The Evrensel Conflict:Act 1--Chapter 2, Mission: Distress Call

Every morning when Vaasha wakes up, she would pull a random card from her tarot deck. It's something she tries to do daily, something she learned from her mentor in magic. The card she draws helps her to figure out what she may need to do that day, or what to look out for. In the same sense some people read a horoscope every day.
This morning when she rolled off of the cot in the rented Moghouse, she drew one of the cards from her belt's pouch. The card she held then between her fingers was 'The Arrow', and it was upside down in her hand. So The Arrow, in Umbral Position. It usually means… the adventurer has to find control in their life. To pause, gain stability and move on with life. Become more disciplined, more focused. But it can also be a warning that someone is manipulate circumstances out of the adventurer's favor.
And suddenly she's in a dark room filled with dead bodies, automaton parts and a screeching undead.

The small glowing creature, Carbuncle, leans away from the undead thing as it starts to screech in that awful high tone. Vaasha hugs her
staff to her chest and closes her eyes, her ears flattening to her head as she whimpers with that sound. And then it's head pops. Carbuncle bounds to one side to avoid any of the splatter, Vaasha is not so lucky. Some of the chunks hit her robes, and she feels some of the liquid along the fur on her face. Immediately one of her hands comes up to brush away as much as she can from her features, letting out a loud whimper. Taking a few slow breaths she does her best to get herself calmed. Her eyes open a little, seeing the thing was no longer moving. Carbuncle prances back to Vaasha, staring up at her with concern.

Forcing a smile for him, she nods. "I'm okay." Looking up now to try and once more get her bearings, and that is when she sees the writing on the wall. Literally. She squints a little and moves towards the wall and holds her lit staff to see the wording better. And she is a little horrified. Her name…and some numbers. What does this mean? Her head tilts to one side as she studies them. What do they mean? 100… 500… 600… in her mind she looks for numeric patterns, but it's pretty obvious. 100 and 500 equal 600. But what do the numbers mean?

She jumps with the new sounds now, moans and some sort of melody. Taking a few quick steps from the wall she looks into the darkness and her staff stops glowing abruptly. Her eyes take a moment to focus now. She is a Mithra… and she can see as well in the dark as she can in the light. And her staff was just throwing off her focus. Carbuncle is now the source of light near her, and it turns suddenly to look back at the wall. She follows Carbuncle's gaze to the wall, and the message has changed. 'Find The Power'? She doesn't have time to think it over before she starts to feel something trembling under her. She looks down, and lets out a scream as the deck starts to come apart and hands start reaching upwards. Now she scrambles back and uses her staff for balance. Her ears flick as she hears more of them, and there are things in the dark. Vaasha bolts, running towards one of the larger structures she can make out. She draws her staff across her chest and flicks it outwards, the crystal embedded in the staff once more giving off light. Without words Carbuncle knows what it is Vaasha wants.. the ruby on its forehead begins to glow and it leaps up. The small animal leaps up and spins in a forward circle and a flash of light forms around its body and beams to Vaasha. Running, the Mithra is encompassed in a shimmering blue energy (looking like panels around her) and then a shimmering green energy (looking like hexagons around her). Carbuncle lands and then darts towards the undead now almost fully from the floor. It leaps up, throwing itself at them with a flurry of claws and fangs.
Carbuncle won't last long against them, but it isn't meant to.

Vaasha skids to a stop near one of the tanks. She needs a little elevation, but first her next line of defense. Drawing in a slow breath she
spins around and holds her staff in front of her with both hands, the crystal tip at eye level. White and red electrical energy starts to form around her as she closes her eyes, and she takes a deep breath. She then shouts out "Three suns align, pour forth their light! Fill the Demon's claws with might!" Vaasha thrusts her hands forward with her staff and another summoning array forms on the floor in front of her. Heat rises from the array, it glowing a bright red and orange. Vaasha now turns and heads for the row of tanks.

Flames spew forth from the array, and a hellish roar is heard as a being rises from the array. Flames breath from it's massive jaws, it's claws flexing in anticipation as the array dissipates. It is about 7 feet tall, from talons to jagged horns. The being gives off a red glow and an immense heat. Standing within 3 feet of it, one would feel heat much the same as reaching into an oven with a bare hand. The being roars as it sees the undead coming its way. With soft grunts Vaasha climbs to the top of the tank and calls out as she gets her balance. "Sayid Ifrit! aqtul hadhih al'ashya'a! Ruuwsahum daeifatun!" The being looks over its shoulder towards her and speaks, its lips not moving
"sayidati faeashan , hal tatamanaa 'an 'aqtulahum? laqad talabt miniy 'ala 'afeal dhalik ya Mithra." She lets out an aggravated hiss and holds up a single finger to him. "Faqat hadhih almarata! Alraja' 'iitqan Ifrit! saeidni!" A low snarl escapes the monster's lips and looks back to the oncoming undead. It floats above the deck about a foot from the ground, and it begins to move forth. It's chest expands as it rears back, and then it lets out a column of red and orange fire from its jaws, turning its head to engulf the whole of the group in the hellish attack. It seems to be… excited by this task. By being allowed to end these smaller beings before it. Carbuncle is gone by now, having been destroyed by the undead. His goal was only to give Vaasha enough time to summon the Celestial God of Flames, Ifrit.

Carbuncle's claws were damaging to the zombies, cutting through their skin and clothing easily from their lack of armor, but unfortunately not doing enough to stop them. Even with a few losing their hands from the elbow down, they continued to climb out of the grates from the floor; the moans echoing throughout the empty hanger even louder than before. Once they were in the open, she could get a better look at them.


As menacing as they appeared to be, it seemed they didn't compare to what she summoned next. The big demon lad was a foot or two taller than the undead, who were bundled together in a group of six. Its breath of fire, needless to say, was no match for such a small troop, who's skin began to melt, and arms and legs slowly crumpled apart as the rotting flesh withered away. While they still screamed with hunger, eventually even their heads melted into a disgusting mush of boiling dark blood and cooked dead muscle. Some even had their heads pop like balloons... Except, you know, with more brains.

With more undead put back to dead again, the numbers Vaasha saw before changed once more.

+100 600

Round 2

There would be a few minutes of quiet as the zombie cries vanished, the only sound being the crackling of the burning bodies. Then, like before, moans started echoing again, in even more numbers. More hands would rise out from the floor where the grates were pushed off, but she could see also in the darkness the faint shadows and outlines of shambling bodies moving throughout the maze towards her. But, at the end of the maze, she could see a way out, with what looked to be an operational turbolift, as the console was faintly lit enough for her to catch a glimpse of.

She would also see more strangeness. Just below her, on the other side of the tank facing the maze, she could see the outline of something drawn onto the tank with what looked to be chalk. If she approached, the drawing was of a gun, and the name read above:

DC-17 Blaster [Cost: 500]
If she tried jumping, or flying, over the maze, she wouldn't get too far in the air. Something, out of nowhere would send her crashing back down to the ground, like a sudden thunderous lightning strike, sending an intense electrical shock through her body, with new text appearing on the wall:

No cheating

She would be forced to go through the maze, and fight these creatures.

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While the others have been conversing, or in the case of Ami admonishing, their host; Thea has not taken her eyes off the two droids that flank him. They do not move even when Ami makes a somewhat aggressive motion at Unrau. The humanoid himself blinks rapidly and rises slightly from his chair. Only then do the droids move, and it is only one step forward each that is heard as if to be one single metal thud on the floor. Unrau sits down again, listens to Otto explain himself and Minerva, looks over the hologram Minerva projects before him, nodding his understanding. He also nods at Brigid assuring them he meant no offense, but waits until Garrus finishes talking.

"I apologize for my unintended offense to you all." Unrau says first with a bow to Otto and Minerva.

