WIP to be completed and better formatted after class (an hour or two).
Name: Sabrina Engel
Persona: Duessa
Appearance: Standing at an unassuming 5'4" with long black hair hazel brown eyes flecked with green, and sporting an unimpressive, but vaguely athletic form, Sabrina seems destined for mookdom. When not in her villainous guise, she dresses like your regular post-college bum. She has a few tried and true skirts, jeans, and sweatpants as well as countless hoodies, Old Navy cardigans, nondescript t-shirts, and blouses, all to be cobbled together with care so as not to offend potential employers. As Duessa, she created an outfit out of a pleather dress found at a thrift store, scraps from creepily colorful trenchcoats, gloves straight out of a horror movie complete with convenient thumb slit, a belt that seemed like an odd cross between a gargoyle and dragon (probably someone's project for school... kids have to do weird shit nowadays) and even some fake black nails that she attempted to use as part of her persona for a few weeks before eventually retiring them for being a pain in the ass.
Age: 23
Archetype: Magic
Power set:
Brennende Teufelsgeist Kanone- A concentrated blast of energy drawn from dammed souls and lesser demons. It is powerful and hard to fully control, needing a bit of time to prepare. It is so draining that she can only fire it once per day, but with time and control, this spell will undoubtedly become easier to cast.
Heiligefalle- A goblet, passed down through the Engel line, which contains the magically-imprisoned souls of angels gone astray. When released, they appear as a type of smoke, and at this point in time, she can only use them to concoct weak illusions, which are purely visual. There are legends that the goblet can do more, but that is still yet to be seen.
Origin Story: Sabrina was born to a devout Catholic mother and a demonically-inclined father, who apparently made a deal with a powerful devil ten years before she was conceived. Her mother had no idea about her husband's dalliances with the damned, and was content not to ask, until one day, when Sabrina was nine, Mr. Engel suddenly burst into flames and the entire house shook as his soul was dragged down a portal into hell. Mrs. Engel told all the neighbors he had had a heart attack. The jury is still out on whether or not she actually believes that to this day. Regardless, the bargain he had struck with the devil was strictly Faustian: he'd succeed in anything he put his mind to for twenty years, and then he would forfeit his soul.
So, growing up with a traumatized mother whose only comfort was the silver rosary beads that came in the mail with those prayer cards from those groups that want money, was definitely an experience for the young woman. She began to show an interest in demonology around the time she got into high school, after stumbling across some of her father's arcane notebooks. As her studies went deeper, her mother began to distance herself more and more, knowing that it was of no use to try to show her daughter the error of her ways. The two of them began to drift apart, leading their own lives for the most part.
Sabrina learned of the Heiligefalle from her father's notes and found the ancient goblet in the dishwasher (of all places) and took it with her when she went to college, hoping to crack its secrets under a new roof. She studied German, since, apparently, all of the spirits that her father and forefathers had been conversing with didn't believe in Latin like everyone else. She learned of the tremendous power of the Heiligefalle, yet failed to produce anything from it besides a thick smoke that got her in trouble several times, because it was thought she was either a serial arsonist or the world's most belligerent stoner whenever she'd cause the entire floor to cloud up. After spending most of her time drinking and attending odd satanic sorority houses for clues as to how she should go about capitalizing on her new found knowledge, she just barely graduated with a degree in psychology (all of that German really goes a long way with Freud and Jung) from Mercury City College and then decided she would contact the same devil her father struck up a contract with, in order to fully understand the artifact she inherited as an Engel.
As it turns out, the Engels were all just really stupid bastards who took absolutely no advantage of the goblet and simply used it to conjure devils so they could sign their lives away. Sabrina sought to amend that and use the magical potential to become a rich supervillain. You know, the type that doesn't actually need to work but pulls wildly successful heists for the hell of it.