The Angel of Secrets [Wildpelt & Shadow629]

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Shadow snarls at Alex and snaps at his hand, grazing it just deep enough to draw blood.
Alex let go, but did his best to hide his pain, "Shadow...please don't..."
She saw the pain in his eyes. As she walked out she shifted back into her human form. "Fine, I won't." And on that note she walked away.
Alex sat up, holding his bleeding hand, and decided to simply leave the castle. Seeing as he had no way of doing that, he awkwardly followed Shadow from a distance.
She senses his presence and turns growling. "What do you want now?" She snaps, her eyes filled with hatred.
Alex whimpered, "I just don't know how to get out...and I had an idea to make them remember you better!"
My eyes soften a little. "You live here don't you? And I don't need to be remembered, it's not as fun." She turns back away again and continues walking.
"Can I go back to your house until you return?" He called, nervous.
"Yea, sure. Whatever you want your highness." She calls out not bothering to turn and look at him.
Alex, hurt, ran out to the other door and found himself back in her house.
A bunch of guards ran down the hallway, spotting Shadow they attacked her, managing to injure her and take her prisoner
When she didn't return, he noticed and drew a bow to use, then snuck back to the room, where he hid in the shadows from. He hoped he didn't get noticed.
She had torn part of her shirt and had used it to wrap up the deep gash on her shoulder. She sat in the windowless cell her head in between her knees.
Alex knew the castle; he had since his birth. Soon he was at her doorway to the cell, knocking softly, "Shadow!" He hissed, working metal into the lock to get the door open.
Shadow lifted her head up puzzled that Alex would be here. She stands up wincing as she moves her shoulder. She walks towards the door. "Is that you Alex?"
"No, it's a knight. Of course it is me!" He worked the metal around, trying to get the door open, "If I could just get the door open..." He janked on it a little.
"Hold on, I have an idea. Move back from the door." She slams into the door popping it over and stumbling out into the hallway. "Come on someone was bound to hear that." She takes your hand and starts to run.
Alex let go of her hand and forced his out while he drew his bow and ran after her, surprised at her speed, "You're lucky I went back in here to check on you!"
"Yea, yea... But thanks. It would have taken me a while to escape based on how much blood I lost." She looks back at you a smile clearly visible, but her eyes showing pain.
Alex stopped her and threw them both into a room to avoid guards, "I konw this entire castle. If you're willing to swim a little bit, we can go out the way I came in!"
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