"I had to be sure. I know from experience you Mandalorians do not sell your armor, and the only non-Mandalorians who wear the armor are mercenaries or bounty hunters. They are far less trustworthy. You two, I know, will honor a fair deal made here in your presence." Unrau explains to the group. His head turns slightly to left and right as if to check on the droids on either side of him. His hands tense in their grip on each other.

"Negotiator Mahoney, you are correct. I do not want this ship. I joined the Trade Federation to be part of intergalactic commerce. Climb the corporate ladder to make myself a comfortable life, nothing more." He huffs his cheeks and shakes his head.

"I had the rotten luck to be promoted when Viceroy Gunray decided we should do more than commerce. Put our entire fleet and resources into a war against the Galactic Republic. Protecting our assets, enforcing a trade embargo, I could understand, but open war? Foolish. Yet I had signed a contract and had no recourse now that being a Nemoidian itself was reason for suspicion, for detainment." He talks and shakes more as he does until he realizes it's happening and calms down.

"I apologize again. Isolation has not been good to me. If you truly have a way to get me home, I will gladly transfer control to your leaders. I'm an accountant, not a scientist, I never had hope to find my own way home no matter how much this ship holds. Take it, take me home and drop me on Nal Hutta for all I care. Maybe the Hutts could use an accountant." At this Unrau utters a 'hwah' and his eyes narrow.

"I doubt you all would have use for an accountant. I know these droids don't. They don't need me. Anymore." He makes the 'hwah' sound repeatedly and rapidly. His head bows and shoulders shake.

"You are experiencing distress." Thea says to Unrau without looking away from the droids.

Unrau goes silent and raises his head, looking at all of them with a frown.

"Of course I am distressed." He takes a long deep breath, holds it in, and exhales slowly.

"Because…." He looks beside himself at the droids then back at the group with wide watery eyes.

"THIS IS A TRAP!" He bellows and before he could leap out of the way, or be saved in any way, one of the droids shoots him through the torso, while the other opens fire on the group, aiming for the unarmed and unarmored Brigid first.

Thea raises her pod weapon at the droids and showers them with bullets, but the rounds don't penetrate their thick armor plating and she ducks under the table as the one that killed Unrau turns its blaster on her. It does not track her, only changes aim to shoot at Garrus, Trigger, Otto and Minerva, and Ami in one rapid stream of red blaster fire.

The doors to the conference room slide shut.

Garrus was quick to drop down on one knee to avoid the blaster shots, and quickly pull out his M-3 Predator pistol; putting three slugs right at the battle droids head, between the eyes, if not to kill it, at least blind it. He then quickly rolled into cover behind whatever was available near him, throwing an overload charge at the other battle droid to stun or damage it.

Overload, as the name suggests, overloads enemies electronics with a power surge which will then temporarily stun them, or in the case of robots, damage them, depending on how well built they are to defend against sudden electrical discharges across their bodies.
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Minerva Fhirdiad
In the conference room

Acting on hard earned instinct Minerva rolled to the side, out of the line of fire just as chaos. On her knees the Mandalorian mercenary swifty aimed her E-11D rifle at the droid shooting at them. She squeezed down the trigger, letting loose a furious volley of bolts in the machine's centermass seconds after Garrus and Otto fired. With their combined firepower and Garrus' charge, the team should be able to bring down the two droids quickly.

In that event Minerva briefly glanced over to the dead Nemodian. The fellow did offend her just minutes ago but she hadn't expected him to be bait for a trap. A sad fate indeed.

Quickly her mind shifted gears and Minerva exclaimed. "We need the door now!" Subsequently the Mandalorian turned her weapon at the protocol droid still in the room with them.

"Start talking nurse bot!"
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Thomas "Trigger" Holden
Location: The Conference Room

Trigger had already begun to realize what was happening when the man began to explain that he was just a mere accountant. If he talked himself down like this, that meant that he didn't have the same sleaziness as a politician, and would therefore not have the idea to use the bots as a personal guard. The intimidation factor of everything up to this point had matched, but this man did not hold the same dignity.

Trigger chose to teleport out of the way of the blaster fire, but not beyond the doors. To go beyond the doors would mean closing himself off from the others, and perhaps losing out on potential backup. He instead appeared next to the droids, reading to shoot them down with his shotgun, but he didn't get much of a chance to do so as his teammates had already blasted them apart. "Nice shooting," Trigger mumbled to no one in particular.

He looked back at the group to realize the quarian had gone missing, shit. She was the engineer of the group, which made would've made it easier to open up the door. Sadly though, the only one qualified was the robot in the corner that had watched his master die. "The bot isn't gonna talk because it can't feel fear, we'll just be wasting our breath if we try and make it tell us any useful shit," Trigger said, walking over to the door. He then proceeded to slam his fist against the metal to attempt to get the quarian's attention on the other side. "Hey, can you hack this thing open quickly, I'm gonna take a guess more robots will be arriving soon and you're gonna need all the backup you can get!" He shouted through the door before turning back to the group. "We can take the bot with us by strapping it on the dolphin suit, maybe the alien suit lady will help with that," Trigger said, pointing to the hollow suit that Brigid had gotten out of. "Does all of that sound good to everyone?" Trigger then asked after a moment, cocking his shotgun to charge it up.
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The large droids fall. The one hit by Otto melts into a pile of steaming green plasma before Garrus lobs the overload grenade that renders the other droid a hunk of inoperable durasteel long enough it stops firing, and takes several hits before it collapses into a heap.

The protocol droid raises its hands.

"Contrary to popular belief, I do have self-preservation processes to a point. I was only given orders to escort you to Master Unrau, answer relevant questions, and serve refreshments. I have no data on this ambush. Please do not destroy me." The droid informs them and pleads.

"That unit would not be allowed data on our enemies for us to use. Or access to the door controls." Thea says getting out from under the table.

"Astute and correct." affirms the droid.

Outside the Conference Room

The doors are shut in Ami's face and she would only faintly hear the firefight occurring within, and Trigger.

There are two panels on either side of the doors. Welded shut to protect their conduits.

In the hallway, there is a peculiar sound. Metal on metal, in the rhythm of a bounding animal. It gets louder. Louder. Until from around the corner comes the robotic big cat they had seen in the hangar. Its black metal gleams under the light. Its eyes glow yellow. It opens its mouth and emits a metallic growl as it stalks towards Ami, ready to pounce.
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Ami'Lana Nar Marin

Ami's smugness was short lived, as while she did recieve the apology she had been expecting, the man's life was ended by his "bodyguards" soon after. An unexpected change of circumstances as they suddenly found themselves under fire.

Or at least, everyone else did.

The quarian let out a small "Eep!" as she was shoved out of the room by the mandalorian as the door shut behind her. Noble, but foolish, she couldn't help them from out here.

"Bosh'tet!" she spat at the door, slamming a fist into it angrily before flicking open her omni-tool and searching for some sort of control panel to interface with, though the search was cut short by a rhythmic rumbling as something charged her way, soon to reveal itself as some sort of metal feline.

The creature didn't look friendly by any means, and from its stance, it was most certainly not trying to be her friend, which was more than enough reason to open fire.

Her right hand tapped on her left's omni-tool before she directed it towards the beast and firing a jet of flash-freezing liquid at the creature, to hopefully slow it before it began its attack. Already preparing herself for evasive action as she brought a hand to her back and pulled out her trusty turret, tossing it to her left as she moved to the right.

The turret itself instantly balanced itself on it's single thruster and began firing out rockets at the beast as Ami pulled out her gun and opened fire herself.

There wasn't exactly any strategy behind her attacks beside hitting it and hitting it a lot, hoping to hit something important.
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There is a low and growling chuckle from the 'demon's' jaws. It's opponents are decimated, they burn. Eventually… everything burns. Ifrit turns and looks for any others, and any undead that linger he will put down. And all the while… he seems to be thoroughly enjoying it.

