The End of the Beginning

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:dustbunny:The End Of The Beginning :dustbunny:
It's the year 2050. 1 year ago, a nucular comet hit earth and effected everyone. Some changed a little, while others changed alot. The comet hit Washington D.C. at about 00:00 hours on Christmas Eve. After the hit, instead of killing all of mankind and life on earth, it mutated everyone. Everyone into 2 classes. These classes go by rank.

Anthro's: These are Anthro Animals that did not change size. They keep Humans in cages and do 4 things to them. Keep them as pets, use them as butlers, as partners, or as food. There are a few that don't do these four. They are part of an organization that kills any Anthro that harms humans badly but has a human as a partner. They we're originally regular animals and now can speak human.

Humans: Shrunk down to 1.5 inches, humans are sold to other anthro's as what ever they please. Though treated decently at the stores. Humans are a high interest in almost any Anthro. The humans that aren't captured live in unpopulated areas and are usually cannibalistic to smaller humans/animals or people of a lower "rank" than them.

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