The Four Kingdoms: The Arrival of the Desert Kingdom

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Eva looked down at the skeleton as it reattached itself. Looking at his neck, she observed that his necklace glowed as he did it. As an idea sprung forth, she tried to give Necropolis a hint but she didn't think he understood. Rolling her eyes, she began to put her plan into action.

"You should be more grateful. Don't just go around throwing people." She directed at the lich. She gave him a glance and then continued. "Thank you for all the jewelry. With all of this, i have no need for some stupid sword." She bent down to help the skeleton up, and as her hands gripped his bones, she realized how cold and fragile they were. Or maybe that's what they appeared to be. The skeleton have her a passive look so she tried harder. "Ya know, there's one specific thing i want. Do you have a bracelet with twelve blue circles surrounding a small gold scorpion? If you bring it to me, i'll leave." Obviously, he had no clue what she intended to do, because he turned around and went running towards the treasury for something that didn't exist.

With his back turned, Eva ran up to his and kicked him in his back while gripping the back of his necklace. Yes, he did fall, but the necklace refused to part from its owner. Eva found herself getting pulled to the ground with him. How does someone end up falling because of their own kick?!

"Great, what a waste of a plan A." She said, but then she noticed the treasury wide open and the skeleton trying to recover. The smartest thing to do would be to wait for Necropolis and come up with a plan B. Unfortunately, Eva wasn't thinking when she darted for the treasury. She threw Necropolis a sorrowed glance before reaching the bottom of the stairs. " Someones gotta get the sword, try to distract him." She said as she hid from sight. Luckily, the skeleton wouldn't think she went down into the treasury...luckily.
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Eva's plan failed as she went down with Gerald, and after she ran into the treasury, Gerald left to follow her. Necropolis shrugged and followed the two into the next room, where Icebreather rested, suspended and floating between two pillars of ice, one from the ceiling down, and one from the ground up. Necropolis approached the sword, staring at it in awe. He knew it was a magnificent blade, but seeing it up close and being near it, he could feel the power and the cold, despite the fact he was a lich, which uses ice. Necropolis tood for a moment, waiting for Evangeline, before reaching out to grab it. Before he could, Gerald tapped his arm to grab Necropolis' attention, and shook his head no before his jaw started moving and clicking in a strange unintelligible language. Necropolis' book vibrates, and he opens it to see that James had written something.
[BCOLOR=#ffff99]What is he saying?[/BCOLOR]
Necropolis is stunned by this, and looks down at the floor. Necropolis thinks hard, harder than ever before, before he looks up and says I'll just have to take my chances then, though it seems like the likelihood of my survival could be counted on fingers. Necropolis reached out and grabbed the sword, immediately realizing the stupidity of this as his body stiffens and the blade begins to glow. While it was very painful for Necropolis, it was a beautiful spectacle to behold. He blade began to grow and shift, changing from a beautiful scimitar made of ice to a thick 4 foot long large Gladius with flattened spikes along the outside (like the teeth of a saw) and a spike on the end, but the sword kept growing from Necropolis' ice magic. Soon, it was more like a longsword with a serrated edge and a chain attached to the end, which had an additional blade attached, a small curved knife meant for quick slicing. By this point, Necropolis had become very weak and his eyes were beginning to dull, along with the fact that the sparkle in his skin, which had gone unnoticed until now, had faded away into wrinkles. Necropolis groaned from the pain, but his jaws had locked up and he couldn't scream or shout. Eventually, the blade stopped growing at 7 feet long, with a knife attached that was another three feet long and curved, like an Arabic scimitar. Necropolis dropped to his knees with labored breathing and a film of sweat (that should not have been there) covering him. The two pillars disappeared, shrinking back into their places in the ceiling and the floor. Gerald's jaw dropped (literally) as Necropolis managed to slowly stand. The light in his eyes was still dim, but the wrinkles were gone and the sword had begun a light pulse as it continued to absorb minuscule amounts of magic to keep it's current form. The skeleton clattered his jaw again, (it had re-attached itself moments before) and Necropolis reached to the book, which had begun to vibrate.
Necropolis smirked before saying I'm afraid I won't be reasoning with any Desert troops any time soon. He then snaps the book shut to look at Gerald, who was motioning for him to wait for a moment. He runs off to the treasury before coming back with a bag full of bombs and a helmet, and gives a thumbs up to Necropolis. He seemed to intend to accompany the new wielder of Icebreather. Also, he turned and pulled out a bracelet that looked exactly like what Eva had asked for. It was a silver bracelet with a gold scorpion on it with ruby eyes and an emerald stinger. It was obviously desert made, because the accuracy as almost impeccable, and there was even a note attached. The note read:
"This bracelet is a special enchanted item, the scorpion can come to life with two simple words. Serve me. It can hear and see, and there is even poison it the tail, from yours truly! For your convenience, from Sandy, the Enchantress of the Seven Great Dunes."
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Nodding her head Malace tried to make herself comfortable, careful to not make her wound worse then it was. She slept only in her regular cloth, using her bag as a pillow. Not the most comfortable way to sleep, but at least she had the couch. Malace thought that maybe she would stay up a few more minutes thinking, but as soon as she closed her eyes Malace was in her dream world.

