The Ambassadorial Ball OOC

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Name of the race/empire: Dehlgyrs/The Dehlgyr Order

Age: The Dehlgyr have been known by some for thousands of years.

Physical description: Dehlgyrs have two arms, two legs, a body, a head and sometimes wings, tails or other growths. They have both an inner and an outer skeleton structure, the outer one being dark brown in color and mixed with ash-textured skin. Males have a rougher exoskeleton compared to the females who can sometimes be as smooth as polished wood. Dehlgyrs have no hair growth, but instead small sectioned spikes and thorns, which their females sometimes grow long enough to reach the ground. Two plate-formed bones shield their mouth and its sharp teeth.
Their two eyes are long ovals with an oil-like gleam, a way of telling the age of a Dehlgyr is the amount of dots in their eyes, one for each cycle of growth (where one cycle is approximately 16 earth months).
If a Dehlgyr grows a pair of wings they will be made of varying amounts of spine-like bones and connected by flaps of ashen membranes. A tail grows as sections of triangular bones, sometimes ending in a spike or hook-like appendage.
The Dehlgyrs have one physical peculiarity that has shaped both their culture and their technological progression. They are able to open their exoskeleton in some places, some more than others.
Due to them having multiple tongues, their voice will often sound as if uttered in many tones at once.
According to some the Dehlgyrs are presumably growing as long as they live and therefore they are able to eat their own weight in food every day. This is however a thing that makes the Dehlgyrs blush as they have a strong sense for what is appropriate. And a reason as to why you seldom see huge Dehlgyrs.

Behavior: The Dehlgyr are known as mercenaries, assassins, killers, information brokers and threaders of the deep space. They are known to wage war among themselves as well as against others, and it isnt uncommon to find them fighting for the cause of another. But whatever one might say about them, the Dehlgyr are proud and true to their word, even if that word would mean their death. The strange thing is that while they have no qualms about fighting themselves, they tend to stop the fighting of others, seeing it as unnecessary.
Their code has bewildered others for ages: "Only when you know Fear, may you rise against them."

Technological level: The fleets of the Order thread the deep space like their home, known to appear out of nowhere. Their spacecrafts seemingly expanding and growing, changing constantly, and always bearing scars from battles. They use a hyper-drive they call "The Fears trail" to travel long distances, but nearby ships have sometimes seen them disappear only to reappear again some days later, their ships looking as if they had flown through a warzone.
Their weapon technology can be described by one word. "Varied" They use lasers, plasma, explosives, gravitational, biological, psychic, drones and mechanical weapons. When it comes to battles on board ships they use the same variety, but prefer to slay their enemies directly by using knifes and blades.
They wear their space suit as an armor into combat, recognizing the idiocy in having too strong a faith in their exoskeleton.
Regarding their other scientific and technological advances, they excel in biological/genetic modification and the study of interstellar lifeforms.

Fame: Dehlgyrs are known for their partaking in large battles and wars, be it that they were hired or simply stumbled upon them. No smuggler or pirate in their right mind journey through their territories without a promise of safe passage. They are also a renown buyer as well as seller of information, regarding hostile races and fleets in particular. Few if any have been to or even seen their home, but it is rumored to be a huge fleet-station somewhere in the deep space. when asked by their home planet they only say "The Fear have it now".

Name: Kyhaln of true Fear

Age: 126 cycles (a high age even among the Dehlgyrs that dont take part in battles. The usual soldier gets to live no more than 30 cycles before they are killed on the front. Ship-crew might be lucky and survive some 50 cycles before their ship gets destroyed. And the general populations of the Dehlgyr fleet-stations often live around 100 cycles before they fall asleep for the last time. Only the 43 High Families can boast with ridiculously long life-spans.).

Position: Kyhaln is a war-hero, a living legend among the battle-fleets of the Dehlgyr. Nor captain nor front-soldier doesnt know his name. Not even his family, one of the High, could continue to see him as a disgrace when he returned from his 100th crusade into the Fears trail, not to speak of his more mundane battles. Even though Kyhaln could retire if he wanted to, and take up his place as one of the High, he continue to stand at the front-lines. His stature in the Order is such that he does more or less what he wants to. Which includes him taking odd missions the Order dont know who they should send for.

