The Curse of Ellismire IC

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Varen took a bit to catch up to the others, he still wasn't feeling too well so he took it slow, as he finally reached the camp of the others he looked at everyone and sighed, it seemed almost like he was the only one of his kind that made it here. "Hello everyone." he walked up to the group, he only recognized the person from earlier which was sleeping now, he put his bow on his back, there probably was no risk here right now. "I guess we haven't had the pleasure yet? I am Varen...I met the sleepy one before and took a bit to catch up as I'm still not used to this world." Varen looked at the group puzzled, he wanted to ask questions to find out more, but they just barely arrived here and it would probably take a bit to find out more about this world and the rules it had or the gods that ruled here.
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(@Kaldoro: Max is "asleep" in Malik's arms, ready to fly at Malik's signal. Just so ya know ;))
((oh I missed something still >.< will fix it then...))
~Unknown Location~
-Interrogation room-
:Darvian Tavish:

"Well, that was a wild ride now wasn't it?" Darvian said as he grabbed Dylan and sat him in a chair he propped up, tied him up, and placed a table in front of him, Darvian rummaged around the floor, looking for some papers, then placed them on the table. "Alright you...Don't go anywhere...I ugh...need to find something." he said as he then left the room, and locked the metal door beside him, there was no other possible way for the poor birdkind named Dylan to get out. Darvian looked at his surroundings...a hallway with a plain, boring, white color, with some doors on either end. Darvian curled his tail and scratched his head in confusion... he then turned around back inside toward Dylan, who was sitting there quite patiently, Darvian pulled out a piece of bread,propped up a chair, then started to eat the bread while looking at the papers he recently placed on the table. finished with the bread, he slides two papers toward Dylan, he turns to him, leans back and puts his bare feet upon the table, he gave Dylan a look of confusion, as if to say you ready? while Dylan looked at the photos, Darvian started talking, in a calmer tone than usual. quite odd since he always spoke in a low, simple, and commanding voice. This voice was different however, almost considered common talking, if his voice wasn't so low. "Let's see here... I got your basic Information back before Zelena did her 'colorful' displays of magic. You know these two, yes? Max and Malik are their names no? May you please tell me some personal Information about them?"
With that, Darvian puffed some fire in the air and stared at the ceiling, waiting for a response.

"Also, did you notice that this is a wonderful looking ceiling?"
Dylan eyed the draconian with amusement in his eyes. Like he was going to tell him anything! He had just murdered the majority of his Luckily, Dylan had managed to create a distraction so Malik and Max could escape. All Dylan wanted was for Max to be safe, and happy. He had a hard time respecting the request Max had made, to respect the relationship that she had with Malik. He kept pushing. He even kissed her against her will. Even though she melted for a split second, it wasn't enough to make her love him. So he left, it was too painful for him to be around her and not be 'with' her. He had decided to go hunt for people or creatures that wanted to hurt her, it was the best he could do to protect her. But even though she had rejected him, he was still madly in love with her. Looking the draconian creature in the eyes, he squared his shoulders and stated "Screw you."
The little faerie finally comes out of hiding, revealing herself in the dim light of the setting sun. Malik continues to rub Max's back, the only movement he does to keep himself from turning invisible, staring at the creature with a stone face devoid of any emotion. Her words are still rather demanding, her tone offsetting, and more and more, Malik does not trust her. "I never said anything about telling you what I know. I said give us a reason to trust you."

