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Name: Cojack Ironhide
Age: 27
Race: Dragoon
Gender: Male
Diamond Color: Blood Red
Appearance: Terrifying. 6'5'' and as muscular as a bodybuilder. Well, he would be if you could clearly make out his muscles underneath his scales.

Weapon(s): Carries a bow, dual swords, and a massive two-handed blade.

The bow:

Made with the finest craftsmanship, he bought the bow when he was young, even though the poundage of the bow was far too much for him to be able to use it as a young boy. With a draw weight of around 80 pounds, it was many years before he could properly use the weapon.

The dual swords (please ignore the names of the blades in the picture):

Although he doesn't often use the twin blades, he carries them everywhere with him. He dislikes them because of the elegance that is required to wield them. Cojack is many things, but elegant is not one of them.

The big sword:

Yes, it's enormous. Yes, it's two handed. Yes, it's almost 5'5'' from tip to pommel. Although a sword like this would normally be far far FAR too heavy to be wielded (not even due to lack of muscle, but physics get in the way too), it is Cojack's favorite weapon. It is actually a lot lighter than it appears to be, and is made of some kind of metal that Cojack is unfamiliar with. But it's incredibly light for it's size (although still pretty heavy), and hardly ever needs to be sharpened.

Personality: Cojack is dumb as dumb can be. But he certainly more than makes up for that in muscle. Although his intelligence is dulled, his instincts are sharp, and his senses are keen. In conversation, he's about as interesting as a rock. He can barely offer any input, and hardly has the ability to form his own opinions. Words that are too long hurt his head, and so do politics. He'd rather throw stuff than listen to people debate over this and that. Which, he often ends up doing if he has to sit through talks for too long. He is practically the embodiment of the temper that the dragoons are known for.
Outside of his anger and stupidity, Cojack is fiercely loyal and an excellent friend. Once his friendship is gained, he will cross oceans too look after his friend. Although this could be stupidity as well, because he likely could be convinced to try to swim across an ocean.

Magic: Although magic is largely unknown to him, his diamond seemed to give him the ability to spit fire as his long-lost draconic ancestors once did. Although it is not a very powerful flame and acts better as a distraction than an attack, it still has its uses. Additionally, he seems to only be able to use it once a day or so, likely due to his body's unfamiliarity with magic.

Skills: Breaking stuff. Cojack is very, very good at breaking stuff, and spends much of his time doing just that. He once went to work for a farmer within the city, splitting wood for him. It was three days before the farmer found out that Cojack had been using his claws to tear the wood apart, and had to show him how to use the splitting maul.

History: Born outside the walls, Cojack's earliest years were spent knowing few people other than his parents. They fought each day for their survival, fleeing from small town to smaller town, trying to avoid the endless swarm of monsters. When they had heard about Rothendust and its protector, they immediately left for the city. The journey was perilous, but soon the city was in sight. They were attacked by a group of monsters there, within sight of the city. Cojack's mother, and archer, handed the young baby to his father, knowing that he would be able to hold the child while he was fighting. The sounds of the beasts' yells drew the attention of a few warriors from within the city, who knew immediately that there must be someone outside the walls. They hurried to help, but by the time they had gotten there, it was too late for Cojack's mother. Before they buried her, Cojack's father took an arrow from her quiver and gave it to his son, telling him to always remember his mother. To this day, Cojack sleeps with that arrow at his bedside, even though he was too young in those days to remember his mother today.

Years later, Cojack met a young Esper by the name of Vel Zoks. The two became friends almost immediately. Vel Zoks did not behave like the typical Esper, as he was much more mischievous, as was Cojack in his younger days. People who saw the pair often thought it comical to see an Esper running around (er, floating around) with a young dragoon, and found it more comical that the Esper behaved like the young dragoon, despite the older appearance the suit of armor had. The two never did anything truly bad. They would steal apples from local merchants, then sneak out of the wall through a small tunnel they had found, and eat the fruits of their labors. Well, Cojack ate the fruits of their labors. However, the pair also did honest work and took odd jobs here and there, Vel Zoks taking more jobs than Cojack due to his higher stamina and lack of a need for sleep. The two shared a common goal: the bow hanging above the counter at the local weapon shop. The weapon was beautiful, and the two boys wanted nothing more. A few weeks before they had the money, Cojack had even broken his claws during a job that would be sure to get them enough money to get the bow. However, because he had broken his claws, he couldn't finish the job and had to wait until they found another job. Eventually, the pair had saved up the money, and bought the bow. They brought their new treasure through their tunnel to test it outside the walls. Vel Zoks was able to fire the bow, but Cojack was not. While while was attempting to fire it, a monster appeared from the woods and ran at Cojack. Vel Zoks threw himself between the beast and the boy, fighting it off with all his might. Cojack would have thrown away the bow and joined the brawl, but his claws were still broken. He was defenseless. The guard arrived quickly to find Cojack standing over a shattered suit of armor with tears in his eyes, and an arrow through the skull of a nearby monster.

