The Angel Experiment OOC and Sign ups

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Skip me for now, am sleepy and about to go to bed.
question, is the nekos traveling together or are they scattered?
Besides Luna, the Nekos aren't even deployed yet, they didn't think it would be that much of a problem.
Sorry about the late post, I was out of town yesterday.
It's all good. I'm not sure if I should wait a little bit before posting though. Gold and the great west have yet to re post their characters..
Hey, guys. So, I'm warning you now so hopefully we'll be able to work around it, but I'm going to be away from July 27-Aug 5 and I won't be able to post at all in that time. Sorry, but it's not something I can get out of doing.
Name: Test Subject #1503
Nickname: Liam
Age: 17
Wings: based off Raven DNA, medium sized, smooth wings.
Personality: A comical character, always giving the scientist a hard time with his jokes. He treats everyone the same with his humor. Since be locked up he is rarely serious. He is always picking fun of everyone and never really tries to escape unless it's helping someone else.
Bio: Grow up in New York City, New York where he was an orphan. He always played tricks on the neighborhood restaurants and families. He was escorted back to his orphanage several times by police. By the time he was 7 the scientist grabbed him. He was suppose to go to another orphanage but found he was stuck between bars and being injected by things every day. He takes care of the younger angels more then himself, hoping if he can't escape. They can.
Other: Because of the Raven DNA he has become 40% quicker, and has 75% emotionless only feeling anger and happiness.
Yay! That means only one original person hasn't posted
Raye, that's fine well skip your posting turn until then and when you get back you can post as soon as you get the chance
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Name: Test Subject #006
Nickname: Cyra
Age: 18

She's often seen wearing a muzzle.
Wings: DNA of an Albino Falcon.
Personality: Cyra used to be a really cheerful girl, she was just like any other kid. Full of life, hope, love. But after the experiments started, she changed. Being one of the first test subjects, Cyra suffered a lot. And the outcome of this was break hearting. Nowadays, Cyra doesn't feel anything towards others, she doesn't care anymore. She will start laughing unexpectadly at the sight of blood, trying to get herself all dirty with it. She only talks when necessary, and when there's no muzzle on her face. Cyra is loyal to no one, nor the scientists, nor the others test subjects. She'll be on the side that promises her blood.
Sometimes, she'll find herself crying for no reason. Maybe it's the sane Cyra crying for the shattered pieces that her brain has become.
Bio: Cyra lost both of her parents in a explosion at the laboratory that they worked. They were renowned chemists, apparently working at a new substance. Cyra didn't know. She had no one of the family to take care of her, so she was put in a orphanage, only to be forgotten by the world. After a few months, a kind man adopted her. She was happy, really happy. Until the warm cream walls of her house were replaced by the cold white ones of the labs. And after that, everything went downhill. Her mind was broken in tiny pieces, her body was weak, she was dirty, the only thing beautiful in her were her new big white wings.
During the time of her stay there, Cyra murdered lots of scientists, but they didn't want to put her down. Not yet. She was the first one to survive the experiments, they needed her. Because of that, she was kept in a room separated of the others. They kept her chained up to the wall, and muzzled the majority of the time. At first she struggled to release herself of them, but now she didn't care anymore.
Other: Due to the Albino Falcon DNA, her hair and skin turned white. Her speed (in air) increased in 75% and her vision in 75% as well.

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Is there room for me? If possible, I'd love to be an Angel. But I completely understand if there's another position you want filled.
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