The Easterling Army

She gives him a odd look, slightly confused on how sleeping is 'just sleeping' but nods, "Im ready.." She pulls her hood back up
"We'll reach the southern part of Mirkwood by midday, then you can choose hat you want to do from there." Valtir said, knowing that she may not want to go any further at the sight of the Brown Lands.
She nods, "Alright...Then shall we head off?" She tilted her head at him, she was slightly curious to see what was out there
"Very well." They pressed on. The day was slightly hotter than before, and a humid air seemed to blow out of Mirkwood. "So..." said Valtir, trying to think of a topic of conversation. "I heard there were some pretty big spiders in Mirkwood. Have you seen any before?"
She nodded, "Yeah...they arent that bad but....i prefer them dead..." She shrugged and removed her hood, tying her hair up in a pony tail, pulling it forward over her shoulder and putting her hood back up quickly to hid her neck, "They are essentially.....harmless...untill they see you"
"haha, isnt everything? So did you ever go out hunting them or anything like that?" Valtir wanted to know, because if she did, then she had to be pretty good with a bow. That could be useful.
She nodded and looked at him, "I have hunted everything in Mirkwood, I dont like to collect trophies however, I prefer to leave the remains to nature..." She raised a brow, "Im not a total amateur..." She says with a slight smile
"I'd say that hunting giant spiders is a little more interesting than reading books" he said with a smirk. "Why didnt you say that before?"
She shrugged, "Because i find reading interesting," She smirked slightly, "Besides, its not something i discuss as my Mother disproves...." She says mother with a slight sneer
"Well you're out of there now, so who really cares what you say. it's not like I'll tell on you or anything. How old do you think I am?"
"Old habits die hard...." She sighs a bit and then looks at you and studies your face, tilting her head slightly as she does so, "Younger than 30, but older than 21....mid twenties atleast..."
"I-It was a rhetorical question." he said, laughing. "Dont worry about it. We'll get through it sooner or later."
She shrugs and looks forward, thinking it was brighter out here and enjoying it.
"So what does your family do for a living? You can ask questions too still."
"uhmm...." She gives him a slight side glance, "Mother stays home, Father is into the hierarchy and is an adviser, Brother is lazy...." She shrugs and tilts her head, "What does your family do..?"
"My Dad is the Captain of the Guard and my mother stays home. I have a little sister who my Mother looks after. What's your brother like?"
she shrugs slightly, "He is stuck up, arrogant, grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth and deserves a kick, he is also the perfect one.." She rolled her eyes
"Ah, so your parents try to compare you with him, then? That would make sense."
"Brother has a habit of blaming things on me...." She tilted her head, "He also liked to hit me....untill i started hitting him back..." She snickered slightly
"Sounds like quite the spoiled brat. My sister is the nicest girl you'll ever meet. She's got the heart of my mother, really."