Malace has had many dreams before, but like many they were but a blur of memory. Occasionally she might remember one thing that stood out, and even then only when she tries to remember them. But this dream... This was a vivid dream. She was back at the forest, wearing her armor, with her bow in hand. She had her tongue even. Malace thought nothing of it and simply assumed she was out for a hunt, so she ran through the forest to find her prey. She stopped by a lake when she saw this majestic white stag. Surely a magical creature, for it's horns were made of pure ivory, with many points that glowed in the sunlight. The creature itself was at least three times Malace's own size, and it's hide seemed to be made from white stone. Malace put her bow away, knowing that even her weapon would not be able to pierce it's hide unless she shoots it in the eye.

No, for a creature like this, one must wrestle it to the ground.

Malace approached the beast, her hands opened. The creatures of the forest do not box; they do not fight with clenched fists. Neither would Malace. She looked at the Stag, who in turn looked at her. And through her mind the creature spoke.

"Child of Green, stay your hand. There are greater prey then me."

The stag turned towards the lake, and suddenly mist began to form. The mist created a sort of illusionary image, showing a sword of some sort.

"Remember your quest. The Sand seeks to consume the world, but nature must endure. You are the only one who can wield this power. Within these very woods is the source of that power, and you must protect the realms with it. If you cannot, this world will be consumed by fire and ash."

In the distance there was a storm brewing, but it brought not rain and lightning, but thunder and fire. The forest began to burn each time a bolt of lightning struck the forest, threatening to catch them. The air grew thick and almost impossible to breath. The mist dissipated and the stag moved up to Malace.

"They are coming. Time is of the essence; take your savior. You will need her help navigating the unknown, and seek out allies. A hero is needed to bring peace back to these lands. A force of harmony to counter act the force of aggression."

Malace's dream ended with the stag running into the forest while the storm came onto Malace. She tried to turn and run, but before she could she was struck by lightning. She woke up before the pain hit, but she could feel her arm throb. Fortunately she hasn't done anything to cause it to bleed, and it looked like the bleeding as stopped for the most part. It still smelled strongly, but the bandage at least made sure that Malace's blood did not get contaminated. Looking out towards a window she would guess that a few hours had passed, or perhaps she had slept a whole day away? Malace couldn't say for certain. But as she was about to go back to the couch she heard screaming from Nory. Looking through the Window she couldn't see the girl but she did see soldiers. And not just deserters; Desert Warriors. They must have gained ground through here.

Cursing under her breath Malace went to grab her bow. However when she gripped it her arm began to throb more painfully. She still wasn't in any condition to preform her archery. She had no time to loose; she couldn't don her armor fast enough nor should she rely on her shaky arm. For once in a long while, Malace was going to have to rely on her magics.
Nory had been on her return trip coming from the town when she had heard unnatural movement in the bushes. Cautiosly she had set the bottle she had been sent after hours ago down on a nearby stone. She wasn't to worried about anything seeing as Noryia's home was within hearing dissance of the half elf. Coming closer the bushes slowly she watched carefully for anything other some small animal. Just as she got close, before she could jump back, she was grabbed by several hands. It happened so fast that the poor clone couldn't tell what was going on, from just walking to being grabbed by strange hands... Nory wasn't quite sure howto deal with it... Until one of the set of hands let go and pulled out a wicked looking blade. It was ruffly 12 inches long and it had covers throughout the blade. Her eyes found those of whom belonged to the hand holding the blade, staring into the cold eyes she could see nothing but the look of a killer.

