The Clearing

He smilled and took her hand, kissing it. "I am Aryn," he replied.
He was old, but not in a sense most would think- he was unaging, forever eighteen. He had been that way since the day he died, and he sighed inwardly, wishing he could've died two hundred years ago, when the man murdered his family. And himself.He looked into Rizika's eyes and smiled again at her, coming back to the present.
"But that would be no fun at all," he told her, his smile stretching into a grin.
Rizika chuckled lightly. "Well, Aryn, I disagree. It would be fun. Theres no point in conversating if you already know whst I'm about to say. " She cooed lightly. She withdrew her hand slowly. She tilted her head lightly as she thought for a moment. "Yes, I quite find it more entertaining to play a guessing game than to know everything about another person. Thats the fun of meeting new people. Isn't it?" she asked playfully. She smiled, flashing pearl white teeth.
Rii watched the first boy approach, whipping her head up to look into the tree. "Oh... hi there," she spoke softly and smiled. He seemed rather... ebullient. She extended her arm towards his hand, and took it into hers gently, then proceeded to curtsy. "My name is Rii, human un-extraordinaire," she then smirked and nodded, "Nice to meet you, Marshall Lee." She then turned her attention to the other boy and proceeded to nod back. "Hello."
He smiled again. "Well, then. I will try this guessing concept of yours. I promise." He withdrew his mind, building a barrier around it so no one could get in, and he couldn't reach out. He was now mentally blind, which felt odd to him.
"All right. My mind's tucked away back in my head. Out of curiosity, what are you? Human? Or something else?" he didn't know now when he could have before and he felt anticipation for the first time in years. It felt odd, too, like a jerking in his chest that sent heat spreading outwards. He knew it wouldn't show on his face. It never had.
He smiled smiled at Rii. Well you have to be good at something...what are your talents? he said swaying his tail lightly. He then walked around her his hands behind his back examining her. hhhmmm.... tell me about your history. I can probably figure something out from that.
She watched his tail wave back and forth, following it with her eyes closely and began swaying from side to side herself. Rii closed her eyes shut tight, reopening them, breaking away from the trance to answer his question. "Well... I sing," she smiled happily, her face lighting up, "I love everything that has to do with music..." she then paused for a moment, thinking. History? My history... Honestly, she didn't remember anything major about her past. She tried her best to remember things that are only worth remembering. Everything else, she locks up in an imaginary box within her mind. Why would anyone want to remember things that they didn't like? Why would anyone want to remember pain and hurt? She did know one thing, though. "I'm Zeus' adopted daughter, if that helps at all," she then chuckled and locked onto his eyes with her honey-coloured eyes, momentarily before his eyes once again began examining her.
Marshall took both questions in. Well you're in luck! He pulls out his axe guitar and plays and sings one of his original songs. He watched Rii with a smile to see her reaction.
Juku kept quiet while he listened to Rii and Marshall chatter while leaning against the nearest tree trunk. So, she was Zeus' daughter eh?..Big man indeed. But why was such a girl like her here in the first place? Juku was intrigued by everything though..Not just her, Marshall as well. Such beings he's never really come across before. His train of thought was broken by the sound of Marshall playing his guitar...That boy must really his music. Juku chuckled a little bit.
Rii smiled happily... a shiver arched up her spine... like the music was filling some sort of emptiness in her... like it was caressing and nurturing her soul. Music had been a saviour of sorts for her. It's a constant companion... but it's not like it could grow legs and walk away from her. But the day that music does leave her... she wouldn't know what to do. "That was amazing!" She said with a smile, her honey eyes wide and bright.
((ok the time limit for the bet is over so it's back to marshall lol.))
Thanks a bunch. I appreciate it. he said with a warm smile. Marshall slung his guitar axe on to his back. He then tilted his head at her then had an idea. Sing for me! he exclaimed Let me here it!
"Sing...?" Her honey eyes grew wide again... Sing... in front of someone? She hadn't ever shared her talent with others. Well... her voice, anyway. She had displayed her instrumental talents before. Her guitar was her lifeline... but when she played it, it was like she could hide behind it. Like it was shielding and protecting her... She swallowed her fear and took in a deep breath, "Okay..." she cooed softly, then took in another shallow breath and began to sing. Not words, just random la's and ah's. She graced the notes, bringing life and a certain sweetness to them. She closed her eyes and spun around where she stood, then stopped to look at Marshall.
He smiled then held his head. He started spinning around like he was strapped to a huge wheel. THAT WAS AWESOME! he exclaimed. He flew up above her. Now tell me more about this "Zeus's child" thing. My father's brother. Your lucky I'm not like my father or you would've been dead. He said with a demonic smile.
Rii smiled, happy with his excitement towards her voice. She was a people-pleaser, so... him enjoying the song made her feel good knowing that he liked it. But as Marshall spoke of her father... and her father's brother... her smile faded a bit. His demonic smile made her expression fade into one somewhat of fear... that could only mean one thing. His father was Hades.
He waited for her to tell him the things he asked for. In the mean time he noticed she was kind of still. He waved a hand in front of her face You okay?
She blinked and shook her head and her eyelids continued to flutter afterward. "U-Uh, yeah. I'm fine..." she sighed, then looked back at him, "I'm terribly sorry... what did you ask?"
What's it like to be and adopted child of a god? he asked once again, confused on why she just lost focus for a second.
She wasn't... lost. Well, in her mind, yes. But... she was always told to fear Hades, the God of the underworld. "There are many perks in knowing a God," she smiled, temporarily forgetting the slight possible danger that could arise, "What's it like being a vampire-extraordinaire?" she asked, in somewhat of a mocking tone, but she didn't mean anything by it at all.

[Nice picture! Infamous was a great game. :D]
((lol I know. I just bought both games back, along with the vampire DLC which inspired that pic))'s aight. Being able to only drink blood. However my father, allowed me to eat humans and animals too. I love the taste, but of course I learn to restrain. he said. Yeah being a carnivore has it's perks. Oh yeah....and're adopted father hates me. I don't think he would approve me talking to you. He then looked up into the sky and whipped the "rock on" sign and stuck his snake tongue out. The clouds then got darker and Marshall stopped immediately.
((BTW I may be making an infamous rp. All about Cole McGrath and his league of conduits. Two main characters, Quo and Cole...assuming he actually took the Beast's side. Let me know if you think that'd be a good idea.))
Rizika smiled. " Just human, I'm afraid what you see is what you get." she said smoothly. "And you? As far as I know, there are a few species with wings." she pointed out. her eyes looked down at the ground for a moment. The soft emerald green grass brushing against her bare feet. she inhaled deeply, the scent of various flowers surrounding her. Rizika glanced back at Aryn, awaiting his answer to her question. her fingers drummed lightly against her leg, an odd beat that she had been hearing in er head for a few days now.
"Demon, angel, whatever you like to call it." was his reply as he noted the beat she pounded out against her leg. Odd. It sounded almost familiar to him, and he cocked his head slightly. Where had he heard it before? It was in a memory, buried somewhere in the back of his mind, something he couldn't quite grasp.