The AI Project

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The AI Project is a top-secret military Project funded and organized by the UPN (United Planetary Nations). It's purpose is to create 'smart' AI that can cooperate with human soldiers in the war against the Khaian. The Project is centered on the planet of Durness, where in a heavily guarded compound live the twelve AI and their creators. Twelve civilians have been selected to be 'test subjects'- they will each receive an AI that has been matched to them, and will undergo vigorous testing.

If the implantation process of each AI into the brain of their human 'hosts' goes smoothly, then the enhancement process will begin. Each AI has been programmed to be able to receive several enhancements, each having roughly five slots to fill for these abilities. These enhancements are designed mostly for the military, but will be tested through these twelve subjects before put into military use.


You are one of the twelve men and women selected for the AI Project. You have shown to be exceptional in your testing, and your records are exemplary, no matter what occupation and path you've taken in your life. For these reasons, and perhaps some more hidden ones, you stand out. Scientists have taken note of your accomplishments, and have chosen you. You've been matched to your AI prior to your notification that you are to report to Durness. Once you arrive, you will undergo basic testing, receive your service number, and soon, undergo implantation. Your participation, however involuntary, will be vital to winning the Khaian-Human war.

You will be property of the UPN, and there is no choice to be made. However, let it be known that what you choose to do with this AI is entirely up to you.


This roleplay is a mix between a sandbox and a plot-driven roleplay; while there will be sections of the roleplay which contain a definite goal (most notably the beginning few chapters), you will also be able to explore and create the universe in which the roleplay exists in. The roleplay does have a predetermined endgame, but how you reach it is up to you. You may leave the Project and try to live your life normally. You may join arms against the Khaian force. Or, perhaps, you will join them.

Much of the storyline will be withheld from the players and only revealed on discovery. However, the actions of the players will also determine the direction of the game. Side plots are welcome, as well as side characters. The universe is your limit, and the universe knows no bounds.

Each character begins in transport to Durness, the planet housing the research facility that is sponsoring the AI Project. All characters have been messaged two weeks before of their required participation in the project; no candidates may 'skip out' on the project, lest they suffer the consequences. After free transport to Durness on an official UPN ship, they will begin a schedule of training and education before they are implanted with their AI.

After the first few chapters are played out, the characters will be released into the universe to explore to your hearts content. But, be warned. The universe is not a friendly place, and there are a plethora of dangers waiting for a single misstep.

1. All Iwaku rules apply. No exceptions.
2. The word of the GM's are law, and we also hold the right to alter these rules at any time (although there will be notifications of such changes).
3. Two character per person initial limit. One AI candidate per person, unless otherwise stated.
4. No godmodding- the only case in which this is acceptable is if a player is inactive for a week, and has not notified the GMs and players before hand. In that case, you may godmod only to free your character from conversation/interaction with said player's character.
5. No metagaming, powerplaying, OP characters, killing without permission, etc. You know the drill. I will only give you one warning. Your character will not be omniscient, they will not be immune to bullets, they will not perfect everything on their first try, etc. etc.
6. Please be prepared to post at least two well written paragraphs per post, and please post at least twice a week. If you are busy, or will not have internet access, please notify us, and you will be exempt from this rule. If you are inactive for a week without notice, you will receive a warning. If you are inactive for two weeks without warning, you will be removed. In the case that your absence was an emergency, you will be admitted return and one more chance. Otherwise, there will be no returning to the roleplay. Players that take an AI candidate and leave the roleplay will not be permitted back in; other players may.
7. However, please try to be active if you join this roleplay; at least, if you will be playing a Project AI candidate.
8. All CS's are subject to the GMs discretion; we will accept/decline at will, although we will provide an explanation for our decisions.
9. Please try to add some detail into your CS. They aren't just scant little biographicals here; they should be an insight into your character. I don't expect you to write out the character's entire history, and you can leave little things to be discovered in the roleplay, but I still want a good glimpse at your character.
10. Your AI's should somewhat match the given personalities in the list. Yeah, I know, it's a bit restricting, but each AI is designed to be different from the others. Please bring it up with me if you have an issue.
11. If it's apparent you have not read the rules (listed here or at the CS form) then I will not accept you under any circumstance.


