The Battle for Land and Sea (Rebornfan120 and artisticheart)

Callie saw Brendan look down and smiled warmly, trying to reassure him. "Then to Rustboro it is," she said. "Thanks for talking with us though!"

Callie then turned to the boy behind her and nodded. "Go on, you've been waiting forever and we're just shooting the breeze."

"No, no! It's just uh," the boy stuttered, then turned to face Brendan's dad. "I'd like to get a pokemon, if I could. I don't even know if I'm in the right place...."
Brendan looked and nodded before he would see the boy go to his dad. Sure he was peaked now to head to Rustboro but the boy was being listened to of course.
"Hm? You're Wally..Well you are not in the right place but I will help you with your problem." He said.
"How did you know?!" Wally said, looking shocked. "Did my aunt or uncle tell you?!"

Callie smiled. "I think you'd be well known in a small place like Petalburg," she said.

Wally turned red and rubbed his arm a bit. "I mean, yeah, I guess you're right," he mumbled. "Also... thank you."
Brendan chuckled looking at the blushing boy while he would see Wally shocked before while his dad still had good intentions though a little more on the serious side.
"Yeah..use this poke ball and i will lend you my Zigzagoon for you to use for the catch, if you have any trouble with him Brendan will help."
Wally looked excited to see that he was going to get help, and to use the gym leader's pokemon too! "I appreciate it, sir, thank you!"

He then turned to Brendan and Callie, and smiled sheepishly. "To the route then?"

"To the route it is!" Callie said with glee. Her furret happily wrapped herself around her shoulders before the three would head out to the previous route.
Brendan had followed Callie and Wally out to the route where they came in earlier while he would look at Wally, something about him did not look right but at the same time he seemed like a good kid so he would stick with him. "Well, pokemon are in the tall grass here...Let's see if we can find one." Brendan said before a pokemon came to them and it was a Ralts much to Brendan's surprise.
Wally nearly jumped when he saw the Ralts come out of the grass. "Woah!" He was about to catch a real, live Pokemon for the first time! He looked around at Brendan and Callie, whom the latter gave an encouraging smile, and then turned back to the ralts. Fumbling with the pokeball for a moment, he managed to activate it. Wally crouched, readied his throwing arm and tossed the ball at the ralts.

The pokeball landed, and in three clicks, the pokemon Ralts was caught. "I...I did it...I did it!" Wally announced, looking very happy as he went to retrieve the ball. "Guys I did it!"

"All right, Wally!" Callie said with a grin, clapping for him.
Brendan saw him almost jump as he would look at him while he would smile and encouraged him to use his father's Zigzagoon. That saw Brendan and went around him before tackling him playfully before going back to Wally to help him despite Brendan chuckling.
"Still has energy.." Brendan muttered before getting up to watch as Wally soon caught it and he smiled.

"Congrats Wally!" Brendan said with a smile.
"Thanks... thank you!" Wally said happily. "Zigzagoon didn't seem like it wanted to battle though but...I still got the pokemon!" Wally grinned.

"Yep! You did!" Callie said happily. "We should go show the leader, right Brendan?"
Brendan would nod and show his father the catch Wally had done much to Callie's words, seeing Wally smile though it was something great to see while he nodded. "Zigzagoon still did a good job, my dad's buddy alright." He said while he walked them back to the gym happy.
The walk back to the gym was a lot more cheerful for Wally. Despite his anxious and shy demeanor, he was grinning all the way. Half way through the walk he opened the pokeball and held the rants in his arms. To his delight, it nuzzled up to him curiously.

"We're back, sir!" Callie called once they were in the gym. "And Wally has an adorable Ralts!"
"Well I have one myself." Brendan while he would look at Callie but he let Wally have his time in the spotlight as his father grinned.

"Well that is good Wally." His father said. "Good job Brendan and Callie, teamwork shows once again."
"Huh?" Callie looked to Brendan. When did he catch a Ralts? Her thought process was interrupted when his dad spoke again. Callie grinned and nodded to him. "Thanks!"

"Yes, thank you!" Wally said, turning to Brendan and Callie. "I'm actually, uh, moving soon. To Verdanturf Town. So this is a, well...awesome send-off!"

Callie smiled to Wally, reaching out to pat him on the shoulder, and poke his Ralts gently, who squirmed as if tickled. "We'll have to visit you sometime, then."
Brendan figured Callie did not pay attention but he now has motivation to catch a ralts before stepping into the town that was behind them before. Hearing his dad speak he nodded and looked at Wally.
"It was no trouble, but we will have to visit you sometime then there. Sounds cool."

"Well you got a pokemon now Wally, best to get going while having a new friend."
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