The Devil's Triad

Sylvia Atwood
Place of Birth:
Oakland, CA
Species/Racial Origin:

Human Reaper
Pact Dedication:
Pact of Blood



Detailed Physical Description(Scars, Notable features, etc.):
Scar through her left eyebrow where she caught an elbow
Typical Clothing/Equipment:



Observant, Thoughtful, Decisive, Outspoken, Cautious, and Fierce

Martial Artist
Knife work
Athletic Run

Trap Music, Working out, Challenges, Meditating, Stretching, Cold Pizza, Spaghetti, Strawberries
Most Hated/Dislikes:
Cold weather, Small Spaces, Sticky foods, Beans, and Assholes
To grow as a human being
Fighting ability, agility, and adaptability
Overall strength (She is limited due to her feminine physique), no comprehension of the supernatural, easily agitated, quick-tempered
Being confined in a small space, cockroaches, being able to practice martial arts, and absolute darkness
Philosophy of Life:
Eat or be eaten
Attitude Toward Death:
It's not about the Years in in Life, but the Life in those Years
You reap what you sow
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
Growing up in her household, her father was very strict and quite abusive. Her ambitions and athleticism all came from her upbringing, and while she is glad that she attained the abilities she has, she is resentful toward the man that treated her as if she was iron and he was the blacksmith.​
This character us accepted simply want to confirm it and may continue searching for others who may be interested in this as well.
If anyone would enjoy being a Reaper and have the possibility of influencing the result of this world. Let me know! We are still accepting people!
Interested! Character sheet might not be done until after Christmas though.
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  • An arsonist turned reaper after his imprisonment and subsequent suicide. He has a lot of debts to pay to the living, but considering he's dead… there's only so much that can be done. This said, he has had something of a change of heart, particularly after wasting away years of his death in emotional fits. His goal is now to right some of the wrong that he has done, and he's accomplished some of that already: devoting himself to his task as a reaper and helping the world find some sense of order. He chose the pact of blood two years after his death and has found some healing, but not enough to let him descend from his duty as a reaper into oblivion.

    Name: Sebastian Ehrmann
    Devotion: Pact of Blood
    Species Origin: Human
    Place of Birth: Würzburg, Germany
    Age of Death: 36
    Current Age: 41

  • Height: 5'10" (178 cm)
    Weight: 190 lb (86 kg)
    Hair: blond
    Eyes: grey

    A well-groomed man, Sebastian keeps his hair slicked back, sides trimmed short and faded. He has some burn scars on his hands and arms, but those on his hands are small and those on his arms are typically covered by long sleeves. Most notable, however, is the bruising beneath his jaw line. He will sometimes conceal this with makeup, but this can prove physically uncomfortable for him, so he tends not to. Clothing, such as scarves, tend to be more comfortable.

    He is typically well dressed, with a suit and tie, as he aims to be seen as a professional by his targets. When travelling to certain countries, he has been known to wear robes and other loose garments, which he actually favors but doesn't always feel are appropriate.

    The only equipment he usually carries includes a set of syringes (21 gauge), a flask, and some sedatives, though he also has a small pocket knife attached to carabiner with a few keys to who knows where. He sometimes will also have some medical devices related to diabetes should he expect to be questioned for having syringes.

  • Attitude: Friendly but often at a loss for what to say, Sebastian isn't a very active participant in conversations, but has nothing against them either. In his death, he keeps to himself largely, and he holds self control as the central tenet to his current existence. He doesn't quite take pride in his work, but he does take care to be mindful in his reaping and general activities. He researches his targets carefully, and aims for his involvement in their passing to be as painless as possible.

    Petticoats, cold weather, fresh bread, still landscapes, art galleries, independence, meditation

    Fire, the nickname "Basti", organized religion, sirens, alcohol, mangoes, loud music, Turkish women, criminals

    Falling back into his old self, doing harm to others

    To atone for the crimes he committed while alive

  • Although he had some physical fitness while alive, this is not the case any longer, as his current training is now focused on his mental capabilities. This does extend to some physical abilities, but anything physical is deeply intertwined with his mind.

    • internal blood control: this primarily applies to the blood within his body, namely the contraction of his blood vessels, which results in blood pressure changes, and the general location of his blood body. It does, however, exclude the bruising at his neck, as that is something he has never managed to dissipate into the rest of his body.
    • blood clot formation: in others, this requires contact between his blood and theirs and for the other person to be unconscious. At least, he hasn't trained it any other way, since his main interest is letting others' pass in their sleep through a heart attack or stroke.
    • sustaining external blood: that which does not inhabit a body any longer can be kept alive and useful with some level of concentration. This is generally done with any blood collected in the flask he keeps. Otherwise, the blood just clots or dies and is relatively useless.
    • minor healing: in terms of what he has practiced, this regards a body soon after death. Trivial injuries made by him, such as the insertion wound of a syringe or a low concentration of sedative can be made to practically disappear within minutes. Anything more involved than this could likely be achieved, but much more time, concentration, and blood would be required.

