The Dreamweaver's Domain

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Larken's eyes widen, and he put his phone to the side. " an elk? A-And does it ask for your consciousness for while you're asleep?" he questioned. He could benefit from this!
Was it an elk? Allen, who always tried to be an open-minded, gentle, easily approachable man, couldn't help but find the question stupid. Sure, Allen saw a ferret in his dream. But why would anyone specifically as for an elk. Then again...

A piece of mind. The ferret asked for a piece of mind. That he remembered clearly. Allen doubted in coincidences. There must always be a thoroughly thought-out, reasonable, legitimized explanation for most occurrences. But if that were the case, then how would one explain something like this? Allen felt a cold sweat coming up. He opened his mouth to speak.

"Everyone for North Patterson Street, now's your stop." The kindly old bus driver looked back, as though he knew that this was Allen's stop. Allen's mouth was still agape.

"I got to go," said Allen, walking off the bus, hoping to never see the boy again.
" But you didn't answer my question!" Larken said as he stood up from his seat. " I'll let you meet my dad!" he offered. He couldn't get off the bus. If he was late to school or skipped, Ken would skin him! He bit his lip caught between school, and following this ..."adult". If they could talk somewhere more private ...maybe he could explain without everyone around them in the bus muttering. He already could see people glancing over as they texted on their phones. He lowered his head not liking that he had made himself a center of attention.
There was part of Allen that wanted nothing more than to meet Officer Amshel. He was, after all, a great man worthy of admiration. There was even a small, invaluable chance that he heard Chloe's last words. The other part recognized the importance of meeting with his editor. Without doing so, Allen risked losing his comic book forever, his very last outlet of expression.

With haste, Allen took at the old band-aid in his pocket and inscribed his address on the white side of the wrapping. There was no hesitation as he swiftly slipped his hand through the bus door and handed Larken the memo.

"Meet me there at eight PM. Got it?"
Larken nodded, surprised that it actually worked. The door's closed, and the bus rolled away. He looked down at what he took, and cringed with slight disgust. He took out his phone, input the address, and quickly threw away the old bandaid. He went and sat back down in his seat, eager to find some normalcy at school. The bus pulled up,....just as the bell rang. " Shiiiiiit" he groaned under his breath, he quickly got his things together as he waited the bus to stop infront of the school.
Alice snapped out of her imaginings as the bell rang. She put on her backpack and skipped to her classroom. Although she hoped she'd dream of the dog again. It was such a pleasant dream dog!

She entered her classroom, and took her seat.
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As the bus doors slowly slid open Shiro all but squeezed past the still semi closed entrance, dragging Kuro unwittingly by the arm as he went. What luck they had to arrive at school just as the final bell rang. Being late wasn't exactly Shiro's idea of a great first impression after his near ten year absence. He actually didn't care much for his school attendance record (unlike he used to) but was concerned that his brother would also get in trouble for his lateness.

"Shiro" Kuro called, inciting a huffed response from his younger sibling "Do you know where you're going?"

"Of course I-!!"

There was a moment of silence as they both came to an abrupt stop. Shiro shyly glanced back at Kuro as he sheepishly shook his head in answer. An amused smile appeared on the latter's face as he began walking through the desolate hallways. A few turns later and they were both entering their first period classroom.

"Late again Mr. Gray?" The teacher inquired.

Shiro raised his eyebrows questioningly at his brother. As far as his memories would allow Kuro was never one to miss a minute of class. All straight and perfect attendance record since the day he started preschool. His thoughts were interrupted however as he noticed the others openly gaping at him. The silence was finally broken when a redheaded teen jumped from the back of the class and boldly called out Shiro's name, waving him over like an over excited five year old. Others seemed to recognize the once idolized child and began surrounding him with bright, excited smiles. Instead of feeling welcomed however Shiro felt more like he was going to throw up from all the claustrophobic air these people were surrounding him with. The feeling intensified ten fold as he suddenly realized that Kuro was nowhere in sight. The itch in his left eye was beginning to claw at him again.

It reached an unbearably discomforting level before a familiar hand wrapped itself around his and pulled him from the fray of students. He all but visibly wilted in relief at Kuro's opportune appearance and stuck so close to his seat that he was nearly sitting on his brother's lap.