Suddenly she was thrown on the ground, though after the fall only on set of hands grabbed her. Nory tried her very best to wiggle her way out of underneather the strong arms of a full grown man, but it was in vain. The hands holding on to her now only held on to her shoulders. Dispite the fact stuggling did nothing to help her excape that did not stop her from trying. Before she knew it the man with the knife forced his wicked blade into her irvory colored arm. The pain was so shocking she let out a blood curedaling scream.

For the past couple of hours Noryia had been cooking up a rather large meal for her new friend that she hoped was resting well. She had been humming off amd on throughout the day as she worked. She wasn't sure how long Malace was going to sleep, or if she should go and wake her up. She chose just to let the orc sleep and wake up in her own time. The half elf in no way felt alone, not whit her newest clone, Ria. The two of them had been getting along quite well, Ria was not nearly the talker that Nory was.

Things were going well when a scream reached the ears of both clone and creator. Though Noryia had never heared Nory scream like that she knew that it was Nory screaming out. Quickly Noryia grabbed her flute, that had been sitting on a table, and ran out the back door with Ria at her heals. But Noryia was careful not to make noise as she ran around her house, but keeping her body covered from site. Her hand flew to her mouth to keep in a gasp that almost left her lips. Noryia could she a large man standing up while pulling up a blood covered blaade, though Noryia couldn't see whom the blood belonged to Noryia had a twisting felling that is was her clone's.

Even though Nory was just a clone, she was the only friend Noryia had had for a long time. And it was more then just friendship, it wasn't romanice, it was more of a sisterly love thaqn anything else. Noryia knew that if some one killed her clone, well, somebody would had some regrets when the died even if Noryia qasn't the one to kill them.
There were 10 in all. Their armor was light, but each had a sturdy metal shield, a wicked curved sword, daggers at their belts, and even short bows for range. Truly these warriors were well armed and armored. But who could really expect a Chimera of appear? The creature attacked from Noryia's home, as if it had been standing on it. It's first action was to land near Nory and the desert warriors, then releasing a thick toxic cloud at the enemy. Those who were caught within would be afflicted by the Chimera's horrific venom, which would begin to eat away at both their equipment and their flesh. Nory would avoid the worst of it however, as one of the Chimera heads quickly but as gently as it could, pulled Nory out from the forest with it's maw, trying to take her to safety.

Of the 10 only 1 succumbed to the Chimera's breath attack, but the other 9 were in various states of wounded and weakened. At the very least, the acidic breath did belt the bow strings from each of the warrior, ensuring that they no longer have a ranged option. So they came out with swords drawn, but stayed close together with their shields net to each other, preparing to fight the Chimera head on. Once the Chimera had brought Nory to the doorsteps it turned back towards the warriors and let out a blood curdling scream. It was a mix of a lion's and dragon's roar, and a goat's scream.
(Im so sorry. I've been caught up with some other roleplays. I am just realizing that doing five rp's at the same time is dysfunctional, or at least it is for me.)

Eva looked down at the bracelet she had been looking for. She was never good with magic, but this treasure was easy to use if you knew what you were doing. It latches onto it's owner and the scorpion comes alive as a servant. She had heard many stories of it growing up, but never had she thought she would be holding it in her hands. Looking up, she held the face of a kid getting a new toy during christmas. Latching the bracelet on her wrist, she spins the scorpion and pressure begins to form where the scorpion is on her wrist. "And so it begins." She says. The skeleton gives her a questioning looks so she simply replies by saying. "My awesomeness. Duh." With a laugh, she looks at Necropolis. "I think we should go see the orc. It's been a while and i want to brag." She says.
Necropolis nods lightly as Eva says that they should find Malachite. He walks with Icebreather in hand, being as there was no sheathe made. They climb back up the stairs, where they hear a loud choir of screams. Necropolis runs out and realizes that they are close to the source, and motions for them to move quickly. Necropolis runs ahead as best as he can with the sword weighing him down. He gets closer and sees a path where people had crossed through moments before. Necropolis enters the path and follows it until he reaches the group of desert units. There was one who had died so far, and the other 9 were defending themselves, and since their rapt attention was on the Chimera, they did not notice Necropolis arrive.
Nory had been ready for another blow from the curved blade when all at once they were writhing in pain from venom. Then after that she felt herself being pulled away from the soldiers. When she come to a stop she could see the tree of which she lived, then her vision clouded and then she passed out from shock, pain, and blood lost. The clone was in no way a person who could with stand any pain. So for a deep hole in her side, it was extremely painful for her.

