The Beginning of the New Age

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(It's just going to be a little paragraph thingy... I remember Conner now, so I won't make a new character.)

Capital city Nuuk, Greenland. 45 degrees F. at 0246 hours (3:06 A. M.)

Narkutsk, controller of wind and one of the main vampires, is surrounded by three unique vampire hunters.
Do you really want to fight me humans? You know that you are useless against me, so why bother?
One of the humans, apparently the leader, says We shall clean the world of your taint, vampire. You have desecrated entire civilizations, for what? Why couldn't you be contempt with what you had? Well... now the ME (Monster Exterminators) is forced by the one true ruler, to vanquish YOU! You get first move vampire... what'll it be?

The vampire scoffed and, using a wind boost, traveled with hand-and-a-half sword to the side towards the one directly behind him. His blade would've shirked through him like butter, if it hit. Somehow, with speed not even another vampire could reach, he ducked and countered with a well placed punch to the gut, making the vampire fly backwards into a wall not two inches from the ground. Before he could hit the ground though, another one sprinted up and planted an uppercut on Narkutsk, sending him flying upwards. He recovered in mid air, but yelped in pain as a metal chain was shot through his leg and attached to the ground. The chain was retracting, bringing Narkutsk closer to the ground once more. he decided to trick them, and falls to the ground. When one of them approached, (the first assailant) he jumped up and grabbed his throat, than spun around at least 10 times like a rollercoaster before throwing him into the solid stone wall, cracking it. A normal human would be dead from such a blow, but this one got back up, even if he was a little dizzy, and fell back behind the leader, who had a longsword made up entirely of light, pointed at the vampires face.
What... are... you?
We are a hybrid of humans, made specifically to kill vampires. We were injected with a serum that increases almost everything about us, even our magical abilities, and there are five of us, plus the light. This sword isn't even a mere fraction of the power I hold in my body. Now, we are faster, stronger, more agile, more intelligent, and we have everything you have but BETTER. So, any last words?
The count... will... kill you all.
Very well. and with a thrust of his right hand, he impaled Narkustsk through the chest with a sickening and somehow heavy shirk. It pierces Narkutsk's heart, killing him immediately, but the leader cuts off his head... for good measure, and throws it down into the ocean 50 meters below the secluded cave cliff. As they walk out, the leader says, So... Dracula is awake... we must cleanse this world, which means killing even him. We are going to America boys. Then, with that settled, the trio just... jumped. Down, down, into the ice cold water. They than swim to their rowboat and set their headings for America, their course made... they would kill every last vampire there, and leave the world to recuperate on it's own.
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(Is anybody still RPing)?
(I was hoping to I just don't know what is going on with everyone else)
(Hey guys really sorry about the delay in posting had a lot of stuff going on last few days but I'm here to still play)