His attention is quickly turned to another rustling in the dimly-lit coniferous trees, dark eyes growing more and more cautious as his muscles wind tighter with tension. This one, however, is not silent and foreboding. He is not demanding or unfriendly. In fact, he seems the opposite. Malik gives him a nod, his arms tightening slightly around Max. "Apologies if I took her away for a moment. I honestly didn't expect to find her here." A slight, pained expression flits across his face, disappearing as quickly as it appears. "I'm Malik, an old....friend of hers." A slight smirk rises on one corner of his lips, giving him the usual lopsided smile known only to Malik. "I suppose for tonight, we rest up and figure things out tomorrow." His eyes dart back to the faerie, wings rising from the ground to be pulled loosely against his back.
Max tensed slightly at the elven voice. She scrunched Malik's shirt slightly, to keep from opening her eyes and snarling. She tapped his chest sharply, scolding him for even thinking she could be with anyone else. Max had turned down many offers of courtship, marriage, all because she couldn't bear to be with someone other than Malik. She heard the slight pain in his voice, and guilt surged through her. It was her decision after all, she could tell he didn't approve of it, but he didn't fight it so she took advantage of that and split. It was too painful, after that draconian murdered their family. The thought of starting a new one, which would be the ultimate turn out, just brought to much pain. She randomly thought of Dylan, if he escaped or not....No! You're supposed to forget him! Malik is your perfect other half, not Dylan! She kept repeating this, and it worked. She relished Malik's embrace, it has been years since she has even seen him, let alone hear him. Wow. The quiet Malik was talking an awful lot, she tapped his chest twice again, showing him her desire to get out of there or to fight. She didn't like having an audience, and she sure as heck didn't like being snuck up on.
Varen nodded in agreement and got close to them and sat down next to them. "I take we don't know anything new of where exactly we are? I feel uncomfortable in this world and it seems much less lively.." he sighed and looked up, hoping to somehow recognize anything around the area he looked around. "But I think it is certain we are not in Ellismire anymore."
He nods in agreement before looking down at Max with a sigh. It's been nearly five years without her...some things change. He has become more talkative, less quiet, less awkward. It makes it easier for him when she's not around. He had to learn and cope without her...otherwise, he would have died long ago in silence. But he knows that like him, she grows nervous easily around others. He rolls his eyes at her, figuring she'd be glad that he actually invited the Elvin man who seems to have already met her to camp with them. But her wish is his command. He taps her shoulder twice, signalling her for the ever-traditional "Up and Away," knowing that if he stays any longer, she'll just grow even more nervous. Perhaps it is best that they remain alone...but only time will tell whether or not that's really a good thing. Silently, dark eyes watching the two strangers, he awaits her move, ready to follow.
Max hesitated at Malik's sigh. It sounded like he wanted to stay, to figure things out. She also had learned some people skills as well. But the shock of magically transporting to an entire new world, plus running into Malik made her fall back on old habits. But in his arms, she had felt his broken wing, but that was after he called the signal. She didn't want to cause him any unnecessary pain...she was torn. All of her screamed to get out of there. Malik would go with her without hesitation...What if falling back into old habits is what will hurt us the most? But what if staying will get us killed? What if they're not trustworthy? The Elf seems friendly enough, but you never know. she thought, her mind going in circles. She figured they could always come back and hunt the elf down if they decided to. She and Malik just needed to talk this out, see what they should do. Instead of leading all by herself, she should probably ask him what his thoughts were, leading together. Without further hesitation, she jumped up, unfurling her wings in the process and with a hard flap down, she threw herself into the air. Knowing Malik wouldn't dare risk losing her again, she flew up into the horizon. Looking back briefly, she saw him taking off right behind her. Grinning, she waited for him to catch up and aimed them to the coast. She tried to think of how to ask what he thought, it has been over 5 years after all, he could have changed a lot....flying close enough where their wings just barely brushed each other she called over to him "What do you want to do? Do we want to stick with the elf and faery? Or should we do this solo?" She asked hesitantly. She was used to leading, but it was time to let him decide, her emotions were all wacked up over seeing him again, and she didn't know what to do.
Azmere blinked against the bright light that stirred him from his slumber. He reached up to shield his eyes and made an unsettling discovery. The steel mask he normally wore was gone. The shock caused him to sit up sharply. His forehead smashed through a pane of glass and set him back into a prone position. "Aah! What in the frozen wastes of-" He was fortunate that his face was tough as leather from wearing the mask, otherwise he might have been gashed by the fragments of glass. The elf blinked a few more times to allow his eyes to adjust to the light.

He was in a strange and fanciful environment. It was some kind of manor with elegant tables, chairs, lamps and other furniture. Out the window he could see massive structures reaching into the clouds. This must be the new world Zelena had mentioned. It was… intimidating with all its buildings and foreign sounds. There seemed to be no nature here. Azmere would have to learn new ways to ply his trade.

He scampered to his feet and began to walk about his new lodgings. He passed a mirror and his own reflection caused him to jump back into a defensive stance. "What.. Is.. This?!" He reached down and touched his clothes. It was not the leather and piece mail he was accustomed to wearing. His trousers had been replaced with pants of some sort. The black material was rigid and there were many pockets on them [fatigues]. His boots had changed from soft brown leather slippers to heavy black clunking soles with a piece of armor over the toe. His shirt was simply a black shirt that had a green 'Z' on the left sleeve. The material was soft and pliable and seemed to breathe well [weather tech].