    Strengths: good focus and concentration, refined speech, thinks things through, thorough devotion to the study of his magic

    Weaknesses: repressed emotions, old habits of reckless and lustful behavior, not particularly fit physically, unsympathetic

  • On Life: There is nothing permanent in life, and this must be accepted. Moral actions are the key to happiness, along with the self awareness and improvement needed to achieve that state. Life can be suffering, but individuals can find purpose in their own worlds through morality. It is ideal to do more good than harm.

    On Death: Death is a necessary counterpart to life. It is foolish to think otherwise, or to seek immortality. Death can even be thought of as a relief from the suffering of life in some ways, though it should not be used as an escape.

    Other Beliefs: Morality can, as a whole, be treated as if it has objective truths. Some things are wrong, while others are right. Every situation may not have a clear answer, but this doesn't negate the overall absolute morals.

    Most Painful Experience: Realizing that suicide wasn't the escape that he had hoped.
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Name: Tsubasa Hiroto

Age: 20

Place of Birth: Sapporo, Hokkaido

Species/Racial Origin: Human

Pact Dedication: Pact of Spirit


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 154 lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Grey

Detailed Physical Description(Scars, Notable features, etc.):

His eye has been cut, and is still fresh. It will heal into a scar, and will be blind. There's a fresh cut on his cheek, too, which will scar over. The rest are bruises, which will heal in a few days.

Typical Clothing/Equipment:
White dress shirts, black slacks, leather shoes;
Plain t-shirts, sweater, Alameda-cut jeans, canvas shoes.
Backpack containing pencils, biology textbooks, laptop, misc supplies, and a composition notebook.


Tsubasa has Asperger's syndrome, which affects his social comprehension and mental state. He is emotionally impaired, struggling to empathize with others and quick to anger or sadness. He speaks flatly in a formal tone, and suffers from anxiety and depression which he must take medication for. He likes to be isolated, run each day as a routine, and be in control of situations. He also collects and tinkers with outdated computers, primarily Commodore systems.

Tsubasa is in college to become a biologist after growing up on a family farm and brewery. His skills aren't practical - he can grow crops well enough, brew beer if necessary, and is very knowledgeable about plants and animals. He's not strong, he's never been in a fight, and he's struggled even with mere socialization.

Tsubasa likes old computers, food, spending time with what few friends he thinks he has, and reading manga. Manga, to him, is like a window into other lives - lives in which he's normal, makes a difference, and is cared about.

Most Hated/Dislikes:
Tsubasa despises loud noises, unpleasant smells, and being touched unwillingly. He's not used to adversity, and may 'shut off' and stare silently at the ground if overwhelmed; if agitated or harassed, he is prone to violent flashes of rage in which he's broken furniture, windows, or even hit people. He becomes very submissive and remorseful after these flashes pass, afraid to speak with those involved. He has lost many friends this way.

Tsubasa wants to become a horticulturalist and start his own nursery, where he can spend time with plants more than people. If that doesn't work out, he can always take over the farm.

Tsubasa is easily stressed, but not by things that would bother most people. He worries about whether or not he locked the door to his apartment, if he remembered to get the mail, what people are thinking about him, and the like. He obsesses about such simple things, but being yelled at or threatened does little to shake him up.

Tsubasa is not physically strong. He feels desperately lonely, but rarely finds anyone he can tolerate sharing a space with. When he does, he inevitably manages to drive them away. I feel that other weaknesses have been adequately covered.

Tsubasa fears isolation, but struggles to handle being in loud or busy environments. Animals are his solace here, and he keeps a tank of fish, He also fears above all else that he will live and die alone, with no children or wife.

Philosophy of Life:
He takes life one day at a time, struggling to not dwell on the past or worry about the future. He's done this his whole life, having gotten used to it and in doing so often give off a complacent vibe.

Attitude Toward Death:
Tsubasa is not afraid of death, but does not want to die until he is satisfied with his life.

