The Elder Invasion: CHAPTER 1 - The Train to ShapeShifter's

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Re: The Train to ShapeShifter's - CHAPTER 1


While the rain had ceased over Anirune Forest, it was still tumultuous on the outlying plains, ice water poisoned by the nuclear fallout from FireBase Sparta. Joined with the smoke from Shifter Town, the rainclouds made the morning seem as black as night. Or perhaps the weather had nothing to do with it. Perhaps it was just a reflection of one creature's soul.


He had salvaged things from the train-tracks - railings, lengths of wood, even the odd sword that had survived the nuclear strike - anything he could bind together into crude cross shapes. And each effigy he drove into the ground, parallel to the tracks, near where they terminated at the edge of the blast-zone.

Coffee, Palonis, Torsty, Psychosis, Tyler, Woodrat, Paorou, Chopsticks, Bowie, Reikei, Fel, Grumpy, Lycan, Zeon, Ozgood, Razilin, Chaos, Kimmy, Shadowform, Nic, BloodDancer, Reiz, Gabriel... a holocaust of the soul, his history a deluge of blood and horror...

As he drove the next cross into the ground, he could not tell the rain from the tears. Asmodeus sagged on his knees, his wings and hair soaking, shuddering for a moment before he tipped his head back.

He could still hear the gears of the Cycle, the sound that had gathered as he departed the dream-realm.


Thunder broke the sky, a flash of lightning turning all to violent white before darkness returned.


His hands came up, catching the acid rain. "WHAT ELSE? IF NOT DEATH THEN WHAT? TELL ME!! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!!"

He collapsed on his side, the exhaustion of the last fight coming all at once upon him. To the south the Noob Army was moving, a great cloud of dust and sound kicked up in their wake as they manouvered east. And to the north more smoke hung over Iwaku City. The forest was behind him in the west, granting fleeting shelter to the ones he had abandoned.

There was only one way left to go.

Gripping the cross dedicated to Coffee, Asmodeus pulled himself to his feet, another peel of thunder splitting the skies as he spread his wings.
Re: The Train to ShapeShifter's - CHAPTER 1

"Up there! On the ridge!"

The eyes of the convoy turned, following the line of Anton's finger. And there, casting black against the rising sun, they saw the angel land. A call went up from the Vikings and with a chorus of shouts and gestures the great procession of refugees churned to a halt.

They were in Dragontear Valley, a narrow pass running northeast to the foothills of the Gosai Mountains. The region had been spared the brunt of the fighting, allowing thick and knotted grass to grow, tempered by the Badland winds. The same air ruffled Asmodeus's wings as he descended, striding down the slope into the heart of the convoy. Anton moved to meet him, passing the lines of wagons and pickup trucks. Those civilians who did not come to watch instead took time to rest, breaking out water canteens and supplies from the ration cart. And further back, priests of the Engel Church offered up another prayer to those who would listen.

Asmodeus had his sword unsheathed.

"Is it just you?" cried Anton as he approached the angel, "Where are the others? What happened to Shifter Town? Did you find Master Palo--"

"Yes. Safe. Gone. No idea," Asmodeus sheathed his sword and moved past the boy. "Where are the ISAF soldiers?"

"They left us after we crossed the train-line." Anton hurried to follow, "I tried to stop them, but they said they had to report back to Dystopia. How could they leave us like that?"

The Viking guards parted to let Asmodeus check the central humvee, where the coffin of the Lycan Queen was chained in place. "I admire their confidence. At least they believe there's a Dystopia to go back to."

Anton peered nervously over the other side of the coffin. "What? You really think the Elders could've destroyed it?"

"That all depends on how many of those Scorpions there are." Asmodeus took a spare AR-15 from the back of the humvee, racking it and scooping up some magazines.


"Relax, boy. I'd be surprised if Ryker's balls have dried up this soon. The last time I saw him he shot God in the face."

"Well... I suppose that's good..."

Asmodeus hoisted the rifle in one hand and ran his other along the side of the coffin, caressing the carved stone and feeling the Sheathe and the Contract Spirits seethe within. "The others are in the forest now. You keep this convoy going, Anton, and keep the coffin safe. Engel willing, we'll all see each other again."

"But... where are you going?" Anton spluttered as the angel moved away with the rifle.

"Shifter Town is gone and the army that destroyed it is still on the move. I'm going to stop it."

"What?! But..."

"KEEP THEM MOVING, SAINT ANTON!" Asmodeus shouted, his wings spreading and carrying him away as quickly as he had come. The eyes of the convoy watched him depart, the slim hope they may have felt at his return evaporating like the smoke of Shifter Town.

[SUMMARY: Asmodeus checks on the Refugee Convoy, grabs a rifle and continues eastwards.]
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