Background Information

  • The universe of this roleplay is grand and vast, especially since humans have colonized a majority of the Milky Way Galaxy. Nearly eight centuries have passed and things have definitely changed! Much of the worldbuilding for this game is up to the players- you- and will be worked on and developed as we progress, but there is some background in the universe that is static and prebuilt.

    While this information definitely is not something you must know, it does help player understanding of the roleplay. It also might be fun to help write the history of the futuristic Milky Way. Only a small portion of what is written here is heavily plot related, and any information that does relate to the main storyline will revealed in the IC, so no worries!

  • Science progressed rapidly in the early 2000s once global warming became a serious threat. Early biodomes were invented and applied to the Sahara desert and the ice caps in attempts to manipulate environmental changes, and were fairly successful, but the discovery of new energy sources and the implementation of them is what lead to the Earth's eventual recovery in late 2100. From there, many efforts were put towards space and all things relating, including not only the sciences of, but also of flight and travel. Big countries began to dream of expanding their territories by populating other planets, although it was still unknown if there existed other habitable planets like Earth.

    The planet was recovering from an almost WW3 in the 2100s when Alva was discovered, a nearby planet capable of sustaining life. It was reached in 2150, and colonized in 2155 after a new energy source on a gaseous planet was discovered, allowing for space flight travel times to be greatly decreased. Still, space travel at this time was still mostly a one-way journey, and no country was able to claim Alva for it's own due to lack of communications. It was in the late 2100s and early 2200s that a solution began to be found for this problem; the use of wormholes and advanced physics tech to allow for communications across space with the use of comm stations on moons and satellites. Slowly, more planets began to be colonized and populated, and the UPN was created.

    Bioweapons began to become of use in 2300, but were later banned after terrorists and fallen governments used these weapons to their (brutal) advantage. In the same year, biodomes were perfected for use in terraforming uninhabitable planets, although their uses were limited and sometimes complete terraforming proved impossible.

    The Khaian were first encountered in 2698 on a planet called Irvine. The war was soon initiated. Bioweapons, brought back from the ban in attempts to eliminate the Khaian, proved ineffective- this later proved to be due to the massive difference in the super-evolutionized alien lifeforms from humans. Many planets collapsed under the war, and others became refugee camps for billions of survivors. Slowly, humanity was growing in understanding of the Khaian, but no totally effective way of killing them has been found.

  • The Milky Way is full of planets that contain life; although of different types and in different environments. Many of the planets now colonized have been heavily terraformed, and in some cases, humans live under large domes that create artificial environments that can sustain human life. These domes have often been used to terraform the planets themselves, although in the case where the atmosphere itself cannot be altered, life remains entirely underneath the domes.

    Life has spread outwards from the Solar System, now dubbed Sola. Big cities and large populations concentrate nearest to Sol, while the edges of the Milky Way are less populated, usually filled with desolate solar systems only expended for their resources. Most of the colonies settled on the edges of the Galaxy are independents, with small, informal governments and little technology apart from domes, pads, shuttles, and communications. Many of these colonies live off of the land, and research on their own time. Cities and countries towards Sola have higher tech, less industrial, and higher population density. High rises and underground apartments are common, while clear forests and mountains are reserved mostly for the upper middle-wealthy class in many planets.

    Each planet is governed by either a single government unit, or by a coalition formed by each individual country on the planet. Most planets and off-Earth countries were founded and report to a country on Earth, and take after that culture. Most planets are colonized by one Earth-mother-country instead of multiple, making Earth a unique culture-mix and the headquarters of the galaxy, but it does happen. Some entire systems have been colonized by single Earth-mother-countries.

    The UPN, United Planetary Nations, was originally composed of representatives from Earth-mother-countries, including China, Russia, the United States, Australia, and the United Nations. Eventually, South American and African countries and city-states joined the coalition, and later, new countries on other planets in other solar systems joined. Now, each individual country that does not report back to a mother country is allowed a single representative into the UPN. Now, the UPN stands above all governments in the Milky Way, although only has direct control over roughly 80%. The outer colonies, not a threat in any way, and certain high-wealth vacation planets, do not have governments and are external entities.

    Information on planets can be found here.

  • Earth, while originally the hub from which all colonies came from and all governments reported to, now is just the well protected homeland of humanity. Some UPN officials still reside here, and many research facilities, monuments, and history still reside on the planet, but without Earth, human life in the 'Way would continue on just fine. Most technological advancements up through year 2400 came from Earth, but now with the UPN and their many research facilities scattered across the 'Way, Earth is irrelevant. Now, it is only protected as a cultural hub, and as the origin of humanity, the same way a powerless monarch is loved and revered.

