"...You annoyed me. You were charming her and you shouldn't even be interacting with these vermin. I... I apologise, alright? It was petty of me, but you know I don't like to be annoyed, and yet you constantly find ways to irritate me. Do you know how hard it is being your friend, sometimes? You're so self-minded," he challenged, albeit lightly with his original look of anger having faded to a terribly adorable pout, pressing in a little closer just so Lucas would have to look at him.

"See how sorry I am? Do you want me to get on my knees and beg your forgiveness, O powerful one~? I'm not gonna do that, I don't need to kneel to you, but I am sorry, Lulu," he sighed, nudging his arm with a convincing smile on his face before examining the class again, huffing under his breath at how disappointingly plain the humans were. He wasn't ever going to fancy a human, that would be disgusting, but he was an incubus. He at least thought there would be a human he could watch who was mildly attractive, enough to distract him at least--

And then in came the young Bible study teacher, who, from his outfit, appeared to double-up as a priest too. It was enough to get Eden to sit up in his seat a little, his lips parting only slightly in curiosity. Finding a human priest attractive was probably right up there on the list of wrong things to think for a demon-- but hell, he was bored and the priest offered just a glimmer of handsomeness.
The priest was young, in his early twenties. He looked warm, and invited. And certainly handsome with striking blue eyes. "Good morning everyone. I was informed that we have not one but two new classmates. Please introduce yourselves." Grinned the man, gesturing to the two in the back.

Lucas stood up, smiling warming to everyone. "I'm Lucas Congridge. And this is my cousin, Eden." Lucas answered, looking down at Eden, giving him a look that meant stand up.i_know_love_as_a_fading_thing_by_apriorii-d9vbu15.jpg
Like hell was Eden going to let Lucifer out-charm him on this one. When Lucifer was your closest friend, you were overshadowed; that was inevitable. In Hell, Eden had to put up with people ignoring him and focusing solely on their leader which was understandable. Eden would never want to take attention from Lucifer anyway, but in this instance? He wanted to be the one who was noticed, the one who got the attention... even if he only wanted it from the man. Lucifer could charm the hell out of everyone if he wanted, as long as he didn't take the priest's attention, because Eden clearly had his eyes set on him.

"I'm Eden," he introduced, exaggerating the cuteness in his voice and focusing his brown eyes specifically on the man, rather than the students around him. "Like Lucas said, we're cousins. Don't look alike, though. He's all big and I'm... obviously not, I'm kinda small-- but good things come in small packages, that's the phrase, isn't it~?"
Everyone cooed at the cuteness of the boy. It even warmed the priest heart who smiled warmly at the boy. "That is true. Well, glad you two are both here. If you need any help, you can ask me for it. I offer after school studies."

Lucifer sat down, eyeing his best friend with an arched brow. Obviously something was up. He knew his best friend better than anyone. And Eden was definitely into that Priest. And Lulu knew Eden could get anyone he wanted. Which pissed him off. Because....It's a Priest!
"...I'm just having fun. I'm not going to jump into bed with him, Lulu, don't be so silly," the demon muttered once feeling the other's eyes bore into him, keeping his own focused to the front. He knew if he looked at the other, he'd give away just how attracted he was to the priest.

"I haven't had sex in, like, a week. Of course I'm going to have lower standards-- but he's cute, that's it. I can find people cute, Lulu. Do you honestly think I'd go near him romantically? Gosh, no. My allegiance is with you, you know that. I'm the Devil's fucking best friend, I'm not going to fuck a priest," he hissed under his breath, turning to him finally to offer what he hoped was a convincing enough grin. "After school studies sound cool, though. I bet your little human will be there."
"If your feeling pent up, I'll help ya with that. But don't go screwing some damn priest." Whispered the other with a low growl. "And quit with the cute act, I ain't buying it." Huffed the teen as he turned to at least look like HW as paying attention.

Lucas was very stingy when it came to Eden. Eden was his. He saw him as his own. And sure he allows Eden to run along and have his fun with others. But at the end of the day, Eden was his. And for him to be eyeing up some Priest? That was going to anger him. To take his mind off of how piss he was, he began to look at Primrose, still wondering about that shock. "....But we will go to after school studies." He answered. Because he had a feeling Prim would be there.
Eden knew full well that, at the end of the day, he essentially belonged to Lucifer. At least, that's what Lucifer believed. They had been together since they were children, Eden had been faithfully at his side through any rough times Lucifer went through, and, admittedly, they were often sexually involved. In fact, it occurred on a frequent basis whenever Eden needed it, whenever Lucifer wanted it, or when they were bored and needed to waste some time. Nothing ever got to the point where feelings were developed, and it was all incredibly casual, but Eden was aware that, by doing that, he had this bond with Lucifer that the man wouldn't ever want to see broken.

"...Fine. But you fucking owe me, Lulu. I won't look at the priest, but you can't look at that human girl. That's just as disgusting, by the way, you eyeing her up and playing with her hair and... ugh... it's awful."
Grimacing, he glanced at his best friend slightly annoyed. "The difference between me and you is that I ain't thinking about fucking her. You in the other hand want that priest. I bet he's a creep two who loves little boys. Go ahead Eden you may be his type. And he might be into some weird shit."
"...You're acting like an asshole. A complete and irrational asshole," snapped Eden, having waved his hand to bring the class to a standstill just so he could speak freely without having to whisper and hiss at his friend. Angrily growling, he began to comb his fingers through his white hair to calm himself, while glancing at the priest up the front of the class.

