The Fate of the Stars

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While the picture in Fuyumi's head was clearing up, she still felt as though something was wrong. Like a piece of the photograph was missing, or perhaps, altered in some way... "I see. Well, I can't find any arguments against it, so... From now on we're a team, I suppose."
Hikari couldn't contain her excitement, and lit up like a thousand stars. She wanted to throw herself across the table and hug Fuyumi, but she felt like it might ruin the mood. "I'm so glad! I'm sure we'll work great together, Fuyumi-chan. Oh, sorry, Yukino-san..."
Fuyumi smiled, a bit wider, but still barely noticeable. "Fuyumi is fine." She got up, ready to leave. "I have somewhere I need to be. Perhaps we should exchange phone numbers before I go, so we can easily get in contact with each other if something happens?"
"Ah, of course! Good idea." Hikari scrambled to take her phone out, and they exchanged numbers. They said goodbye, and Fuyumi walked out of the restaurant. Hikari finished her meal, and then did the same. Taiyou, whom Hikari had completely forgotten was sitting outside waiting for her, walked up to her. "Oh, Tai-chan! Listen, it went great, we..." "Yes, I know how it went. I approached her when she walked out. To be honest, I had my doubts whether you would be able to persuade her, so I was planning on doing so myself, but you actually did a great job. I'm proud of you." Hikari wanted to retort at first, but she was so happy to have recruited her first comrade, she just shrugged the remark off. "It's getting late, we better head back to the house."

As the two walked home, Hikari remembered earlier when she had purged the monster at the rink. "Oh, yeah, I've been meaning to ask you. When I used the bracelet at the monster in the ice hall, when it returned to me, there's was something new attached to it, like a blue crystal. Do you know what that's about?" "Ah, yes. You see, the Gold Millennium Crystal radiates something known as "crystal energy". It's the very essence of its magic, and the source of your, Sailor Mercury's, and all the other soldier's powers. The souls that were sent to earth from the Gold Millennium contain a particularly high concentration of that energy, due to being exposed to the Crystal's radiation for a long time. The brooch I gave you, and the pen I gave Yukino Fuyumi, act as catalysts to channel that energy. The first time they're used, the reaction is so strong, some energy bursts out into the aether. Your bracelet acts as a magnet for the released energy, and when Yukino Fuyumi transformed into Sailor Mercury it gathered up the released energy, forming a gemstone. Once enough soldiers have been awakened, and your bracelet has gathered enough of the crystal energy, it will reach a new stage of magical power." "Huh... Sounds complicated. And, what exactly do you mean by "new stage of magical power"?" "You'll know when it happens." Hikari squinted her eyes at Taiyou. She didn't like her being all furtive about it, but she decided against any further inquiry. Right now, she just wanted to celebrate.
After hearing Lorelei's report, the woman rubbed her temples. She had been pelted with interviews by nosy journalists all day, and was certainly not in the mood for any more mishaps. "Please, tell me I'm just having a bad case of deja vú, and that this is the first time you've failed me miserably." "I... I..." Lorelei tried to speak, but the words stacked up in her throat, blocking anything eligible from exiting. "No, I don't want to hear. All I want is to see results from you, Lorelei, and you better not disappoint me again. Now leave. The sight of you makes me ill." "Yes, your majesty..." Lorelei left the room, and then stormed down the hall with tears in her eyes. "Sailor Mercury..." The woman said the name in her head over and over, while lighting up a cigarette, taking a deep breath of the ashy smoke. "I wonder how much trouble you're planning to cause me."
That night, Hikari had a dream. It was very strange, like a movie being played in fast forward just to be played in slow motion the next, with bits and pieces blacked out by blots of ink. There was a group of people surrounding her, looking down on her, but she couldn't make out their faces. Standing amongst them was a figure with long, golden hair, who seemed to be stretching their arms out towards Hikari. Then there was a bright flash, and everything went white. Hikari woke up as she hit her head on the floor. Apparently she had been tossing around in bed, and thrown herself off it. She looked up at her alarm clock, which displayed that it was ten minutes before it would go off. Of course she rarely payed attention to the alarm, she would just cover herself with her blanket and pretend she couldn't hear whenever it went off, but on this rare occasion when she was awake before it, she thought she could get ready on time for once.

"So, governor Kujaku, what is your opinion on the matter?" Kiyomi was enjoying her morning cup of tea while watching the news as usual, when she heard something odd. It was the sound of footsteps walking calmly down the stairs. "Who's there!?" She shouted into the hall, afraid that it might be a burglar. She was even more surprised, or perhaps shocked, to see Hikari walk into the kitchen. "It's me, mom. And good morning to you, too." Kiyomi sat absolutely astonished, cup in hand. "Oh, erm, good morning..." "Is there any breakfast? I'm positively starving." Kiyomi wondered what had brought this sudden change upon her daughter. Perhaps someone was finally having some good influence on her? If that was the case, she wanted to meet that person and thank them for succeeding in doing what she had failed to do for the past 17 years. "Well, uh, there's some rice and soup on the stove, and we have bread in case you'd like toast." "Oh, good. I think I'll have both." Hikari prepared her breakfast, and then sat across the table from her mother to eat it. "Did you prepare any lunch for me?" "Yes, it's in the fridge. Leftover fried chicken and some stewed vegetables." "Great! My favourite!" Hikari said with a bright smile. There was a certain aura about her, apart from her usual, optimistic glow. Mother and daughter enjoyed a nice, leisurely conversation over breakfast, until it was time for Hikari to leave for school. "Bye mom! See you later." "Goodbye, honey, have a nice day." As Hikari closed the front door behind her, Kiyomi looked up at the TV. "And it's even still more than five minutes until the weather report..."