    Being the human planet of origin, most time is still measured in Earth years and hours. Most colonized planets attempted to organize their months, years, and hours around an Earth system, although others instead created conversion factors between their system and Earth's. Age is typically counted in Earth years, although some outer-system colonies count age in Earth hours or in their own planet's years, and some don't count age at all. In UPN systems, all people's ages are accounted for by Earth years as well as their home planet's system of age.

    • Durness follows a 24-hour Earth time table, starting their day at 12 AM and progressing through (exactly as Earth does). Meal times are typically held at the same time. Travel directly from Earth to Durness typically yields 0 hours jet lag, as ships take off and land at the 'same time'- I.E, If you leave Earth at 3 P.M, you arrive, albeit several days later, at 3 P.M.

      However, Durness has a longer year than Earth does, having a 400 day year (every three years there is a leap year, containing an extra day).

    • Durness is a cold planet, and only some areas of the planet have summer- even then, their summer is comparable to a Northern Earth spring, highs reaching 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit), the highest ever recorded temperature being 18.8 degrees (66 degrees Fahrenheit). However, the planet has still been organized into four seasons, designed around different flora and fauna patterns. Each have been named after the typical seasons on Earth; months follow this pattern as well.

      There are twelve months on the planet Durness, with their number of days as follows:

      Jan. - 36
      Feb. - 34
      March - 32
      April - 32
      May - 32
      June - 30
      July - 31
      Aug. - 31
      Sept. - 32
      Oct. - 35
      Nov. - 35
      Dec. - 40 (41 on leap years)

      ** Note: Durness officials would like to inform tourists and visitors that the designation of days into each month has been orientated around seasons and how long they last. We apologize for the craziness of the months **

      - WINTER -

      Winter lasts from October through March.

      Weather typically drops from general chills and minimal snow to light storms every other week. Snow usually forms frost on the ground. Temperatures drop to -12 degrees (10 degrees Fahrenheit). Most animal life goes into hibernation, although towards the equator of the planet, most animals are still active. Winter food sources come primarily from this area of the planet. Plants are active all year round, primarily consisting of evergreens.

      Animals come out of hibernation around early March. Most plants begin pollination around this time, using the heavy winds to help spread seeds.

      - SPRING -

      Spring is a brief period spanning April and May.

      Weather warms up and snowfall mostly stops again. Animals are out of hibernation, and mating season begins. Some rain and hail occurs.

      - SUMMER -

      Summer spans from June to mid-August.

      Temperature reaches its highs (10 degrees Celsius, 50 degrees Fahrenheit). Towards the equator, weather is slightly warmer, and areas receive more rain. Animals are active, and flora is growing rapidly.

      - FALL -

      Fall is from mid-August to September.

      Most animals have or are having their offspring now, and are preparing for hibernation. Even youth hibernate, although those that do not consume enough to settle for the winter generally do not survive. Many animals on the planet leave weak young behind when searching for dens. Rivers freeze.

    • Click here to visit the info thread on the group age (you'll have to scroll up to the top because for some reason, whenever you click on the thread it brings you to the last post).

  • The United Planetary Nations (UPN) is the large government group that controls the majority of the Milky Way galaxy. About 80% of the colonies and countries in the Milky Way are underneath the UPN. Each government and colony underneath the UPN has their own laws, but the UPN controls all human rights laws and planetary laws; these laws mostly regulate war policies, trading policies, terraforming, research, and colonization.

    Originally the UPN was situated on Earth and was run only by Earth countries. They ran research projects and all galatic expeditions until countries began to expand out of the UPN's control. They gave up on making laws for all countries and instead began to create human rights laws, much in the way the United States follows a Constitution over state laws. However, each country, the governments below them, can run their land as they please, so long as they do not break UPN regulations. The UPN allows for countries to create Galatic Empires as well, allowing single countries to 'own' multiple planets and countries on planets they do not 'own'.

    Planets are not bought and sold the way land on a planet may be. Instead, the UPN ensures that all countries and colonies have expansion space, and that no one country can dominate the 'Way, but allows countries to 'own' planets that they populate the majority of. For example: if China were to own most of the territory on the Earth, they would 'own' the Earth, and be allowed to control planetary trade and laws. As it stands, Earth is still populated by several large countries, and several smaller ones, and thus has no leading government apart from the UPN.

