
Original poster
If you can read this, congratulations! You have reached my workshop, the hidden cube v2
i wish for anyone that can see this thread to not to steal my templates and other ideas that might appear in this thread.

- Attribute means something specific in HTML.
- <a> is an element, so you can refer to all of that type of element.
- <div> is an element, so you can refer to all of that type of element (though you likely wouldn't want to)
- div:hover being a css selector
If you want to style a specific element on the page with ah over, you'd refer to its id or its class (depending on if you had one or many of the elements)
- #image_holder:hover{background-color: red;} (that is not formatted correctly for white space)

basic/more used codes
Width: #px;
Height: #px;
opacity: .6;
Overlay: auto;
[*abbr=hovering text]images/text[/abbr]

images / background
background-image: url(---);
background-position: center;
Background: // background-color:;

border control
border-radius: 10em 0em 10em 0em;
border-radius: px;
border: 1px soild #000000;
border-right-width: medium;

font / text
color: #000000;
Font: size font;
font-family: ;
font-size: 0px;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: bold;
text-shadow: 0px 0px 0 black, x3
text-align: justify; // text-align: center;


background resources:
Browse Palettes :: COLOURlovers
Subtle Patterns
Vintage Backgrounds
Backgrounds, etc.

edwardian script itc
filter for templates
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet ham landjaeger turkey boudin spare ribs bresaola fatback sausage tail turducken brisket. Shank leberkas salami pig jerky tongue. Pastrami spare ribs ham, fatback meatball pork chop turducken salami. Ham hock tail andouille, ball tip pastrami rump hamburger corned beef prosciutto. Sirloin tri-tip beef pork chop landjaeger fatback turducken doner jowl pork pork loin rump ribeye cow. Jerky meatball hamburger, brisket short ribs tongue ham hock corned beef.

Ham fatback ham hock, strip steak filet mignon andouille pork corned beef short loin tenderloin. Kevin ball tip swine landjaeger boudin. Pork belly corned beef andouille brisket tenderloin frankfurter ham meatball pork pancetta tail. Short ribs strip steak kielbasa, andouille jerky drumstick pastrami tenderloin ham hock chuck tri-tip t-bone ham.

Beef flank brisket prosciutto pork chop meatloaf shoulder t-bone leberkas bacon. Jowl meatball tongue drumstick andouille, pig salami bacon turkey meatloaf beef doner hamburger porchetta. Short ribs biltong meatball bacon flank jerky. Capicola tongue turducken salami flank spare ribs drumstick shank meatball short ribs cow brisket tail. Pork chop prosciutto boudin, salami cow ball tip biltong sirloin fatback tri-tip meatloaf meatball beef shankle t-bone.

Ground round shoulder beef ribs turkey, t-bone tongue landjaeger andouille boudin leberkas. Kielbasa tenderloin hamburger, ham strip steak venison prosciutto. Shankle andouille sirloin bresaola drumstick tri-tip chuck. Spare ribs pig chuck, short loin pork chop shank filet mignon. Jowl shankle flank salami short loin ribeye sausage swine kevin ball tip beef shank sirloin prosciutto leberkas. Turducken short loin salami ground round. Turkey pork beef, bacon short ribs chicken rump strip steak.

Turkey kielbasa andouille pork tail bresaola. Venison landjaeger bresaola, chicken jowl ball tip beef ribs meatball biltong. Ball tip fatback pork chop cow, rump pancetta ribeye t-bone flank. Turkey jerky kielbasa pork loin. Landjaeger porchetta chicken shank fatback ball tip jerky flank meatloaf beef ribs kielbasa sirloin tail.

There are countless stars in the sky tonight
And the city glows with a million lights
But of this bright that I see tonight

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet ham landjaeger turkey boudin spare ribs bresaola fatback sausage tail turducken brisket. Shank leberkas salami pig jerky tongue. Pastrami spare ribs ham, fatback meatball pork chop turducken salami. Ham hock tail andouille, ball tip pastrami rump hamburger corned beef prosciutto. Sirloin tri-tip beef pork chop landjaeger fatback turducken doner jowl pork pork loin rump ribeye cow. Jerky meatball hamburger, brisket short ribs tongue ham hock corned beef.

Ham fatback ham hock, strip steak filet mignon andouille pork corned beef short loin tenderloin. Kevin ball tip swine landjaeger boudin. Pork belly corned beef andouille brisket tenderloin frankfurter ham meatball pork pancetta tail. Short ribs strip steak kielbasa, andouille jerky drumstick pastrami tenderloin ham hock chuck tri-tip t-bone ham.

Beef flank brisket prosciutto pork chop meatloaf shoulder t-bone leberkas bacon. Jowl meatball tongue drumstick andouille, pig salami bacon turkey meatloaf beef doner hamburger porchetta. Short ribs biltong meatball bacon flank jerky. Capicola tongue turducken salami flank spare ribs drumstick shank meatball short ribs cow brisket tail. Pork chop prosciutto boudin, salami cow ball tip biltong sirloin fatback tri-tip meatloaf meatball beef shankle t-bone.
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