Tsubasa is open to all beliefs. He was raised in Shinto but does not practice it, is uncertain of his own sexuality, and cannot provide an opinion on whether spirits and demons are real or not.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
Tsubasa was just mugged. After two years of taking the same alley home from the campus, he was ambushed and his cycle was broken. He was stunned as he struggled to come up with a solution, ignoring the thug's demands. Tsubasa lashed out when the thug tried to grab his arm, and in return for his strike found a blade cut his face twice. As he curled up on the ground to scream and clutch his wounds, the thug fished his wallet from his pocket and hurried off.
Tsubasa stumbled to the nearest hospital only to find it empty - depressed by isolation in his darkest hour, he treated his own wounds as he sobbed and set out to find a bed to sleep in there.
He could never be prepared for the world ending as he rested.
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@Wister , @Kobold

Both accepted and will love to see how you shall interact with this roleplay!
Raikenzuxfmg_media_field_title.genderMalexfmg_media_field_title.ageUnknownxfmg_media_field_title.occupationElder Mage of the Council of Magixfmg_media_field_title.strengths
-The elements of nature, infused with his magic.
-Strong Will.
-High mana reserves.
-Yin/Yang control.
-Strong Mind
-Intermediate Swordsmanship
-Short temper.
-Is weakened by opposing mental attacks.
-Very few allies.
See picture for reference.
Rai is most notably known for the many battles, and wars he has ended on his own. Most notably the lycan rebellion, when he mercilessly slaughtered thousands of werewolves attempting to overthrow the capital of Drogma. For his actions in the rebeliion he was harshly criticized, and nearly exiled from the Council of Magi. His history is a long one, for through his mastering of otherworldly magics, he has become an Immortal. His appearence has not changed in over 1,200 years. Currently Rai is seeking to meet with the High King, and Queen of the daemonic empire for reasons unknown.

To truly understand Rai, which is a difficult enough task on its own, you have to know his past. Rai has seen much triumph, and victory, but has also experienced untold sorrow, and despair. When he was still an apprentice in the Tyberian Mage's Guild, he met a woman that instantly changed his outlook on life forever. Her name Estella Brigantine, and she was as gentle, and as beautiful as a butterfly. Seemingly the complete opposite of Rai. The two would become best friends, then lovers, and eventually soul mates.

On the eve of their wedding, Estella was taken from him. The apparent cause of her death was an aneurysm in her brain. You see, any normal man would have excepted this answer, but Rai is no normal man. Utilizing ancient, taboo rituals of magic he was able to meet the Shinigami that had taken her soul. In a heated exchange, it was revealed that the reaper had taken her randomly, before it was her time to leave Ebonzia. For every human a Shinigami kills, they receive their remaining life, thus allowing them to lessentially live forever.

Realizing this, Rai flew into a rage previously unseen. He recklessly engaged the Shinigami in battle. Perhaps if he were thinking clearly he could've bested the reaper, but do to his rash actions he was tricked, and the shinigami escaped leaving him with severe wounds. This event plunged Rai into darkness forever.

Still bloody, and broken, tears streaming down his face like an unrelenting stream, Rai saught to do something unthinkable. He made a deal with the six most powerful daemonic beings in all the realms. You see, beings from the lower planes are kept in check by numerous ancient, angelic sigils set in place by the highest ranking angels in all of creation. There are six hundred, and sixty six seals. Rai broke every single one.

With the seals broken, there was only one thing left for him to do. Sacrifice the heart of a virgin girl. This was the final step in Rai's true decent into darkness, and with the task complete Nokato Shinjuku was able to break the final seal located on the other side of the lower planes.

Raikenzu instinctively rose his right hand, and began rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He hadn't felt this feeling in nearly two-hundred years. It has been that long since the Elder Council member allowed himself to sleep by use of magic, and foreign body enhancements. "Damn it..." he spoke nearly incoherently to himself. Rising from his enormous, silken bed he slouched lazily on the edge, yawning rather loudly while stretching his arms high above his head. Finally he stood up, and walked ever so slowly to his washroom. The second he entered the room, large violet candles mysteriously lit themselves. Even to this day, Rai had no idea why someone would need a bathroom this large, no matter how important they were. The floors were made of the most expensive, and rare materials around in all the the realms, and were engraved with ancient, magical sigils of the most exquisite type. His sink was comprised of a mixture of gold, and diamonds, and the water that flowed fluidly from the faucet was infused with powerful healing properties.

