The Alliance of Mythics [A Seven Sins/Virtues Roleplay with a twist]

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It is the twenty-second century.
Demons had been sealed away two centuries back, being unable to even touch humans, much less were lucky to arouse negative human behavior.
The seal has finally weakened enough for them to roam freely, but there is one problem;
The world is completely different than how it was before.
Demon kind is now faced with new human technology and a completely new world, they were even tied with the angels. To humans, they're just fairy tales now.
They planned on proving the opposite, though it would be difficult.
The Seven Sins, the leaders of the demon horde, and also the children of Satan, spread out into the world first, as to find a way to adapt and evolve to this new world. Satan was long dead, having been replaced by his youngest, but most powerful child, Despair. He too played a part in this evolution, though kept his child. He found love with, ironically, his complete opposite, Hope. The Seven Heavenly Virtues were in the same situation; although humans were tying with angels instead of demons, they were before unable to touch earth, until now. They yearned to reproduce. Hope had also become the new God, as the original creator had stepped away. The angels were forced to play the role of a mundane life.
The two had talked, and talked, until coming to an agreement; the Sins and Virtues were to reproduce together, as to make a new race, as long as the demons did not preform any actions against the angels, nor would the angels preform any actions against the demons. The new race would be shielded from any knowledge of their demon-angel heritage, until their powers began to roll in.
Even though both sides were disturbed with this development, they had no choice. Who would come into power after they had passed? So they had mated, and had their accursed children, and a whole twelve years later was the mark of when their powers would begin to crawl in...
This is their story.

Cast List
(If you have any ideas for abilities accustomed to each sin, bring it up with me!)

(Each child, due to their conflicting powers, has a second personality when their powers come in. When you're rping them you must know that you cannot have both qualities of both natural abilities on the same person. You can choose which half of them is the dominant [Main personality] part of them.)

Child of Envy and Kindness (Gains the ability of being a natural liar. The child is able to change their form to fit that of what they desire. They are also able to make someone just as envious of people as them. On the flipside of it, the person is extremely honest, but not to the point it can harm anyone. They are also able to calm any vulgar feelings in someone if they wish to covet or steal from another.) - Ren

Child of Lust and Chastity (Gains the ability of charming. The child can get absolutely anyone to love them, even if they don't want to. They also are able to induce a sick and obsessed sense of love in people. On the flip side of it, the child wishes to maintain a virgin body and such, but their ability is the same, but it's natural love instead of toxic love. They are able to pull one's sexual feelings away.) - Kurtis

Child of Sloth and Dilligence (Gains the ability to slow down and see the big picture. The child is also able to easily bring the mood in a room of rioting people down to even sleep. On the flipside of it, the child is able to make people work harder and such.) - Cassidy

Child of Gluttony and Temperance (Gains the ability to hunger for anything. The child can even bite through some of the toughest materials with training, and digest them. They are also able to induce maddening hunger in others. On the flipside, the child is in a more controlled mindset, being able to pry someone from an excessive diet.) - Luca

Child of Wrath and Patience (Gains the ability of a lot of energy. The child is prone to stress, and with it comes the power to destroy or burn. The child is also able to induce insane anger in people, causing riots and such. On the flipside, they are much calmer and patient in hard situations. They are also able to calm a stressed out person down.) - Lucia

Child of Greed and Charity (Gains the ability of a master thief and communicator. The child is able to even uproot treasures from deep below the ground to add to their horde. They are also able to induce people into stealing from others with no remorse. On the flipside, the child is more willing to give away. They also can induce feelings to prevent things like a bank robbery.) - Amelia

Child of Pride and Humility (Gains the ability of making all ears turn to them. The child can easily convince people of how great they are, and gain many followers. They would be able to trickle the feeling that someone is better than all, but they wouldn't want competition, now would they? On the flipside, the child is one to set equal grounds for everyone. They are able to cause two sides to settle to an agreement and such.) - Richard

