The Bite of '87

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He stared at the camera for a bit before looking to Candy who yelled at him then went back to the screen. "N-no! If I knew you think I would take this job?!" He said to her frantically before glancing back the screen as he did so he watched as Daniel disappeared from the view with the creepy marionette which made his skin crawl and his eyes full if worried and scared for the boy. Mike moved from the camera when Candy took over and went to Nic make sure he was still with them. Hearing him speak almost, but a relieved smile on his face when he sigh to tell him what happened, but that changed when he heard tapping at the window that startled him almost made him jump.

Hearing the bird and Toothy speaking of Foxy, he almost about Foxy from all that happened in those few minutes. He glanced to where Foxy was, but didn't dare to fully check with the light switch if the hall. He was too frighten to and a dry and nervous chuckle came from him hearing Nicolas. If he comes back that is.

"What?!" He went to the computer where Candy and Nic stood and looked down at the screen and looked at them. "How the hell did the screen freeze?!" He asked them as he tried to fix it before hearing the loud bang from the the desk that was made by Nicolas while moving out the way from his rage. He stared at the dent that he made the stared at him almost angrily hearing the echoes. "And that was suppose to help?" He asked sarcastically. He looked at the slow, but frozen screen for a bit as he sat down on the rolling chair seeing the time.

Time: 4:42 am
Battery: 10%

Seeing this he put his face in his hands as he took a couple shaky breaths before speaking his face still in his palms. "How long have that been frozen?" He mumbled to them.
"I...don't know.." Candy said before checking her watch to see it was already almost time.

"Ugh..." Sliding down to the floor she sat there for a good minuite or two then looks at Mike "Hey....should we go find Daniel?" Candy suggested before putting a hand on her face and took a deep breath.
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He glanced at her as if she was crazy. "With those two still out there?" He then looked back in his hands before putting them in a fist and shook his head. "We can try at least...we can't really leave him out there.." He glanced at the windows for a few moments then back at her. He really didn't want to know what else was alive out there, but he knew they had to get Daniel.
"The Mar-Mar-Marionette?" She questioned. She was rather confused. The Marionette was.. Strange. But she trusted him. He has given her this life. So she replied, "I won't. Be ca- I can't- careful, voice." She continued on her way after this, mentally smiling.
Daniel breathed a sigh of relief, leaning limply against the wall. Even though he had been scared for his life, there was something about the animatronics that seemed almost... friendly. Perhaps the only reason they acted threatening was because they feared for their own safety? It seemed logical enough, but he couldn't be sure. He decided that he could find answers the next day.... if he survived.
Turning the flashlight on, he checked the time on his watch.
4:48 am, and only 8 percent battery left...
He remembered that Chica's voice box seemed to crack when she spoke to him, was it possible that she was trying to tell him something?
"I...don't know.." Candy groaned in response. " much do we have left? What time?" Massaging her forehead she looked at the bird outside the window and narrowed her eyes as she looked at it thoughtfully. She wasn't sure if they would be able to save Daniel though not with Foxy still out there with an unknown reason to rampage on then all of a sudden. Still looking at the frozen screen she sighed and looked down to think for awhile.
Toothy suddenly knocked the door twice, in a Knock Knock fashion and stood there, as if waiting for an answer

Beaky chuckles softly, in a voice that sounds like Candy's but heavily distrorted, the sounds being made up of different sound bites of her voice
Davy ran through the hall and stopped when he saw Daniel speaking to Chika, the animatronic growled and ran after daniel
Hearing something run towards him, Daniel quickly ducked in one of the stalls, locking the door. Where in the world did this one come from? One thing was clear... the way it growled at him signaled that he wasn't as friendly as the others...
The Marionette felt something off. What was wrong? He hopped out of his box and opened the door, not caring to close it. He went to the stage. "Where Chica?" He questioned. How did he not know this?! He heard a growl and loud footsteps... Davey's. He went to where his mechanics determined the source to be... The bathroom? But Steven-- no Daniel was in there... "Davey..? I can get him. You get others..?" He sputters shakily and trying to save his first very realistic robotic friend. He had to.
The wolf stopped when he heard Marionette's voice coming from behind him. "Sounds good Marie" The robot then ran past him to the security room and stood at the window where he saw a few of the guards, the wolf stood there looking at them with it's yellow eyes.
Hearing the knocking voice while seeing Davey on both side she groaned and looked at the wolf when suddenly the lights shutdown and the doors were starting to open slowly. " Ohhhh hell no " Candy said in fustration before grabbing her metal bat. '5:45' The clock says and just a little more before it starts.
The Wolf waited for the door to open, the power went out which made the wolves tail wag. When the door was finally open to fit the animatronic in, he ran though the door and looked at the Candy. The wolf gave a loud screech, then ran at the girl with the bat.
"Davey?!" Candy dogged the Wolf giving her time to escape. Without thinking she ran through the entranced and went to the bathroom where Daniel is. "Daniel! Wher-.....Marionette..." Candy stopped at the entrance of the bathroom and looked at the puppet. "Look get this straight, I don't want to hurt you or anything but your robot friends are trying to kill us, I don't know why but help us?" she pleaded while panting and walked quickly towards the stall where Daniel is and knocked. "Pst Daniel come help me!" She said and gripped her bat while shaking nonstop. She was scared alright but she didn't want to hurt the animaltronics, She didn't mean to but she had nothing to do but run away from them.
Daniel burst out of the stall, breathing heavily. "Candy?!" He said, giving his eyes time to adjust to the darkness.
"Do you really think now is the best time to question him?" He demanded when he heard her speaking to the puppet. "He's willing to help us, that's the main thing. I don't know about you, but I trust him."
He glanced at his watch... Damn, no more power left...
Clicking his flashlight back on, he glanced at Candy. "All right, enough of this. Where are the others?"
"Sorry" Candy grinned while panting heavily before staring at Daniel. "Davey... he's chasing me and Toothy is just outside the security room with Nic and Mike!" She wiped her forehead and looked around before remembering the time. "35 minutes left man....just 35 minutes and were saved but that wolf is just fast how?" she said while staring at the door.
"Well, he already knows we're here now, so there's no point in hiding..." Daniel thought for a moment, unsure if there was anything they could do.
Wait, I have an idea!" He said, his excitement growing. "We could run out there and get their attention, and lure them away from the security office. Hopefully we can keep them distracted long enough for Nic and Mike to get to someplace safe."
"Hmm...yes nice but where do we lure them..I swear this is going to be one wild goose chase." She replied and sighed. Daniel's plan was neat she had to admit. Gripping her bat a bit more tightly she nodded before taking a step back.
Davy looked around the security cameras, now lost power and the hunt has now begun, he began looking everywhere for the humans till he finally found them, he gave a nasty and excruciating yell
((I'm going to jump-in and join this rp until someone says other :P ))

A lone animatronic sat in the darkness of the damp and cold basement of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. It resembled a cartoon version of bald eagle, except more tattered and beaten up than he probably should've been. He had been long forgotten and left to decay

What was his purpose, he wasn't even sure. Originally he was planned to be part of the band but he was scrapped do to reasons he didn't understand. He had always heard the sound of commotion from above and wished he could join the gang. He always decided to stay put in in order not to scare the others, most of them never saw him before he was discarded into the basement. He just sat there and curled up into a ball, the loneliness starting to make him forget things. He still was able to recall his name, thank god. "Eddie, my name is Eddie Eagle." He repeated to himself.
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