After completing a few menial task, Raikenzu looked at the huge, glass mirror on the opposite side of the room. He saw a human male in his mid-twenties, fairly handsome facial structure, a jagged scar coming down from his left eye to the left corner of his mouth. "Vixon..." he mumbled aloud, the sight of the scar bringing back memories of his long past. Vivid images of long, elastic, whip-like tendrils slashing across his face played back as if it were happening all over again. Vixon, the renegade sorceress had left a permanent reminder of their fateful encounter. With a quick head shake he brushed aside those inner thoughts, and gazed once more at the man who was staring back at him. Long flowing brown, and black locks swayed gently with his movements, sky blue eyes peered into the depths of his own soul. A strong jaw, and chin, supported his thin, pale lips. Scrawny brows furrowed above his tinted oculars. "In seven hours you'll be a married man, Rai. Time to finally grow up. No more sky ball with the fella's every afternoon...". Estella, his fiance, wasn't very vocal about many things in their relationship, but she did lay down the law on that topic. The single thought of that woman caused a cheeky smile to manifest on his previously dull features.

With a spell or two here, and there, Rai was dressed, bathed, and groomed properly. Going from a mess, to a man halfway presentable. He still had at least six hours to kill, so he didn't bother wearing his ceromonial wedding robes. Instead he opted for a simple black robe that made him look like a monk. Truth was, with his level of mastery of the illusion magics he could make anyone see whatever he wished, but he honestly didn't mind the thoughts of others. The only other person whose opinion mattered to him was Estelle. Standing on the opposite end of the room from the balcony, his feet began to rise from the ground until he was floating a comfortable four inches off of the ground. He made his way to the already open balcony, and remained still once he was over-looking the beautiful city scape of Vial, capitol of Drogma.
Name: Sabbas "Sid" Apterus
Age: 102 (born 1917)
Place of Birth: Chicago
Species/Racial Origin: "Ghoul" - Reaper who's been around for a long time. He has kept himself healed and in order, but has begun taking on a somewhat ghoulish appearance due to the length of time he's been around.
Pact Dedication: Flesh

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 167lbs
Hair: White Pompadour
Eyes: Milky White
Detailed Physical Description(Scars, Notable features, etc.): Appears withered, as if becoming mummified. Scars coat his whole body - there's almost nowhere left he hasn't been wounded at before. He has a receding hairline, but styles his long hair in a pompadour to partially cover it. He smells like dirt and moldy basement.
Typical Clothing/Equipment: He wears layers of thick cloth to help against melee weapons and cover as much of his withered form as possible. However, his ghoulish face is never covered by anything except a bandana or scarf. Typically a button-up shirt, then a sweater, then rain coat, then tattered blue trenchcoat. His legs are covered by thermal underwear, long johns, sweat pants, and finally tattered jeans.


Sid claims that he's "seen it all", rarely afraid of or fazed by an encounter. He also believes its important to "lose if you're losing", to withdraw or surrender before things go south and try again when you're in better shape.
Sid has always been a brawler, treating every fight like one in a bar, but it's not shy of guns. He likes to combine hazardous objects together, and has a special attachment to his primary weapon - a monkey wrench with a sawblade bolted to its head.
Sid has learned to stop his heart and 'play dead', focusing all his energy on repairing wounds. The process is long and exhausting, but it's saved him in a pinch. He can still die like any other reaper, he just possesses the ability to fake his own death in a very convincing manner.
Sid likes 'diner food'; fries, burgers, onion rings, chicken strips, collard greens, and other quick comfort and barbeque foods.
Most Hated/Dislikes:
Sid hates a whiner.
Sid just wants to postpone his inevitable death as long as possible. He figures there's a reason reapers are all skeletons in folklore - must be possible to live long enough to turn into a skeleton.
Sid is a tank. He can barely feel pain, hot, or cold anymore - meaning that he can take a heavy wound and keep on kicking, but also can't tell quite how badly he's hurt. He always carries a mirror on him so that he can check spots he can't see.
Sid is slow. He can't go faster for a jog for very long, and certainly can't sprint. He can still climb and run when needed, but can never hope to do something like parkour. He's been broken and put back together too many times.
Death. Sid is afraid of dying, and will do whatever he can to avoid it.
Philosophy of Life:
Life is precious. People should do everything they can to keep a hold on it.
He carries mementos from people he failed to save. If people can't save their own life, it's his duty to do it for him. Failing to do so is unacceptable, and so he must keep reminders of that failure.
Attitude Toward Death:
Stubborn. He doesn't fear death, just finds it a daunting nuisance and strives to postpone it.
There is surely a way to obtain immortality.
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
Sid often remembers the first time he died. Stopping his heart in a scrap he couldn't win, toppling to the floor and watching the blood pool from his body through dead, unmoving eyes. Spending agonizing days in the sewer, knitting himself back together bit by bit as he regrew lost flesh. Long hours laying in incredible pain, unable to focus on anything but healing, rats gnawing at his skin and making it hard to do even that. He's gotten used to it since then.

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