Well on time before homeroom started, Hikari sat down at her desk. She looked at the empty seat in front of her. Apparently, Hisao hadn't arrived yet. She was reminded of the incident the previous day. She felt bad about abandoning him, after he had helped her with the ice skating, and hoped he wouldn't be mad at her. Then she chuckled slightly at herself. "Oh, silly, if he's been affected by the Solar Flash, he'll think nothing of it."
Normally, Hisao would have been one of the first people in the room. Him being so early was an odd habit, to be sure, but nobody seemed to think anything of it. People seemed to notice on that particular day, however - as Hisao wasn't in. An uncharacteristic development, but not one people thought they would have to worry about. He didn't seem like the kind of person to break schedule without a good reason, after all. Not that anybody knew quite what his schedule was, or if he even had one.

What occurred next would have surprised anyone, however. Instead of slipping silently and swiftly to his seat, Hisao was doing something that bordered on limping. He was still walking, but he looked rather uncomfortable while doing so, like his leg was paining him with every step he took. Someone asked him if he was alright, but all he did was wave his hand dismissively, stating that he was fine. Hisao dumped his bag on the floor, and with a quiet grunt, sat down. Something was off about him, and though it wouldn't have seemed that serious to most, people who knew how stoic Hisao was would likely be at least a little concerned.
Hikari continued brooding, until Hisao plopped down in the seat in front of her. His movements seemed strained, like he was in pain. She worried that something had happened at the rink after she ran away. Hesitant to ask at first, she then decided it was best not left alone. "Good morning, Emiya-kun!" She said in her usual; energetic voice. "Hey, did something happen? You're looking kinda worn down over there."
The banshee's screech once again hit Emiya's ears, and he turned to look at Hikari with his typical expression of exhaustion. Hikari's over-energetic actions were the last thing he needed that morning, but for the sake of not making her feel bad, he decided to just grin and bear it
"It's nothing," he replied, with a tone befitting his manner, "My leg just hurts a bit. Nothing to be concerned about."
Given that he was visibly impeded by his leg's condition, it wasn't hard to guess that being even little concerned about it would be wise.
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"Eeeeh... Seems to me like it more than just 'hurts a bit'. In fact, have you gotten it checked out? Maybe you should go to the nurses office if you haven't. If it hurts too bad I'll support your weight on the way there. We've just got homeroom right now, and I'm sure the teacher would understand." Hikari continued pestering him about his leg relentlessly.
Naturally, Emiya was rather averse to the idea of him being helped by anyone. Hikari especially. He had made no effort to hide that she annoyed him - in fact, sometimes, he felt that he sometimes stopped just short of outright telling her. And this moment was no exception.
"No. No. No. N- Oh, forget it. But you're asking, you hear?"
Emiya was only human - he had to break down at some point. And it just so happened that Hikari was persistent enough to break through his shell.
Hikari grinned mischievously. Her plan had worked. She gave him a wink and a thumbs up. "Gotcha!" Just then, their homeroom teacher walked in. Hikari stood up, raising her hand. "Sensei!" She blurted out, attracting the attention of not only their teacher, but all of their classmates as well. "Emiya-kun seems to have hurt his leg, and he needs to go to the nurse's office, and I'll come with to make sure nothing happens on the way." Completely ignoring if the teacher replied or not, she pulled Hisao out of his seat. "Come on, let's go~" Hikari practically chirped in a cheerful tone as she dragged him up. Her power as Sailor Sol seemed to be rubbing off on her everyday self as well, because Hisao felt way lighter than he should be. She promptly walked out of the classroom, with him on tow. "Let's see, we have to walk up a flight of stairs, but other than that we should be alright." She giggled, feeling quite accomplished. "Don't worry, Emiya-kun! I'll get you there in no time!"
The instant Hikari announced her intentions, a look of sheer terror crossed Emiya's face.
"Wait, don't I get a say in THIIIIIS!"
Before he could object, Emiya was whisked away with the sort of strength a girl Hikari's size should not have had. He felt that, if he were to lift his legs, all he would have to do was cling on for dear life, and he would fly behind Hikari in a manner similar to a kite. Not that he was willing to try, of course. He did not particularly feel like injuring his other leg as well.