Vaasha remains atop the tank, out of harm's way (for the moment) and she squints as she looks around herself. Reaching over her shoulder, she affixes her staff to the harness strapped on her back. And now she crouches as the rooms falls silent, save for the crackling of remaining fire as it feeds on fuel (the bodies and all). The smell is horrid, but she keeps it together. She has to. She has to stay calm. "La tazal khayifatan jidana , Mithra Alsaghiratu? 'Alam 'arsil 'aeda'ana fi nar jamilatin?" Ifrit's growling words end with another low chuckle. Vaasga scowls as she crouches down and looks around slowly. The numbers before her eyes rack up more and more, and the words 'Round 2'. She speaks softly, with hesitation. "Laqad qumt bieamal rayie , kama tafeal dayman Sayid Ifrit aleazimu. Lakiniy 'akhshaa 'anana lam nantahi ... hunak almazid qadim. lakin qabl ... qabl alrisalat qal lileuthur ealaa alquati. 'Ana la 'aerif madha yaeni dhalika…" A low snarl escapes the jaws of the 'demon', and a single jagged claw points to a far wall. She follows it's point… and her eyes widen as she sees what she can only describe a switch. "Oh! Oh like in the Metalworks!" Ifrit nods as he sighs, thinking Vaasha isn't to bright. The monster floats over to the switch and with a single claw pulls the switch down. Vaasha stands slowly, her hands clenching in front of her. And then… her ears flick a little as she now hears something new. Ifrit turns as Vaasha reacts, and he too see what she sees.

More of them. Many more.

And they both see the literal light at the end of the tunnel. A console… what looks like an elevator? Far… and those undead are between herself and it. Is that a way out? Ifrit moves towards the tank Vaasha is on just as the young Mithra hops down. Now more of the undead are starting to emerge… and its then she sees the outline of the blaster on the tank. Now that catches her eyes, and she moves quickly towards it. She inspects the drawing… it's a DC-17 Blaster… and apparently costs 500. 500 Gil? She's not sure she has that much on her. Wait.. those numbers from before… is that how much Gil she's been given? Or the equivalent of? She starts to reach towards the outline… and then she stops.

"Wait…" she shakes her head and withdraws her hand. She doesn't know what a DC-17 Blaster is… she has no real concept of such things. She doesn't know where she is… what is happening… and she's not going to start reaching for strange things that could potentially make things harder. No, she'll rely on what she knows. It has served her well thus far.

"'Ana last tawilan huna. han alwaqt li'iiedad khutat jadidat , ya Sayidat Fasha." Ifrit's word rumble in a growl as it moves closer to her, and it raises a clawed hand into the air. Ifrit's words to her.. there is something there, besides offering advice. Worry? She looks to him, and once more she climbs onto the tank. "Sawf 'anju , wasawf tati maratan 'ukhraa qabali litadmir 'uwlayik aladhin yaseawn 'iilaa al'adhaa , Sayid Ifrit." she says as she gets to the top of the tank. An orb of glowing red and orange energy swirls in Ifrit's upraised hand, and it then hurls that orb towards the oncoming mob. It impacts with the deck at the lead of the mob, and it explodes in a hellish ball of flame. Part of the deck where it impacted actually deforms as it is superheated. That should buy Vaasha more time. But now the undead are surrounding her tanky plateau, and she seems to be trapped. Ifrit begins slashing at the undead around the tank, his claws halving them, much to his delight. But there are more here than he can handle. He knows that. Vaasha knows that.

And so she does what she does best…
Her hands draw up in front of her as she closes her eyes, the balls of her palms joined. "Oh, mist-filled pits, dark, dank and unclear…" white electric like energy begins to build around her, and a new glowing array forms on the floor in front of the tank. Between her tank and the mob blocking her from the 'elevator' (the term 'turbolift' isn't known to her), the array now glowing a bright white. The area around the array… frost begins to form on the deck. "Touch all before me with frost-fingered fear!" Vaasha calls out as she moves her outstretched hands in a circle, and then thrusts them forward. The moment she does… Ifrit's form draws back, his knees tucking towards his chest as his arms wrap around them.. and his form dissipates. From the new glowing array… a woman flies upwards a few feet, twirling in the air. She is… elegant. Her form is in shades of light blue and white, the area around her very cold. Silken garbs sway around her as she floats about a foot above the ground. Glancing over her thin shoulder, she smiles gently to Vaasha. Shiva's voice comes in a soft tone, a cold tone with an edge of compassion to it. "Meree hamadam. Mujhe pata hai ki kya karana chaahie. Main tumhen aazaad dekhoonga." Vaasha bows as she stands atop the tank, smiling weakly to Shiva. "Ek baar phir, main aapakee rnee devee shiv kee seva karata hoon."

Shiva then turns to face the oncoming undead, and they are indeed getting close. But Shiva doesn't seem afraid, she doesn't hesitate. As Shiva moves, Vaasha moves to the edge of the tank, looking as if she's ready to jump down. The air around her body gets suddenly colder, to the point of freezing. Her hand lifts slowly, and she whispers. "Diamond Dust". A streak of cold moves through the air from her body towards the mob. If they were living, they would feel that sudden intense cold air. But not like a wind, just like the air suddenly became freezing. And freeze it does. Shiva's outstretched hand draws up a little more… and she snaps her finger. The moment she does, Vaasha leaps off the tank.

The mob of undead are suddenly encased in solid ice, spikes of ice risen from them. They are literally trapped in ice, all of them in one giant piece of ice, allowing an escape route. Vaasha lands on the deck in a crouch, and with all the speed she can harness she runs towards the now frozen mob. The ones on the other side of the tank (that Ifrit didn't get to) are now coming around, but they won't move fast enough to catch the cat. Mithra. Whichever. Shiva smiles at her work, drawing up to seeming sit in a relaxed position in midair as Vaasha runs literally for her life. Vaasha does have to do some bounding and ducking to get passed the obstacle course of ice, but one of her people's better attributes are their agility.

The undead now come around to where Shiva sits in the air. She looks towards the lead undead with an uninterested look as it now races towards her with a loud and hungry hissing sound. Shiva raises her hand, and a block of ice solidifies around the undead's head. She chuckles softly as now the rest of the undead start to surround her. But they are slowed by the subzero temperatures now around her form. Frost forms on them all as they close in, then ice starts to form at their extremities; eyelashes first, fingers, ears, nose, etc etc. And before any of them can touch her, Shiva's form glows softly and then is gone, snow falling for a moment where she was.

And as for everyone's favorite Mithra, she slides into the turbolift. She doesn't know how long the undead will remain frozen (it could actually be hours), and she's not about to stick around to find out. She looks at the controls for the turbolift, and she starts pressing buttons as she utters. "Come on… I need to get anywhere but here" Not realizing there's a chance the turbolift is voice activated. If it is, hopefully those instructions are enough.
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Minerva Fhirdiad
In the conference room

The mercenary groaned and rolled her eyes underneath the helmet. Minerva turned her blaster away from the droid. "You're not worth blasting." She remarked irritatedly, hating the fact that they stuck in here right now.

Subsequently she heard shooting outside the door. For a moment Minevera considered using one of her explosive charges to bust open the door but it would likely harm their comrade who was fighting for her life right now. Using the flamethrower was out of the question as well, the door was too strong for that judging by its frame.

"I don't suppose anyone here has a hidden lightsaber with them? It would be handy to cut open this kriffing door right about now." She sarcastically commented.

Not one to stand around and do nothing, Minvera looked all over the place. Suddenly something occurred to her and she returned her attention to the protocol droid.

