- Invitation Status
- Look for groups
- Looking for partners
- Posting Speed
- 1-3 posts per week
- One post per week
- Slow As Molasses
- Online Availability
- My time zone is Mountain Standard Time. I work a very stressful job, and am usually busy.
- Writing Levels
- Intermediate
- Adept
- Advanced
- Adaptable
- Preferred Character Gender
- No Preferences
- Genres
- I don't have a favorite genre. I can role-play under any genre and I enjoy doing so. Though, I tend to stray more towards Fantasy, Modern, Scifi, Drama, Magical, Supernatural, and Romance (BL/Hetero/GL).
So my dad comes to me at 5:30 saying "Hey kaden, can you run to the store and get two large potatoes for baking in a little bit." I rolled my eyes in agitation because I had literally just got home 45 minutes ago and didn't want to go out again for the third time today. I literally had just sat down at my computer with my PJs on and it was quite obvious I didnt plan on going out again. BUT REGARDLESS, I agree to the favor and he continues with "I'm getting in the shower, the kids are out front playing." which utterly confused me as to what he wanted me to do. Did he want me to leave now, watch the kids until he got out, or wait? Sure I probably should have gone and asked but I figured waiting a bit wouldn't hurt. Welp i waited and then just as I left my mom passes me on the street and then calls me.
Immediately she starts bitching about "If you were going to wait that long then I could have just gotten it myself. There's no point in going to get it now so just come back. Thanks anyways." It was by far the least sincere thanks I've ever heard. So I turn around and come home to find them quietly bitching about me to themselves, and I faintly hear my dad saying "Oh well I told her specifically when to go. I told her what to get, Clarice was in her cage, I was getting in the shower, and the kids were down the street."
FUCKING LYING MOTHER FUCKER. Said NOTHING about the dog or when I should have left specifically.
If you had said "You need to go now before mom gets home." I WOULD HAVE FUCKING LEFT RIGHT THEN AND THERE.
Never mind the fact that they are making a big deal over NOTHING. Like it is not a big fucking deal to wait a bit longer for dinner to be ready. Fucking sit down and relax while you wait for me or something god fucking damn. Even then I still would not have been home before she got home because he DID NOT SPECIFY when I needed to leave or be home. I would have spent a fucking half hour in the grocery store buying food for myself so regardless they still would have had to wait. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU EVEN WAIT UNTIL 5:30 PM TO TELL ME TO GO GET POTATOES IN THE FIRST PLACE!?
so sick of this shit x-x
So my dad comes to me at 5:30 saying "Hey kaden, can you run to the store and get two large potatoes for baking in a little bit." I rolled my eyes in agitation because I had literally just got home 45 minutes ago and didn't want to go out again for the third time today. I literally had just sat down at my computer with my PJs on and it was quite obvious I didnt plan on going out again. BUT REGARDLESS, I agree to the favor and he continues with "I'm getting in the shower, the kids are out front playing." which utterly confused me as to what he wanted me to do. Did he want me to leave now, watch the kids until he got out, or wait? Sure I probably should have gone and asked but I figured waiting a bit wouldn't hurt. Welp i waited and then just as I left my mom passes me on the street and then calls me.
Immediately she starts bitching about "If you were going to wait that long then I could have just gotten it myself. There's no point in going to get it now so just come back. Thanks anyways." It was by far the least sincere thanks I've ever heard. So I turn around and come home to find them quietly bitching about me to themselves, and I faintly hear my dad saying "Oh well I told her specifically when to go. I told her what to get, Clarice was in her cage, I was getting in the shower, and the kids were down the street."
FUCKING LYING MOTHER FUCKER. Said NOTHING about the dog or when I should have left specifically.
If you had said "You need to go now before mom gets home." I WOULD HAVE FUCKING LEFT RIGHT THEN AND THERE.
Never mind the fact that they are making a big deal over NOTHING. Like it is not a big fucking deal to wait a bit longer for dinner to be ready. Fucking sit down and relax while you wait for me or something god fucking damn. Even then I still would not have been home before she got home because he DID NOT SPECIFY when I needed to leave or be home. I would have spent a fucking half hour in the grocery store buying food for myself so regardless they still would have had to wait. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU EVEN WAIT UNTIL 5:30 PM TO TELL ME TO GO GET POTATOES IN THE FIRST PLACE!?
so sick of this shit x-x