Cendall was watching with true amazement, these acts of power Vlad were performing were nothing short of the true masterpiece of his power. To summon this crypt, draw armor and weapons, as well as grant Silvia a new power it was truly magnificent He knew he was out classed but this didn't frighten him or worry him. Cendall had always found a way around things like power and such. And though he couldn't show it well he wasn't some mere weak vampire either.
Cendall saw Vlad begin to walk away so he decided to follow him. He was curious on a few things. Vlad seemed almost invincible but was put into a slumber for several centuries, how did he ever get put into that state? and what are his plans now? Stop the War? Rule the planet? Or something else even bigger and more unimaginable, whatever it was, Cendall wished to see it from the beginning to the end, he truly wished to watch what this master Vampire could do.
" My Lord, those seem to be great feats of power you have just displayed, I'm curious as to who was that put you in that deep slumber of yours as well what are your current plans? I will follow you and give you any assistance you need, I'm just curious as to what will we do."
Cendall didn't want to ask any big or huge questions, He just wanted to get an idea of what Vlad had in mind, and to see how frightening this vampire could be.
"The people who put me in that box were men who put forth their very best effort to kill me...but they could only send me into a sleep, I can direct fatal damage to one of the many souls I have taken over the years it keeps me alive, it's a hard thing to do I am the only one I know of capable of doing it so far. I respect the because they were just men no powers...some assistance from an artificial mind but in the end they bested me you have probably read Bram Stokers Dracula it is loosely based on the events of that night...the night on which Count Dracula was defeated for that feat they deserved to win that night. Also if you must know my plans...i'm going to rebuild my kingdom and stop this chaos that the world has descended into whether by blade and fire or honeyed words and money I will carve out a place for myself and those who choose to follow me and as for the humans I have a plan; one that will benefit all in the long run but the blood letting and violence will get much worse before it can get any better..." Vlad then proceeds to reach into his armor and produces a strange book as he flips through it Cendall notices that it is bound in human skin and written in blood. "This book was something I found buried long before I ever existed vampire or other wise i'm sure you can tell what it is for someone who seeks so much knowledge but if you have forgotten it is the...NECRONOMICON and it hold boundless knowledge of the occult and ways to summon daemons along with forbidden knowledge I give this to you as a gift just as I gave Silvia power you shall receive knowledge, your willpower is what will keep you safe from the things this book summons they will tempt you with your greatest desires but know if you fall under their power I will kill you myself."
Carla was about to retire early to her dark bedroom when she felt something that sent a shock-wave through her body. She almost cried out at the realization of what it was. It had only happened once when Dracula was defeated, and not once since. No... it can't be. The seven vampire lords are impossible to defeat. (The 7 strongest vampires of history made up this group. The 7 were unbeatable by even werewolves... no, a pack of werewolves... and one of them was just killed by a HUMAN! The 7 vampire lords from weakest to strongest are Hernegiir, Jofanni, Dofanuus, Narkutsk, Benjamin, Katonar, and their leader, Dracula. Each of them control a separate element, and Narkutsk controlled wind.) Now, vampires will not be able to use the wind as well as they used to. I must warn Dracula! Then, Carla ran out of her tree-house as quickly as possible to the newly awakened Dracula.
Karen's sneakers crunched on the gravel as she wandered down the roadside, a beat up orange backpack slung on one shoulder, swaying a little with her movements. It was rather light, crackling a little with the papers that loosely filled it. Part of Karen wished that it was heavier and filled with food, but another part of her liked it light. It meant that if the time to run came, she could run farther and longer. That meant more to Karen than not spending a day or two without food.

A squirrel jumped out of the bushes then scurried across the road, its grey fluffy tail bobbing a bit. Karen jumped backwards at this sudden burst of movement, then sighed and slammed a palm to her forehead. She hated how on edge she felt for the past few days, jumping at mostly harmless creatures like squirrels. Karen glanced up ahead, spotting a paved road intersecting the gravel one she currently walked.
Conner was walking on a paved road when he saw a girl, probably 20 (Karen), walking down the path. He stops, pulls out his throwing knife, and says
"Vampire or human?"
Conner was walking on a paved road when he saw a girl, probably 20 (Karen), walking down the path. He stops, pulls out his throwing knife, and says
"Vampire or human?"

Karen stopped in her tracks once she spotted a figure walk out onto the crossroads, her right hand clinging to the strap of her pack. She gritted her teeth, her legs tensing up as she prepared herself to turn around and run. She hoped that the figure hadn't seen her, that maybe she could slip into the bushes, escape without harm. But before Karen could take any action, the person ahead, had stopped and pulled out some sort of weapon, calling out a question to her. Karen gulped, realizing that her presence was known. She took a deep breath, "Human!" she answered in a shaky voice, "What are you?"
Conner lowers his weapon, seeing that she speaks the truth. He approaches the woman, than says in a derogatory tone of voice
"There is a sanctuary down the broken path, follow it and you'll get there in little less than half an hour. Or... you could follow me a little and we could look for some animals to kill. I left my motorcycle a little ways back, if a vampire comes, it won't catch us. So what'll it be?"
As Conner looks at her with what people wold call normal vision, he began to feel a tightening in his chest. He also began to smell a perfume that smelled of flowers and vanilla. He felt his heat rise as he thought, I wonder if she ever had a crush on anybody? If not, I could- STOP! What is happening, I've never felt this way before... is it magic? I must not let whatever is happening keep on happening.
He waited for a bit, expecting a reply, before asking "What is your name anyways?"
Karen frowns a little, not appreciating the fact that her question never got answered. But, logic dictated that if they were a vampire, they would have already attacked her by now instead of asking her questions. Karen sighed a little, scratching the back of her head with her left hand, as the person continued talking, something about a sanctuary and hunting some animals. She glanced to the right, spotting some Joe Pye weed growing quite thick among the trees, their purple flowers a few feet above the ground. Karen sighed, finally figuring out where that dratted vanilla smell that had been plaguing this stretch of road was coming from. At least they smelled better than she did; which was like sweat and gasoline. The person in front of her had now dropped into a few moments of awkward silence, and Karen figured that she should probably say something, but before she could open her mouth to speak they asked another question, regarding her name.

