The Beginning of the New Age

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(I know their are already people with multiple characters but I have to ask if I anyone cares if I have a second as well or do you all just want me to focus my attention on Vlad)
(I don't care)
Karen sighed, frowning a little as she walked up to the knife and picked it up. Closing her eyes while throwing a knife sounded illogical to her, but so did hunting with it. She took a deep breath and told herself that all she had to do was entertain the kid for a bit, then she'd be at this sanctuary place, getting some food into her belly. Karen walked back to where she was initially standing, then focused on the stump, imagining a knife in its centre. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and flung it again. The knife, however did not go where she intended at all, and dug itself into the ground, halfway between her and the stump, with a thwip!

Karen glowered at the knife, her stomach growling a little with hunger. She just wanted food and not to get eaten by a potential pack of mountain wolves! And that throwing knife, according to the kid, would be her method of defense. She had no idea what she was doing! At this rate, she may have well been mountain lion food.
A flame burst out in the dark as it was slowly brought up to light a cigar its light shows someones lower face their was a small amount of stubble growing indicating it was a man. The man stood up and garbed his bow and quiver and pulled a cloak over his clothing then sliding the quiver over his cloak into an easily reached position on his back he headed out the door of his small cottage exhaling smoke. he heard a conversation not to far from him it was barley audible but he could hear it. "look at him it's Captain Adrian I heard he was one of the first to respond to the vampire outbreak." It was the same everyday Adrian would leave to hunt and the whispers would start he was a black sheep to them. He was one of the first to respond to the cries of monsters he clashed with lead and gunpowder against unnatural speed and strength his whole squad was wiped out all but him but he had lost sight in his left eye; a vampire's lucky swipe took his vision but not his life now his eye was dead and covered with white which contrasted with his coal black right eye. He had killed a few that day but their were far to many now he he was a hunter of both man and beast alike. Even when humanity needed to unite their were still those who would rape pillage and steal for them self's he hunted these humans this was his job a regulator as them called them but in the back of his mind he always remembered the threat the vampire posed to humanity these people seemed to have fallen into a false security. He stalked out of the Sanctuary heading to a bandit camp, with blood as his goal Adrian set out to do his dark work.
Conner frowned, than said "You need to keep a mental image of where your target is... but that's good for now, come along and we can go get something to eat."
((There's a bandit camp near this Sanctuary place?))

Karen nodded her head, glad that the exercise was finally over. The sooner they got out of there, the less likely they would be mountain lion food. Now that she thought about it, weren't mountain lions solitary animals? She wasn't sure, but most large cats she knew of, with the exception of the lion, traveled alone. Perhaps mountain lions, as their name suggested, were like lions in that aspect too. Then again, she never heard of a pack of mountain lions until now. She shrugged: it didn't matter as long as in the end she was alive.