"Where is the ventilation shaft in this room?"
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Brigid Mahoney

That was easy Brigid thinks when Unrau apologizes graciously, explains his reasoning, and then concedes they can have the ship if they are able to get him to his universe. Her heart really went out to Unrau as he gave a brief glimpse into his life story. Sounds like just a working stiff who got pulled into war, then left stranded here with more firepower than he could deal with. She understood that burden, and figured the strange sound he made was how his species wept. Brigid had a mind to sit up and go shake the man's hand to seal the deal, see if he would order the droid to bring them something hard to drink to celebrate and lift his spirits.

All thoughts of celebration vanish the moment Brigid sees Unrau lift his head and turn around to look at his bodyguards.

Oh shit

Brigid shoots up from her seat and starts to pivot on her heel to run to her Power Armor. The trap is sprung and to her utter surprise, Unrau is shot dead first then the rest of them are fired upon. Otto tackles her to the ground, saving Brigid from blaster fire even if she feels her shoulder has been bruised from being hit by several pounds of man in heavy metal. A grunt, a combat roll toward her armor, almost jumping up into it. The armor looks ridiculous; but it takes the punishment of a few blaster bolts very well. By the time Brigid raises the heavy machine gun to her hip, the robots are dealt with.

She goes to the doors, hears the commotion faintly occurring on the other side.

"Let's hope our engineer can hold her own for a bit."

Hearing Minerva's question about a ventilation shaft, Brigid instead directs her attention to Trigger.

"Hey kid, you teleport right? Can't you teleport to the other side and help Ami out?" She asks Trigger.
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The robotic cat leaps sideways to avoid the blast of liquid. While fast, it is still hit on its right side and stops in place four meters away from Ami. It snarls, snarls and yowles as it is hit with rockets from the turret and Ami's weapon. Shards of metal break, but it holds strong.

Two cannons pop out from its back, breaking some of the ice holding it and firing back with rapid shots of energy. It first aims to take out the turret, then swings around to fire at Ami's feet. Shots that miss the turret ricochet off the door and some nearly hit Ami.

When it's shots hit her shield, the cannons stop firing a moment, and two small rockets pop out beside them and are launched at her.

Conference Room​

Louder booms and the ricochets can be heard through the door.

"There are two ventilation shafts." B9 points to a grate on the wall behind itself, and one in the center of the room. Both are small.

"I would not advise using them as an escape. Only small maintenance droids or a thin humanoid would have a hope to navigate them. They only become larger when they reach the outer corridor."

Thea goes to the vent on the wall, leaps up to grab hold of the grate and, bracing her feet on the wall, pulls it off. She shimmies into the shaft, being thin and flexible enough to do so. In short order, Thea disappears into the vent.

"Appears your companion has taken the initiative." B9 states the obvious.

"But there is still the matter of the door in the event they are unsuccessful from the outside."
  • Useful
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Ami'Lana Nar Marin

Ami hissed as she took a hit from one of the shots of energy mid-dodge, her mask's interface lighting up with warnings about her damaged shields, before another stray shot ricocheted around and hit her in the back, the warnings transforming from orange warnings to red alarms to get to safety for them to have a chance to regenerate.

Ami bit the side of her cheek as she helplessly watched the robot open up yet another gun and launched a pair of rockets at her.

She cursed the corner she found herself in and went for the only plan of action she had left, kicking off the door and launching herself at the beast, sliding underneath the rockets, watching them sail over her head, and tossing her gun to the side to free up space for her next plan of attack.

As she went, she flicked open her omni-tool and set it to incinerate, and fired what was essentially a homing grenade at the beast, hoping to detonate its brittle, frozen parts and end this fight.

The shrapnel of it was no doubt going to tear punctures in her suit, but her bag of tricks was running out and it seemed like it had come down to life or death. It either worked or it didn't, and those were the best odds she was expecting to get.
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Otto Kadovah
Shootin' a door.

The young Mandalorian listened to the Protocol Droid explain the vents and their limitations that limited the size of the ones going in are to be of a certain size, before watching as Thea climbed into the vents and the Droid once again stealing Otto's habit of stating the obvious. He looked from the vents to the various party members, quickly gauging who'd fit. Garrus couldn't because of his armor's bulk, Brigid couldn't unless she left her strange power armor behind, Minerva couldn't cause of proportions, Trigger could and so could Otto if the Mandalorian left his jetpack behind. And he pointed this out.

"Your armor is too wide, and she'd have to leave the oddly fish looking armor." He turned to Minerva. "And you are far too endowed to fit. Trigger and I could go, but the vents would require me to take off this armor, this I will not do."

There was also the other grate, but they didn't know where it led and the explosion behind the door immediately caused the Mandalorian to hurriedly look around the room for what could be used to unlock the door, but his gaze fell upon the Droid that was melted by the Plasma Rifle he wielded. With a dawning realization, he realized that since the Droid melted from the heat and that the door while of a slightly stronger material could be melted just the same. "Away from door." He said before aiming the Q-35 Module Modulator as he fired the entire charge into the door, before reloading and firing more into the door, hopefully producing a big enough hole for them to pull apart and get through or for Trigger to teleport through without worry of whatever was making him not teleport.

@Wade Von Doom @Amber Franklin @Noble Scion @Wiggin @Jenhal
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  • Nice Execution!
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Thomas "Trigger" Holden
Location: The Conference Room

Brigid spoke to Trigger, which was unexpected. He had never exactly interacted with the militaristic woman, but he always suspected she didn't respect him due to the way he acted. It would've made sense, he never exactly liked following the orders of others and even he realized that a lot of people felt some sort of disdain for him. "No can do, I need a line of sight to where I'm teleporting in order to do it. It'll just sorta fizzle out otherwise," He said, shrugging.

The vent was probably the safest route considering if they opened the door the group might be caught up in the crossfire, which might result in someone getting disintegrated. He then turned to see that Otto was proceeding to try and melt the door. He might fair better considering he had armor but was it worth the risk? It might just be faster for Trigger to go there. Why the hell was he considering saving another person right now? "Ah, fuck…" He muttered, lightly pushing Otto to the side. "I guess I have to do this now with a line of sight," He said with a shrug, leaning down to stare through the hole.

With those words, he seemed to disappear entirely. There was no flashy light show to indicate he teleported, he was just there for one moment, and the other he was not. Ami would suddenly see the man appear next to her, hunched over in the same position he was in when he was looking through the hole. "Ah shit, that's not good," He said as he saw the incinerating blast head towards the lion. They were both in its line of fire, and would both be caught in the blast if something wasn't done. Trigger wanted to run, but he couldn't just leave Ami there to get blasted with shrapnel. Her suit would get damaged… or something, Trigger didn't know the details, but her suit was important for her being alive. He took a deep breath and grabbed Ami's shoulder. They were both suddenly further down the hall behind the beast, away from the explosion. Ami's whole body would feel tingly after the teleportation as if she had just been momentarily jolted with electricity. "Never done that before," Trigger said to himself, referring to him teleporting with another person. It didn't matter at the moment what had just happened, this thing still might be on the attack. Trigger quickly whipped around with his shotgun in hand and fire a few blasts at the mechanical feline just to make sure it was dead.
  • Nice Execution!
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The rockets zoom over Ami and hit the door. The door absorbs the concussive force, but the durasteel bends and bubbles inward. The bolts of plasma fired by Otto hit one of these bubbles of thinner metal; an opening is created when the metal is melted. Successive shots widen the gap, allowing most to pass through if done with care to avoid the still-hot edges.

The big robotic cat is hit by the homing grenade after it tries to dodge with a quick jump aside. The frozen parts are destroyed and fly off from the body. It loses a front right leg and most of its chest plating. It snarls loudly and sharply as it struggles to stay up on its one leg; in those seconds Trigger has time to teleport himself and Ami behind it. It snaps it's jaws at the air and awkwardly whips around, in time to a laser shotgun blast that takes its other front leg out. Front to the floor and struggling, it fires back at Trigger with its rapid fire cannons.