    The UPN has several research outposts and has designated entire planets for research and excavation. Artifacts and ancient ruins found on planets will cause them to rope off entire systems to keep out intruders, although colonies often are formed on these planets for trade and the housing of scientists. UPN military bases are found in nearly every system, and towards the interior of the galaxy, on nearly every planet. They have even built space stations to house military officials and researchers.

    Not far from Sola (the solar system in which Earth resides) is a ship building yard. It is one of many, but it is the largest and is UPN owned and controlled. Here, ships of all sorts including cargo, shuttle, cruise and battle ships are built and then transported throughout the galaxy. Nearby is the largest off-planet trading outpost, also UPN possessed.

    Election into the UPN is done by planetary and Galactic empire vote. Each individual country, colony, and Galactic empire that has it's own, separate government, is allowed to hold their own votes or hierarchy system to choose a representative for the UPN. Thus: all planets that report to a single government, for example Russia, may only have one representative. Each country, colony, and Galactic empire may chose how their representative represents them; some Galactic empires have a congress underneath their representative, and treat their rep like a president. Some independent colonies simply hold votes and let their rep do as they think is right.

    The UPN only has one prison, although it is rather large. They do not handle inter-planetary affairs, only galactic ones. Thus, if a human rights or outer-planetary law is broken (certain types of manslaughter, claiming a planet that you do not hold rights to settle on, or trying to create a planetary government on a planet you do not hold the claim to) they will hold a trial and imprison the offenders. Theft relating to the UPN also will land you in their prison, as well as UPN military desertion and treachery.

    • Most humans now have cybernetics of various types. Many are simple; an implant to fix their sight, enhance their hearing, adjust their backs. Others are more complex. Cybernetics, although not yet a perfected art, are useful in many situations and have been used frequently. Some people have inserted panels on their arms that project holographic screens, and some have entire limbs redone out of the metals and wires. The possibilities of cybernetics are infinite; you just have to be willing to deal with the adjustment if it doesn't go as planned.

    • Cryogenics is an art thoroughly studied and nearly perfected. There are some incidents where things don't go quite as planned, but for the most part, humans can be frozen and reanimated with ease, even if the process isn't pleasant for all. There are different procedures for cryogenics that vary depending on how much money your willing to spend to have it done. Sometimes, they use a liquid to put the person in question in stasis, while sometimes a chilled mixture of gasses are used, the latter being much easier and a more comfortable experience.

      In medicine, cryogenics is often used to save people who would otherwise die without treatment. It is usually a process saved for those who are rich, those who are important figures (military, politics, science), or for those that are being studied (giving your body up for science? they'll probably freeze your body until they need you). It has been discovered through testing that freezing a person who has already died only has a 30% revival rate- and that's only when the best of the best are the people bringing your body back to life.

    • Communication has advanced increasingly so in the last 100 years. Radio waves and signals can, if you're using the expensive, correct technology, travel across solar systems to other planets, and sometimes can be boosted to travel halfway across the galaxy (however, usually only the military in the UPN has the ability to do so). Telecommunications are rarely disrupted on planets, making for easy communication with nearly everybody. Letters are a thing of the past. Digital mail has been taken to the next step, now existing at your very finger tips, be it through a cybernetic computer implant or a small digital device that projects your holographic e-mail.

      Most communication is sent to individual centers in each solar system, and then transmitted to individual devices on planets and stations. Depending on one's distance from each communication station, and from the center of the galaxy (Sola), it will take longer for communications to travel. A type of wormhole is used for transporting data and communications, but a steady stream of electronic interpreters is required to hold data together for long transports. If one is living in an outer colony, but is receiving a message from someone nearby, it will take faster for a message or signal to be received even with poor reception than a message sent from across the Galaxy would take.

    • Cars are a thing of the past in most colonies now; instead, flight has taken it's place. Hovercrafts of a sort are typically used to get from place to place in cities (unless you're walking). Trains still exist, but mostly are only used for industry and travel for unfortunate souls. Transport from planet to planet isn't as costly as you would think it is, although the further your trip, the most costly it is. As a whole, travel is significantly safer, cheaper, and quicker.