Karen picked up the throwing knife and handed it to Connor, "Let's go," she said curtly.
Adrian was as quiet as a wraith as he approached the camp his boots making no noise whatsoever as he got into a position to overlook the camp he could see the tents and fires but what he saw on the outskirts angered him, cages with people in them most likely being sold to vampire of god for bid being used as sex slave he would need to be silent about this or they might start killing the trapped people. Once he made a mental map of the camp he reviewed it the tents house two each in a semi circle of five tents he saw four guards two of which were near the slave cages he pulled into the shadows of the forest to begin his work. He stalked the edge of their camp like a wolf none of the bandits aware of what was about to happen, the first guard was patrolling the tree line he was armed with a crude sword seeing as guns fell out of favor Adrian would have a much easier time of it; he got to the edge of the bushes where the bandit had stopped Adrian looked and saw the guard was unseen so he pulled out his Fairbairn–Sykes fighting knife (now called the F-S knife for convenience) a favorite of the British SAS he grabbed the guard by the mouth and pulled him into the bushes where he jammed the knife in between the guards ribs right into his heart killing him instantly. He layer the body down silently and pushed out of the foliage and up to a tent he heard slight snoring inside of it sounded like only one person he thought he cut the fabric of the tent and entered to see one man asleep on a bed roll Adrian advanced and drove his dagger into the mans throat he awoke but Adrian held him down as his struggles subsided and he went limp Adrian pulled the sheet up to the mans neck and made it look as though he was asleep. His next target was not alone he guessed he would be taking them both down most of the others were partying so Adrian could risk small amounts of combat if needed but he had to keep them from yelling, he advanced behind them both were standing he came up behind them and stabbed the one on the left in the side of the head while kicking in the others knee and pulling out his knife form the others head and swiping it across the other guards throat he then pulled both the bodies into a hiding spot. "Only sixteen more to go." Adrian thought sarcastically he knew he would need to find a quicker method of dispatching his targets. He needed to think...
While Adrian hid in the shadows in thought he noticed the tent he was near was larger then the others. "Don't tell me their are more then twenty of them." He used his F-S knife to cut a hole in the fabric and took a peak what he saw was either a trap of a god send it was a ten full of valuables food, alcohol, fine clothes and they were all in wood crates and chests but what he saw was the keg of lantern oil this all seemed to convenient almost as if it was being written in a story, either way he couldn't let this opportunity slip. He cut a slit in the canvas he could slip through he pushed his way in and checked to see if their were and guards; with none in sight he grabbed the oil keg and popped the top and proceeded to pour it on everything once done pouring he dabbed some cloth in the oil and wrapped it around and arrow head he would need it for later. Adrian stalked to the cages both guards were gone probably to get drunk the people pulled away when he got near he ignored it and started picking the locks and getting the cage doors open. The now freed slaves were suspicious but Adrian handed one of them a map and spoke something he doesn't do allot. "Eight miles west is a human settlement run and don't look back I will provide a distraction." Most didn't need much prompting and scattered west luckily one person was guiding them a woman in her twenties it seemed, no matter Adrian thought as he spun on his heel and grabbed the oil soaked arrow and lit it with his lighter he proceeded to notch the arrow and loosed it at the oil soaked tent it struck the side at first it looked as if the plan had failed but slowly the flame spread then it hit the oil and their was a small explosion drawing the attention of all the bandits who were now running to try and save their spoils. Adrian slipped away just as silently as he came none the wiser only ex slaves telling stories of a ghost.
(Wow, that guy TOTALLY reminds me of Etzio from Assassins Creed)
(the red figures are potential enemies, the green are neutral, and blue are innocent or defenceless)
As Conner was driving back to camp on his motorcycle with the new passenger, he heard explosions. He slowed to a stop and looked in the direction of the explosions, using his special vision to see EVERYTHING within a 20 mile radius. He saw at least 10 red figures surrounding a bonfire, a group of blue figures running towards the sanctuary, and a lone green figure slowly moving away from the scene. Hmm. very interesting... Conner made nothing of it, turning his vision back to normal, and continuing into the sanctuary.

"Welcome, to the sanctuary!" Conner said to Karen after he parked his bike and passed through the gate. Him and her walked to a tent building where the slight smell of bread, along with the pungent smell of cheese, and the alluring scent of roast beef and fried chicken greeted them. They went inside and while Conner had to pay for his meal, being a new citizen gave Karen the benefit of free food. Then they went to the main hall, where the leader was greeting a group of people that say they had just been released from prison by a rogue that told them to come here. He greeted Karen, and gave her a travelers lobby until she made a permanent decision to stay or leave. They went to her lobby that was just a decent sized black and gray striped tent. Conner helped her set up what little supplies she had left after wandering for so many days before asking "Do you want to come see my place? Don't worry, I don't mean sensually or anything, but just as... you know... friends."
Karen's mouth watered at the smell of food. As she glanced at what was being served, she felt as if a luxury had suddenly been bestowed on her. Before she was just scavenging whatever she could find, which was usually the bland tasteless food that came out of a can, or raw vegetables she had stolen from an abandoned and overgrown vegetable garden. Meat and cheese were just things that one couldn't scavenge. The white lines on her nails were a testament to that, showing that she was lacking in protein. When given a plate of food, Karen wolfed it down, shoving in mouthfuls of meat, relishing in the taste.

When they entered the main area, Karen glanced curiously at the group of new arrivals, listening intently to whatever she could hear as she followed Conner into the travelers lobby. She was barely listening to what Conner was saying though, her mind still focused on the new group. Something about the things they said troubled her. Karen heard things of them being taken alive and imprisoned. How the vampires did not kill and drink their blood on the spot like she thought they did. How someone, who appeared to be human, though was described like a ghost, came in and rescued them. All those times she had run away, she had thought it was the end of the line, that if she was caught by a vampire, there would be no way of fighting back, that she would have her blood drained to become nothing more than a lifeless carcass. But now, seeing that there were survivors that were rescued by a human, it meant that she no longer had the excuse of saving her own life whenever she abandoned someone to the vampires. It meant that she was no longer an innocent runner in these matters, but a guilty coward.

She sighed as she dumped the backpack on the ground and began rifling through the maps, straightening them out from their crumpled forms. A few pencils had fallen out too, though they were pretty dull and worn down from her marking out various routes on the maps. A screw driver and wrench tumbled out, causing Karen to frown a little: she had completely forgotten that she had dumped those into the backpack when she ran.