Conference Room​

"A good show, sir." B9 commends Otto with a bow, raising its volume to be heard over the loud commotion heard through the door holes.

"I suggest you all get going! I would afford you my assistance however they will be remotely shutting me down soon and I will be-" The droid is cut off as the lights in its photoreceptors shut off and it slumps in place.

In the Hallway​

The cat propels itself toward Trigger and Ami with its back legs, dragging its front on the floor and making a horrendous screech and sparks as it goes, while also maintaining its assault on the pair, pushing them further down the hall.

As it comes under a large grate in the ceiling, it suddenly comes crashing down on top of it, distracting it for five seconds as it throws the grate off itself and shoots up into the ceiling at another target it has acquired: Thea, who crawls into another shaft in time to avoid the shots aimed at her.
  • Nice Execution!
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There is a low and growling chuckle from the 'demon's' jaws. It's opponents are decimated, they burn. Eventually… everything burns. Ifrit turns and looks for any others, and any undead that linger he will put down. And all the while… he seems to be thoroughly enjoying it.

Vaasha remains atop the tank, out of harm's way (for the moment) and she squints as she looks around herself. Reaching over her shoulder, she affixes her staff to the harness strapped on her back. And now she crouches as the rooms falls silent, save for the crackling of remaining fire as it feeds on fuel (the bodies and all). The smell is horrid, but she keeps it together. She has to. She has to stay calm. "La tazal khayifatan jidana , Mithra Alsaghiratu? 'Alam 'arsil 'aeda'ana fi nar jamilatin?" Ifrit's growling words end with another low chuckle. Vaasga scowls as she crouches down and looks around slowly. The numbers before her eyes rack up more and more, and the words 'Round 2'. She speaks softly, with hesitation. "Laqad qumt bieamal rayie , kama tafeal dayman Sayid Ifrit aleazimu. Lakiniy 'akhshaa 'anana lam nantahi ... hunak almazid qadim. lakin qabl ... qabl alrisalat qal lileuthur ealaa alquati. 'Ana la 'aerif madha yaeni dhalika…" A low snarl escapes the jaws of the 'demon', and a single jagged claw points to a far wall. She follows it's point… and her eyes widen as she sees what she can only describe a switch. "Oh! Oh like in the Metalworks!" Ifrit nods as he sighs, thinking Vaasha isn't to bright. The monster floats over to the switch and with a single claw pulls the switch down. Vaasha stands slowly, her hands clenching in front of her. And then… her ears flick a little as she now hears something new. Ifrit turns as Vaasha reacts, and he too see what she sees.

More of them. Many more.

And they both see the literal light at the end of the tunnel. A console… what looks like an elevator? Far… and those undead are between herself and it. Is that a way out? Ifrit moves towards the tank Vaasha is on just as the young Mithra hops down. Now more of the undead are starting to emerge… and its then she sees the outline of the blaster on the tank. Now that catches her eyes, and she moves quickly towards it. She inspects the drawing… it's a DC-17 Blaster… and apparently costs 500. 500 Gil? She's not sure she has that much on her. Wait.. those numbers from before… is that how much Gil she's been given? Or the equivalent of? She starts to reach towards the outline… and then she stops.

"Wait…" she shakes her head and withdraws her hand. She doesn't know what a DC-17 Blaster is… she has no real concept of such things. She doesn't know where she is… what is happening… and she's not going to start reaching for strange things that could potentially make things harder. No, she'll rely on what she knows. It has served her well thus far.

"'Ana last tawilan huna. han alwaqt li'iiedad khutat jadidat , ya Sayidat Fasha." Ifrit's word rumble in a growl as it moves closer to her, and it raises a clawed hand into the air. Ifrit's words to her.. there is something there, besides offering advice. Worry? She looks to him, and once more she climbs onto the tank. "Sawf 'anju , wasawf tati maratan 'ukhraa qabali litadmir 'uwlayik aladhin yaseawn 'iilaa al'adhaa , Sayid Ifrit." she says as she gets to the top of the tank. An orb of glowing red and orange energy swirls in Ifrit's upraised hand, and it then hurls that orb towards the oncoming mob. It impacts with the deck at the lead of the mob, and it explodes in a hellish ball of flame. Part of the deck where it impacted actually deforms as it is superheated. That should buy Vaasha more time. But now the undead are surrounding her tanky plateau, and she seems to be trapped. Ifrit begins slashing at the undead around the tank, his claws halving them, much to his delight. But there are more here than he can handle. He knows that. Vaasha knows that.

And so she does what she does best…
Her hands draw up in front of her as she closes her eyes, the balls of her palms joined. "Oh, mist-filled pits, dark, dank and unclear…" white electric like energy begins to build around her, and a new glowing array forms on the floor in front of the tank. Between her tank and the mob blocking her from the 'elevator' (the term 'turbolift' isn't known to her), the array now glowing a bright white. The area around the array… frost begins to form on the deck. "Touch all before me with frost-fingered fear!" Vaasha calls out as she moves her outstretched hands in a circle, and then thrusts them forward. The moment she does… Ifrit's form draws back, his knees tucking towards his chest as his arms wrap around them.. and his form dissipates. From the new glowing array… a woman flies upwards a few feet, twirling in the air. She is… elegant. Her form is in shades of light blue and white, the area around her very cold. Silken garbs sway around her as she floats about a foot above the ground. Glancing over her thin shoulder, she smiles gently to Vaasha. Shiva's voice comes in a soft tone, a cold tone with an edge of compassion to it. "Meree hamadam. Mujhe pata hai ki kya karana chaahie. Main tumhen aazaad dekhoonga." Vaasha bows as she stands atop the tank, smiling weakly to Shiva. "Ek baar phir, main aapakee rnee devee shiv kee seva karata hoon."

Shiva then turns to face the oncoming undead, and they are indeed getting close. But Shiva doesn't seem afraid, she doesn't hesitate. As Shiva moves, Vaasha moves to the edge of the tank, looking as if she's ready to jump down. The air around her body gets suddenly colder, to the point of freezing. Her hand lifts slowly, and she whispers. "Diamond Dust". A streak of cold moves through the air from her body towards the mob. If they were living, they would feel that sudden intense cold air. But not like a wind, just like the air suddenly became freezing. And freeze it does. Shiva's outstretched hand draws up a little more… and she snaps her finger. The moment she does, Vaasha leaps off the tank.

The mob of undead are suddenly encased in solid ice, spikes of ice risen from them. They are literally trapped in ice, all of them in one giant piece of ice, allowing an escape route. Vaasha lands on the deck in a crouch, and with all the speed she can harness she runs towards the now frozen mob. The ones on the other side of the tank (that Ifrit didn't get to) are now coming around, but they won't move fast enough to catch the cat. Mithra. Whichever. Shiva smiles at her work, drawing up to seeming sit in a relaxed position in midair as Vaasha runs literally for her life. Vaasha does have to do some bounding and ducking to get passed the obstacle course of ice, but one of her people's better attributes are their agility.

The undead now come around to where Shiva sits in the air. She looks towards the lead undead with an uninterested look as it now races towards her with a loud and hungry hissing sound. Shiva raises her hand, and a block of ice solidifies around the undead's head. She chuckles softly as now the rest of the undead start to surround her. But they are slowed by the subzero temperatures now around her form. Frost forms on them all as they close in, then ice starts to form at their extremities; eyelashes first, fingers, ears, nose, etc etc. And before any of them can touch her, Shiva's form glows softly and then is gone, snow falling for a moment where she was.