"He's attractive, but he's not you. Nobody will ever be you," he sighed eventually, looking to praise Lucifer to get him to calm down... though it was the truth. Lucifer was the most attractive man Eden knew and would probably ever know. "...We could skip that after school class and go to our dorm instead? Would you rather sit down in a circle discussing the Bible with a priest and that human girl, or be in bed having sex with me~?"
Lucas smirked, before licking his lips. "Why in bed? Why not on the Headmaster's desk? Wouldn't that be fun and risky~" Asked the man as his eyes hungrily looked Eden up and down.

He loved to be praised, and the praising really calmed him down. Now that he knew Eden wouldn't be trying to fuck the priest, or so he thought, he was in a much better mood.
"Because the last time we did it on a desk, Lulu, I got all splinters in my back and it really hurt," whined the smaller boy as he took full advantage of the moment with everyone frozen to pull the man closer to him, deliberately biting his own bottom lip seductively. As youthful and as innocent as the demon looked, he was, as Lucifer playfully commented earlier, a minx. He was often incredibly sexual when he wanted to be, and he knew how to get men twice his size beg to spend time with him.

"Tell me I'm cute," he breathed slowly, pressing their foreheads together and humming contently once taking in Lucifer's scent. "I mean, I know I am, but I like it when you tell me."
"What a cocky little thing you are~ You're gorgeous babe~❤" Stated the man as he leaned in capturing his bottom lip between his teeth with a soft growl. His eyes easily switched to their natural bright red, for only a moment before he leaned away from Eden, letting go of his lip.

"Stop tempting me darling~" And with a wave of his hand everything was unfroze. The Priest clapped his hands and grinned at everyone.

"So today we'll be talking about the famous Garden of Eden. I'm sure that's the garden you were named after yourself, correct Eden~?" Cooed the priest to the cute boy.
Grimacing at having been excited like that and then forced to sit back and act like nothing had happened, Eden only really perked up again when his name was mentioned. He was dying to be smug and admit that, in fact, the famous Garden was named after him... but obviously, nobody was going to believe that he'd once been an angel who God had loved so dearly he named the Garden after him. They'd all think he was insane.

"...Mm. My Mama said it was either that, or Noah-- you know, after Noah's Ark," he explained casually, able to think on his feet and come up with a pretty believable lie. "What are we discussing? Temptation?"
"Correct Eden~ Such a clever boy you are, now, back in-..." The Priest O'Brien began, however Lucas tuned him out focusing on Prim.

After school hours finally ended, Lucas was walking next to Eden tiredly. "That was a damn drag. Oi, what's stopping us from running away from this school and living life until the school year's over. Not like Madame Bitch will even know."
"Shh, of course she'll know. She's probably watching us somehow, you know what she's like. She... She does care about you, Lulu. And me. You're like a son to her, she just wants you to do well. She can be a bitch, I agree, but cut her some slack," sighed Eden as he adjusted his baby pink backpack, having stolen it from the lost and found collection box. After all, he wasn't the one who was sent to the school to be on best behaviour. He was sent to keep Lucifer company and keep him on track, which meant he could do what he wanted without consequence-- at least, that's what it meant in his head. Obviously, he was expected to behave too, but Eden could be naive and unable to figure that out for himself.

"I know she loves you. Why else would she have disobeyed God and followed you to Hell? You're her son, practically," he continued, kicking a stone along the path back to the dormitories tiredly. "...If you show progress in the next month, I'm sure we can head back home."
"Still a bitch. She tries to run me...And all this talk about marriage, ha! Like I'm getting married. I ain't doing it." Snapped the boy as he headed to the boys dormitory, slowing his steps when seeing Primrose. "....Hey, what does it mean when a human touches you and some weird shock thing happens?" He asked.

Seeing the confused look on Eden's face made him wave it off. "Nevermind, its not important "
Eden was perfectly happy to abandon that conversation, because not only did he have no idea what it meant, but he knew that, through process of elimination, the only human Lucifer had touched would have been Primrose, and he really didn't want to think about the two of them sitting so close together like that. Grunting in annoyance once spotting the girl, he attempted to tug Lucifer past her without focusing on her too much, though obviously, nothing worked out the way he wanted.

"...The nuns wanted me to ask if you would help out with the decorations for the school dance on the weekend," murmured Primrose, not lifting her eyes from the ground. It wasn't a display of shyness, like a girl in front of her crush, but it was simply because she couldn't stand the man and she didn't want her hatred to be seen too much. "You would just need to decorate the main hall-- they figured, since you were tall, you'd be useful."
"Oh really? I wasn't aware there was a school dance coming up." Smirked the man as he crouched lower forcing them to meet eyes. "Well, if course I'll help Prim~ Will you be helping out as well?" Cooed the man.

Leaning in purposely making their hands brush each others, as if by accident. He felt the shock spring through him again, with just as much force as the last
It was perfectly evident that Prim felt the same strong shocks up her arm, because she went from scowling at the ground to staring speechlessly at him again, her lips parted the same way they had been the previous day and her eyes glistening, more gold than ever. It took longer to break that spell this time, though she eventually blinked hard to push whatever she was suddenly hit with out of her mind, snatching her hand away from where it had been touching his and straightening her back defiantly.

"Yes, well, I'm often required to help. I've been part of the committee since I was 11. I don't think I'm going to be asked to step down now, do you?" She sarcastically remarked, her eyes flickering to Eden briefly to take in his confused expression before pursing her full lips. "I need to go. You have to arrive at the main hall tomorrow at 9. You'll be excused from lessons for the day to help out."
"Well, see you tomorrow morning Primrose." He made sure to perfectly wrap her name in his velvety voice, allowing it to roll off his tongue in a sweet way. He then leaned away from her tugging Eden to follow him as they made their way to their dorm.

"Oh its so obvious she's in love with me." Whispered the demon with a chuckled as he opened the door to the dormitory, waltzing right in. "Did you see the way she was looking at me?" Obviously he was judging the girl's feeling wrong.