Description: Kyhaln stands but a inch below 14 feet without his battle-suit, his exoskeleton is riddled with scars and regrowth's. Like other Dehlgyrs his face resembles that of a human, but with another surface of bones above it. He has shoulder-length "hair" mostly consisting of spikes, and a beard of thick thorns.

Personality: Kyhaln has lived a life of battle and war, which either is the result of a quick wit and active body, or the reason. He is less interested by the political struggles of the High families and the logistics of the fleets than the thrill of the fight, but along his long life he has picked up an interest in exploring the different cultures of space. Which might explain his situation as an ambassador for the Dehlgyr. Luckily the Dehlgyr arent known by name as much as a whole among other races. And he hopefully wont meet someone who has a grudge against him. And even then, he hasnt survived this long by running his mouth off.
Interesting. Me like! :D
Wiiieee :D
now I just have to find one of the "Fear" at the ball so that I can have Kyhaln go crazy xD
I tried to find a picture that would give some impression of what I think them to look like... but I couldnt find one.
Oh, and when do we get to know about your race O_o
Oh, right. I should probably introduce my raceS. Both the hosting race, and one of the visitors. After that, we might have enough people to start it off! With other people joining the fun as we go!

@Quiet One
How's your race coming along? :O
The Hosts!
Name of the race/empire: Nae'Thran

Age: 694 years

Physical description:
The Nae'Thran are a race of sentient, psychic crystals, who's color depends on their appointed tasks. Most are about 5 feet tall, and hover a foot above the floor, though they may hover up to 6 feet off the ground, and often do to come face to face with others.

Behavior: The Nae'Thran care little for other races and their planets. They simply want to continue existing in peace at their home planet of Nae'Thoat, which is one grand crystal like themselves, and they have erected a energy-field around to protect it. They have for a long time sent out probes and exploratory fleets to search for more planets of crystal like their own, yet thus far, they have found none.

Technological level: The Nae have long ago perfected a form of faster than light travel that sends them into a different dimension, which allows them to move large distances quickly. They have also become quite proficient at making energy-fields that protects them from boarding, enemy weapons, as well as whatever resides in other dimensions.
They don't have very powerful weapons, yet they also prefer not to fight, rather using their FTL drives and shields to escape.
All the Nae-created tech is made of the growing crystals of their home world, which emits small amounts of energy, and is quite strong.

Fame: The Nae'Thran aren't particularly famous around the galaxy, as they tend to keep to themselves, doing only some small trade with planets of systems neighboring their home. They have gained some small degree of fame for their odd crafts being spotted in many parts of the galaxy.

Name of the person/being/character: Grand Ambassador Tho'Nakr'Haras Nae'Hoon.

Age: 114 sentient years of the current cycle, of an average of 300. The Nae do not truly die, but rather turn inanimate, and are returned to the planet, once more becoming part of the growing planet, to grow anew, and await new sentience.

Position: Grand Ambassador, the highest ranking of the peace caste.

Description: A flying crystal of about 6 feet, glowing faintly of purple, the color of his caste. No distinct outward characteristics can be seen, as he is a crystal like all others, yet his psychic presence is a rather soft, friendly glow.

Personality: A rather neutral person, trying to see every part of every matter, specifically grown to be a diplomat. Usually quite a pleasant person when not in diplomatic mode as well.
Well, interesting for one xD
What is their grand station like ?
And I guess they talk with their minds, what about beings who are unaffected by psychic means O_o
Right, the station.

The Nae'Thran station made for the meeting of the many races of the galaxy is called The Hama'Ro. It is a gigantic space station outside the planet's protective shield which no outside races are allowed, to ensure the safety of the planet.

The outer ring is made mostly of hangars, to receive all the shuttles that'll bring the guests aboard the station, fitted with quarters for the shuttle-crews, which should accommodate most races. The outer ring also holds the shield emitters, to protect the station and it's visitors, should anyone chose to attack it with so many important people aboard it.

The lower section is strictly for the functionality of the station, meaning the station's power plant, life support systems and whatever else important, including the quarters of the station's crew.

The top section is the guest's quarters, large rooms for each representative and his/her/it's entourage, with facilities that should be fit for most lifeforms, and with roomservice for those who miss something.