      Teleporters are an object of study. Some cities have been equipped with beta versions of teleporters. Scientists say they only put functioning equipment out for the public, but accidents are not uncommon. When finally finished, these teleporters will be used in the military and, hopefully, for cross-planetary travel. Teleporters focus on the use of manmade wormholes; these are often rather faulty and break easily.

    • Being a doctor isn't as much of a money-earning career now as it was in the early 2000's. Most medicines for serious illnesses are easily accessible, as they are relatively cheap and perfectly safe. Many are also fast acting. Doctors, now, are usually only consulted on battle fields or in surgeries, intensive care, cybernetics, and the more serious of diseases.

      Bandages have been developed with healing technology that can heal a papercut in minutes, a mild burn in a little less than a day, and serious wounds in a little bit more time than that. These bandages are life savers, keeping victims alive with their fast healing process. There also are new injections that are used for various purposes; symptom relievers, allergic reactions, near-instant disease curing. There are even injections that can, temporarily, put a person in stasis, where their heart and brain do not need to function, permitting time for hospital admittance.

      Vaccines are usually only given to young children, with boosters every 30 years. The vaccines come simultaneously for the most part, and defend against most viruses and bacteria.

      Hygiene is at an all time high.

    • The internet has evolved into the Web, a very intricate string of communications, data streams, and wormholes that allow sites to be hosted in one system and used across the galaxy. Load times fluctuate (see Communications) but speed is usually rather solid. Certain parts of the Web can only be used and controlled in certain systems or by certain governments, but all mini-nets are connected to the greater Web. The UPN hosts the Web, but does not run it; representatives control how the Web and mini-nets are run and developed for each country, colony, and Galactic empire.

      The Web is usually accessed on PADs, small tablet like items that can be holographic, transparent, or solid, or on computers. The PCs of the past are upgraded to be much smaller, but still have monitors and keyboards, although are also equipped with touch screen and talk-to-text services.

  • The Khaian are the alien force that have recently begun to invade the Milky Way. They come from another galaxy, and bring with them advanced technology and weapons. They appear to be super-evolved and are much stronger than humans, and much more intelligent. They quickly invaded deep into the Milky Way, and intergalatic war is beginning to affect all in the galaxy.

    • Not much is known of Khaian anatomy. It is known that there are several types of Khaian; Pureborn, the warrior, and the grunts. The warriors and grunts have DNA modified from that of the pureborn, and are used more as mindless soldiers than as the actual force of society. As such, the below information is in reference to the pureborn, although many warrior Khaian also fit the same bodily description. For more information on the warrior and grunt Khaian, see here.

      • The Khaian have a homologous bone structure to a humans, standing upright with a spine, two arms, and two legs. It has been proven in studies that the Khaian even have a tail bone, like humans do. However the Khaian have a spine much more flexible than a humans, composed of more small bone parts and further protected by muscle. Their spine is also longer, as are most of their bones, with the Khaian to be on average six to seven feet of height as compared to a humans five to six. They tend to be thinner, and more lean, although their muscles can, if properly trained, be incredibly strong, much stronger than a normal human could ever achieve. Their spines are straighter than a human, lacking posture issues.

        The toes and fingers of the Khaian resemble a humans, but their nails are slightly more clawlike and sharp, their fingers slightly curved. There also seems to be a 40% chance of a Khaian being born with an extra joint between their wrist and elbow. This joint has only partial movement, moving barely up or down, but still providing some extra mobility. Many of them are double jointed, and flexible.

        The skin of a Khaian is tough, nearly impenetrable to most weapons and even explosives. A Kkaian could run a dinner knife across their arm without effect, although other sharp weaponry, usually designed for decapitation or for fighting the Khaian, can slice through their skin. Their skin has few pores, and sweat and toxins mostly leave the body through their feet, hands, or in the back of the neck. Otherwise, toxins such as poisons or chemicals have a tough time leaving the body, being a weakness much exploited by the humans. Their skin, as much of a bodyguard, is also a weakness. It tends to have a gray color, although the range can expand from a blue-gray all the way to a pale gray-ish 'peach' color, that could resemble a human with an ashen skin tone.

        The Khaian for the most part do not have body hair, although they do have hair on their heads. Many of the older Khaian lose their hair- it doesn't turn gray, it simply falls out. The pigment in their hair is usually black, although it can occaisonally appear more brown.