Noryia was about to summon a creature when the great beast of three heads appeared put of nowhere. She could not help but stand in awe of the grand chimera before her saving her clone. Though, Noryia could not help but feel kind of useless next to the chimera saving her closest friend, Nory. After watching the chimera pull Nory to safety, Noryia made her way around the large roots of her tree house to go and help Nory.

Before Noryia reached her clone she laid eyes on the man that had just emerged from the forest/bushes that the dessert soldiers had come from moments before. In thinking he was a reinforcement for the attackers she thought it best to take care of him herself. Within seconds she saw a woman come put and stand with the man. Though it seemed like the chimera had not taken notice of the two people whom had just come from the forest, she choose to take care of them her self. She didn't want others to have to fight her own battles, she also knew she would have to learn to fight on her own as well.

Pulling her flute up to her lips she started to play it's silent tone. As normal the end grew and the small fairies came out, and like when she had created her clone, Ria, they started flying in a circle. Though this time the circle was much bigger and instead of it taking several minutes to finish creating whatever she was making, it took seconds. Next to the half elf, sitting next to her next to a huge root, was a large snow white warg. Noryia pointed at the pair of people standing there with a frown on her face that could have looked as if you were looking into the face of an angry demon. The warg jumped from where it had been sitting moments before and ran extremely fast towards to two.

Noryia wasn't going to wait to see how the pair reacted before sending more attacks towards them. She quickly summoned two clouded leopards, one on either side of her, they both took off running. The leopards were faster then the warg and they quickly out ran him. But, the three arrived close enough to attack the pair at the same time. The leopards jumped with claws out and shining white teeth bared ready to bit into the skin of the two people. The warg in like wise manner also jumped, with a huge mouth full of teeth waiting to sink into the soft skin of what looked like humans.
The warg and the two leopards charge at Eva and Necropolis, but before they land, Necropolis uses his frost nova ability to blast the creatures back simultaneously at the cost of more magic, causing Necropolis to fall to his knees. The desert people notice the disturbance huddle in their shields before speaking.
"He is the one we want, and he is weakened now. You four, go get him, but don't kill him or the Joker will have our heads. We will take care of the orc and this chimera. If the elves and their creatures get in the way, kill them as well."
Four of the desert warriors detach themselves from the other five and move towards Necropolis and Evangeline. One of the warriors decided to be a punk and threw a knife at one of the leopards, hitting it in the chest and killing it. He smirked and got compliments from his comrades as they moved forward. Necropolis attempted to stand, but he was extremely low on magic power and he could not stand, he could only lean on Icebreather and watch as the warriors approached oh-so-casually.
Noryia frowned as four soldiers come towards the very mam she had been attacking. Could it be that the man wasn't on the soldiers side? Without a another thought Noryia had her remaining clouded leopard go after the soldier that killed the first one. The warg headed straight for the other three. Of the warg could hit them at just the right moment, he should be able to if not kill them all knock the wind out of them.

She also played her flute once more, but instead of a creature forming next to her it formed next to the lich. A loin, one twice the size of a normal loin, stood in front of the lich at the ready to kill any human that got close.
The chimera noticed the Lich and the other woman with him. Familiar faces, and frankly the last faces it ever expected to see. But it had little time to care about such things was Noryia mistakenly used her magic to attack them. Were it able to it would try to warn Noryia otherwise, but it could not. The lich handled itself anyways, so the chimera focused it's own attention to the battle at hand. 4 of the 9 warriors went to go apprehend the lich, but were met with resistance. That meant the remaining five would be dealt with by the chimera. Baring it's fangs the beast charged forward, ready to unleash it's fury.

