The Battle for Land and Sea (Rebornfan120 and artisticheart)

Callie nodded in agreement. She caught something yellow in the corner of her eye, but thought nothing of it, until someone called.

"Hey, you guys! Over here!"

Callie turned and saw a younger boy in a yellow shirt and blue jean shorts. He ran up to the two and stopped in front of them.

"Let's battle together! Like really quick!"
Brendan looked at her while he was listening and looking around. Soon his attention was brought to a boy in a yellow shirt and blue shorts. To Brendan he thought the yellow was a pokemon while he would look at him.
"Well which one of us you want?" He asked politely.
The boy looked between the two trainers as if sizing the two of them up. Soon he pointed to Brendan and yelled. "Him! I wanna see how that torchic battles! It looks like it could be strong, but I'm sure I can win!"

"Is that so?" Callie said with a grin. This was the kind of competition she was craving when she was to start her Pokemon journey. "Well Brendan?" she urged. "Gonna battle then?"
Brendan looked at the boy while he would have been picked and smiled seeing his Torchic looking either shocked but he wanted to prove itself to Brendan and Callie. "Well we don't know until we battle. Even though I would have preferred ladies first but I accept." Brendan declared as he was ready stepping forward.
"Oh stop being such a gentleman," Callie smirked as she nudged him forward a bit. "You got this!" she yelled. Chia and the mudkip also squeaked out their cheers for Brendan as well.

"All right, if you're ready, I am too!" the boy said as he tossed his pokeball. Out came a zigzagoon that snuffed at the ground. It appeared to be just caught, and although it listened to it's trainer, it didn't seem like it's been in many battles.
Brendan sighed and he would step forward to the boy while he was going to be polite regardless when she would likely watch with Chia as he would nod to the boy.

"I'm ready." He said while he would have his Torchic ready despite it only being in one battle while he would smile and looked at the boy. "Alright since you challenged me guess I'll go, Torchic use Scratch!" Brendan commanded as Torchic would run for the momentum and use it's foot for the attack at the Zigzagoon.
The attack hit the zigzagoon and it jumped back from the sting, standing near the boy. "Don't worry! You've got this!" the trainer encouraged, and the pokemon stood up, ready to fight. "All right, Zig, tackle him back!"

The zigzagoon ran forward and attempted to tackle Brendan's torchic. All the while, Callie, Chia, and her mudkip looked at the two pokemon go back and forth with their attacks.
Seeing the Zigzagoon tackle his Torchic, Brendan would see it hurt but not a lot to his Torchic while he would look at his pokemon who shook it off a bit.
"Alright Torchic, Scratch again!" Brendan commanded trusting his Torchic to land the attack again.
And again the attack hit. The zigzagoon wobbled a bit, and Callie looked on with excitement.
"It looks like Torchic's doing well out there! Really good for just starting out!"

"Zig, tackle it again!" The boy yelled, and after steadying itself, the zigzagoon ran after the torchic once more.
The boy's Zigzagoon tackle attack would hit and it was a critical hit as Torchic took the hit and he looked at his Torchic who was down.
"Torchic!" Brendan said surprised by this. "Can you stand?" His answer would soon be a yes as Torchic stood but panted and wobbled a bit.
"Alright...Let's end this quickly. Scratch one more time!"
The scratch attack hit, and it cut deep. Upon impact, the zigzagoon wobbled, fell, and soon fainted. When they realized that Brendan and Torchic won the battle, Callie, Chia, and Mudkip all cheered for him.

"All right, Brendan!" Callie yelled as she got up from her spot in the grass.

The young boy looked disappointed as he pet his zigzagoon, bringing it back to its pokeball. Despite the obvious hurt, he still smiled at the two. He seemed like a really good sport. "Looks like I still lost," he said. The boy got up, went over to Brendan and shook his hand, leaving 64 Poké in Brendan's hand as prize money. "You did really well though!"
Brendan shook his hand as he would smile at the young boy. "You did well too you know." He stated to him. "You almost won in your own right." He heard Callie yell and cheer as he would be shy when it came to attention like this while he would look at his Torchic knowing they were at least lucky to a degree.

Taking the 64 Poke and putting it in his wallet he would look at him. "Just continue training and being one with your pokemon, you'll be strong soon enough."
Callie smirked as she overheard Brendan speak. "'One with your pokemon,' eh?" she said to herself. "Look at you, Mr. Pokemon Master-in-the-making!" The girl giggled to herself as she stood up to approach the two trainers.

Nevertheless, the boy smiled, grateful for the encouragement. "Thank you, I will! My name's Calvin, by the way," he announced. "If you, or you--" Calvin pointed to Callie, who waved back. "--want to battle again, just come find me!"

"Hey, anytime!" Callie replied. "My name's Callie!"
Brendan looked at Calvin while he nodded and he looked at him and then over to Callie before turning his attention back to the boy. "My name is Brendan." He said to him before somehow having the time to be alone with Callie.
"I'm not sure about me being a Pokemon Master in the making."
The boy ran off to the nearest Pokemon Center, in Oldale Town. Callie grinned as she walked in front of Brendan. "Well you're surely talking like one!" she said. "You know, 'being one with your pokemon' and that line."

She scritched under Chia's chin, who was still hanging around her neck and nuzzling up to her cheek. "Oh! Almost forgot," she then announced, before pulling out a potion from her bag and turning to Brendan. "Where's Torchic? I'll heal him really quick."
"Right here." Brendan said getting the Torchic that was panting a bit while he looked at it and then off to Callie while she took out a potion from her bag while he would look at her. "Well I think being with your Pokemon is something everyone should aim for." He said honestly though he did kinda question her view of this a bit without actually saying it.
"I guess you're right," Callie said as she spritzed the potion onto Torchic. She scritched under his chin before handing off the bird back to Brendan. "I don't know, the training school kind of made it sound like a cliche," Callie then stated. "Not that I don't think it can happen, but the phrase kinda lost its meaning."
"Lost meaning?" Brendan asked. "Well that is not too good if a meaning is lost but you do have a point on the aspect of the training school." He did not mind this though Torchic tweeted his thanks to Callie as it did a hop from his hands to around Callie's feet before moving back to Brendan for now.
Brendan was right. It was bad if the phrase lost its meaning. Callies sighed, but smooched the top of Torchic's head as it bounced around her feet. "You're welcome, sweety!" she said with a grin.

"Well, where's our next stop?" Callie asked Brendan.
"Well the next stop would be after Oldale Town...Would be Petalburg City." Brendan said while he looked at the map he had and then looked at Callie. "Unless you think we could restock on anything we are missing." He left this option for Callie to see what she wanted to do, he knew her Furret had to be at least level fifteen while he would look at her after Torchic acted shyly.