"Alright enough chit chat, get back to your seats" The teacher instructed, rising from her chair "And welcome back Shiro"
Clara waited until lunch break to reply again. Morning practice block was boring as always--exercises, group practice, and all those other dull things. At lunch she sat in the corner of the room by herself and slowly chewed on her celery. Her muscles had handled the dancing exercises wonderfully. No one had seemed to notice how well she was doing, which Clara thought was a shame. She would have to wait until the performance on Wednesday for everyone to see how truly shining she was.

She pulled out her phone and checked tumblr. She scoffed when she was her post had been replied to again. Of course someone was trying to steal her thunder. He was probably trying to bait all her followers into following him as well. But, the swan was not a phenomenon; it was her phenomenon.

Clara gritted her teeth and gulped down hard, swallowing her pride before she responds.

Fine. If you say so. Congratulations. Now you are as crazy as me. I hope that pleases you.

Clara puts her phone down and bites vigorously into the celery. This whole ordeal was starting to annoy her.
It was several hours before Frank finally got a reply. The trickle of comments had more or less stopped, so he was just reading an art blog and doing a little bit of studying when Swan's reply finally arrived. "Shoot..." he sighed. She was angry at him. What did he say? Was he just talking too much? Maybe he should wait before replying again.

Against his instincts, Frank waited a couple more hours, using the time to work on some homework that was due in the next couple days. He didn't like skipping school too often, but his sister Sarah had been trying to get him to take advantage of Alex's kindness more. Once two 'o clock rolled around, he gave Swan another shot, this time in a private message:

Hey um sorry if I did something to annoy you. You're the first person I have talked to that knew about this dream animal thing, everyone else thinks I'm crazy. Maybe we can just uh, I don't know talk about this? Sorry if you're busy...

It was true that everyone else thought he was nuts. He had tried to talk about this with his brother-slash-best friend Robert, but he'd dismissed it as "just a damn dream" and changed the subject. And if Robert of all people wouldn't listen, then who would? Hopefully Prima Swan. She was his last hope.
Numbness embraced Allen's body. Everything that had just happened came over him with a rush, filling his head with lightness. As he sat it the waiting room for his meeting, Allen kept to himself. He was trapped in the thought of his dreams being shared with another. It were like souls linked together in one fabric of being. There was mystery and uncertainty; but, more importantly, there was a sense horror that at any moment they would be cut to shreds and what used to be their state of being would be changed forever. Mystery, uncertainty, and the horrors of the unknown.


Allen snapped from his thoughts and attempted to gather himself as his editor appeared form nowhere. He fumbled slightly as he rose from his chair. Allen's editor was a lot of things. A father, a husband, a man of his community. His editor was not, however, a fan of Allen's tomfoolery.

"Good evening, Sam." Allen trembled slightly, trying to map out what exactly he should say. Sam shook his head slightly.

"Come into my office, Allen," same groaned. Allen felt hesitant like Death himself waited for him on the other side of the door. The two men settled down. Sam offered a cup of coffee to which Allen refused a bit too frankly.

"I know why you called me in here," Allen confessed. Sam opened his mouth to interject, but Allen refused to let him have his way. "That said, I finally have an idea. I even drew something this morning. It will be my first arc since... 'recovering' from what happened." Sam's eyes widened in shock.

"Really, now?" Sam said, impressed by what he was hearing.

"Please, just let me work on the arc some more and I can hand in some betas within the week." Sam looked like he had just passed a kidney stone made of gold. It was all that he needed to hear.

"Well, then. I'll see you in a week."
Larken, who was not admitted into the school before Shiro Gray's death, looked around in confusion at the classmates. He had no idea that Kuro Gray had a twin brother. He hadn't really talked to him before, there was never a reason or need to do so.

He took his seat just a ways off from the brothers, and pulled out his notes. Maybe the normalcy of his day could be saved by the school.

Alice was currently enjoying a singalong lesson in her class as she kicked her dangling feet and clapped her hands. She hoped all of her classes would start off like this, but even more so she couldn't wait to see Clara Russel's Cinderella performance. She giggled to herself as the music in the classroom continued.
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