The lion's head snapped out and grabbed an unlucky soldier in it's maw, crushing it in it's powerful jaws before flinging his corpse into a tree. The eyes on the goat's head glowed with magic as the roots of the trees grew out from the ground and entangled the remaining soldiers, rooting them to the spot. The dragon head needed a moment, but it was getting ready to release another cloud of acid at the warriors.
One of the soldiers worked up some courage and threw his own dagger at the chimera, so he was caught in the lion's maw... 4 soldiers to fight the chimera. They would have attacked full force if a large heat wave had not come through the forest, along with sinister laughter. A man seemed to melt out of the trees, charring the grass where he stepped. He was a tall, muscular, and skinny man with red hair and a red cloak with orange trimming. His eyes were brown, like wood, and had an angry aura about him. He growled at the chimera before his eyes started to glow red with flames. He roared back at the chimera, and fire engulfed it. After it faded, the chimera had been burnt a bit, but not much because of the dragon blood. The fire wizard smirked and rushed forward, leaping up to land on top of the soldiers, who had risen their shields above their heads to make a platform. They thrust their shields upward as the fire wizard jumped, sending him flying through the air to the top of a tree, which began to slowly burn without crumbling.
The sand people send their death wish to you, along with the best fire wizard from anywhere in existence! Remember the name, Blackfire, for it shall be the last name your burning form cries out or hears! Or, if you wish to co-operate, give us the lich, the storm girl, and the orc, for they are so called "heroes" that wishes to stand against the might of the desert army. We have already captured the strange girl with the colored lenses and we have managed to also capture the storm girl's sister. Surrender now, or face my true wrath!
Necropolis was shocked that the animals had so suddenly turned to his side. Animal magic perhaps? No matter, Necropolis could only watch as man overcame the age old struggle of man vs. wild. The clouded leopard was struck down after landing on the man's raised shield. As for the warg, it managed to tackle one of the desert warriors, but it was repeatedly stabbed in the back by the other two soldiers, who was even joined by the third. It was overkill, and they stabbed at it even after it stopped twitching. They let their comrade out from under it first of course, and after they had made the warg's hide little more than shredded fur, they continued towards Necropolis and Eva. The lion fought, but the men threw many knives at it before one of them stopped the others. He took out some of his arrows and scraped the poison off with the knife. He covered the knife this way, and then threw the knife at the lion. Even if it didn't fully penetrate the lion's skin, it would still be poisoned by making contact with the blade.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Coming to her senses, Eva realizes the situation. Although only one thing the wizard says only sinks in: "and we have managed to also capture the storm girl's sister. The wizard must have been seriously misinformed, no one must have told him how important Eva's sister is to her. Something builds up in Evangeline. She can vividly remember her mother telling her to learn to control her anger, she would get herself killed one day. But at that point, Eva could care less. She began to stare at the Wizard, oblivious to anything else that was going on. The only thoughts that were racing through her head were those of how to kill that bastard without killing herself in the process. Whatever, maybe some things are worth sacrificing for. She knew that summoning her scorpion would be a bad idea, due to the state the other creatures were in. So for the second time that day, she unfolds her wings and flies up level to the wizard. Even though she is about twenty yards away from him, she is still closer than before. As if on cue, clouds started rolling in, but something is different this time. The clouds, the air, it is all seemingly different. Something is cold about it, but even as cold as it became, Eva stares face on at her target. Grabbing energy from the lightning that was about to strike, she directs it towards the wizard just as hail starts to fall from the sky. She smirks as the wizard stand in the line of fire but she can see him laughing just before it hits him. Although, it doesn't exactly hit him. It repels off of him and onto the ground below. Looking down at the appending battle under her, she rolls her eyes.

Absent of any more logic, she lungs at him. That must have been something he was not expecting because as she hits him they both go flying. Finally making their descent, they both hit the ground with remarkable force. Pain begins to sink in as her body feels at if its on fire. Pain, unlike anything she had every felt before sinks in and feels as if it's eating away at her organs. Screaming, she flies back up towards the sky and as far from the wizard as possible. After going up more, she can feel the pain start to diminish. Looking down at the others, she can tell that they are able to hold their own grounds but decides to send backup.

