The Butler

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They ate in relative silence until Isabel cleared her throat. Mia had just come in and froze at her lady clearing her throat. "Now, as some of you may know, I recently got a letter. This is quite odd since it wasn't from any of my business partners. This letter was from my brother." The whole room seemed to become icy as everyone froze. "Now I expect you all to be on your best behavior. We will make sure that my dear brother is welcomed warmly into our home." With that, she left the table, done with her food. Thanked Markus and Jack before leaving for the elevator.
Jack didn't know what to make of the news. Everyone was a bit more restrained as she spoke about her brother. After Isabel left Jack had to know. "Who exactly is our Lady's brother?" The question seem to linger in the air, everyone else unsure whether to answer or not. Certainly something had to be going on. The Monroe family is growing more and more interesting as I linger. It was a good thing I left my previous master. He shuddered at the thought.
"Miss Isabel's brother is a respectable man who happens to own the largest company in all of England." Lola said, breaking the silence. "He is the one who stole all of our lady's parent's affection from her and is constantly trying to rub his success in her face." She picked the dishes up and started to clean up. Mia and Markus quickly helped, not wanting to talk about it anymore.
"I would certainly see where conflict can arise." Jack helped them clean as well. After they finished, Jack decided to shadow Lola. "Lola do you mind if I help you today? I'm still not used to the house and I would like to know more about the Lady's preferences and bit more about you." His mask gave a bright smile. Hopefully I can learn more.
"Alright, but keep up." Lola said, hurrying off to clean the laundry. "Miss Isabel gets on edge when her brother comes over and if anything is amiss, she will not like it." She started to wash the clothes, using a different soap than most maids used. She was careful with the clothes, treating them like they were human flesh instead of pieces of fabric.
Jack kept up easily. He had been doing this kind of job for most of his life. It was comforting and relaxing to once again perform normal duties of a butler. Last night's complications had riled him him, but washing clothes gave him a bit of peace. "Lola, why did you decide to work in this household. I'm sure you're capable of doing all kinds of things. You are very careful and diligent in your work. I respect that. I usually don't find maids of your caliber."
"I couldn't get the education I could to become a nurse and help those who are disabled." Lola said. "When Miss Monroe offered me the job, I couldn't refuse. She just seemed so..." She trailed off, grabbing the washed clothes and moving to hang them up. She brought them out to the lines, hanging them up to dry. The wind blew slightly, but nothing too serious.
Lola didn't have to finish. Jack knew what she meant. The weather outside was a bit windy as if gathering for something greater. When they finished hanging up everything to dry. Jack asked another question, "I've seen the painting of her father, but what of our Lady's mother?" This was the other thing nagging on Jack's mind. The Monroe family seemed so disjointed him but how can he judge. He had no family to call his own.
"Died of the same disease that took our lady's legs away." Lola said. "The women in her family seem quite susceptible to it." She moved on to do some other chores. She swept out some dirt, cleaning out the rooms to maintain their neat look. She looked up at the clock. "Mia should be done with your uniform in a couple more hours." She dusted off a clock.
"Another misfortune. I hope nothing worse occurs. The Monroe family certainly had seen it's share of loss." Jack continued to help Lola. "Mia is certainly quick," he commented, watching Lola as she worked. Two parents dying in tragic manners, a brother who inherited most of the wealth, and finally assassins coming in the night. Isabel is certainly bearing all this well. Or at least trying her best to seem so. I should just perform me duties. The hours passed as he followed Lola around house, cleaning, maintaining, and keeping the entire place pristine. "I'll go check with Mia on the state of my uniform. Thank you for showing me around the house. I have to repeat my initial praise. You are a fine maid and I'm thankful to have an opportunity to work with you." Jack left to Mia's room, where he suspected the uniform should be finished.
Lola nodded. Mia was finishing up with the final touches when Jack came in. "Oh! You're here! Quick, put this on!" She handed him a pair of black pants and a pale blue shirt to go under his dark blue jacket. She also had a tie with vine patterns on it. On the front pocket of the jacket was the insignia of the Monroe Medicines, Isabel's medicine company.
"This looks extremely well done." Jack was surprised. He had seen many expensive and stylish clothing, but this one seem to outclass them. It seemed to be also utilitarian. Jack disrobed quickly and put it on the new uniform. He had never been shy about undressing. No reason to change now. After putting on the jacket, he realized it was a perfect fit. "You're one of the finest makers I've ever encountered. I will turn to you if I'm in need of new clothes." He gave a surprisingly genuine smile. Its not often he saw beauty in something other than nature itself. "So how does it look?"
"Fabulous! Marvelous! Miss Isabel's brother will be so jealous!" Mia said, smiling and adjusting the tie a bit. "And that is just what will make our lady very happy." She smiled before grabbing a small handkerchief and putting it in Jack's pocket. It completed the look in her opinion as she smiled at the bit of navy blue cloth. She then ushered Jack out, moving to clean up her room before helping Lola.
Jack felt different. He was working in a new house, doing new things, and wearing new clothes. Every single part of him was changed in some small way. The feeling was odd, but he didn't necessarily hate it. The mask had always been his being. Every twitch of the muscle, every calculated motion. It was all done by the mask he wore. But lately his mask was slipping. Jack realized he was in front of Isabel's office. Since he was already here he might as well report in. Jack knocked on the door. "Lady Monroe, Its Jack."
"Come in, Jack, the door is open." Isabel said, working through paperwork. She growled. "These damn companies do not know when to give up." Sighing, she put her pen down and looked up at Jack. "The new uniform looks splendid. I'll have to give Mia a raise for her job well done." She pulled out a small black book and wrote something down, closing it up afterwards.
Jack came in without hesitation. It was his second time he was in her office, yet it felt different. Perhaps it was because this office was the place where he accepted this job and changed himself. Jack smiled and sat down and looked at Isabel. She was certainly busy. Paper was all around her. "I've heard some things about your family... I want to know how you feel about your brother's coming. I'm still completely new to this... kind of job. About last night. Do you know who sent the assassin? Will there be more tonight?"
"I do not know who sent the assassin and I have no idea if there will be more tonight or not. The probability of another assassin though, is very high." Isabel explained, signing documents and looking through them. "As for my brother... I would rather he not come at all, but he only does this when he's had a major success... which means at least once a month, if not more." She signed a document harshly, nearly tearing it.
Jack certainly noticed the seething emotion boiling beneath her actions. Isabel and her brother did not get along at all. "I see. And does your brother get nightly visits from assassins? I suppose he is popular and successful enough to warrant them." Jack somehow figured his brother was somehow involved in all this intrigue. Perhaps his brother wants her company as well. This visit may be an offer to buy her out. He darkened as he continued with this thought. He might even be sending out these assassin. I do not yet know his character though. I may be over thinking this. Jack asked once more, "And your company. Do you think your brother wants it?"
"My brother would rather be caught dead than have anything to do in the medical field, whether it be my company or taking a pill. He has ties into the underground... he has not had even an insult thrown at him from someone who would bear ill will toward him." She finished up most of the papers on her desk, looking through them. She tilted her head, reading through a paper asking for clearance to test a gas to help calm patients before surgery.
Jack took in the information and reconsidered his own ideas. "So do you require me to do anything special for your brother's arrival?" Jack didn't know what to make of this new information. Her brother's underground connections bothered him slightly, but he had dealt with those kinds of people before. He had even worked for some of them.
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