And as for everyone's favorite Mithra, she slides into the turbolift. She doesn't know how long the undead will remain frozen (it could actually be hours), and she's not about to stick around to find out. She looks at the controls for the turbolift, and she starts pressing buttons as she utters. "Come on… I need to get anywhere but here" Not realizing there's a chance the turbolift is voice activated. If it is, hopefully those instructions are enough.
+100 1200

For each kill by her fire demon, more points were added to the score under her name, and when she tried accessing the turbolift, more text appeared on the wall above the console.

Cost: 1250

There would be the noise of a cash register making a sale echo around her, like she had just made a purchase.

-1250 1800

And up the lift went. It would send her to the fourth floor of the inner rings of the ship, the big donut part that warps around it. The corridor where the lift stop went on for several yards, curving to the side the further down she went, and filled with the remains of a battle. Droid parts and decomposing zombie corpses riddled the floor, along with dried blood and oil, and blaster scorch marks etched along the walls. A few panels on the floor and sides of the walls where the ventilation shafts could be accessed were ripped open, like the undead forced through way through.

There were also remains of turrets and droidekas aimed down the halls from where the entrances for the conference rooms were. Defenses against the hordes that were unrelenting. Venturing through the remains of the chaos, she was met with another chalk drawing of a gun. This one being a shotgun.

Olympia [Cost: 500]

There was also something else in a conference room just next to the drawing. A box. A glowing box.


There was a blue light shining off it, like a spotlight, and more text appeared in front of Vaasha

The Box is your friend
Cost: 950

She would have to decide on a plan of action soon, as more groans of the undead began to echo again, crawling out from the open vents at the far end of the hallway. They were now in the dozens, 30 or so in size.

Round 3
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The rockets zoom over Ami and hit the door. The door absorbs the concussive force, but the durasteel bends and bubbles inward. The bolts of plasma fired by Otto hit one of these bubbles of thinner metal; an opening is created when the metal is melted. Successive shots widen the gap, allowing most to pass through if done with care to avoid the still-hot edges.

The big robotic cat is hit by the homing grenade after it tries to dodge with a quick jump aside. The frozen parts are destroyed and fly off from the body. It loses a front right leg and most of its chest plating. It snarls loudly and sharply as it struggles to stay up on its one leg; in those seconds Trigger has time to teleport himself and Ami behind it. It snaps it's jaws at the air and awkwardly whips around, in time to a laser shotgun blast that takes its other front leg out. Front to the floor and struggling, it fires back at Trigger with its rapid fire cannons.

Conference Room

"A good show, sir." B9 commends Otto with a bow, raising its volume to be heard over the loud commotion heard through the door holes.

"I suggest you all get going! I would afford you my assistance however they will be remotely shutting me down soon and I will be-" The droid is cut off as the lights in its photoreceptors shut off and it slumps in place.

In the Hallway

The cat propels itself toward Trigger and Ami with its back legs, dragging its front on the floor and making a horrendous screech and sparks as it goes, while also maintaining its assault on the pair, pushing them further down the hall.

As it comes under a large grate in the ceiling, it suddenly comes crashing down on top of it, distracting it for five seconds as it throws the grate off itself and shoots up into the ceiling at another target it has acquired: Thea, who crawls into another shaft in time to avoid the shots aimed at her.
With a clearing through the door, Garrus quickly knelt down close to the door, switching to his sniper and activating the armor piercing ammo mod. "Trigger, Ami, get me a clean shot, think I can finish it off!" He shouted to them across comms, as the things armored body was falling to pieces, and it looked like one or two more rounds through the exposed exoskeleton could do it.

He just needed it in the right position to cut through either the neck or the eyes to hit whatever processor inside counted as its brain.
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The rockets zoom over Ami and hit the door. The door absorbs the concussive force, but the durasteel bends and bubbles inward. The bolts of plasma fired by Otto hit one of these bubbles of thinner metal; an opening is created when the metal is melted. Successive shots widen the gap, allowing most to pass through if done with care to avoid the still-hot edges.

The big robotic cat is hit by the homing grenade after it tries to dodge with a quick jump aside. The frozen parts are destroyed and fly off from the body. It loses a front right leg and most of its chest plating. It snarls loudly and sharply as it struggles to stay up on its one leg; in those seconds Trigger has time to teleport himself and Ami behind it. It snaps it's jaws at the air and awkwardly whips around, in time to a laser shotgun blast that takes its other front leg out. Front to the floor and struggling, it fires back at Trigger with its rapid fire cannons.

Conference Room

"A good show, sir." B9 commends Otto with a bow, raising its volume to be heard over the loud commotion heard through the door holes.

"I suggest you all get going! I would afford you my assistance however they will be remotely shutting me down soon and I will be-" The droid is cut off as the lights in its photoreceptors shut off and it slumps in place.

In the Hallway

The cat propels itself toward Trigger and Ami with its back legs, dragging its front on the floor and making a horrendous screech and sparks as it goes, while also maintaining its assault on the pair, pushing them further down the hall.

As it comes under a large grate in the ceiling, it suddenly comes crashing down on top of it, distracting it for five seconds as it throws the grate off itself and shoots up into the ceiling at another target it has acquired: Thea, who crawls into another shaft in time to avoid the shots aimed at her.

There is a low and growling chuckle from the 'demon's' jaws. It's opponents are decimated, they burn. Eventually… everything burns. Ifrit turns and looks for any others, and any undead that linger he will put down. And all the while… he seems to be thoroughly enjoying it.

Vaasha remains atop the tank, out of harm's way (for the moment) and she squints as she looks around herself. Reaching over her shoulder, she affixes her staff to the harness strapped on her back. And now she crouches as the rooms falls silent, save for the crackling of remaining fire as it feeds on fuel (the bodies and all). The smell is horrid, but she keeps it together. She has to. She has to stay calm. "La tazal khayifatan jidana , Mithra Alsaghiratu? 'Alam 'arsil 'aeda'ana fi nar jamilatin?" Ifrit's growling words end with another low chuckle. Vaasga scowls as she crouches down and looks around slowly. The numbers before her eyes rack up more and more, and the words 'Round 2'. She speaks softly, with hesitation. "Laqad qumt bieamal rayie , kama tafeal dayman Sayid Ifrit aleazimu. Lakiniy 'akhshaa 'anana lam nantahi ... hunak almazid qadim. lakin qabl ... qabl alrisalat qal lileuthur ealaa alquati. 'Ana la 'aerif madha yaeni dhalika…" A low snarl escapes the jaws of the 'demon', and a single jagged claw points to a far wall. She follows it's point… and her eyes widen as she sees what she can only describe a switch. "Oh! Oh like in the Metalworks!" Ifrit nods as he sighs, thinking Vaasha isn't to bright. The monster floats over to the switch and with a single claw pulls the switch down. Vaasha stands slowly, her hands clenching in front of her. And then… her ears flick a little as she now hears something new. Ifrit turns as Vaasha reacts, and he too see what she sees.

More of them. Many more.

And they both see the literal light at the end of the tunnel. A console… what looks like an elevator? Far… and those undead are between herself and it. Is that a way out? Ifrit moves towards the tank Vaasha is on just as the young Mithra hops down. Now more of the undead are starting to emerge… and its then she sees the outline of the blaster on the tank. Now that catches her eyes, and she moves quickly towards it. She inspects the drawing… it's a DC-17 Blaster… and apparently costs 500. 500 Gil? She's not sure she has that much on her. Wait.. those numbers from before… is that how much Gil she's been given? Or the equivalent of? She starts to reach towards the outline… and then she stops.

"Wait…" she shakes her head and withdraws her hand. She doesn't know what a DC-17 Blaster is… she has no real concept of such things. She doesn't know where she is… what is happening… and she's not going to start reaching for strange things that could potentially make things harder. No, she'll rely on what she knows. It has served her well thus far.