Conner appeared to be speaking to her now, asking to show her around. Karen just simply shrugged, not really caring for that at the moment, the other newcomers being a larger interest to her.

"The vampires...they take people alive? how did the come back? Who rescued them?"
Adrian walked into the Sanctuary avoiding the large groups that seemed to stick together, he noticed that boy Conner and a new arrival a young woman she was looking at some maps but he paid no mind as he entered his shack and took the cloak off and folded it to be taken and washed when he had time. He looked into the mirror and the face that stared back was just the same as before he ran his fingers over his scars over his left eye and sighed at his reflection a head of auburn hair with a beard growing it made him look older then he was; being a mere 24 he looked more like his mid 30s. He looked down to the water he had set out before he left and used it to clean the grime off his face and wash his hair after he was done with that he decided he needed food and headed to the eating area as he walked he noticed that the slaves he had rescued were being helped by the community he may have disliked the false sense of peace but most of the people would help another. He got in line for his food which was a stew made filled with many vegetables and venison as the meat he filled his bowl with the stew and filled his canteen with water from the well and sat down by himself and began to eat.
Conner was slightly disappointed at first, than his look turned to interest as he sees Adrian sit down to eat. "See that man over there that just sat down to eat? People here call him the shadow. He saves the innocent or enslaved. Those explosions we heard were probably him freeing the slaves we just saw in the main hall. I know a little about him, like his name is Adrian, he looks 30 but hes actually not even 25 yet, and he was the first to respond to the vampire invasion... and that's actually pretty much it. If people knew where he lived, than he would be the superstar of the town." His face turns to a frown as he sees Brad in the park. "Oh, and see that boy over there? His name is Brad, and he says he's beaten three vampires, but we've only SEEN him beat one. Surprisingly though, he seems to be awfully nice to one vampire in particular. The vampire tries to hit on him every turn, but he's only 15 and never read any relationship stuff, so he doesn't know the signs." Conner than started looking back and forth between Adrian and Brad, than said "They are both potential heroes, but both of them are too humble to reveal themselves... You can go talk to either Brad or Adrian, or you can stick with me. So what'll it be?"

Karen glanced at the boy and the man that Connor had pointed to, a perplexed look on her face. Some kid, barely into adolescence had already faced up against a few vampires, and here she was an adult, who couldn't even look others in the eye and who's only use was running in times like this. Karen sighed to herself, rubbing a palm to her forehead. Though the kid had some experience with vampires, some of which sounded rather strange to Karen, the Adrian fellow Connor had spoken of, was the one who freed others, the one who had taken action right away. Karen had a few questions about the situation, and Adrian seemed like the one who was most likely to answer them.

"Er...well, I kinda want to...erm...know more of these bandit camps..." she said to Connor, glancing at Adrian out of the corner of her eye, "And, well... who better to ask than the guy who frees people from them... uh... thanks for taking me to this sanctuary..." Karen thanked Connor, bowing her head a little, before turning to walk away.

Karen approached Adrian slowly, not sure if she wanted to disturb anyone having a meal. Once she was only a couple feet away, she opened her mouth to speak up, "Excuse me, sir?"
Conner scoffs, having and amused smile on his face as he watches Karen for a few seconds longer, than he teleported when nobody was looking... right to Castle Dracula, just behind Dracula. He broke the silence of the room as soon as he arrived, saying "SO! I heard that you were looking for me. Have you decided to replace Cendall on his task to kill Brad, or is capturing me still on your mind?" He smiles and says "I see everything about you, what you love, hate, and want, even through your veil of shadows... So although I already know, tell me what you want from me."
(Vlad's part is first) "Boy you know nothing of what I want nor desire, don't let your power go to your head it may end up getting you killed and I need Brad alive if you or Cendall touch a hair on his head you life's are forfeit you best remember that." Vlad then restricts Conner with his shadows nullifying his power. "And did you forget you are in my realm now here I am god, arrogance does not benefit someone with potential such as yours. But I do have work for you their is an of great is hidden very deep...on the ocean floor deep it's in the Marianas trench their is a high grade submarine on the island of Okinawa it will allow you to retrieve the artifact but you will have a limited time once your at the bottom you will have an hour but that is more then enough time. The artifact is a large gold sun it gives off a glow that cant be missed." Vlad then releases Conner as pushes him into a portal leading to Okinawa but Vlad said one more thing before Conner was gone entirely. "If you succeed I will grant you what you want most within reason." And with that Conner vanished completely from Vlad's world.

