The Engagement (Inkheart789 & Eyeris)

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A fair question.

"No. It will not affect you at all. It will connect me and you. I will be able to find you should you get into any trouble." Or run away. "It... It is difficult to explain. The things in my castle, in my world are dangerous, this will let them know who you are to me. It will protect you from them until we are wed, then you will no longer need it."

Hibiscus waited, patient as a stone. The sound of cold ocean crashing onto cold cliffs filled the air, the wind stirred her black hair and her white cloak.

The ring waited as well, sitting in the groom's pale hand. The setting sun sparkled on the edges of the crystal, while the black metal was already darer than midnight.
Cara nodded and raised her hand. "Then I will wear it. I will stay out of your way, I do not want to be involved in your magic and will stay away. " She said softly, looking at the ring.

It looked like something she might wear, but a bit darker than her usual jewels. At least it would match with most things that she wore.

"Do I need to prepare meals myself? I can if need be." Cara told hear, hoping that her stomach wouldn't growle anytime soon. She had expected to eat at the dinner.
Hibiscus nodded. Then, took Cara's hand in her own left hand, and slid on the ring with her right.

Such a soft warm thing that hand was. Hibiscus did not take her time to inspect it, and slid the ring carefully upon the girls ring-finger...

Then she would clutch Cara's hand with her left, then slap her right hand over the top. Hibiscus felt the sharp edge of the crystal bite into her skin, drawing forth her cold blood. Hibiscus gripped the hand firmly, so that the girl would not be able to pull away before the magic was settled.

When it was done, she let go of Cara's hand and stood. "I am sorry if that startled you." The ring in Cara's hand would no longer be white, but a dark red. Cara would also find herself unable to remove the ring if she tried. There would be no blood left on the girl's hand at all, as if the ring had sucked it all up. They only evidence that something strange had happened was the wound on the palm of Hibiscus's right hand.

Hibiscus slid both hands into her cloak pockets, carried on as if nothing strange had happened. (Which to be fair, for her, it was nothing strange.)

"My serva--... Our servants can cook. If you would like to cook, simply ask. Do you? Like to cook?" Were highborn ladies cooking these days? Perhaps after Cara's parents had squandered their fortunes they had fired the cook and forced their daughter to fulfill that duty. Or perhaps she liked it. If Cara did like cooking, and wanted to visit the kitchens, she'd best command the maids to clean it up a bit...
She resisted the urge to pull her hand back. When it was done Cara pulled her hand to her chest and looked at the ring. "I... I don't mind cooking, but tonight I am rather tired." Cara admitted.

"Tomorrow though I can cook for myself." She said, turning towards the door to the castle. "How do you get in?" Cara asked as she did not see a door knob. Perhaps it was magic, as most things would be in the castle.

Cara sighed softly and ran a hand through her hair. It would be difficult to get used to the magic and accept it as the normal.
"Now that you are wearing my ring, it will open to your touch. Only you and I can open this door now."

Without the ring the magic in the castle would have treated her as an intruder. Hibiscus had set some very specific and gruesome instructions for what was to be done with human intruders.

She stopped aside, allowing Cara the honor of opening the door.

"I thought you might be tired. There is a meal awaiting us." That will also give me time to have the maids clean that damn kitchen.

Inside there would be a large foyer with a hole in the roof. Then Hibiscus would lead her up some stairs and down a winding hall.

It wasn't until they reached the dining room that Cara would see anyone else. There was the foot-man and the hand-maid from earlier that day. The Maid was filling glasses with water, and the Man was setting out a steaming platter covered with a lid.

When Hibiscus and Cara entered the two would stop and bow.

"Hello My Lady Cara." The Foot-man would say. "Welcome to the Hold. I shall also inform you that all your things are present and accounted for, and safely delivered to your room." He bowed a second time, while the maid finished the table settings and stepped aside.
She sucked in a breath as the door opened to her touch. Cara was amazed at the magic there and though she hated it, she also felt calmed by it. No one unwanted would be able to get through.

