Original poster
In the Magic Academy, the students have just gotten out of their last class of the day. Most of them wandered the halls alone or in groups. Students who live in the dorms were required to be in their rooms by midnight tonight. Staff of the Magic Academy would be patrolling the halls for any students out of their rooms as usual. They didn't use to do this. Not before Lerago came into power. Magic Academy was once a lenient school, but fear of the students either being killed or forced to join Lerago's ranks caused them to become a bit more strict.
Life in Lerago's castle was the same as always. The guards patrolled the grounds in groups of five or more. Guards in groups of three kept watch in each watch tower around the castle. Groups of ten were stationed at each of the four cages of the dragons around the castle. The Dragon of the North, South, East, and West were their names according to the place they were around the castle. Every guard wore the same plain gray armor, except for the squad leaders which wore plain black armor.
Lerago sat on his throne, listening to the daily report with a bored expression. He rested his head on his hand, which was in turn resting on the throne's arm rest, and his legs were spread far apart.
"The Resistance has been forced out of the town of Oldhill, and retreated to Vertdell my lord. We are currently sending troops to pursue them as we speak." A squad leader reported.
"No, cancel that attack. I know them by now. Vertdell is one of their strongholds. Whatever squad you're sending won't do us any good. We'll wait, and lure them out into the open before we commence our attack." Lerago instructed.
((Neutral parties are allowed to be anywhere they want.))
Life in Lerago's castle was the same as always. The guards patrolled the grounds in groups of five or more. Guards in groups of three kept watch in each watch tower around the castle. Groups of ten were stationed at each of the four cages of the dragons around the castle. The Dragon of the North, South, East, and West were their names according to the place they were around the castle. Every guard wore the same plain gray armor, except for the squad leaders which wore plain black armor.
Lerago sat on his throne, listening to the daily report with a bored expression. He rested his head on his hand, which was in turn resting on the throne's arm rest, and his legs were spread far apart.
"The Resistance has been forced out of the town of Oldhill, and retreated to Vertdell my lord. We are currently sending troops to pursue them as we speak." A squad leader reported.
"No, cancel that attack. I know them by now. Vertdell is one of their strongholds. Whatever squad you're sending won't do us any good. We'll wait, and lure them out into the open before we commence our attack." Lerago instructed.
((Neutral parties are allowed to be anywhere they want.))