And the middle section is the ballroom, the great hall, the main room. It is a truly grand room, easily on the size of the hangars, but made of far finer materials. Lit by chandeliers of glowing crystals, seating of many kinds in many sections, fit for most sizes and made to be comfortable by the majority of lifeforms. Many large tables are lined with foods and drinks from all corners of the galaxy, and waiters floating around the room, offering the same food and drinks for those too busy to walk over to the tables.

And yes, they talk through their minds. Those unaffected by such things are given small ear-pieces (or a device fit for other organs used to hear with), which picks up psychic signals, and translates it to the user's language.
Nice ^^
Cant wait to walk around the party with my war-hero... who is obviously nothing but a simple ambassador, hehe...
Try something funny, and you might find out just how far they have come with the shield tech ;)
Shields are awesome :3
Though my guys are pretty good at attacking stuff. not really shields though :/
Dehlgyrs are best at using offensive as a defensive. But if he really wanted to start something, as long as he is thinking straight... He wouldnt start something, there is a reason he has survived this long xD
Well my character's are always on the lookout for any sign of danger
and if there is any danger, well let's just save that for the roleplay >;)
I say the ball wont be complete until something "dangerous" has happened :3
So, if you take the right, I take the left. And we take them down in the middle ^^
@Dedtoo: Sorry. Will give later today. Haven't had time.
@Quiet One
It's all good. Just started to wonder, as you were one of the first to post, yet hadn't posted your cs yet :P

Also, I guess I should actually start this soon... Darn.
Name of the race: Arcrayan

Age: 1200 years

Physical description: The Arcrayans average at 7 1/2 feet tall, but can grow to tower as high as 8 1/2 feet. They're reptilian, with colored scales that vary by the individual, rather than by any sort of race. Their feathered plumage varies in the same way, and the feathers take the same places hair does on humans. In the males, their feathers can flare out in dominating gestures. On their four fingers are inch-long black claws that can be used to rip a weaker species to pieces.

Behavior: The Arcrayan Empire has been obsessed with galactic conquest for the last 1200 years or so, which gave them plenty of time to take up to a third of the galaxy. Of course, not all worlds they conquered were inhabited - in fact a great many weren't - so their expanding territory gave them the raw materials needed to expand still further. After the collapse of the Empire, the new president has tried to amend the Arcrayans' warlike reputation with peace and charity.

Technological level: They're acknowledged as the inventors of gravity weapons, namely Wave fields and Inertia guns, which enable them to cause devastating damage with minimal effort. They're also one of the first to develop Warp Travel.

Fame: Pretty well known as the attempted conquerers of the universe.

Name of the person/being/character: Eleki Mons

Age: 67 (which makes her about forty in a human life-span)

Position: After the fall of the Empire, a more democratic system developed among the Arcrayans. Eleki is not just an ambassador, she's the President Elect.

Description: Eleki's scales are yellow and light green with a more purer green for her feathers. Her body is delicately curved and her posture stiff and polite. Her eyes are pleading blue orbs that seem to ask forgiveness of everyone she encounters.

Personality: Eleki has a quiet reserve and almost endless patience. She learned that from dealing with her younger brother, who had been a monster even by Arcrayan standards. She has many old wounds she hides well behind a welcoming smile, and she stresses diplomacy more than anyone else in attendance.

Name of the race: Seballi

Age: 150 years

Physical description: The Seballi are silicon-based lifeforms with blue grey skin and white fiberous hair. Their eyes are glass and almost completely transparent. They are on average about half a foot taller than the average human, but have a similar build.

Behavior: Seballis are generally suspicious of any alien race. During the age of the Arcrayan Empire both sides of the fight tried to utilize their world for its strategic placement (Sebas, the Seballi homeworld, is technically not in the galaxy, but rather orbits it in a globular cluster of stars). They don't trust the standard money systems, and are often wary of ulterior motives. Therefore, they have a few themselves.

Technological level: Pioneers in thermal technologies, but are in other aspects actually a little behind.

Fame: Quite a few have heard of the Seballi, but because they mostly keep to themselves they remain a mystery to most of the galaxy.

Name of the person/being/character: Oslo Cayhil

Age: 33 (lifespan is human-like)

Position: An ambassador (but he's scouting for weaknesses, too).