"'Ana last tawilan huna. han alwaqt li'iiedad khutat jadidat , ya Sayidat Fasha." Ifrit's word rumble in a growl as it moves closer to her, and it raises a clawed hand into the air. Ifrit's words to her.. there is something there, besides offering advice. Worry? She looks to him, and once more she climbs onto the tank. "Sawf 'anju , wasawf tati maratan 'ukhraa qabali litadmir 'uwlayik aladhin yaseawn 'iilaa al'adhaa , Sayid Ifrit." she says as she gets to the top of the tank. An orb of glowing red and orange energy swirls in Ifrit's upraised hand, and it then hurls that orb towards the oncoming mob. It impacts with the deck at the lead of the mob, and it explodes in a hellish ball of flame. Part of the deck where it impacted actually deforms as it is superheated. That should buy Vaasha more time. But now the undead are surrounding her tanky plateau, and she seems to be trapped. Ifrit begins slashing at the undead around the tank, his claws halving them, much to his delight. But there are more here than he can handle. He knows that. Vaasha knows that.

And so she does what she does best…
Her hands draw up in front of her as she closes her eyes, the balls of her palms joined. "Oh, mist-filled pits, dark, dank and unclear…" white electric like energy begins to build around her, and a new glowing array forms on the floor in front of the tank. Between her tank and the mob blocking her from the 'elevator' (the term 'turbolift' isn't known to her), the array now glowing a bright white. The area around the array… frost begins to form on the deck. "Touch all before me with frost-fingered fear!" Vaasha calls out as she moves her outstretched hands in a circle, and then thrusts them forward. The moment she does… Ifrit's form draws back, his knees tucking towards his chest as his arms wrap around them.. and his form dissipates. From the new glowing array… a woman flies upwards a few feet, twirling in the air. She is… elegant. Her form is in shades of light blue and white, the area around her very cold. Silken garbs sway around her as she floats about a foot above the ground. Glancing over her thin shoulder, she smiles gently to Vaasha. Shiva's voice comes in a soft tone, a cold tone with an edge of compassion to it. "Meree hamadam. Mujhe pata hai ki kya karana chaahie. Main tumhen aazaad dekhoonga." Vaasha bows as she stands atop the tank, smiling weakly to Shiva. "Ek baar phir, main aapakee rnee devee shiv kee seva karata hoon."

Shiva then turns to face the oncoming undead, and they are indeed getting close. But Shiva doesn't seem afraid, she doesn't hesitate. As Shiva moves, Vaasha moves to the edge of the tank, looking as if she's ready to jump down. The air around her body gets suddenly colder, to the point of freezing. Her hand lifts slowly, and she whispers. "Diamond Dust". A streak of cold moves through the air from her body towards the mob. If they were living, they would feel that sudden intense cold air. But not like a wind, just like the air suddenly became freezing. And freeze it does. Shiva's outstretched hand draws up a little more… and she snaps her finger. The moment she does, Vaasha leaps off the tank.

The mob of undead are suddenly encased in solid ice, spikes of ice risen from them. They are literally trapped in ice, all of them in one giant piece of ice, allowing an escape route. Vaasha lands on the deck in a crouch, and with all the speed she can harness she runs towards the now frozen mob. The ones on the other side of the tank (that Ifrit didn't get to) are now coming around, but they won't move fast enough to catch the cat. Mithra. Whichever. Shiva smiles at her work, drawing up to seeming sit in a relaxed position in midair as Vaasha runs literally for her life. Vaasha does have to do some bounding and ducking to get passed the obstacle course of ice, but one of her people's better attributes are their agility.

The undead now come around to where Shiva sits in the air. She looks towards the lead undead with an uninterested look as it now races towards her with a loud and hungry hissing sound. Shiva raises her hand, and a block of ice solidifies around the undead's head. She chuckles softly as now the rest of the undead start to surround her. But they are slowed by the subzero temperatures now around her form. Frost forms on them all as they close in, then ice starts to form at their extremities; eyelashes first, fingers, ears, nose, etc etc. And before any of them can touch her, Shiva's form glows softly and then is gone, snow falling for a moment where she was.

And as for everyone's favorite Mithra, she slides into the turbolift. She doesn't know how long the undead will remain frozen (it could actually be hours), and she's not about to stick around to find out. She looks at the controls for the turbolift, and she starts pressing buttons as she utters. "Come on… I need to get anywhere but here" Not realizing there's a chance the turbolift is voice activated. If it is, hopefully those instructions are enough.
+100 1200

For each kill by her fire demon, more points were added to the score under her name, and when she tried accessing the turbolift, more text appeared on the wall above the console.

Cost: 1250

There would be the noise of a cash register making a sale echo around her, like she had just made a purchase.

-1250 1800

And up the lift went. It would send her to the fourth floor of the inner rings of the ship, the big donut part that warps around it. The corridor where the lift stop went on for several yards, curving to the side the further down she went, and filled with the remains of a battle. Droid parts and decomposing zombie corpses riddled the floor, along with dried blood and oil, and blaster scorch marks etched along the walls. A few panels on the floor and sides of the walls where the ventilation shafts could be accessed were ripped open, like the undead forced through way through.

There were also remains of turrets and droidekas aimed down the halls from where the entrances for the conference rooms were. Defenses against the hordes that were unrelenting. Venturing through the remains of the chaos, she was met with another chalk drawing of a gun. This one being a shotgun.

Olympia [Cost: 500]

There was also something else in a conference room just next to the drawing. A box. A glowing box.

View attachment 223779

There was a blue light shining off it, like a spotlight, and more text appeared in front of Vaasha

The Box is your friend
Cost: 950

She would have to decide on a plan of action soon, as more groans of the undead began to echo again, crawling out from the open vents at the far end of the hallway. They were now in the dozens, 30 or so in size.

Round 3


The rockets zoom over Ami and hit the door. The door absorbs the concussive force, but the durasteel bends and bubbles inward. The bolts of plasma fired by Otto hit one of these bubbles of thinner metal; an opening is created when the metal is melted. Successive shots widen the gap, allowing most to pass through if done with care to avoid the still-hot edges.

The big robotic cat is hit by the homing grenade after it tries to dodge with a quick jump aside. The frozen parts are destroyed and fly off from the body. It loses a front right leg and most of its chest plating. It snarls loudly and sharply as it struggles to stay up on its one leg; in those seconds Trigger has time to teleport himself and Ami behind it. It snaps it's jaws at the air and awkwardly whips around, in time to a laser shotgun blast that takes its other front leg out. Front to the floor and struggling, it fires back at Trigger with its rapid fire cannons.

Conference Room

"A good show, sir." B9 commends Otto with a bow, raising its volume to be heard over the loud commotion heard through the door holes.

"I suggest you all get going! I would afford you my assistance however they will be remotely shutting me down soon and I will be-" The droid is cut off as the lights in its photoreceptors shut off and it slumps in place.

In the Hallway

The cat propels itself toward Trigger and Ami with its back legs, dragging its front on the floor and making a horrendous screech and sparks as it goes, while also maintaining its assault on the pair, pushing them further down the hall.

As it comes under a large grate in the ceiling, it suddenly comes crashing down on top of it, distracting it for five seconds as it throws the grate off itself and shoots up into the ceiling at another target it has acquired: Thea, who crawls into another shaft in time to avoid the shots aimed at her.
With a clearing through the door, Garrus quickly knelt down close to the door, switching to his sniper and activating the armor piercing ammo mod. "Trigger, Ami, get me a clean shot, think I can finish it off!" He shouted to them across comms, as the things armored body was falling to pieces, and it looked like one or two more rounds through the exposed exoskeleton could do it.

He just needed it in the right position to cut through either the neck or the eyes to hit whatever processor inside counted as its brain.

