The Butcher's Apprentice

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Carmen nodded and scurried back to the back rooms, calling one of the other girls to help her. She told her what happened as she locked the other doors and they went in to take care of Katie, comforting the poor girl and reassuring her that Dimitri was going to take care of him.

Vanni went without hesitation, forcing calm on his face. <Why don't you get the girl away from him, and I talk to him? You're better at charming the girls, he reasoned to his friend in Italian as they got closer.
Ivan nodded, walking right up to the pair. He reached out, sliding his arm around the waist of the girl with a charming smile. "Lucy, malysh, you are niet hear?" he purred to her in an accent not unlike his brother's. "Special privileges are ah...niet for sale tonight. Someone is cross line." he said, gently pulling her a few steps away from the guy who had been talking to her. "You are tell other girls for me, da? Back rooms are locked."

The guy glared at Ivan. "Hey, who the hell do you think you are? You aren't the damned owner." he set his beer down and took a step towards Ivan, not even giving Giovanni a thought. Ivan was the one that stole his girl and was talking like that weird Russian kid who owned the place!

((I'll be the guy if you be the girl :) that way no one is talking to themselves! If you wanna switch, that's cool too :) ))
Giovanni stopped him with a firm paw on his chest, letting his own Italian accent slip through clearly. "No, cazzo, but if you'd like to take things up with the owner, he is waiting to talk to you, personally." His eyes revealed the seriousness of the statement, even though his voice was calm and formal, just like his own brother. He looked perfectly at ease, but under his new suit, Vanni's muscles were coiled and every sense was on alert for one false move from him. He was almost a head taller than the pair of them, but Vanni had fought off more than one guy his size. At the same time.

Lucy looked visibly relieved to get away from him, and willingly went with Ivan. "Was it him?" she asked in a low voice, well aware of his reputation. "I'll tell the others. I hope Dimitri takes care of him once and for all..." She kissed Ivan's forehead in thanks.
"Yes, it was him." Ivan purred very softly at the kiss. "You know he will, darling." he let her go gently, ushering her off and away before turning to look at the guy in question. Like his friend, Ivan was also on high alert, and while he hadn't personally been in as many fights as his friend had, he had been in the skirmish that started with his sister being backed into an alley and ended with Dimitri in the back seat of a car with Emily in his lap trying to keep him from bleeding out. So he wasn't really a stranger, but he wasn't an expert either. He folded her arms across his chest, hoping that he was letting the guy know that he wasn't getting out of this. "Da. And Dimitri is niet like to be kept waiting. Especially when one of his girls has been hurt."

The guy snorted and took a step back. "Yeah right....Look, if the boss wants to talk to me, he can come talk to me. He doesn't need to sent the Runt Patrol after me."

Marcus was at his table behind the boys, keeping an eye on them. After a look from Dimitri, he took his hand off the crowbar under his table and went back to dealing. If Dimitri thought they could handle it, they could handle it. Hell, maybe he was just testing the pair, he didn't know. All he knew was the boss was pissed and he wanted to stay on his good side.
Well, since being polite wasn't going to work... In one swift move, Giovanni had the guy's tie wrapped around his fist, and jerked him down to his eye level. "You're not worth his time to come over here to meet you. This isn't a pleasant social call. So unless you need me to drag you over like the dog you are, you'll do what he says." Vanni yanked his tie again to make his point before looking over to Ivan and switching to Russian. <Ivan, see if a couple of pool cues will help convince him?> he smirked. <We might need them later, anyway.>

By now a few more players were taking notice of the confrontation, mumbling to each other and shifting nervously. Dimitri wanted to see him? What had the guy done?

Lucy hurried back to grab her drinks tray, giving a girl she passed a signal; turning a key on her lips. The girl nodded and passed the message on to others. They all understood. Lips were sealed for the night.
"Oh, come on." he said, trying to tug himself away. But he couldn't let these two kids shake him up. He grabbed up at the knot of his tie to make sure it didn't get any tighter. "Let go and I won't break your nose."

While the guy was talking, Ivan was walking over to the pool table. He picked up two of the cues and walked back. He set one down against the nearest table and tested the weight of the other in his hand. He nodded a little and reached over with the stick, poking the guy in the cheek with it. "You are listen to friend. Giovanni, maybe you are introduce self? Maybe he is get proper fear in chest. Maybe I am tell him I am Dimitri's little brother, Ivan." he said, turning the guy's face his way with the pool cue. "Ivan Zaitsev."

Oh shit. He looked over at Ivan and swallowed hard. He turned his eyes back to Giovanni. Shit. An Italian that hung out with the Russians? "....No, no, I'll go...lets see what the boss wants..."
Giovanni snorted in amusement as he relieved his friend of the cue in his hand, since it was closer. "I think he'll get to know the name of Bonaduce very well, and he won't forget it. Ever." He pulled him closer once more for emphasis before releasing him. "But we are nice guys, si? We'll even let him keep what little dignity he may have and let him walk over himself?" he suggested to Ivan,his voice light and grinning now as he tapped the pool cue on his shoulder. He waited expectantly for the guy to start moving towards the booth. One wrong move and they both had clear shots with the heavy end of the long stick.
"Da. We are nice guys." he said, picking up the other cue he brought over. "I am niet even ask Marcus for his crowbar....come. We are talk with brother, da?"