Description: Oslo's fibrous hair is combed back with a single adaptor port woven in (Seballi hair connects directly to their brain and gives them the ability to interact with computers). His suit has many large folds, is white and grey, and wouldn't be complete without the blue sash across his shoulder.

Personality: Like all Seballis, very guarded. His mission is to try and get bases alien bases removed from the Seballi Cluster and ensure their privacy is to their liking. He also wants to see what the other races' vulnerabilities are in case a fight breaks out. With the Arcrayans neutralized, everyone knows the Seballis are the next most tangible threat.
I'm noticing that there's quite a few war-like races here. Which should make for a nice, peaceful meeting where nobody will be brutally murdered at all! :D

@Quiet One : The Nae'Thran wishes for their silicon based brothers and the reptilian conquerors looking for redemption to their meeting.

Now to add my own warring race, then start! :D

If anyone of you want to establish some friendships/rivalries before we start, you should do so soon! ;D
I like how there are such young races already having failed at galaxy-domination xD
@Quiet One
What do you think of your Arcrayans having used the Dehlgyr forces in their attempt at galaxy-domination ?
Iffy on it. They were trying to conquer the galaxy for Arcrayan kind. Your Dehlgyrs were likely a target (not saying they succeeded, just that they might have waged war).

And what do you mean young? They've been space travelling for over a thousand years. And I think they came pretty close, having conquered a third of the Milky Way. Pretty impressive, I think. :P
The Xyrians:

Name of the race/empire: Xyrians.

Age: 426

Physical description:

10 feet tall reptiles, with almost black scales. Most, if not all of them are huge, muscular warriors. They have big fangs, to a degree where they cannot completely close their mouths, and always have a fanged grin. They have short, sharp claws on both their hands and feet, all of which have 6 digits each. They have sharp spines growing out of their backs, the backs of their heads and the back of their arms. They have rather small eyes, resulting in rather poor eyesight.

Behavior: Most of the Xyrians are at their home planet of Xyr, fighting a war among themselves, between a great many different warlords that rise and fall all the time. The majority of them care nothing for the rest of the galaxy, as they believe that whoever can take control of the entire planet becomes the god of war. Some of them, however, find the prospect of dying in war for someone else foolish, and find the chance of becoming a warlord themselves far too small to bother. They usually go off-world, to earn money and experience the battles found elsewhere!

Technological level: As a race that has been at war with itself for as long as anyone can remember, they have come rather far in the fields of weapons and armaments. They mostly prefer high caliber slug throwing weapons and high powered explosives, yet they are making leaps forwards with plasma based weapons as well, though with most other kinds of weapons they are rather lacking.

Fame: As most of the race cares nothing for the galaxy, small numbers of them have given them a rather poor reputation, as a great many of those leaving do so either as mercenaries or as pirates. Thus, they have a reputation for being untrustworthy murderers for hire, who half the time takes your payment, then raids you, before disappearing.

Name of the person/being/character: Xhaorth Zeta 9572

Age: 87 standard years. The Xyrian race has no known upper age, as those who do not attain a high rank tend to not live more than between 40 to 70 years. Warlords tend to live until they gain too many enemies.

Position: Representative of Xyr. Not an official position given to him by anyone, as nobody would have the rank to give him such a title. Yet he is part oft he largest mercenary company on the planet, and generally tries to keep other races away from his home, as that would most of the time not be profitable for anyone, or get mercenary contracts.

Description: 9' 10" of dark-scaled muscle. Has a large scar going up from the side of his neck and up to his mouth, making a cut in his mouth and a space between the teeth there. Usually wears a dark red uniform when on meetings, with a ceremonial blade strapped to his one hip, and a large pistol to his other.

Personality: For a race of warriors, murderers and pirates, surprisingly calm. He was chosen as the representative because he has the patience to not simply snap whoever he is talking to's backs. Rather greedy, though not to a dangerous level. At times quite clever.

I'll make the IC thread tomorrow, I think. Unless something comes up, at least.

@Windstormugly : I'll agree that a thousand years isn't an extremely long time, but with he right circumstances (little resistance), it could be done. And if few other races are from that part of the galaxy, it would be easy. Then they started poking at other races' borders, and paid the price for it ;)

@Quiet One : Who said it's the milky way we're in? ;)
Okay, whatever galaxy it is.
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