The Game Goes ON - MCU RP (Post Endgame (So Spoilers!))

Hi, does this RP still have open spots? I was thinking of creating an OC affiliated with the Masters of the Mystic Arts.
Real Name: Charlotte Kim​
Birthdate: May 5th​
Age: 23​
Codename (if any): Banshee​
Height: 170 cm (5'7 ft)​
Weight: 125 lbs (57 kg)​

Sound Manipulation. The ability to control, generate, and manipulate sound waves. With it Charlotte is able to increase the pitch and sound of her voice to be so powerful that it can break glass and make people's ears bleed. She is also able to increase her speed to incredible levels to the point where she is able to move at the speed of sound, and jumping higher than normal by using sound waves.
Voice Manipulation. As part of her manipulating sound, Charlotte can also freely manipulate her voice, allowing her to hypnotize and persuade a person easily by words or by song.
Sonic Scream
She can increase the volume of her voice, giving her the ability to create loud high pitched sounds capable of harming enemies' auditory systems and causing physical vibrations. She could overwhelm listeners with deafening noise and stun them with high focus low frequency

Charlotte can only use her ability by using her voice which means, if her mouth is taped or something is covering her mouth, she's powerless.

Sound/sonic waves can be reflected off certain objects, like mirrors and can be rendered utterly useless when the user is gagged by any means. Her ability may not work against sound Immunity or sound Nullification and may cause unintentional harm to distant targets, including beings with sensitive/enhanced/superhuman hearing.

If she uses her ability too much, she'll have a sore throat and strain her throat that could potentially result to losing her voice over time.

Her hypnotic voice is useless when the target is deaf or smart

  • master manipulator
  • hand to hand combatant
  • flexible
  • stealthy af
  • earphones or headphones to cancel the noise
  • a gas mask that act like speakers to amplify her voice
  • ]knives
  • a black leather cat suit with purple trim that glows

  • flowers
  • plushies
  • cats
  • sweet pastries
  • rude people
  • dogs
  • politics

Brief Bio:
Charlotte is a mutant who became an orphan at such a young age due to poverty. She lived in the streets half of her life, trying to survive by stealing food and selling her body. Life was hard for the poor girl but thanks to her "work", she met people from all walks of life that helped her along the way. One of these people was Joshua, another mutant who has the ability to set himself on fire. Long story short, they fell in love and began living together in a small rundown apartment. Charlotte stopped selling her body and began singing in bars to earn enough money while Joshua started working as a garbage collector.​
Everything was fine up until Charlotte got pregnant. They needed money so bad that Joshua resorted back to stealing but it wasn't enough. As if fate was toying with them, the snap happened and her boyfriend turned to dust. Charlotte was twelve weeks pregnant when the snap happened and she was so confused. At first she thought it was just a trick but as second passed she realized that Joshua was really gone. The stress, loneliness, and heartbreak was too much that she slowly became depressed to the point that she had a miscarriage.Truly alone, Charlotte started blaming the government as well as the Avengers for what happened to her. She then started creating chaos, going back to her old ways and making use of her mutation as much as she can to survive.​
Five years later, Charlotte is 23 and she recently got intel that boyfriend was alive thanks to the Avengers. This only made her hatred grew deeper. Besides, as much as she wanted to go back to his lover and resume their relationship, she knew that she can't. Not when she already lost the baby as well as made a mess with her life.​
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Real Name: James Howlett (Goes by Logan)

Birthdate: 1845

Age: Unknown

Codename (if any): Wolverine

Height: 5' 3"

Weight: 300lbs


  • Superhuman senses, agility, reflexes, and animal-like attributes
  • Extended longevity via regenerative healing factor
  • Adamantium-infused skeleton
  • Retractable claws

  • The adamantium in him is poisonous to him.
  • Drowning
  • Removing his head from his body.
  • Sensory Overload
  • Carbonadium
  • Masters of Magnetism
  • De-aging

  • Expert at Martial Arts and hand to hand combat
  • Adept with both firearms and blades
  • Good pilot
  • Highly skilled in the field of espionage and covert operations.
Equipment: Usually has just a lighter on him at all times to light up a cigar.


  • Drinking
  • Cigars
  • Women
  • Hunting
  • Food
  • Sleeping
  • Fighting
  • His friends (if he has any)

  • People
  • People trying to hurt mutants
  • People trying to hurt his friends (if he has any)
  • Politicians

Brief Bio:

Logan has kept to the shadows as best he could growing up. He did his best not to interfere in any of the business that happened over the years. He stayed away from the attack on New York. Making sure to just take out enemies that made it to him or affect the small mutant outpost he had set up. Luckily though, the place stayed hidden and he only had to deal with a few of the aliens. Luckily though, the Avengers took care of the mess and took all the glory, plus, the attention.

Logan made sure to move the small group around a lot so that they would not be discovered. It was only a matter of time before people found out about mutants. They already had meta-humans, gods, and aliens so no reason to through mutants on there as well. Settling down again, Logan finally thought he had found a spot for them to stay at for a good amount of time. He looked over the group and then something strange happened. Someone up and turned to dust. Logan looked on in confusion, then, saw another person disappear. Confusion turned to panic real quickly as Logan raced over to the pile. Logan looked around and saw the whole small group turn to dust. Once he was the only one left, he looked down at his hands, seeing himself, turn to dust as well.

Next thing he knew though, he was back. The whole group was back actually. He was confused. He knew something was different though as the area they were in was different. Their tents and belongs were blown away or broken. The smells in the air were, different as well. Logan raced off into the city to see what had happened. Walking through the streets, he stopped and looked around. Things were different. Grabbing a flyer off the wall, he looked upon it. Five years had apparently passed. He raced back to his small group and got them all gathered. He moved them into the underground subway tunnels. They had to hide again, just until Logan knew what to do.

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