Now that the shock of a new outfit had worn off, Azmere began to admire himself in the mirror. He was beginning to like the pants. He could carry a much smaller pack because of them. There was even a loop for his favorite knife next to his right boot. He straightened and stared at himself in the mirror. "My weapons?!?" Just then the front door opened and Zelena walked into the room.

Azmere hit his knees and placed his palms and forehead on the floor. "My q-queen, forgive me. I did not know you were coming else I would have better prepared for your arrival." The elf was shaking out of fear, wonder and love. Zelena embodied the entirety of life to Azmere. He remembered only ever serving her and sought desperately to please her.
Zelena smiled as Azmere immediately went down into a deep bow. She like having him here, it was more useful to have him near. She walked over to him, and put a hand on his shoulder, signalling for him to rise. "My dear Azmere." She said, cupping his cheek with her long nailed hand. "We are in a whole new world. As you can tell, by the look outside of the window. My plan worked, you see. I'm sorry I didn't tell you ahead of time. I couldn't risk exposing the plan to anyone, lest every magicion in Elismire would rise to stop the curse, which may have worked, if I hadn't been strong enough. But I was, and every single person there was transported to this universe." She said with a bit of gloating in her eyes. She walked over to the armory, expecting him to follow. Even knowing swords were useless during this day and age, she still found the drills familiar, and soothing. Grabbing one she knew to be similar to Azmeres, she tossed it to him, hilt first. Then, drawing her favorite, Zelena turned to look at him. Getting in ready position, she awaited his move.
~Unknown Location~
-Interrogation room-
:Darvian Tavish:
"Screw you." Dylan said.

In distaste, Darvian got up from his chair, took his paper, and ripped it in half, showing only a picture of max. "You think she looks pretty? well I am so sure she would be glad to hear that you died, right, what if that happened? What if you died, right here in this room? I can do it just fine, i did it with the others." He shrugged his shoulders, and passed the paper to Dylan, than he pushed head against the hard, iron table, and he smacked it on the picture of Max. "You are truly pathetic, you should've just turned yourself in, just like me, she thinks your just a waste of time." Darvian said in his usual low, grunted tone. He then flipped his chair down with his chair, so he looked at the ceiling.
"Once again, isn't that a pretty ceiling?

(@Bitterblue , fixed)
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(@RocketKat Dylan did NOT turn himself in. Just saying.)
Dylan started laughing uncontrollably. He couldn't help it. This creature actually thought Max would care if he died. Dylan wished she would, but whats the use of lying to himself. She's the one who kicked him out. That's when he decided to go kill whoever or whatever may pose a threat to her. This was all he could do for her. He loved her so much, but that stupid Malik had her heart, not Dylan. I would like to kill that silent raven. he thought. When his chair hit the ground, he just started laughing some more, and then started singing, knowing this woudl infuriate the creature. He knew pain, he could deal with it. He continued to sing every song he knew, just to avoid thinking of her. He was more than willing to die for his love, even if she didn't love him back, at least she would be safe.
A chill ran up Azmere's back when she placed her hand on his shoulder. He instinctively rose to his feet as she passed. He followed a half step behind her and hung on every word she spoke. Like a child, however, upon entering the armory his eyes left the perfect being of his queen and wandered to all of the new sights. A rack of blades so diverse and beautifully dangerous reflected the light like a pile of jewels. Out of the corner of his eye, the elf spied a table with various trappings and small items of less shine and shimmer. He approached and browsed the assortment of gloves, which for sparring, he would have no use. A mask caught his attention and held it. He felt naked with his face exposed and so he quickly donned the new piece.

[the one on the right]

Azmere turned to see the approval of Zelena and had to react quickly as a blade was sailing towards him. Reflexes took over and his right hand slid forward with palm down to catch the handle as it began its arc of descent. He snatched it from the air and allowed momentum to carry it back behind him then around to his front. He ending the motion with a twirl over his hand merely for flare.

The blade was beautiful. It was a black steel but there was something different about it. The blade was roughly two feet long much like Azmere's own daggers but this one blade was as heavy as two. He made passes through the air slowly in front of his face allowing for inspection from multiple angles. The entire sword seemed to have a seam. Azmere grabbed the hilt with both hands, palms together, and gave a slow but strong twist. As his hands went in opposite directions, the blade became two identical swords. He gasped softly at the skill of the craftsman. He had never seen anything like this in Ellismire.