      • The Khaian have skulls that also much resemble a humans, however there are several key differences in it's features. Their jaws stick out more, although some show this feature more or less prominently. Those with a jaw that juts out more tends to have sharper teeth, and more of these teeth. As the Khaian are carnivores, they do not have molars as humans do, instead having smaller, pointed teeth. Behind their first set of teeth is an additional set, although being smaller in number and in size. These teeth never grow out, or are replaced by 'adult' teeth. Despite this, the Khaian still speak similarly to a human, although they make many more "th" "s" sounds (sounds that are associated with the touching of the tongue to the teeth). Many of their words alternate between soft sounds to sharper sounds.

        Their noses are more like pug noses, the inner surface being filled with different bodily filters to keep dust and pollen out. Without these 'filters' being in place, it is predicted that a Khaian would be have a stronger sense of smell, but as it stands they do not, relying on 'taste' to replace their sense of smell. Their eyes are slightly larger than a humans as well, with thicker lashes and a thinner eyebrow. Their irises vary from a dark black to a pale purple. They can see in a broader spectrum of color, and some have a decent ability to see through the dark.

        Their ears are not much smaller than a humans, but the functionality of them seems... broken. A Khaian can hear, but not as well as any human or other animal. It is as if they hear everything through water, with sounds dullened. This is why they speak with a mix of soft and sharp noises. The soft noises are used in lip reading, a skill every Khaian must have for communcation, while the sharper noises are for hearing. However, Khaian primarily communicate through expression and action, instead of words.

        As a whole, the Khaian have a larger skull that accommodates a bigger brain. Their brains run processes much faster, providing most Khaian with a faster reaction time, more memory space, and more control over their bodies.

      • Because of their stronger, more versatile structure, the Khaian can carry their unborn young for a month or two longer than a human can, providing for more time for the young to develop. They reproduce in much the same way as a human does, but usually not for pleasure. Same sex couples in the Khaian species can also reproduce. This is due to the fact that most Khaian are considered hermaphrodites, with both bodily systems that a male and a female human would have. However, some Khaian are more suited to carry a child than others. Individuals with a more wideset body, longer hair, and dominant human 'female' features are distinguished as being feminine. Individuals who are thinner, more lightweight, less muscular and flat chested are considered masculine.

    • The Khaian-Human war began in 2698, although it is presumed early UFOs and and contact in the 2000s and earlier were all the Khaian. The Khaian were seen on the planet Irvine, a terraformed planet covered with alien ruins, and war followed quickly. Since the war began, the UPN has been attempting to lead the Khaian to believe Alva, a planet very similar to Earth, is in fact Earth, in efforts to keep the Khaian away from the beloved home of humanity. Otherwise, they've simply been throwing their military at the Khaian armies in attempts to keep them occupied, until an effective weapon can be found and implemented. The Khaian are progressing into the 'Way- slowly, but steadily. It won't be too long until all humanity is lost.

  • The brief history has a few mentionings of famous peoples throughout history, but this section will detail more recent famous peoples that are involved in the Khaian-Human war or the AI Project itself. You will notice that all of the people currently listed here were cloned for the AI Project; eventually other peoples will be added to the list.

    Some player-created characters may be listed here depending on their character's role. This means that you may have a UPN character, a scientist, researcher, etc. but you must consult with me.

    • Marianne Favero is a gentle soul, not belonging in this world of violence and anger. She always has been rather maternal and introverted, preferring a quiet setting as compared to the spotlight on stage. She studied various sciences in her youth and was a self declared jack-of-all-trades, combining her mixed knowledge to help with whatever she could. She was brought to Durness early-on to help initiate the AI project, and became a leader in the technology involved, designing both the new flash cloning techniques but also a programming and control system for the AI. Arguably, she is the top expert on AI, both smart and dumb, that the humans have. She has written several papers on the chance of AI achieving a state of life, and has a great interest in finding out, although she has yet to pursue it. She has also worked on creating advanced military armors, drones, and has borrowed some of Ophelia Burns' research for the AI project.