"Uhhh...Karen..." she answered awkwardly, "Er...there's a... sanctuary?" she inquired, a little surprised that there may have been a safe place nearby.
His face contorted into a frustrated frown for a few seconds, than he managed to say with a straight face,
" Yes, there is a sanctuary nearby, but you never answered my question. Do you want to go hunting with me or not... it's fine if you say no, but I hope it doesn't weigh on your mind that you left a 14 year old boy in the middle of a vampire invasion to hunt for others, and none for himself." He then waited once again for a reply to his question.
"Uhhhhhh..." Karen trailed off, with a confused look on her face, "Er...didn't you come here by yourself?" she murmured confused at why the kid fresh out of middle school would talk about leaving him as a bad thing. She had left others in far worse situations than this. Though Karen wasn't planning on abandoning him in the first place: he was the first human being she had seen in a while, and it would be a nice change compared to wandering around in solitude or running away, leaving someone for dead. Plus the kid spoke of having a motor bike, and that peaked Karen's interest: her specialty was cars of course, but it was always nice to get a look at different vehicle. She sighed, and answered his question, scratching her ear as she spoke, "You might not want me to hunt with you... I haven't hunted a day in my life..." she said sheepishly, "I can fish though," Karen added, though she hadn't handled a fishing rod since she was 13, and that was over half a decade ago, but she figured she'd entertain the kid until she got to this "sanctuary."
He smiled and handed her a throwing knife and said "Try to hit that stump over there (looking at a sideways stump at least 3 feet across all the way around with at least 25 visible rings)... I can tell you have a good throwing arm, and fishing helped. I bet you can hit it from right where we're standing. Make sure you hold it by the blade so it won't catch your hand when you throw.
Conner looks at her face for a second, and says "I came by myself because I was looking for someone to hunt with, and don't even think about stealing my motorcycle. I need that, or I'll get caught by one of THEM."
" drove out to the middle of nowhere... to look for people to hunt with... yet there's a sanctuary filled with people nearby?" Karen pondered out loud with a slight frown on her face, unsure if she understood the boy's logic. Karen sighed as he made a comment about stealing his motor cycle. For one, she would be more likely to take it apart than steal. Second, she didn't know how to drive a motorcycle. He appeared to be handing her a throwing knife now, asking her to throw it.

"Er... what does this... have to do with...uh...hunting?" Karen questioned, staring at the throwing knife in her hand. She didn't know how to hunt, but she was pretty sure it didn't involve throwing knives.
"We don't use guns much because they attract vampires. My weapon of choice is a throwing knife, and I want to help you figure out yours. There is a pack of mountain lions up ahead and I need to know you can defend yourself, or I won't even bother. You don't have a single weapon on you, so I'm guessing you're a runner for one, and for two, you are out of food and the such, making your pack lighter. These vampires are naturally fast though, so always running won't help you much. Come on, throw it, and after I'm done here I'm going back to the sanctuary and you can get a meal there." He tilts his head towards the stump twice in a notion that says either throw it or you can go back the way you came.
Karen still had a strange look on her face. She didn't expect they would use guns, but a throwing knife sounded more of something you'd use on people, but not to hunt. Then the boy spoke of mountain lions.

"You mention this now!?!" she squeaked, her hand gripping the knife tighter, her eyes widening. She did not want to throw it though, like the kid had asked her to. She felt more comfortable using it to make swift stabbing motions, rather than throwing. Yet the sooner she threw it, the sooner the kid would take her to the sanctuary, right? She took a deep breath and flung it in the direction of the stump.

The knife did not hit the stump though and its hilt rebounded off of a tree that was a few meters away from the stump with a dull thump.
"Try again, but this time... focus. Imagine how far the knife is going to go, while closing your eyes, and then throw it and it will hit."
Vlad's shadow rose up next to him as he stalked back to the building he awoke in as the shadow hovered near its masters face it leaned in Vlad whispered to it. "Find me the ones called Karen and Conner and bring them to my palace in the realm of shadows I will be there bring other shades if you need...I expect success they are vital to my plans." Vlad turned toward Cendall and as he was sinking into the shadows he said to him. "Cendall I will return to you and Silvia but I have...matters to attend to try and keep Silvia from over using her new found powers." As Vlad finally sunk below the shadows he rose up in a world inverted in this realm he was god and commanded it to his whim the sky was red the sun was a midnight purple and their is a river split in two by a mighty hill and upon this hill sat his castle, his fortress his home IT WAS CASTLE DRACULA.
castle dracula.jpg
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