As they made their way through the castle she took in all of the images. It did seem as abandoned as it did on the outside, but it also had a sort of charm to it.

When the man spoke to her she simply nodded. "Thank you, you did not have to do all of that." Cara said softly, used to doing everything on her own. "And please just call me Cara, I do not need a title."

When she saw the food come out her stomach let out a rather loud growth. "I'm sorry." Cara whispered, blushing from embarrassment. "I could not eat this morning due to nerves." Her gaze turned to the floor and she tried to stop herself from blushing.
The foot-man took a step forward, but Hibiscus interrupted him with the wave of a hand.

She walked around to a tall-backed chair,and slid it aside to give Cara room to sit. "Understandable. Now, don't be shy, help yourself."

When Cara was seated Hibiscus would take her own place across from Cara. The Foot-Man lifted lids of plates while the maid poured a dark red wine in their cups. They'd d

"Simply Cara then? As you wish." The foot-man bowed his head as he poured her glass and would offer to serve her from each tray. "Duck? Marzipan Torte? Garnished Turnips? Zabaglone?" With each item he'd over her a heaping spoonful or generous slice.

Hibiscus only accepted small portions of each. She took tiny bites and deep sips of wine.

"Do you know what you would like to cook tomorrow? I shall make sure the ingredients are on hand for you."
She brushed her hands over her dress to flatten it out as she sat. When the man started to offer her food Cara's eyes widened. They had not had so many options at her family's castle since she was a child. "Just a small amount of each please." Cara asked, giving a small smile to the foot-man. "And do you have a name I should call you?"

She did not enjoy calling servants, servants. Cara enjoyed learned everyone's name and keeping it in her memory. It was almost like a game she played with herself to keep her entertained.

"Tomorrow? Well... I've mainly cooked with chicken and any vegetables that were in season. I have also made cookies and fruit mixes. Whatever is in the kitchen should work, unless you prefer certian meals, I can try to learn them." Cara said. As long as she did not have to be around magic all day she would be fine. Cooking was a good distraction.
The Foot-Man paused, an expression of uncertainty crossed his face, and he glanced to his master Hibiscus, who nodded. Then he clasped his hands behind his back.

"Call me Remington." He had a charming smile... when he did so, without it his face looked blank. "And this one is Kapera." He extended one hand toward the Hand-maid. She didn't look up from her task, which was lighting the candles.

The final rays of the setting sun were diffused, while the candlelight put a warm glow upon everything.

"Remington, I think I shall send you to the market tomorrow. I fear our kitchen is not stocked well enough." She twirled her wine glass, it was nearly as wide as a bowl. "I am accustomed to simple fare... I'll try anything you make." She added, then took another long sip from the glass.

Remington raised a brow, amused. "Cookies would be wonderful." he commented. "Perhaps Cara should join me at the market. She'll want to see the village eventually, and she is the chef after all! Unless, you might prefer the day to rest. I'll get what you need, and the village will wait." He turned to Cara.

Hibiscus glowered at him over the rim of her glass.
Cara looked between Hibiscus and Remington, trying to figure out what was going on. Perhaps Remington had overstepped his boundaries by inviting her. "I would love to go to the market, I have not been to one since I was a child." She admitted.

"I will be able to have enough rest tonight as long as we do not have to leave too early tomorrow morning. " Cara added. Even though today had been hectic and surprising, she knew that one nights sleep should be enough to gain back her normal energy.

When she was done speaking, Cara began to taste her meal. Everything was made well, although blander than Cara was used to. She would need to remember to get spices at the market as well.

"Do you hate any flavors or foods?" Cara asked Hibiscus, surprised at the large glass of wine in her hands. She herself was not used to drinking a lot of wine, her family could not afford much.
"No preferences. Really, make what you like." Hibiscus pursed her lips together, and almost smiled.

"You didn't quite care for that snapper Kapera made last year." Remmington remarked.