A blade in each hand, he twirled them to check for balance and began a circle with careful crossing and uncrossing of his feet. Always on the balls of his feet, his steps were graceful, deliberate and perfect. The elf's balance never wavered so he began as series of arcs with his weapons allowing them to sing through the air. His eyes narrowed as he set them upon Zelena. Though he revered her and would never hurt her, she incited the duel and to simply throw it would certainly incur her wrath.

His steps brought him around to her right. Within four feet, the elegant display ended with the right hand taking firm hold with the tip pointing up and the left with the tip pointing down, its blade running down his forearm. As with all duels, first moves are quick and short. It's kind of like dipping your toes in the pool to see how cold the water is against your skin.

Azmere lunged forth from his left foot moving across her body slashing at her neck horizontally with his right sword and allowing his left arm to trail with the tip out towards her waistline. The leap was enough to put him several feet past her right side. Landing on his right foot he would pivot using the blades to shield him as he spun back and away two more feet. He bent his knees and dropped his right foot back. His left arm came up below his chin with the blade against his forearm almost like a shield. The blade in his right hand pointed the tip back beyond his heel. Now it was Zelena's move.
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Zelena watched him look around, his face in awe of the blades. She smirked, if he thought this was impressive, wait until he saw the other stuff. She smiled at his mask, knowing it would send chills through him. It was very useful to have a servant who was so desperately in love with you. Made it easier, no questions asked, and he would do it with his whole heart, desperate to please her. She took full advantage of it, playing on his emotions, and leading him to think she felt the same, when she was actually quite repulsed by love.
Zelena smiled when she saw him split the sword into two. She had prepared for this, she had a small 7 inch dagger in her belt. Pulling it out, Zelena arched backwards to miss the blade heading for her waist, and raising her sword in the same moment, she blocked the strike to her neck, pivoting with him. As she was pivoting, she raised her sword out in front of her at about 45 degrees. With her momentum, and the strength of the steel in her hands, Zelena knew it would probably be enough to behead him. She also knew Azmere, being the expert swordsman he is, would have prepared for this. Grinning with adrenaline running through her veins, Zelena braced for the impact with his swords that would surely jar her arms. As her sword collided with his, she brought up her dagger, and slashed at his lower ankle, aiming to disable him. She felt her blade sink into skin, barely missing her mark, but still a decent wound. But it was not deep enough to do any permanent damage, She jumped back, grinning. His move.

Max looked at Malik. He looked uneasy, like he was unsure of what to do. "Look, if this is all too sudden for you...we can split for a while....give you some space to think." She said, even though every beat of her heart said otherwise. The last thing she wanted was to be parted from him. But she knew that look on his face. He turned to look at her. "You go on ahead, I'll catch up soon. Just need some time to think, and clear my head." Her heart practically tore in two, but she kept her face calm and nodded. Speeding up, she was at the coast in just a few moments. It would take Malik a few hours to catch up. It was then that she let her emotions bubble to the surface. Falling to her knees, body wrenching sobs escaped her. She had pushed too hard, focusing more on herself than she had on was a whole new game to her. Sure, she loved her flock, but not in the way she loved Malik. This was a whole different kind of love. She didn't know what to do...and that was saying something, as she almost always knew what to do...She couldn't live without him....
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~Unknown Location~
-Interrogation room-
:Darvian Tavish:

C'mon you stupid head...THINK!
No matter how hard he tried, Darvian could not make him say a word about Max or Malik, I mean, he would AT LEAST tell him about Malik, Dylan would hate him for a sake! Alas, he must just live with the fact that he wont budge. he put his foot on dylan's left wing, and pulled the chair back up while keeping his wing firmly in place until, it was pulled to its limit. it broke, and he finally let go of it.
He snorted out fire."Have fun flying with that." he then pulled out a chair, and took a nap, but before that, he held out both pictures.
"Now, will you tell me about them so that they can be saved?No? Fine. I will take a nap, you have until then to make a decision. otherwise, i will kill you with this dagger." he put out a small steel and placed it on the table. he then put his legs on the table, leaned back on his chair, closed his eyes
and took a nap.​