In his teenage years, Cojack dedicated himself to studying combat. He wanted revenge on the monsters that had taken his friend from him. Although the one that dealt the blow was dead, Cojck knew that there would be other victims if their great protector limited himself to protecting only what was inside the walls. The young dragoon wasn't satisfied with that. Although the tunnel he knew had been sealed soon after Vel Zok's death, he was sure there were others, and more foolish children who would wander out. He didn't know much, but he was sure of this. He trained long and hard with his bow, becoming nearly a master of the weapon in a few years. However, it didn't seem to suit him. So, he worked for a few years and bought an elegant pair of blades. He trained with them for about a month before he grew frustrated with them. He couldn't put as much muscle into them as he wanted to. He voiced his complaint to the man at the weapon shop, and the man laughed a bit, saying that the blades did look a bit like toys in Cojack's massive hands. The man went into a room behind the shop and came back with a massive blade. The shop keeper was under visible strain while carrying it to Cojack. He offered that Cojack take the weapon and give it a few swings. from when he first gripped the hilt, Cojack knew that this weapon was the one. He gave it a few swings, loving how his muscles had to strain against the weight of the metal with each imaginary blow. He asked for a price, and the shopkeeper told him it was one of a kind, made with a rare metal that could only be found far away from the city. Cojack asked for a price again, and the answer he got blew his mind. He definitely couldn't count to the number the salesman named. However, he was determined to get the weapon, and worked hard each day for years and years to acquire it. If nothing else, Cojack was determined. Then, finally, Cojack was able to buy himself the weapon for his 26th birthday.

Half a year later, Cojack heard a strange voice behind him. "Care for a diamond?" it asked, beckoning the large man to take the gleaming red gem from its shadowy outstretched hand. With a shout of "Oooh, SHINY!" Cojack snatched the gem from the outstretched hand. Had the shadow been wholly solid, Cojack probably would have broken every bone in the man's hand without knowing it. Upon grasping the gem, he felt power surge through him, his already massive muscles bulging with even more strength, and a strange tickling sensation in his throat. The tickling made him cough, spewing flames from his jaws as he did. Cojack smiled. Fire was cool.


As an added note: If there is any concern about how strong I have depicted Cojack as, I do plan on dialing it back a bit during combat. I won't do anything stupid like say he shatters shields and blades and whatnot, his strength is there mostly for comedic effect.​
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@Ayla It's good to see a dragoon but before I can accept this I have some critiques.

Firstly, I like what personality you have written, but I would like to see more. How does she react to insults? What does she think of other races? How does she treat friends? etc.

Second, in your history there is an "unknown force" but in this story not much is unknown. Now, plenty is up for creative control, but the thing is every threat is pretty much a known threat. Lord Tyrant and the people who do his bidding, the monsters that roam the open landscape, and the racial tension that is caused by the history of each race. I'd like more detail here.

Third, she lived in Isolation, but how? Again, there are monsters that roam outside the city walls, and we're not talking big bugs kind of monsters, we're talking life threatening beasts. To make it alone outside any settlements, Rothendust or any, you'd have to be pretty powerful. Thankfully Dragoons are a strong species and have been known to power through almost anything.

Fourth, and this is small but big, be sure to include when she received her diamond.

The amount of content in the history is fine, it just needs some tweaking. Oh, and also you are missing one thing, you can find it in the rules on the first post. I can't accept a bio until I see it.

@Zarrock Cojacks strength is fine, your bio is approved.
Fixed ;D

I hope its okay now ;u;
You know, it seems that our dragoons are as different as they could be, Ayla. :P
It appears so!
Though my Dragoon is still very young, so it only makes sense that they vary in samilarities.
@Ayla One more small thing, the diamonds are not found, they are presented to you within the city walls by a shadowy figure. This figure also acts as the narrator you will see me use once in a while. Get that fixed and you're in.
*tried to crawl out of the hole of real life*

Ohh new people :3 hello.