"That is because that "snapper" was actually the demon Bel'ahk whom we were supposed to be entertaining for dinner not eat---" Hibiscus paused, looking to Cara. The girl won't want to hear of these things. She set down her wine-glass. "-- You two got me in a world of troubble." Would be sufficient to finish the story. She closed her eyes, tempering her annoyance.

"Anyhow, the market tomorrow. He shall wait until you are ready." She dabbed a napkin over her lips and set it down over her plate, of which she had only taken a few bites. "Remmington, while you are in the village, please keep an eye out for a dog."

"Yes 'mam. A dog." He gave her a little bow.

"A real dog." Hibiscus knew she needed to speficy.

"A... real dog... a living dog or a dog--"

"--A living dog."

"Whatever for?"

"We are going to have a dog." She threw back the last few drops of wine into her throat, and declined Kapera with the wave of a hand when she threatened to refill it.
Her mouth dropped open for a moment at the thought of cooking someone up instead of feeding them, but she quickly regained her composure. Cara did not have anything in particular that she loved to cook, but she was sure since she would be able to pick ingredients she would come to like some more than others with time.

"Animals sometimes come up to me, I know it is odd, but it is like they trust me." Cara added. "I requested the dog... If you prefer I can look for one at the market and see if any come up to me while we are there." She did not want to give anyone any trouble.

Most of Cara's food was finished by now, she had found everything to be better than what she had been eating for the past few years. Since she to had a rather large glass of wine, Cara began to sip it as she waited for their response. As the glass began to empty, she began to feel light and free, as if her worried did not matter.
"I am sorry that we misunderstood your instructions..." Remington closed his eyes and bowed apologetically, but there was a sly grin in the corner of his mouth.

"Enough on that matter. The dog." Hibiscus lifted a finger to silence her servant. "Do not misunderstand me now: Remington, allow her to pick out her dog in whatever manner she likes. Finding it on the street, buying it in the market, or stealing it from the yard, it is no matter to me." the maid, Kapera, took away the neglected plates and silverware. "Be sure to take any instruction from her, as if it were mine own."

Remington bowed cordially.

Hibiscus stood. "My lady, if you are weary and craving solace I can show you to your chambers. Or do you crave further entertainment?"

The necromancer felt the weight of the day, not that she was literally tired, simply knowing that her life here was taking a new turn. Everything Cara touched made it change, the servants, the fork in her hand, the taste of the wine...
Cara nodded. "I am a bit tired, I believe sleep would be good." She said, standing and almost faking over. Cara giggled and used the table to hold herself up. "Sorry, I guess the wine is having an affect on me. "

She smiled and made her way slowly towards Hibiscus. "I won't need to steal, I can have one of the outcasts, like I am. No body wants me anymore." Her words were slightly slurred and slow, Cara's eyes were blinking slowly.

"Where is my room? Is it a big one up high? That's where I was up home so I could not jump out of the window and leave alive. They wanted me to stay there and do as I was told." She further explained.
Hibiscus stepped fowarard to steady the girl.

Not accustomed to wine, then? I'll have to be careful what I serve her, perhaps something lighter next time.

She wrapped a hand around Cara's waist, the other gently clasped her arm, she would guide her from the dining room and down the hall.

"It's not... so high. I thought you might like a view, if it displeases you, we might change it."

Her mouth felt dry as Cara spoke. Nobody want's me. Poor girl, the way her parents had treated her could not lead her to believe anything else. Worse, Hibiscus could not rightly claim to be doing any better. Inwardly she balked at the idea of the girl living here. It was so contrary to her work.

Yet, this is a castle full of unwanted things. Perhaps she will fit in better than I imagined...

As they went Hibiscus would lend more strenght for the tipsy-girl when needed, and finally open the door into a room.