The guy nodded. "What's this all about, anyway?" he asked, straightening his tie as he stood up straight. He started walking over towards the booth, looking around a little. He really hoped he didn't look as nervous as he felt. His eyes fell upon Dimitri and he noted that the cat didn't look all that upset. He looked like he was in the middle of some good, frinedly banter with the bartender. Ok. Good. Maybe he wasn't going to die tonight...
"Oh, well we wouldn't know anything about that, now would we?" Vanni answered, winking at Ivan. "But I am sure you would, si? You're the one he wants to talk to..." Vanni did wonder what Dimitri was talking to Frankie about, though. As far as he knew, Frankie was just a bartender. Maybe it was about something else. There was always more than one thing going on.

Carmen quickly ducked back out from the back room again. She went up to Dimitri and quietly asked him if he could spare one of the boys. She wanted to take Katie to the hospital. She'd been roughed up pretty badly and Carmen didn't want to wait. There wasn't much more they could do for Katie there, anyway.
Ivan nodded, a smirk on his face. "Da. I am sure you are know well..."

"I don't know shit." he said defiantly, watching Dimitri as some Spanish chick walked up to him.

Dimitri turned to Carmen. A muscle in his jaw twitched. He nodded and told her to take Marcus. His eyes locked on the young man that his brother and Giovanni were bringing him. This man was going to die. He stood up off the bar and gave his jacket a tug to straighten it. He crossed the remaining feet between himself and the young man and, without hesitating at all, slammed his fist into the man's jaw.

The guy stumbled and hit the ground. He groaned and put his hands on his face. "Fuck!"

"Get him to his fucking feet." he said, turning and throwing the back door open. "Bring him to the basement." he said, not turning back around. He walked over through some crates and bent down, lifting up a trap door that lead to a ladder. "Throw him down there." he said, stepping aside. He started taking off his jacket and unbuttoning his sleeves.

Ivan smirked and grabbed one of the guy's arms, letting Giovanni grab the other. He hefted the guy up and grinned over at his friend. {I feel guilty for being so excited about all of this.} he said in Italian, dragging the guy along.
Carmen nodded, hurrying to get out of the way of what was about to happen. She went over to Marcus and hugged him around the shoulders, whispering urgently in his ear. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and hurried back to the rooms. They'd take Katie out the back door and meet him at his car. That'd give him enough time to finish up the hand and pass the table over to someone else.

<I don't,> Vanni grunted back as he unceremoniously shoved the guy through the hole, head first. But then again, he wasn't smiling anymore, either. He slid down the ladder, pool cue still in his hand, and shoved the guy out of the way with his foot. He wasn't eager to beat this guy to a bloody mess for fun. He was eager for him to pay for what he'd done. It would be a pleasure, albeit a very grim one.
Marcus nodded and finished up the hand quickly. He grabbed his crowbar from under the table and slid it up the arm of his coat as someone else came to take his place at the table. He walked out around the front and jumped into his car, turning it on quickly and waiting for the girls.

Ivan shrugged, following his friend down to the cement basement. The brewing equipment that had been down there before was gone, replace by more shelves to hold merchandise and blood stains on the floor. Ivan stepped out of the way of his brother and looked down at the guy on the ground. "You are probably want to get up before Dimitri is come downstairs."

The guy, groaning, got to his feet and glared. "Fuck off. The hell did I do??"

Dimitri hopped down the ladder, just finishing up rolling up his sleeves. "You are send one of my girls to the hospital. You are take more than what is allowed...Honestly, if was Jessie, you are probably get away with. But girl you hurt? She is new. She is niet have eh...problems...Jessie is..." he shrugged. "Point is, you broke something that is belong to, I am break things that are belong to you. Ribs. Nose. Jaw. Arms..." he shrugged. "And then you are die here. And I am send with Ivan to butcher shop so body is never discover..."
Carmen came out the back with Katie bundled up in her coat, the injured girl leaning on her heavily as she limped along slowly, painfully. Her makeup had run messily from crying, and her face was bruised as well. She ducked her head, trying to hide it from Marcus as she crawled into the backseat and curled up there. She didn't want anyone seeing her. Carmen climbed in next to her, looking at Marcus through the rearview mirror with sad eyes. She let Katie rest her head in her lap and stroked her hair and ears soothingly, murmuring to her in Spanish.

Vanni twisted the pool cue in his paws silently. He looked the guy over, thinking about what he wanted to see from these bones, from this body. As far as he was concerned, this guy was no more than a corpse on the slab already. He didn't qualify as a person any longer.
"Y-you're gonna fuckin' eat me?! For messing up some whore?" His head snapped backwards from another punch to his face, but he didn't go down this time. "Fuck you!" he said, starting to back up.

Dimitri sighed, stretching out his fingers and cracking his knuckles. "Boys, take out his legs." he said calmly, moving to unbutton his shirt. He really didn't want to get blood all over it. "You are catch me at bad time, honestly. I am have lot of stress to work out. Usually I am go to fight club. Tonight, I am just take it all out on you..."