"Serve me." She says. Looking at her bracelet, it begins to glow. One by one, each blue circle begins to light up. In Front of her, a scorpion, made out of what looks like glowing dust looks at her. It's about three times her size. Slowly reaching out to touch it, it's dust particles scatter before reconnecting again. Pointing down at the battleground below, the scorpion flies down towards that area before taking a regular shape and skin or an actual scorpion.
Necropolis begins to feel hail fall from the sky, and an idea skips into his mind. He holds out his hand and catches some of the hail. It did not melt, but instead sunk into his skin, so Necropolis was a bit more rejuvenated now. He made a sort of cone with the bottom missing, and it caught a lot of hail. The hail fell onto Necropolis, and the sheer amount of it caused him to be almost fully energized despite the fact that Icebreather was still leeching his magic. Necropolis broke the cone and walked past the lion. The men attempted to defend themselves, but Necropolis slashed Icebreather through the air, making the already cold air colder. Blackfire's aura affected the air as well, so the hot and cold air currents begin to affect each other. Necropolis knew that a tornado would start at any moment, and one did begin to form as soon as he said something. A large tornado began to form, and it was mixed with lightning as well. The burning tree was pulled into the tornado before it even struck the ground, and sparks, ashes, and ember began to circle in the tornado as well. The hail became rain, and that turned to acid rain, before the water itself began to burn, raining fire and lighting on the small battlefield, with the tornado getting lower by the second. Necropolis absorbed most of the cold air, and the tornado became smaller and weaker, but still able to wreak havoc if it touched down.
Necropolis leaped towards the other four desert warriors fighting the chimera, so two turned their attention to him and raised their shields, but they wouldn't have to be use their shields because a fire wall formed in front of Necropolis. The fire died down, and Blackfire, who had recovered very quickly from Eva's attack, laughed before saying If I couldn't protect my crew and fight two other magic users at the same time, than what kind of fire wizard would I be? He jumped to where he was standing between him and his crew before standing and making a flame sword appear. I don't care much about the storm maker, lighting strikes make fires every day, and the rain doesn't exactly stop the fire all the way, but it is very hard to gleam fire from ice, so it is down to a battle between fire and ice. Let's do this, lich! After I'm done with you, you will wish you had given up and joined the desert army, like your king! Blackfire then charged forward, meeting blades with Necropolis, who shouted Evangeline, go help the elves, I'll take care of Blackfire! Necropolis was pushed back by Blackfire's slightly superior strength, and after a moment, Necropolis could feel the heat of his enemy's sword on his cold, undead skin. Necropolis pushed the knife up to catch the sword with two weapons, and began pushing with both hands. Blackfire put his hand on the end the fire blade, causing him to push forward with both hands without cutting himself. It was luckily not enough, and Necropolis managed to push Blackfire back. I'm surprised your blade hasn't broken yet, let alone melted. I shall enjoy this battle! I wonder how long it took you to make such an exquisite blade, and the shame you must feel that it will be slowly melted into nothing. Blackfire attacked with a downwards chop that Necropolis managed to block easily enough, but Blackfire made an underhanded move and kneed Necropolis in the stomach while he was blocking. Necropolis returned an underhanded blow by freezing Blackfire's leg in place for a moment while he recovered.
It was then that a giant scorpion fell down to the ground, landing on it's legs with a large thud. It hissed at Eva's main enemy, Blackfire, and move forward to engage. The soldiers could only watch helplessly as their commander was attacked from two sides, but they could not help as they were busy fighting the chimera. The three strongest units in this group of four were like tanks, thick scale armor that was still incredibly flexible for it's thickness, and large swords that required two hands to wield, along with the fact that they had one shield on each arm, protecting them like a wall. The third was smaller, probably, and he was visibly beginning to sweat, and there was light fear in his eyes at the thought that they may be overrun and defeated. He pulled out a knife, and threw it at the dragon head of the chimera. It was probably just a lucky shot made once in a lifetime, but the knife hit the dragon head of the chimera directly in the eye. The fear lifted from him when he did that, and he earned that feeling that he could overcome any enemy.
Were the chimera a weaker beast, a knife to the eye might have killed it instantly. But for the mighty beast, it was nothing more then a minor annoyance. It was not like those other puny beast summoned by Noryia, who could be easily killed with just a single knife jab. Even with a strike to the eye the Chimera was hardly perturbed. Though it did respond by unleashing another large caustic cloud of acid at the warriors. Their armors might have helped fend against the lion's maul, maybe even the goat's magic, but unless their armor was entirely air sealed the acid would sink through their eye slots, the chinks in their armor, and begin to melt their flesh. Even their armor wouldn't be immune as they begin to rust and corrode. And they could not run, as the vines still gripped tightly around their ankles, dragging their feet into the ground. By the time the cloud would dissipate minutes later, there would be nothing left but their severed feet.

