The Dragon Blades Chapter 1

Kyle smiled at what seemed to be her happy. He loved helping people, he loved the joy that came with it. "I'll do everything in my power to do whatever I can." He then said.
Though her joy soon faded away into nothing more than a memory,
she was still glad on the inside that he had decided to help her.
She was coming close to desperate to find someone to help her.

" Thank you so much. But we have to hurry.
Nobody else can know you are helping me."
"Alright. But why no one else?" He asked confused
" If anyone else knows you are helping someone like, well, me
then it will arouse suspicion. Possibly causing us to run into trouble.
If that makes any sense to you, because I am a shadow.
technically I shouldn't even be inside of the city limits."
"You have a point... Don't worry, the secret is safe with me." He assured her.
" Thank you. I never thought I would find someone
who was willing to help me. Come, we must hurry.
I cannot enter the village and retrieve that orb.
I need it to restore myself. Take this with you
to keep the other shadows at bay. It wont work once
you enter the village but it will keep you safe until then."
I will go out to the village with you but no further.
If I enter the village I will shatter.
I will literally be shattered into dust.
Skyla fused with the darkness and followed.
She had given him an amulet, that which
now was hanging round his neck. It glowed
faintly in the darkness, but it performed
it's desired use well. Indeed keeping the other
shadows at bay, though Skyla stayed at your side.
Having to dodge your wings as she went.
"How far?" a deep voice rumbled from his dragon form. Though you could tell it was still his.
" Not much further. Look, there-" She pointed down to a small crumbling group of old buildings. " -That's it. "

She moved to go down, her form tilting in that direction so that instead of going forwards she angled towards the ground.
She landed with a light thud, a small cloud of dust going up around her. Walking to the village, she stopped a few feet away.
reaching out to put up her hand, feeling for the barrier that kept her out. When her hand grazed it's invisible surface, she
winced as it left a burn on her hand, glowing and then fading away with the pain.

"I cannot go any further. You must go on your own form here."
As he landed, a large cloud a dust puffed out. He went back to his human form and followed her. "I'm guessing it's a village that doesn't allow shadows to enter." He said. "Don't worry. Whatever it takes. I can do this."
" No. There are many of them inside. I cannot enter because I am cursed.
I am not a true shadow. I was cursed into his form and I am kept form going
inside because that is where my cure is. That orb can return me to my original form.
But please still be careful, the shadows inside can still hurt you, but they shouldn't be hard to kill."
Kyle thought back to that time with the single shadow. If he fails there's a chance he could end up dead... or worse. He gritted his teeth. "I know." his voice slightly shaking.
She stepped away form the barrier, looking to you.
She wouldn't go any further, just standing there in fear,
as she could be seen shivering form the cold.
He took a deep breath and crouched down before entering, trying to keep from being detected. He snuck towards the church.
Just as you neared the abandoned church building,
something leapt out at you hissing and snarling.
It was one of the shadows, several more coming out
after it like it had raised an alarm or something.
It leapt again, this time getting a nice sized scratch
running down your back, others approaching.
Kyle yelped and stood up. He could shift, but would that injure the orb? He pulled out his blade, it was short until he pressed a button, making it a bit longer than a normal sword. "I will not be stopped..." He said to them. He slashed the first on that slashed his back, killing it.
It screeched in agonized pain before dispersing into smoke,
the others quickening their approach, several of them
growling and snarling at you. Two of them jumping at you,
their eyes a bright glowing yellow.