    • Warwick is an accomplished person, the entirety of his life focused on enhancement and research. In fact, the man doesn't even have a family, because he's put it off for so long, focusing instead on science. He studied chemistry and biology in university, but didn't even finish his studies before he left to do an internship at a improvised research lab, where they were studying the causes and effects of the use of various chemicals, formed and found on new planets, on human subjects. Needless to say, many of these tests went wrong in a number of ways; Warwick had seen plenty of gore and death before he left to begin his own path, investigating bioweapons and chemicals used in "alien" weaponry and attacks. He took part in the study of their alternate fuel source, and was working on harvesting and using this fuel with human craft. Throughout his life, Warwick has often found himself in trouble with the law, usually the military- he is a troublemaker with no limits, his true passion in discovering secrets, useful or not. This has resulted in his forced allegiance with the AI project and military weaponry research.

    • Ophelia Burns has wanted to pursue biology, particular studying DNA and genes, since she was a mere girl. It was not surprising when she studied this throughout her time in college and then promptly went to work in study. She has worked with a variety of people under a variety of projects, combining her science with psychology, anatomy and more. Her prized project, Project Linked, was created to study the remaining of unmapped genes and find their purpose- which she did. After this, she moved on to study beneficial mutations and evolution, working with a collaboration of scientists under her command to investigate how to speed up evolution in their favor, and to control it. She has been studying to enhance strength, mental capability, speed, and other attributes with military funding. However, after she found out that these enhancements would be forced upon a new generation of youth, she destroyed the project, fleeing to Alva for a safe haven. The AI project recruited in secret, promising her safety and liberty as long as she assisted in their effort. She accepted.

Character Sheet

This roleplay is based on human-AI interaction, but you do not have to be one of the candidates to join the roleplay!

However, there are a few rules on the creation of characters.

There will only be six female and six male candidate characters, for a total of twelve, although they do not have to be matched with an AI of the same preferred gender.

When customizing your AI, please keep their preferred gender intact, preferred name intact, and the basis of their personality. You may add to it, and alter it, but each AI is based roughly on their astrological sign name and the character they were flash cloned from, so their personality traits must somewhat match these.

You may have your character be a scientist, medic, or UPN official, but please message me and J_"Kraken" both to discuss it. We'll probably ask if you want to be a part of super-secret plot stuff.

Please do not feel pressured to write a full, huge CS. The fields in the CS have been put there to help you flesh out the character; while I prefer you describe your character well, don't feel the need to go in more depth than you feel comfortable with.

Can use any name you wish, but try to keep from using names already chosen
19-39 for all candidates. 15-60 for all others
Home planet:
A premade planet or create your own (if creating, add in a little description)
Home system:
A premade system or create your own (only if creating your planet)
Your characters occupation. Feel free to include some history with the occupation

Appearance (image):
Optional. If you do add one, please keep it more on the realistic side instead of anime. If you do use an
anime image, please make sure it's realistic enough to qualify as human. Also, please source your image!
Appearance (description):
You must write a few sentences even if you have an image. If you have an image, you are allowed bullet points.
Distinguishing features:
Optional. Any features that make your character stand out from the crowd.

Include a little bit about your character's personality. You can go rather in depth if you'd like, or you can develop and reveal it throughout the roleplay. You may use bullet points.
Optional. Anything your character is really good at, be it a learned skill or a hidden, inborn talent

At least a paragraph. You can include childhood, education, anything interesting about their occupation or
their time growing up, etc.

Optional. Any other additional info you think is necessary. Such information would include; weapon of choice, pets, relationships, etc.

AI name:
The name of the AI you would like your character to have. Check the list for availability.
AI character:
Include a very brief description of your AI's 'personality'. AI's do not have a personality in the way a human does; they mimic it. Essentially, you will be including habits and traits of your AI here. Base them off of what is mentioned in the Twelve AI sheet; if you do not, you will not be accepted. If you need help with this, let me know.
AI appearance (image):
Optional. An image of your AI's holographic appearance. Please source all images.
AI appearance (description):
A few sentences minimum on the holographic appearance of your AI. Bullet points allowed if you have an image.[/dash]​

The AI

There are twelve smart AI that have been developed for the AI Project. Each candidate will eventually be implanted with one of these AI; the AI will be installed directly into the brain of the user, woven into their neural passages and fused almost into their very thoughts. The AI can communicate to their user through thoughts, and the users can communicate back the same way. In addition, the AI can use electronic ports and outlets with the appropriate wireless connections available.

These AI are widely different than common AI. Read further for more information.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) are programs that minic in a way the human mind, but are tech and not organic. AI are used in all sorts of computers as electronic brains, and in some cases are far more intelligent than humans themselves. There are two types of AI for the purposes of this roleplay, with a third in development.