Dylan didn't make a noise, or stop laughing, even through the pain. The pain was brutalizing, so bad that he saw spots. His eyes glowed as the ugly creature layed the knife on the table and was then foolish enough to fall asleep. Fool. He thought. He waited until he heard small snores erupting from the dragon thing, and then managed to grab the knife with his hands. He cut himself loose, and walked calmly over to the creature. What shall I do with you? Shall I kill you? Or just disable you? he thought. He decided to tie him up, gag him, and then break both his wings, and both of his legs. You really are a foolish creature. Should've thought ahead not to leave that dagger laying there, you're going to regret it. He thought. With that he walked over to him, and looked through his bag. He found some sedatives, and quickly popped a few into the creatures mouth, holding his mouth and nose until he heard and felt him swallow. He also found some more of that rope, a few more knives, and some pictures of Max. He pocketed the knives and the pictures, and turned to the dragon. He securely tied his feet to the chair, his arms and hands in the back of the chair, so he couldn't manage to get anything to cut himself free, his waist to the chair, and finally, a trick that an old friend had taught him, he tied his neck to the chair. It was tied in such a way, that if he tried to move or untie it himself, it would choke him to death. That being done, Dylan tore a piece of his shirt, and gagged the thing. He decided to see if the tranqs were working. He gave the creature a full out punch in the snout. When that didn't rouse him, Dylan smiled. "You are a fool." he said aloud softly. He moved to the back of the creature, and proceeded to snap both of his wings. He then moved to the front, and slashed one of the tendons of the right let, and snapped the ankle of the other.
Judging him to be completely incapacitated for the moment, Dylan backed up to the wall, never taking his eyes off him. Bracing himself, he slammed his wing into the wall, setting it back into place. A sharp intake of breath was all the sign of pain that he expressed, but already, he could feel the bones grafting together, healing. It would only take a couple days to heal if he didn't use them. But that wasn't an option, it would take about a week in his condition. Everything set, he silently opened the door.
A quick look out a window showed him he was several floors up. Smiling, he found a big window. Getting a running start, he jumped straight out the window, head down, letting his shoulders take most of the punch. Alarms instantly sounded, but it was too late. He was gone. Flapping hard, Dylan tore into the sky, enjoying the lift and the wind provided. He deliberately ignored the pain searing through his right wing, and focused on getting out of there. By now the tranqs should be wearing off, and the dragon would awake.

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Azmere settled on the balls of his feet and watched her attack. He used both blades like a pair of scissors to catch and absorb her slash towards his head. Upon impact he pulled his hands apart pushing the fulcrum back towards Zelena. The ripping motion would send her blade back in the very direction it had come from. This would not be a huge deal for her as she jumped back but not before putting a tear in his boot.

He narrowed his eyes and stepped forward bringing both blades up above his right shoulder and then slashing both downward at a forty-five degree angle across her upper half. He flipped his wrists to carry the momentum and bring both blades simultaneously back across her midsection. Another flip of the wrists would bring both blades up from his right hip towards her right shoulder. Each set of swings would be pushed by a carefully placed step into Zelena's direction.

The force behind a dual strike would be enough to knock almost anyone backwards and three in succession should have enough force to move her back against the wall. The one thought in Azmere's mind was Zelena's magic. He had seen her do terrible and destruction things with a mere thought or word. The elf focused on his attacks but would be lying if he wasn't wondering when she was going to set his pants on fire or paralyze him in an invisible mass.
Zelena blocked the blow heading to her shoulder, but the power behind it made her stumble backward against the wall. Fury raged in her eyes. How dare he? she thought furiously. "How dare you! Just because we were dueling doesn't make you allowed to treat me like a ragdoll!" she practically screamed at him. As she was screaming, she took her dagger, and planted it straight through his right hand. Hearing him scream, Zelena pushed him back, causing him to lose his balance and fall. Both of his blades went skittering across the floor. She walked over to him, yanked the dagger out of his hand, causing the blood to flow freely. At the moment, she was unwilling to show her lack of magic. Instead, she reached inside a small pull out drawer in the blades casing, and pulled out a gun. "See this? This will inflict a heck of a lot more pain than that blade that I just pulled out of your skin. Shall I demonstrate?" She asked sadistcically. Without waiting for an answer, Zelena quickly fired off a round. With a loud BANG the glass of the display case shattered, and put a considerable sized dent in one of her favorite swords. Turning back to Azmere, she knelt on one knee next to the elf. She placed the cold barrel of the gun to his head. "Would you like me to demonstrate what it can do to someones head?" She asked coldly. She settled for hitting him with the butt of the gun, hard. Ripped open a section of his scalp, causing blood to start pouring out. Stashing the gun back where it was before, she locked the drawer. Walking out of the room, she slammed the door. She went straight to the stables. A nice ride would soothe her. Choosing her favorite stallion, Zelena mounted up, and took off.
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