Child of Despair and Hope (Gains the ability of the manipulation of human emotions. The child can influence an entire crowd into murdering each other or to commit mass genocide. They are also able to induce the ill emotions that can drive someone to commit suicide or murder, or even torturing of themselves or others to satify the empty, dark pit in their soul. On the flipside, they can be the light to someone's day. They can induce a sense of happiness and positivity, which could save someone's life.) - Nyxian

What all the children can do -
Create a strange mixture of holy and hell fire (It's white and black and able to punch a hole in a mountain at it's strongest.)
Change into a different form ( They have an angel/demon form. One wing is angelic while the other is demonic, their hair and eye color may change, a gray halo appears over their head, they form a black tail with a white tail flame. Those are the main traits, you can decide anything else.)
Speak to and see both angelic and demonic creatures alike. (They're about everywhere now since the seal broke; they resemble animals.)
Communicate with each other telepathically/ walk in each other's dreams (Since they were all born at the exact same time and with their sibling links. Around the age of nine this had popped up and was used by accident plenty of times, but they labeled it off as their imagination.)
Have heightened senses
Can speak to normal animals (Because of their angel half)

What the children are to avoid -
Holy water (It can still harm them, though not as badly as a full demon) and pagan/demonic symbols (Their presence can be mentally crippling). With these things together it could potentially kill them or drive them insane.

Setting: New Oakland, Oregon

Description: One of the few places on earth that isn't a bustling city. It is a quiet town where everyone knows one another.

I will explain the rules in the chat


DoB: 12/25
Current residence: New Oakland, Oregon
Living with which parent?: [Either their mother, father, or even a godparent]
(For you)
Skype: [If you'd rather not give it out where people can see, send it to me in PM; just tell here if you're doing that.]
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Name: Nyxian Nevermind
Age: 12
DoB: 12/25
Parents: Hope (Mother) and Despair (Father)
Current residence: New Oakland, Oregon
Gender: Female
Living with which parent?: Despair (Under the alias of Xylan Nevermind)



Bio: Nyxian was living the normal, peaceful life in New Oakland, with her father who she thought to be normal. She was completely unaware of what she was, believing to be a human. She has lived a happy life so far, but now that her powers were rolling in, some of her old friends had called her mental and that they'd call the police on her. Fearful of this, she mostly stayed inside, watching the children play as her father watched her from a distance.

(For you)
Skype: [email protected]
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Name: Richard S. Valentine
Age: 12
DoB: 12/25
Gender: Male
Current residence: New Oakland, Oregon

Parents: Pride (Father):

Humility (Mother):

Living with which parent?: Father who goes by Kaiser F. Valentine

Bio: Living with his dad Richard grew up mostly raising himself as his father was more distracted with work to focus entirely on him. It wasn't so bad as looking out for himself allowed Richard to grow up to be a pretty expressive soul turing what would be a terrible childhood for many into a blessing for him. Now with his powers starting to sink in Richard had noticed a change of being extremely self-confident and being the best at whatever he did now became a instinctual need for him. Funny enough with this sudden change occuring his father had finally started to pay more attention and hang around him a bit more often wanting to see how this would go.

(For you)
Skype: TravisBMoore
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Name: Lucia de Haven

(Will redraw her at a later date)

Age: 12
DoB: 12/25
Parents: Wrath (Father) and Patience (Mother)
Current residence: New Oakland, Oregon
Gender: Female
Living with which parent?: Patience, who calls herself Adicia (Took her name from a book)

Lucia never understood why her mother had chosen a quiet, rural community on the outskirts of New Oakland to reside. Or why her mother only explained that her father's presence would "trigger bad things". Nor did she know why her mother told her to stay away from anything that made her angry, or take away what could cause negative emotions. Anything that got a rise would then be replaced with a small book and Lucia would have no choice but to read it or die of boredom. It did wonders to keep her mind at peace. She grew up believing that the way her mother raised her was common among the other children.

By the time her powers had begun rolling in, she found herself doing things that she too thought was normal. The residents had believe that she was trying to be like a fictional princess when she spoke to the animals, or that she had an imaginary friend when she looked to be speaking to no one. Though the more she did it, the more the residents began to become concerned. Some dismissed it as her being only a child with an overactive imagination, but others are still unsure.