Hikari's hyperactive shenanigans took their toll on his already-affected balance, however. Emiya's grip came loose, and he crashed to the floor rather unceremoniously. For somebody who was supposed to have trained to fall properly, he seemed to be rather inept at it - the status of his leg notwithstanding. Fortunately for him, his healthy leg took the brunt of the impact, and even then, he'd only scuffed it.
Emiya did not bother shouting after Hikari. He figured that she would be at the door to their next lesson before she realised that he was having to hobble along on his own.
Hikari hummed while striding along the hall, not bothered at all by Hisaos insignificant weight. In fact, the more she kept on walking, the less significant it felt. She was about to say something to him, when she noticed she was no longer supporting him. Turning around, she saw him sprawled out on the floor. "Emiya-kun!" She ran back to him. Thankfully, no one had been around to witness her blunder. "Omigosh I'm so sorry! But really, you seem to be worse off than I thought... Simply supporting your weight won't do." Contemplating what to do for a short while, she had an idea. She scooped Hisao up, carrying him like a child who had fallen asleep at a party. It looked quite humorous, since she was significantly smaller than him. "Hihi, this reminds me... Though I suppose it should be the other way around." Hikari was reminded of Hisao helping her out on the ice. Then she realized that he might not be supposed to remember due to the Solar Flash, and slightly panicked. "Uh, you know, it reminds me of those fairy tales and TV-shows... Except in those, it's always the guy doing the carrying." She continued walking towards the nurse's office with Hisao in her arms, and a slightly awkward smile on her face.
"Do not do it... Do not do it... Do not even think about doing it... Do not even think about NOT doing it!"
Despite him willing her to not do it with all of his mental might, Emiya was picked up, in a manner most embarrassing. It was here that he had two options - one, he could tell Hikari to put him down, but that would likely have resulted in a repeat of him being introduced to the floor. Or, two he could take it like a man and just hope that it was over soon. Her comment about how it should have been the other way around - and the mental image that ensued - did not help matters at all.

However, the memory of what had happened at the ice rink also triggered something he had actually forgotten.
"Come to think of it," he said, doing his best to ignore the fact that anybody seeing them would be the single most humiliating experience he'd have in his life, "Where's my jacket? You left the rink before I had a chance to ask for it back."
He didn't even bother asking her why she'd kept it from him. He assumed that she was just being her usual self, and forgot it. In fact, he was hoping that she was just being her usual self.
As Hisao mentioned the jacket, Hikari froze. Well, she didn't freeze entirely, in fact she picked up her pace walking up the stairs, but her face froze. She tightened her lips, making them look very thin and strained, and kept her eyes wide open. Though it would be hard for him to see, what with her carrying him and all. "The jacket! I forgot about the jacket! But wait... If he remembers that I had the jacket, then he remembers I was at the rink yesterday! Did the Solar Flash not work? No, no, it's probably not that. Taiyou said it would just make it seem natural like I wasn't there, not that people would forget I was there..." She reassured herself before speaking up. "Oh, the jacket. Sorry, I totally forgot about it... I'll make sure to get it for you as soon as possible, though, I promise!"

They reached the nurse's office, and Hikari basically threw Hisao in. Technically, she politely put him down inside after giving a brief explanation to the nurse as to why she was carrying him there, and then hastily retreated out into the empty hall. After making sure there was really no one around, Hikari picked up her phone and called Fuyumi. With any luck, she'd be at the rink.
While Hikari's change in expression was strange to see - given how she usually had an expression that was sunnier than the Sahara Desert - Emiya decided to make nothing of it. Mostly because he had more important things to be concerned with, like the state of his jacket, or the fact that Hikari had him in a princess carry. This was the sort of thing he assumed only happened in bad comedies and cliché-riddled romance novels. Nevertheless, he was thankful that she at least remembered that he had given her his jacket - and that she was at least going to return it.

Emiya and the nurse looked at each other blankly for a moment or two, once Hikari had fled the scene. neither were particularly sure what to make of the situation, and Hikari had done little to help it.
"So," the nurse eventually said, "I believe she said something about your leg?"
Fuyumi dabbed her forehead with a towel. Despite ice skating being an exercise performed in a very cold environment, you still worked up a sweat by it. She drank some water out of a bottle, and planned to finish her short break after screwing the cap back on. Just as she was about to get up and out on the ice, she heard her phone buzzing and ringing from inside the duffel bag next to her. She reached inside, having to rummage through her clothes a bit before finding it, and looked at the screen. Hikari was calling her.

"Hello, it's Fuyumi. I didn't quite expect you to ring me so soon. Anyway, I'm in the middle of practice, is it something urgent?"
Hikari looked out the window, tapping her foot on the ground while waiting for Fuyumi to pick up. Thankfully, she didn't have to wait for long. "Ah, hello, Fuyumi-chan! I hope I'm not being an inconvenience... Anyway, I have a favor to ask of you. You don't happen to be at the rink at the moment, do you?"
Fuyumi watched one of the other girls perform a Salchow while listening to Hikari. "Yes, I just so happen to be at the rink currently. What exactly is this 'favor' you wanted to ask of me?"
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