The Astershire House (A Drama/Horror RP) - Any Takers?

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I haven't got any time to make a nice graphic right now, but I'll make this quick. Here's the premise:

Somewhere in rural Britain, a small village in the middle of a well-wooded, heavily-deserted nowhere have lived in some purgatory between modern and spartan rule for as long as anyone can remember. Their practices remain medieval, all citizens obeying the political and religious rule of the village's patriarch. Heavily spiritual, they've formed something of a cult revolving around the mysterious manor that lies derelict in the deep forest approximately ten miles from the town. They say that the family which inhabited the house were sociopaths, maligners, and murderers. In spite of this, their sworn duty in life, by the word of the house's head, was to defend the village at all costs - but not from man nor beast, but from the outside world. The head of the house was said to have arranged a mass suicide of his entire family and staff so that they might defend the village for eternity.

But to the village, this is no myth. This is gospel.

The villagers worship the ghostly inhabitants of the Astershire house. There are vigils and services and, on occasion, something a bit special. When someone is found to be adhering to modern practices or utilizing modern technology, there is an uproar. They are kept in holding cells, along with any outsider found to be lurking about the village, until the time is deemed right. Then, under the patriarch's direction, they are sent away to the Astershire house. A special force of villagers leads them through the great gates of the manor, perform a ritual to keep them contained, and then locks them away to their own devices within the house.

It is not known what happens to those sent away. They never return, though. Not one.

Players may be a convicted villager, an outsider, or a ghost. There is more to be revealed, but that will have to wait. I'm running out of time here... thoughts?
Sounds super interesting and an ambitious plot. I think it still bares discussion; the horror elements are great, but I'm curious about the mechanics of the supernatural, and the conclusion. Vaguely recalls the Fatal Frame games I've loved in the past.
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