Kapera had been ordered to clean it, and the girl had done her work well. There were soft clean blankets upon the bed, fresned with a handfull of flowers left upon the pillow. Cara's things would be sitting at the edges of the room, in her suitcases and trunks. (everything that was her's would be there, and even somethings that were not technically hers, but things she liked in her parent's home.) There was not much in the way of decorum, a dresser and a few old paintings upon the walls. The firepit was lit, making the room warm and cozy. There were tall windows on the north side of the room, giving ample view of the moon and the sea beneath.
"Hmm, I'm sure I'll like it when it is light out. I love windows." Cara murmured, before yawning. "You are not as cold as I thought you would be. Are you alive or some type of living dead?"

Her head was not clear, it was clouded so Cara was rambling. When she saw the bed, she made her way over to it. "Oh good! Something soft." She grinned and started to undo her corset and dress. "I think it is time for night night. Am I sharing the room with you?"

Cara knew almost nothing about the house and how Hibiscus wanted to run things. They had not talked about it, they had not discussed any of the rules of the house.
Not as cold as... Hibiscus scowled, as if insulted. In truth, it was difficult not be kind to a creature such as Cara. She wasn't like her parents at all, who deserved crueler treatment than they received. Most the people Hibiscus interacted with were like that, she would gnash her teeth and gladly deliver the pain they deserved.

"It's complicated." She watched the began to unlace herself. Am I dead or alive? She watched the fabric peel away from her skin, like a molting butterfly...

She turned toward the fireplace, she knelt beside it and took hold of the poker. She stirred the embers, ensuring the fire would remain warm through the night.

"We are not married yet, so, I thought to allow you your privacy for a time." She would never want to share a room with me, I did promise not make her do anything she didn't want to... even when we are married I wager she'll want to keep her own room. There are plenty of nobles who carry on that way, loveless couples. She is repulsed by me anyhow.

Nobody wants me... She remembered Cara's words as they left the dining hall.

"Your questions continue to amuse me. It has been a long time since I have spoken to someone you... if ever." She scratched her head, trying to recall, have I ever...?
"Oh, why did you request for me then? If you have not spoken to someone like me before, I would not think you would want to marry me." Cara said, moving closer to Hibiscus. Her corset was still on, having not been able to untie it.

"You know, when we are married I would not mind sharing a room with you. I do not know how we will consummate the marriage, but I'm sure you know more than me. I hope you like your rooms warm though, I get cold easily and need many blankets." She explained, laughing softly.

"It makes me feel like I am being hugged by someone. The blankets are wonderful." Cara admitted, sitting down besides the fire and letter her legs straighten out. "You can tell me if you don't want me to do something you know. I've been here and so far you just tell me to do as I please. I follow rules well, you can ask me things".
Why Indeed?

Cara sat beside her, perhaps it was only the wine making the girl so comfortable.

My castle is a cold place, Cara, someday you will not feel glad that I brought you here.

"When we are wed we shall share a room. And you will have as many blankets as you need..." She was surprised that Cara spoke about consummating, in the carriage she had been adverse to the idea, she looked to the fire, not wanting to say the wrong thing, just in case this talk was only the wine speaking.

It was cold until now, that is.

"When you do something that displeases me, I shall inform you. The most important rules I have I have already told you. First you don't run off, second you don't meddle in my work."

Hibiscus slid her black eyes toward the girl, still wearing her corset. "You are accustomed to rules, I see. You are wise to learn the rules, most humans do not, and find themselves playing a game they do not understand." Like your parents did.

Looking back to the girl she noticed the unfinished laces on the corset. "Do you need... help with that?" Most noble girls had servants to help them dress and undress. Hibiscus had intended for the hand-maid to attend Cara, however, the maid was not there. Hibiscus had not intended to spend more time with Cara past dinner, yet, here she was...
Cara zoned out at her talk about the rules when she said that Cara already knew the most important ones. "Oh this? My fingers got tired, I thought maybe it would slide off." She told Hibiscus, smiling at her.

"Corsets don't usually slide off though do they? I guess I will need to untie it more." Cara sighed and reached back around, pulling at the strings, but not doing much to untie it.

"for the wedding will I walk down the aisle or will you?" She asked with a laugh. "We are both women, how does that part work?"
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