The Collector

Ryota gave a light thumbs up to Cain to signal that he was ready to move on to the next town. Truthfully he was getting quite exhaustd aswell but it was impossible for him to resist the temptation and thrill this was comming with. He slowly stuck his hands into his pockets and sat for a second to regain himself.
Paul created plant pods near every member, "please step into the pod, they will take you to a place in every town I can send you too. It will stay there and you can step back in to come back here. Like I said before try to recruit people and get them to at least consider rebelling against Cain. Good luck to you all!"

Looming stepped into the pod and it closed up and went underground. He could hear the pod moving through the earth buy didn't feel the movement. It wasn't long till he arrived at his destination. The pod opened, he stepped out and went into the town and began the campaign.

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Cain knew his friends were getting tired and decided it was time for rest. He teleported everyone back to his mansion/castle, "Ok guys you get an hour to rest then we are back at it!" He walked to his room to think and figure out which towns were best to hit first.
Kem stepped into her pod and it closed around her and in a few minutes she arrived at her destination. The pod opened and she stepped out into the brisk cold air of a mountain town far away from the place she had come from. She asked the nearest person she met if there was a place to by warm cloths since she wasn't use to the weather and not appropriately dressed for it.
After closing his mouth from the startlement of the unusual arrival, the man pointed shakily to a building across the way. She thanked him and in shock still, he nodded a silent thank you as she walked quickly to the store.
Once inside she made the purchases she needed to, then dawning the cloak and pack of provisions she left the store. Kempree then pulled the glowing rose and flute from her pockets and placed the rose on a stone in the road and began playing a rather loud tune of sweet but shrill notes on it. It grew roots int the paving and then started to grow into a large, tall glowing rose bush that bloomed in moments. This spectacle stopped the locals from their usual affairs and they gathered around the bush of beautiful flowers. Kem stopped playing the flute and spoke in a loud voice,

"Who of you are strong enough, brave enough and wish for freedom? Not just for you but for everyone? Including your family? Friends? Neighbors? Who of you will fight Cain with me and my friends?"
Ryota would let out an exasperating sigh as he was teleported back to Cains residence. He resumed his posted posture back on the wall and closed his eyes to rest.
Celia blinked as the pod appeared. How interesting. She stepped inside, watching as the door shut before her and the pod began to move. She smiled at Stephano as the door opened again. She stepped out into a forested village near a small river. It was a beautiful area. The sun shone through the tree branches, making little flecks of dust floating about visible in the clean air. She stretched and put Stephano in the bag at her side. She looked about until she saw a stump near by with people walking past it. She cautiously stepped up onto it; people stared at her as she cleared her throat. "Excuse me... How many of you have heard of Cain?" She paused and watched as some people hesitantly raised their hand, while others shot their hands through the air. "I see. For those of you who don't know who he is: Cain is a heinous man who is intent on taking over the world. He will kill anyone who stands in his way. That being said, there is another group who shall fight against them. We are lead by a man named Paul. Our goal? To stop his murdering and acts of evil. Now. You're probably all wondering why I'm here. I'm here to get people to join the cause. Those of you who are willing to fight with me, please follow me back. We are working as fast as we can to recruit brave men and women to work along side us. Thank you." Celia stood there and watched as a number of people stepped forward, almost half the people who were listening. She was pretty surprised at the outcome.

Then, an issue came to her mind. There was no way the plant pod would fit everyone in it. She needed to get people back with her. Narrowing her eyes, she thought before remembering what she did with the rose. She gently pressed her fingertips to it, making energy and life flow from her to the pod, making it grow exponentially. She watched as the pod opened once again, then gestured for everyone to step in. At the last moment, a few more people decided to join, making it a bit of a tight squeeze. Nonetheless, they all pressed into the pod as the door shut, and they began their trip back to the warehouse from which she had come. After a few moments, the door opened once more and she stepped out, a little over thirty people following her out.
"Paul! Look! I got a lot of people!" She beamed at him.
A few people walked forward to hear more of what Kempree was speaking of and an old man spoke up.

"Who are you? And who is this Cain you speak of?" He frowned and continued,"We are but poor lama herdsmen here on this mountain why would you need us?"

"I speak for a man named Paul and the people who follow him to freedom, look! Look over there on the side of that mountain, see the smoke? Is that not you neighboring village?! DO YOU SEE?? Will you wait for Cain to come here? Or will you stand up and join us to stop this tragedy?"

She pointed to a mountain not so distant that you could see small burning buildings here and there through the trees with smoke billowing high up into the clouds. People gasped and many held up hands to there mouths while their eyes grew wide in fear.

"I will join you and your friend Paul!" A young man yelled from behind the group.

"So will I." said a middle aged man up front of the crowd." said a woman, "Me too! I will. So will I..." And so it continued. As fast as the crowd grew so did the affirmative replies.

"Good! Those of you that will come please step forward."

She turned and plucked a glowing rose from the bush and kissing it, she threw it at the pod, whispered something to the pod and the leaves closed around it as if it swallowed it. Kem whispered more words that the old man in the front could just barely hear and his eyes grew wide as he recognised a few of the Words of Sages. An ancient language thought to be dead and gone many thousands of years ago passed down to only a few worthy souls, his grandfather being one of them and then himself. However he had never seen them used in such a way.
He himself had only been able to use them in small ways as they required much power to use and a pure soul too. The old man fell to the ground upon his knees and putting his face to the ground, he began praying to Kem for guidance. When she had finished the Words of Sages chant she took a deep breath and sighed then opened her eyes and turned around seeing the old man groveling she bade him to rise with a smile on her face.
With help from the young man that had first spoken up earlier the old man got to his feet and tears could be seen on his cheeks. As he rose a trembling sound could be heard coming from below their feet and the crowd mumbled in fear at first till Kempree raised her hands above her head for their attention and asked them to be calm and to please be still.
around and behind the pod many other pods began to erupt from the ground and open.

"Please! Do not be afraid, these pods will take you all to the place of Paul! where we all gather for the upcoming battle! Please step inside, careful, watch your step the vines do move, there you go...that's it. Is everyone in a pod? Good let us go now!"

Kem stepped into her own pod and they began to close and disappear into the ground. The ride was no longer than the one to get there and when they arrived the many people stepped out of the pods oohing and awing at the adventure of the ride.
As each member came back with people who were willing to fight Paul became more and more delighted. He had prepared a very large table to accompany all the new comers, but there seemed to be more than he anticipated. Another large table was created and dining wear and utensils grew from it. Fruit trees also grew on the table for people to pick and eat from. Paul greeted the newcomers, "Thank you all for joining us today!!! It is remarkable to know so many wanted to join!! Please sit down and have something to eat!!" As everyone sat down Paul went to the people who had recruited everyone, "You all were very helpful! Thank you so much!

The hour wait dragged on and everyone was getting restless near the end. Cain was able to map out where the best spots were and that it would be best to split up to hit more cities that way. He went to his "friends" and told them, "Alright everyone we have rested long enough and we should be off now!" He handed papers to a few "friends" and said, "Your groups are in there as well as the cities you will hit which are local and close to the city I send you to now. Are you all ready?"