Next was the fire mage. The lich may intend to take on the mage himself, but the Chimera did not intend to let this advantage go. With the soldiers dealt with the Chimera charged the fire mage it's dragon head ready to unleash another cloud of acid while the goat head was getting ready to cast a spell. But not only that, the Chimera took to the air, forcing the fire mage to have to divide his attention to the skies as well as from the lich as well from the scorpion.

The dragon held it's fire, but the goat unleashed it's magic; a power storm, a great localized blizzard that caught the fire mage, the lich, the chimera, and the scorpion in it's violent maelstrom. The Chimera had some difficulty flying due to the powerful wind, but it's thick fur hide protected it from the cold, though even then it could not stay long before the blistering chill would begin to weaken it. More importantly, the blizzard provided absolute visual cover for even the chimera; in this blizzard it essentially vanished, making it neigh impossible to see through the storm. But the beast did not need to see the fire mage. His scent of fire and ash was all it needed to find him, but the Chimera remained hidden in the blizzard, ready to pounce when it was least expected.
Blackfire was annoyed that his men were so easily dispatched, and with how he was being ganged up on, he may just need to call his brother to the scene. Graysky, come take care of these pesky creatures for me, you can call Redplant if you need as well. Just as Blackfire said that, the tornado touched down to the ground. However, the tornado dissipated almost the precise moment it did, with a man standing in the canter. He was an average man, but with a black dress suit. He had a blindfold around his eyes that was grey, and after taking off this blindfold, it was revealed that he was blind, having eyes that looked cloudy and devoid of life. He sniffed the air before speaking softly. It seems that our dear comrades have fallen to a dangerous substance. Brother, did you do this? Blackfire turns away from Necropolis to look at his brother. Why in the hell would I do something like that, it was that chimera's fault! I smell burnt hair in the air, so it would only make sense that you had done it. Blackfire approaches Graysky, grabbing him by the shirt and lifting him up. What is that supposed to mean, are you calling me a liar?! I think I remember why I don't like helping you now. You know what, fine, just take care of the chimera and that scorpion for me will you! What am I supposed to do against creatures like that? I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm going to have the pleasure of beating this lich, and if anything stops me, there's going to be hell to pay! Okay, I guess I can try to help you. I still don't understand why we aren't helping these guys though. Brother, which side do you think has a better chance of winning, the desert army, or a handful of heroes? I see your point brother, but I'm not going to kill any of them. Oh yes you will! No. Yes. No. Yes! No. YES! ...No. Fine, have it your way, but we're having a serious talk about where your allegiance lies when this is over! Okay. Blackfire finally turns back to Necropolis, charging forward and catching him unaware, knocking Necropolis onto his back. Graysky turned towards where he knew the chimera was and waved his hand, clearing away that area of the blizzard and revealing the chimera's location. He didn't stop here, as he cleared the entire area of the blizzard, making the blizzard stop, save for the remnants of the blizzard that was still on the ground. Graysky thrust his hand towards the sky, and then brought his hand down to point at the chimera, and a strong wind pushed down on the chimera, stronger than any wind should have been. He simultaneously pointed at the scorpion, then to the sky, causing a twister to form in a matter of seconds, lifting the scorpion at least ten feet in the air before dissipating and dropping the scorpion on it's back. The wind had been strong enough to force the mighty chimera back to the ground, where Graysky had a fighting chance. He continued to force the chimera down, but now that it was not in the air, the effect was not even close to as bad as it was above. Eva was also effected by this, being forced to the ground. The scorpion began to move towards the dueling Necropolis and Blackfire, so Graysky ran in front of it before using some of his wind magic to push the scorpion back. It caused slight strain on Graysky, since he could only hear and smell his foes, but that was true with most everything.
(I feel that this post was not complete enough, am I missing anything?)
Noryia had been watching to fight unfold in awe. She had never seen such a battle take place before, and in her eyes it was amazing. Though, Noryia wasn't quite sure who was really her ally in the fight... Seeing as she couldn't see Malace any where and she was the one person whom she knew; other then the orc she wasn't sure. There was the lich, but she only helped him because she felt bad because she was the cause of him using the last of his magic. Then the woman with wings, Noryia wasn't quite sure what to make of her at all.... She did know that soldiers were indeed her foes, seeing as they tried to kill Nory. And then came the chimera, if anyone were her ally it would most likely be the great beast. Lastly the two mages that just popped up out of no where, they were deffanitly not a friend.