Ivan nodded. "You want I am cut tendons in knee?" he asked, looking the guy over. "Or tendon in back of ankle...would also keep him from getting up. Better than just broken knee..."
"One knee, one ankle is a good compromise..." Vanni said idly, winding up with the stick like a baseball player. He didn't hesitate in bringing it so hard across the side of the guy's knee that he cracked the stick as well. As much as he complained that baseball was a stupid game, the kid had great form. He didn't want to waste time asking questions. When the boss told you to do something, you did it. Unless you were directly related, by blood or by position. Plus, it felt really, really good, hearing and feeling the wood make contact.
He cried out and hit the ground, holding his knee and cussing the three of them out with every word in his vocabulary.

"Pick, Ivan. But I don't want him bleeding out yet."

Ivan nodded and put his foot on the guy's other leg to hold it down. With a wind-up similar to his friends, he brought the stick down into the guy's other kneecap at just the right angle that it tore the tendons holding it in place. He smirked and stepped back, looking up at his brother again.

" we are have time." he looked over at the teenagers in the room with him and smiled. They really had grown up. He never would have guessed that it was the same Giovanni breaking kneecaps as it was blushing and becoming a wreck when the girls went near him. "What you are want to see?"
"The face," Vanni said immediately. He wanted to stay away from the vital areas for now. If they punctured a lung, he might die too quickly. The thought of him suffocating, of being there to watch the life drain from his face did give him pause, however. Giovanni realised he'd never been in this situation before. He'd killed kids before, sure, but only when he was fighting for his life. This time, however, this was power, of a much greater magnitude than he had ever had before. This sorry fuck's life was now literally his to command. He would need several drinks after this, that was sure. He shook himself a bit to refocus in the matter at hand. Dropping the broken stick, he dealt a punishing blow to the side of the guy's face.
Dimitri smirked and leaned back against the ladder, folding his arms across his chest and hooking one of his feet back on one of the rungs. Shit. He was just going to beat the shit out of the guy until he died. But, it looked like Giovanni and Ivan were going to do much more damage to him than he could imagine. "You are pick wrong day to fuck with my girls." he said, looking down at the guy. "I am tell you already, da? You boys have fun. I am tag in when you are get tired."

The guy wasn't listening. He was in too much pain to be listening. He was writhing on the floor, holding his face, begging for them to stop, that he was sorry, that he didn't mean anything by it...

Ivan watched his friend, then watched the guy. What kind of sick fuck sent a girl to the hospital? And he knew her, too. He knew all of his brother's girls. They were nice girls, even Jessie. He shook his head and put his foot on the guy's broken knee, pressing down slowly. "Her name was Katherine." he said coldly. "She was 18. She just started working here two months ago." He put more pressure on the guy's leg. "She likes flowers, and not just the way all girls like flowers, but she goes up to the roof her of apartment building and plants them. All kinds of them. Roses, tulips, carnations, whatever. She wants to go to South America, just to see what kinds of flowers they have down there...She was a person, damn it!"

Dimitri raised an eyebrow as he watched. This really was interesting...
About an hour later, it was nearly over. He'd long stopped begging for mercy. Just like Giovanni had planned, he'd saved the ribs for last, beating his chest in with the stick and his foot, since his knuckles were bruised and bloodied by now. He was mostly silent, but calculating and methodical. While Ivan's knowledge of the body had been gained through more practical means, Vanni's knowledge, like Cesare's, was scholarly. He had studied the anatomy, and pictured each bone in his head as he targeted it, looking for a weak spot.

He'd dispensed with his jacket, hat and tie long ago, working up a sweat while he worked this guy over. He stopped and listened with satisfaction as the sucking sounds of the punctured lungs slowed. The guy was nearly unrecognisable, but Vanni put his fingers to his neck to check his pulse. Still too strong. "This is taking too long," he decided to his friend, shaking his head. "Help me turn him over. We'll break his neck."
Dimitri watched the boys with a cold stoicism about him. It almost hurt him to see his brother so interested in the family business. He had such promise to get into other things...But he didn't stop them. Watching the guy get tortured was almost as satisfying as doing it himself. So, he stood by the ladder, holding the boy's jackets and ties, their hats on the floor beside his feet where they couldn't get crushed or bloodied. When Giovanni suggested they break his neck, he checked his watch. Probably not a bad idea. The boys had been going at it for an hour.

Ivan nodded and reached down, grabbing the guy by his bloody shirt and flipping him over. He had participated willingly, his curiosity over the entire thing mixing with his disgust for what the guy had done, and turning him into a surprisingly sick bastard himself. He hadn't even suggested half of the things that had come to his mind...He stood up and looked down at the blood on his hands, then looked for somewhere to wipe it off.

"I have towels in my office." he said, watching his brother. "You can wash your hands in there. And change shirts. I have extras of those, too. If they're too bloody...Actually, Ivan, it might be best if you see if you can stay the night with Giovanni. I'm willing to bet bloody shirts will go over a little easier there than they will with mom...if that's alright, Giovanni?"
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