The game of cat and mouse

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The game of cat and mouse was the current head line for the worlds news papers. Not that anyone could blame them with the way things were going with the recent thefts.

There had been a large out break in wealthy homes and banks around the world by the same person and they had yet to be caught. It was safe it say it was by the same person since every time the thief would leave a little message for the detectives saying things like 'thanks for the fun!' or 'lets do this again some time without the handcuffs being involved' and other such flirty comments many thought they used to taunt the police.

Of course no evidence could be pulled from said notes or any of the crime scenes which just further annoyed the police and detectives on the case. They were sure who ever the thief was they were a middle aged man who was poor and just wanted to get rich quick and the notes where there to be him showing off. But of course that was a load of total rubbish

The thief was, in fact, a young girl at the age of 19. The teen was bright and cheerful and very popular with everyone but she was also very good at hiding who she really was. What 'black mouse', the press had dubbed her, loved about the story as they covered her was the fact they were looking in all the wrong places and the one 'detective' that was looking in the right places was being ignored! Bluebell, or Blue as she preferred, used the term detective loosely because they were in fact a class mate of hers at her college in criminal behavior and it was their father that was the detective.

Blue didn't take things because she was poor, her family was very rich and had in fact been the victim of the thief themselves, nor was she angry or evil or any other trash people thought she was. Blue did it simply because the things they had that she took she believe they didn't deserve and could be put to better use. The cops however didn't agree and had been trying to get her ever since.

Blue hummed happily to herself as she walked in to her college class with her deep blue hair flowing behind her and bright matching eyes almost grinning in happiness. The girl took her seat and straightened out her sort skirt over her leggings and smirked at her sassy top that said she might not be a thief but she could steal peoples breath away.

The night before had been another successfully snack and she had the prize stashed away in the secret part of her bag. Black mouse had taken a small but priceless necklace from a rather well guarded room with all sorts of weird seals around it. It was apparently haunted by the spirit of some great evil demon that killed theirs or was it tried to marry them? She could remember but she really didn't care.
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