(For you)
Skype: You already have me added ^^


Lucia (Redrawn)
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Ill add the little shits face soon.

Name: Ren Wishful

Age: 12.... and three quarters!
DoB: 12/25
Parents: Envy(Dad) Kindness(Mom)
Current residence: New Oakland, Oregon
Gender: male
Living with which parent?: Envy
Bio: Growing up Ren always assumed he had multiple parents, in fact he thought he had over a hundred of them. Turns out it was simply his dad always changing his forms, his dad stated it was simply a good magic trick where it benefitted him greatly. He could be whatever anyone wanted and always be accepted. Of course being young he thought it was magic and didn't really care at all about it. yet once he turned twelve he suddenly started feeling.... envious towards what other had. If someone had a cookie then he wanted that cookie. His father of course took notice of this and pushed those emotions on. What resulted what a child envious of those with better stuff than him, stuff that he wanted.
(For you)
Skype: You know it dork
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(She has a much more drained look on her face)

Name: Cassidy Reimus
Age: 12
DoB: 12/25
Parents: Sloth and Dilligence
Current residence: New Oakland, Oregon
Gender: Female
Living with which parent?: Sloth (Mother) under the alias of Erica Reimus


Cassidy didn't really have much of a life to begin with. Her mother was too much of a slacker to care for her, and she lapsed into that exact mindset. The world was only cold and cruel, and all that could be done is to lie down and pity. She began wearing more layers of clothing and staying up later, mostly sleeping in the day. When her powers had begun to show, she was the one to pull the entire room down with just being present. Her mother wasn't too aware of the emotions to prod them, mostly sleeping and engorging herself on alcohol and food.
(For you)
Name: Amelia Goldinger
Age: 12
DoB: 12/25
Parents: Greed/Charity
Current residence: New Oakland, Oregon
Gender: F
Living with which parent?: Charity, mother; She used the first name Charity too.
Bio: I know this was going to be written from an objective point of view, but I really wanted to do it MY way, so I took it. I don't much care if you mind. So, where to start? First off, dad was never in the picture. Given what I am, I figure he's off taking things from people. Or he's a lawyer. Probably living in a castle of gold somewhere. That's what I'd do. Anyway, mom was the generous type. I think she works for a non-profit? It really doesn't matter since she makes sure to make time for everyone, including me, and I took as much of it as she would offer. Disappointed? Yeah, she was, but said she reminded me of dad. Never met him. I am going to steal everything that isn't nailed down or on fire. But first, I want a crowbar and a fire extinguisher...

(For you) *yoink* I'm taking this too.

Skype: I took this too and you ain't getting it.
Name: Kurtis Crosier
Age: 12
DoB: 12/25
Parents: Lust (Father) and Chastity (Mother)
Current residence: New Oakland, Oregon
Gender: Male
Living with which parent?: Father

His father hadn't been around that often, and whenever he asked where he had been, he only received a mutter of an answer or a "no where". He was a good father when he was around, don't get him wrong, he would just disappear sometimes. Kurtis learned not to question about his father's whereabouts anymore when he figured out he wasn't going to receive any answers.

He had been as normal as any other child until his powers had begun to show. Kurtis was suddenly more popular with people without really trying. Children around his age, boys and girls alike, would do their best to be around him whether he wanted them there or not. He lost track of how many times they became.. different when they spoke to him. Flustered, nervous, fiddling with their fingers... Sometimes they would offer him anything from their pockets just to have an excuse to talk to him. He didn't get it.

Skype: You know it

Luca Vasquez



Gluttony and Temperance

Current residence:
New Oakland, Oregon


Living with which parent?:

Luca has lived with Temperance their entire life thus far. Being the offspring of both an embodiment of gluttony and temperance posed a strain on Luca even early on. Their mother hammered in the concept of her virtue from the beginning. Rationed food, calculated activities, measured increments of time, and worse of all, stringent control on ever aspect of life. Temperance was constantly in fear of Luca losing themself to the darker half of their inner demon, only to drive them to develop a hidden gluttonous appetite that would begin to surface in the form of a darkness that would begin to envelop Luca's entire being.

(For you)
You already know it. ^_^​
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