(Adrian's part is now) Adrian had finished eating and was now reading a small book it was bound in leather and looked very very old, as he read he heard footsteps approaching him he kept reading thinking they would pass by him but they didn't they stopped in front of him. He snapped his book shut and looked up at who was standing in front of him and low and behold it was the new girl to the Sanctuary, his good eye scrutinized her she had a runners body hair wasn't so long it would hinder her but her backpack was a target being orange and all but he was looking at her from the perspective of a veteran solider sizing up a new one. He looked into her eyes and raised an eyebrow in question he then asked. "Do you need something?"
Conner gets pushed through the portal, but to Vlad's complete surprise, he just came out behind him again, saying "And what if I don't want to? You can restrict me all you want, but I won't leave just yet. I have need of that artifact myself and you just told me how to get there, so what if I just take it for myself? It is all just in theory, but I have a warning for you. You may already know of one of your comrade's deaths, but if you don't, one of the vampire lords has died. You may be the most powerful of them, but you must remember the third most powerful of them Narkutsk? Well... he was killed in Greenland by a group of monster hunters that are called the ME, and they are coming for you and all of the other vampires." Than, at that precise moment, he hit a pinpoint in Dracula's seemingly invincible mind. "I don't want to kill Brad, I just want to get at John so me becoming a vampire will be within my reach. I have a new proposition for you. I will retrieve your artifact ONLY if you help me find a way to get rid of John AND turn me into a vampire. You want to get revenge for when John's master locked you in that cell, and I just want him gone... So what'll it be eh' Count? Oh, and as an added bonus, I will infiltrate the ME's ranks as a human and defeat them from the inside BEFORE they can hurt a single other vampire." Conner knew that it was too good to refuse. Dracula would get his artifact, he won't have to worry about the ME, and on top of all that, he would get a powerful new vampire ally. Conner would have the benefit of getting a positive plus for defeating an evil spirit, becoming a vampire, and he would be defeating a massive threat to all vampires beforhand.
Vlad turned to Conner and raised an eyebrow. "Boy you're playing with fire, do not act as if you can intimidate me and set the terms you want I already told you I would give you your greatest desire if you retrieved the artifact I have no desire for revenge on John but I don't care what happens to him either and the artifact would be useless to you, and you all don't seem to get it I can't die I ensured that long ago even if my opponents skills and power exceed mine they could only send me into slumber it is a curse and if you must know what makes me so special it's how I became a vampire I was not bitten or drank the blood of another vampire I relinquished my soul to take others it's why I feed I take their souls through their blood but my soul is already gone you would have to kill every other soul I have consumed then find my soul and destroy vampire has made the same contract as me so they keep their souls no matter how corrupt they may be...and if anyone or anything could get to my soul I would have destroyed it long ago myself. If you want to be a vampire so bad then I will make you one you will be a creature of darkness but only after you get the artifact for me...and about the group you speak of they are not the first to target us nor will they be the last they think themselves untouchable but they will fall like all the others even if they kill all of my subordinates and incapacitate me their will always be survivors...I learned that in my wars against the ottomans as a human but if you feel they are a big enough threat infiltrate and destroy them from the inside out like leave boy I must prepare for the coming storm one I suggest you plan for as well." And with that Vlad retreated into a deeper part of his castle his presence fading and the corridors sealing themselves from all but their master a portal appeared leading out of this worlds beckoning for Conner to leave.
Karen glanced at the table, shifting nervously, "Um..." she squeaked out, rubbing the back of her neck, "A kid said you were... were the one who from some sort of...uh...bandit camp?" she stammered, glancing back at where Connor was, to find that he had suddenly disappeared. She found it strange, but shrugged it off: crowds were easy to disappear in. Karen sighed and looked back at the table, staring at the curious leather bound book. "They....erm....say that the vampires... uh.... take people alive?" she added.
Conner almost looks sad as he appears in front of Vlad again, saying "I am sorry to inform you, but these are not normal humans. For one, they have been injected by a serum that makes them stronger than all of the minor vampires... if they team up like they did with Narkutsk, not even you will be able to stop them. Secondly, I am completely aware that you sold your soul to the devil, but they have the all powerful GOD on their side... not any of the Greek gods either, but THE ONE GOD. He grants them powers of light that could completely obliterate ALL of your souls, including yours, and you will be almost powerless to stop them. I know how to use your artifact, and I need to borrow it to destroy them from the inside. So, NOW do you understand why I have not yet left yet?" He almost has the commanding voice of a war general, but he is only 14, so it doesn't have the volume it should.

(I'm sorry, but could you tell me what the artifact DOES and what it IS?)
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