Same with younger character here Ayla, but they seem really diffrent though.
My bad :( Sorry, I've been getting up and down from the desk and skipping over some lines, I may have missed that.
My apologies, Squee ;u;
Absolutely no problems, I know exactly how that is.
I think I got it. ;y;
Excellent, now the character is approved.
WELP, looks like S'Kar isn't gonna take a liking to Cojack. Which I can't say is really a surprise, I just didn't expect Cojack to be singled out so fast!
I'm loving all the tension that's building up. It feels natural, gathering strangers of all varying origins and races, most of which are clearly armed and know how to use their weapons would indeed make anyone tense.
Name :: Fenrasa "Fen" Korang
Age :: 24
Race :: Pure Kindred
Gender :: Female
Diamond Color :: Light Purple
Appearance :: Standing just over 5' 1" and not very muscular, Fen is hardly a frightening figure, especially with her gentle, lilting voice. Her eyes are an amber color and her hair is down to her hips, straight, and black. Her skin is a dark grey.
Weapon(s) :: N/A
Personality :: Fen is very polite, greeting everyone she meets with a gentle smile, but prefers to keep others at a distance emotionally. She rarely speaks and keeps to simple answers when possible. Although caring of her clan, she has very few friends and spends much of her time either working or wandering alone. Fen is a very nervous and fidgety individual. She dislikes confrontation and arguing, and will generally give into others will even if she doesn't like it. If someone tries to confront her or yell at her, Fen will most likely just start crying. She is intelligent, but prefers to stay out of most scholarly business. Politics has too much arguing, thick texts bore her, and sitting around talking about life, death, and the great beyond are pointless. That being said, she is very fond of the arts, interesting books (mostly about adventures or poetry), and music.

As for her opinion of the other races, she tends to be fearful or neutral towards them. Dragoons scare her, due to their supposed barbarianism, and Espers frighten her simply because they have no bodies. Elves seem like haughty know-it-alls to her, but humans hold a neutral ground, seeing as there's too many of them to get a solid opinion on.
Magic :: Even though she has the capability to tap into life force, Fen has never used it and doesn't plan to. After receiving the diamond, she has acquired the ability to create lightning and electricity. It is, however, very unpredictable, and is usually affected by her emotions. She has been working on utilizing it more effectively, but after a certain accident involving a chair and fire she has toned down on her self-enforced training.
Skills :: Fen spends her nights helping an Innkeeper in the city. She cleans rooms, helps with cooking and serving meals, as well as assisting guests with any manner of things.
History :: Fen grew up in a clan inside of the city and under the rule of the tyrant king. After a few years, it was understood that she wouldn't be the type to join the night guard, or any kind of fighting career for that matter, and was tasked with simply finding something she could do. She was teased by her clan for being a rather weak-willed individual, which caused her to retreat more into her shell, even though most of the jabs were meant to be playful.

Once Fen turned 17, she found a job at a local inn as a night worker. Due to her nocturnal nature and quiet disposition, she was able to stay up all night and tend to the drunken guests who came wandering in as well as finish up the workload from the day staff. She settled into the job easily, and has remained there for many years since.

As she has grown older, she spends less and less time with her clan, seeking to get away from their playful remarks. While she often gets lonely, she attempts to fill her time with working more and more.

One night while cleaning the tables of the inn, she noticed a figure standing in one of the darker corners of the room. Figuring it was a drunken guest, Fen approached the hooded figure. Before she could ask if it needed help, it held out a hand and asked "Care for a diamond?" Surprised, but more than used to entertaining drunk absurdity, she gripped the diamond slowly and startled when the figure vanished before her eyes.

I have read and understand the rules.


Trying to make a wilting flower of a character is hard. But hopefully she become a bit more strong-willed with plot progression. c: She's not much yet, though.
I agree, the tension is great. I like that everyone seems to be approaching it with caution. I really can't wait to see how the characters will end up relating to one another. And how long it'll take before one of Var's conversations about his philosophical viewpoints gives Cojack a headache. :P
Tension, we all love tension :D (something that should never be a thing in real life)

Character relations seems really hard for though, but I'm just hoping it's a natural process that just happens without you knowing. I'm just going to wait for a bit until my character gets a debut, just waiting for a moment.
It really depends on the characters. It's like in real life. More people will be attracted to someone friendly and go near them. Some people are weirdos like me and tend to make friends with other weirdos xD
Precisely! And I enjoy watching which characters decide to be friends with who, and which they choose to avoid or argue. Watching how the characters come together as a group is one of my favorite things about RPs.
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@Naberius Our first pureblood Kindred, character is accepted.

As far as how characters get along, Belyavor will have to be shown that you deserve respect. Var doesn't understand friendships despite having an emotional connection to the Orminai family and all you need to do to get close with him is talk.

I will be closing this roleplay for applications on our next player, people already playing are free to make more characters.
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