Otto Kadovah
Entering a corridor to join the fun

Otto was relieved to see his efforts bear fruit, Trigger going out there and hopefully saving Ami and the others now having a way into the corridor, the Mandalorian was actually sad to see the Droid be turned off. Otto was hopeful they could figure out how to turn the Droid back on and see if she'd help out the crew.

Walking over to properly conceal the Droid under the table before running out the melted hole in the door, taking position across from Garrus but down the corridor so they were spaced out to avoid a chain of attacks hitting them. "I will shoot and force the machine into your scope, if it doesn't move, the plasma will hit. If it doesn't, you will hit it." Was all he said to Garrus over comms before he began shooting at the Cat machine thing down the corridor, making sure to not shoot randomly to interfere with Garrus' shooting but hopefully to force the machine to be hit by either party

@Wiggin @Amber Franklin @Noble Scion @Jenhal @Wade Von Doom
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The numbers impossibly constant in front of her eyes rise in value. She starts to think… when one of those undead was 'taken care of', the numbers she sees increases. Is someone keeping score? Like Ballista? Could it be this is some kind of Ballista tournament? But the beings she has seen thus far are nothing like she has seen before.

Without realizing it Vaasha has purchased operation of the lift. She sees the initial number… and she ducks when she hears the 'cash register' out of nowhere, the fur along her tail standing on end for a few moments. Her hand shoots outwards to steady herself as the lift abruptly begins its ascent. Into a crouch the Mithra goes, leaning against the near wall of the lift. She closes her eyes, her arms wrapping around her robed form as she scowls, ears flattened against the top of her head. She can feel herself shivering, despite her want to keep her emotions in control. But she is scared. It's been a long time since she has been so frightened, and so very out of her element.

The lift would come to a stop, and Vaasha pushes herself to her feet. Reaching around her waist she grasps her staff and holds it in front of herself. The moment the doors of the lift slide open, her nose wrinkles and one hand shoots up to cover it. She almost vomits with the sudden smell, it's far worse than it was before in the previous level. And she is particularly sensitive to such things. She, sadly, has been exposed to corpses before. But you are never truly ready for it. Intrepidly she moves forward, leaning out of the lift to get a better idea what has gotten into now. Carefully would she step out fully now, her hand still covering her nose and mouth. A moment's concentration, and the end of her staff seems to suddenly burst into flame. Orange, red and yellow flames dance around the end of the staff, but the staff does not burn. A fairly simple Fire spell, a defense in case of… well whatever there might be here.

Down the hall of dread she moves now slowly, each step careful and with purpose. The young Mithra does her best to keep her eyes level, to not have to see the carnage she traverses now. She just now realizes that everywhere she has been in this strange place… the walls are comprised of sleek metal. Superior (in appearance at least) to anything she could find at the Metalworks in Bastok. Perhaps she is just now seeing this, since she has a moment or so of not having things trying to devour her. And as she moves along the curved corridor, she makes note of the damaged walls. Were those undead here also? Did all of this machinery get destroyed by them? Are these corpses what is left of the Humes that tried to fight them? Is it possible the undead are on this floor also? It doesn't occur to her that there is a possibility the 'Humes' and the machines were combating one another. She feels at this moment that the undead were the singular enemy at work.

Moving slowly, something catches her attention. Her ears perk up seeing the outline of another weapon. Vaasha's head tilts to one side, seeing the 'cost'. If she understands this whole number thing so far… she gets higher numbers when she is responsible for the undead being destroyed, or one of her Summons. She boarded the lift with 1800, the lift apparently cost 1250 to use. So she is left with 550. She doesn't exactly remember what the cost of the first thing she was offered was… but she does wonder if she had gotten it… would she have had enough to 'pay' for the lift off of that floor? A dreadful prospect, to be sure. This new offering, the shotgun (although she doesn't know what a shotgun is) costs 500. That would leave her with 50. If she has to use these numbers as cost to get out of here, she can't afford to take chances on things she may not understand.


A light from the near room catches her attention. Her body leans to one side and she looks into the doorway that is next to the outline of the Olympia. A box? A coffer, perhaps? Quickly she slips into the room, holding her staff out at her side. Words once more appear before her eyes… the box is your friend… 950… is she being advised to take this box? But the cost is to high. But she truly feels like it would be worth her time to get it. She touches the box lightly with her free hand, still scowling at the aroma wafting through the air. Nothing happens. So… does she need to get more numbers? More points?

It's about then her eyes widen and her ears perk up. One of her ears twists slightly towards the doorway. There's movement in the distance… and the distinct sound of undead. A soft whine escapes her lips as the 'Round 3' image is shown, and then fades. Rushing to the door she peeks out, seeing movement in the distance. At the end of the hall, movement. She has to assume it's the undead… did they follow her? Or is this new? Now she steps out of the room, looking around herself in the red light. She doesn't have time to build a barricade…. she doesn't yet have strength enough to try another Prime Summon. If she tries and fails, she will only be far weaker. So… a simple summon. Something to buy her time… her eyes flicker towards the flame engulfing the end of her staff, and she has an idea. Maybe she can build up some numbers here. And in turn perhaps that can give her a way out, or at least some kind of advantage. Holding her staff extended in front of her, her other hand now grasps it. Eyes close, and a black electrical energy starts to flow along her body. Her staff is drawn closer to her form, and then thrust outwards before her. 4 feet in front of her, an orb of dark forms. Ribbons of black and purple energy start to swirl rhythmically around it like ribbons. Vaasha's free hand lowers as she now looks to the Dark Spirit she had summoned. It's an Elemental Spirit, having no real intelligence to it. It's more of just a piece of nature, as all of the Spirits are. Unlike her Prime Summons, these Spirits are considered by most to be little more than 'pets'. She doesn't see it that way… but most of her ilk would.

The Dark Spirit floats above the deck, being a total of perhaps 4 feet high. It now starts to move towards the oncoming undead, a soft pulsing sound emanating from it. When it is around 10 feet in front of the front of the mob of undead, it lets out a pulse of purple and black energy. That same energy pulses once more, and flares outwards. Now the area for 15 feet around it is effected by the Dark Spirit's energy. And this energy is gravity. The gravity within this field doubles… and then triples… and then quadruples. It should be enough to slow the undead mob, or perhaps even make some of them stop or drop all together.

Vaasha takes a few steps forward and then flame around the head of her staff flares up. She swings her staff and balls of flaming energy lash out towards the (hopefully) immobilized undead. Them moving slower will make it easier for the fire to consume them, she hopes. She continues to swing her staff in front of her, sending out flames as she does along the corridor towards those undead.
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Ami'Lana Nar Marin

Just as the quarian had braced for the incoming impact of her own explosion, she was pleasantly surprised as a strange sensation took hold of her, finding herself a small distance further down the hall behind the metal beast as the incinerate detonated, satisfyingly shattering the front of the creature, but of course, nothing vital had been hit.

She would thank Trigger once this whole battle was over, and give the Mandalorian some stern words on shoving people like her, but those were conversations for after.

She hissed as she scrambled to her feet, watching as their leader landed rather a grating on top of the beast and interrupting its charge and giving her a chance to once again spray the beast with the now recharged flash freeze.

Slipping a hand to her rear, she'd slip out her predator pistol and once again open fire, aiming for the exposed internals after her little explosion, content with getting its attention once again as she watched her shield metrics flicker up, ready to take some more fire again.
  • Sweet
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Minerva Fhirdiad

Everything was happening so fast. Minerva drew her weapons just as Otto melted the door. Yet before she could join the mercenary's effort a sudden light overtook her vision.

"What's going on?!" She exclaimed in surprise.

Before Minerva could say anything else she suddenly disappeared out of thin air, mysteriously sent back to her reality.
  • Sympathy & Compassion
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