she noticed that there was a spot where it was left open. THERE! As Selina stabbed, she saw the word critical appear next to the damage that she had dished out. She smirked as the imp disappeared. She examined the skills she got quickly. Critical Strike. Quite a nice skill. And I got another point in Melee Weaponry. I'm doing a great job of getting extra talent points. If it was that easy, I wish I could've done it earlier. As she was about to celebrate her victory and new skills, she saw that another imp was coming in her direction. "Oh no you don't." Selina dodged out of the way of the imps claws, but stayed within melee combat distance. "I have you now." She saw two more imps disappear out of the corner of her eye. After Rei had made the connection that the summoned imps could be used to regenerate the Big Imp, which was unfortunate. We're going to have to beat these imps really fast. I really wish that I had a spell to just demolish these imps. For now, I guess I'll just have to use this knife. She looked at the knife, then quickly at the imp who had attempted to strike her earlier. Selina rushed the imp with knife in hand and attempted to strike it.​
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Unfortunately Selina had no mystical attacking abilities to utilize. For now she would have to settle with her knife and hopefully be able to get some later on. Perhaps ask for Rei's advice if she was that desperate. Regardless, she struck at the Imp that was now before her. Hopefully she could kill it in one hit, but just even weakening it would work.

Knife Stab: 0 (Critical!) (Again, jeeze)

Critical Strike!

Damage Dealt: 22

Selina could have a career as a knife murderer or a casino gambler as she was both incredibly lucky and somewhat skilled with her kitchen knife, which wasn't really a combat tool, but she was making the best of it. She easily stabbed the creature as she did before in both a stroke of luck and skill. She was seemingly getting better with handling weapons, almost scarily so. The same window as before appeared, praising her show of weapon skills and that she gained a +1 to Melee Weaponry. Furthermore, another window seemed to appear as well, as did a couple of others.

Your acquiring of two incredible critical strikes in a row has made your luck truly shine through.

+1 LUK.

A Skill has been created through a special action. By skillfully utilizing improvised weapons and becoming a bit better with weapons as a whole the ability to be more proficient with improvised weapons, Improvised Weapon Proficiency, has been created.

Improvised Weapon Proficiency (Lv 1: 0%) (Passive)
Despite improvised weapons being not the greatest form of weapons to utilize in combat, you know how to somewhat better utilize them. You deal +10% Damage with all Improvised Weapons and you get +1 Accuracy with Improvised Weapons.
"Yahoo!" Ryuu cheered as his lasso enclosed upon the imp. He gave a mighty tug on the lasso, and the imp was pulled fairly easily. Perhaps it just got caught off guard or had bad positioning? Either way, the imp got pulled up right in front with him, and its face met the cold iron of Ryuu pipe. With a satisfying 36 points of damage done with just one strike. If Ryuu had a cowboy hat, then he would probably be waving it in celebration right about now, but to his disappointment he didn't. "Maybe I should consider working as a cowboy for a few months." Ryuu thought for a second.

His attention immediately returned to the fight when he saw two imps seemingly disappear into a ball of energy, which flew straight at the Big Imp. The Big Imp seemed to get stronger from cannibalizing its minions. Ryuu pointed at the Big Imp and yelled "Whatcha think you're doing. You're taking away our target practice!" Right as he said that three imps appeared before them. Ryuu said "Ah, never mind. Thank you!" It was obvious that he was enjoying this right now. With more targets, Ryuu went ahead and returned to fighting. He wanted to try out something again, so he swung at the nearest imp at an attempt to sweeps its legs from right under it.
This wasn't exactly a good time to try out new stuff since they needed to kill these Imps as soon as possible so that the Big Imp couldn't use them, but perhaps Ryuu was a bit to excited to realize this main fact. In fact, internally, Rei wanted to smack Ryuu for complaining about target practice when he heard that remark. This wasn't a game. Of course, there was most time to smack him now. Later though. Later.

Ryuu Leg Sweep: 70 + 25 Distance Penalty - 12 Melee Weaponry = 87


Unfortunately the leg sweep wasn't exactly well executed, plus with the distance between them the Imp was easily able to dodge it while still staying within fighting distance. This wasn't exactly the good time for trying out new things to be exact either, so the leg sweep was just a complete waste of time.​
[Fieldbox="Caleb Miroffe, green, dashed, 10, Courier New"]
'Whew... It missed,' Caleb made a small smile. He wasn't really too big on pain, so a missed hit was always welcome. Not to mention, he had managed to successfully land a blow. Only a couple more and the imp would be totaled. Despite the minor tunnel vision focus on the imp in front of him, Caleb deduced from his more vocal teammates that imp punting was certainly becoming easier to handle. Well, until he felt and subsequently noticed the disappearance of some imps, followed by Rei's order. 'Regenerating now? Geez, these guys are just full of surprises aren't they?' he thought dryly. "Okay, lets go," he muttered under his breath. Quickly readjusting his grip on his wrench, he moved in, making a two handed swing right at the imp's misection.
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