Before the half elf could think any harder on the 'whose the friend or foe' question in her head, the blizzard started and she lost sight of everyone. Between the extreme changes in the weather and the stress over the fact this was all taking place in her front yard, Noryia was starting to get slightly tired. In response to the blizzrds wind wanting to push her around she quickly summoned yet another creature, this time it was a boar the size of a pony. It's hide was harder then graphene, making it the perfect defense, and with being a boar it makes it one of the strongest animals on earth.

The huge boar landed down on its side to block the wind, ice, and snow from Noryia, who docked down beside the boar, and Nory who was still out cold. Noryia waited for the blizzard to die down, but when it did the large twister started. She peaked her head of the boar's side when she didn't heard the blizzard any more but quickly ducked but down as the twister started going. The half elf stayed close to the boar, whom didn't budged at all. When it did dissipate she looked once more to see most everyone on the ground or getting up.

Once again playing silently on her flute she summoned three snakes. Though snakes, they were not normal; with scales as hard as graphene, making them unkillable with mere knives or swords. Though they are not inpervouse to magical blades or spells that are meant to stab. In a flash she sent them towards the wind mage with their mouths open ready to strike and pump their diedly posion into his blood stream.

(I am back! For a very short while.... And yes Necropolis, you forgot me:))

Eva had been forced down to the ground before she could really do anything. Luckily, Necropolis took over with Blackfire. A lot of her was glad he did that, for if he had not, Eva was sure she was going to do anything it took to take the wizard down. Out of nowhere, a sudden shift in weather causes her to realize that another person has arrived to the party. Only thing was, she didn't take to kindly to people like her, it made her feel as if she had to prove herself. Which was one of her flaws, but atleast she loved a good game, and the situation desperately needed one.

She was sure the twister would have blow her or at least caused her some trouble, but being that she too could control the weather, she was able to create a barrier around her. Even though it was still raining where she was, the twister merely went around her, leaving her unaffected by its winds. Calmly walking forward, she begins to see a figure in the middle of the twister. Unfortunately, she starts to panic when she sees her scorpion lying on the ground...dead.

"Shame." She says, shaking her head. Soon after, the blue circles on her bracelet begins to light up again and the scorpion disappears. "Ill let you rest for a while." She whispers to it, not understanding how magic works. Again focused on the figure, she walks up towards him cautiously, only to realize that he can't see her. Wiping his head in her direction, his hand flies up and something moves with it. Ducking just in time, something barely misses her as it goes sailing out of the center. "Guess you're like me huh?"

"Indeed." He says as something goes sailing at her again. Like before she has to maneuver out of the way. "but i can see you're not strong enough to diminish the twister. Sad really, i would have thought someone like you would've been more...strong." With wind whipping her pink hair in every which way, it's hard for her to focus on the guy.

"You could say that. Although i don't take to kindly to people insulting me. Much less taking my sister from me, as the wizard has done." Eva counters. Laughing, the guys sends what seems like lightning towards Eva. "That wizard just happens to be my brother." Holding out her hand, the lightning like substance hits her palm. With both of their hands out, Eva can feel the energy passing through her and back to him, then from him, back to her again. Taking a step closer, Eva tries to use her unmagical charms. "If we work together though, we could be more powerful." She began, hoping that he was a little power driven. "If...we work together, we could do something great." Using up a lot of the magic she has left, she directs both of their lightning up towards the sky. In one huge constant strike of lightning, it shoots up towards the sky in a hurling line. From the force, the twister disappears. "This. This is what we can do." She smiles.

(Some things you should probably know. She isn't evil, she's just trying to coax him into letting his guard down she she can take him down. Second, some of this might be a little leading. Like i'm not sure how you would want him to react @Necropolis, so let me know if you want me to change anything.)​
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