  • "Dumb" AI signifies an older AI, or an AI that only serves a simple process. These AI are programmed with a single, straightforward goal and purpose (to run an NPC in a game, to open doors, to watch security cameras, to clean up data pools, assist in research, to discover numbers of pi). They usually do not have thoughts outside of their area of study, but have massive data pools and access to other computers in a network. They are designed to be incredibly intelligent and useful in their field, but asking an AI tasked to solve math problems about the environment will only solve in a very confused human and a quiet AI. These AI have mechanical voices, if any, and often communicate through text on a screen.

  • "Smart" AI are new age AI, and serve a variety of processes. Often they are produced from cloned human brains to mimic organic neural pathways, allowing for a broad range of thought and function. These AI are often used in Virtual Reality Simulations, military operations, and for common things such as customer support services and tech assistance. They can be placed inside of robots to serve humans (cooking bots, cleaning bots, and factory bots are common) but are always closely monitored by human handlers.

    These AI usually are provided more 'human' voices, and often have holographic appearances to make use more comfortable for humans. They can be seen visually or on a screen, and rarely communicate through text. They can talk to their handlers through speakers or earpieces and can give directions to soldiers and researchers. "Smart" AI are usually used on the field as guides, sometimes as a high tech GPS and assistant: similar to having Wikipedia as a talking entity.

    "Smart" AI are still limited in their thought processes in that paradoxes, hypothetical, and rhetoric can easily damage their 'thinking' systems, and often require background information in order to form individual thoughts on a subject or topic. There exist a few AI that have true free thinking abilities, and can learn and grow, but most AI are unable to learn so much as they accumulate data and information.

    Some "Smart" AI are bordering the limits of what is considering Artificial. While not quite sentient, they do often have a stream of consciousness, can think, and communicate. Some AI are considered to be nearly human, but the UPN has made a claim that AI will never achieve true sentience.

  • A Cognizant AI is a theoretical AI that has achieved sentience. These AI would presumably have free thought and the ability to control their purpose and destiny, would be able to learn and develop, and would be considered human. However, an AI of this caliber is thought to be impossible and dangerous to achieve. It is told that to have a truly sentient AI, technology would need to mimic neural processes to the organic, atomic level, which is considered impossible (think: The Last Mimsy).

    However, there is a fine line between "Smart" AI and Cognizant AI, and many are beginning to delve further into the messy science of Artificial Intelligence and life...

  • While AI are not considered alive, they do have a span for their artificial "lives". It depends on the AI.

    "Dumb" AI
    - Average 10-20 years
    - AI are often considered outdated and are replaced after 5 years
    - Simple program AI can live for what is considered "forever"; as long as the program runs, the AI inside of it can run. These AI do not function on their own and are dependent on simple programs for them to run within. An example would be an NPC AI in a video game

    "Smart" AI
    - Average 4-7 years
    - AI rarely are considered outdated before they reach the end of their life
    - "Smart" AI begin to deteriorate after five years, and become less functional. It is thought that a neural interface AI can last longer, with significantly less exposure to corrosion, but this is unproven. As AI corrode and corrupt, they will provide false information, their interfaces and communications will be staticy and broken, and they will function slower and will be easily interrupted.
    - Unlike "Dumb" AI, most "Smart" AI cannot be repaired.

    Cognizant AI
    - Unknown
    - Guesses vary from 20 years to hundreds

  • The AI produced for the AI Project are a bit different from any AI category listed. They have been built without a purpose or goal, which leaves many of the AI confused and without direction. Ultimately they are left to their own thoughts, to do what they'd like with what they've been given. The limits for these AI also have been extended; most AI are constricted to the parameters of their purpose, but without a purpose, these AI see more opportunities.

    A downfall for them, however, is the lack of basic skills each AI has. Without a set purpose each AI comes equipped with some broad skills- access to available databases, internet functions, connection to wireless interfaces and PADs, projection as a hologram, i.e basic computer functions. They can use wireless and internet functions for common purposes- maps, historical data, statistics, files- but these processes are faster if the AI in question has a predisposition for it...

    Not all AI have a predisposition for everything. The unique skills each AI has is related to their interests. These interests originated from their human counterparts, the humans who let their brains be flashed cloned so that these AI could be fashioned. As such; an AI created from the cloned human brain of a biologist will hold an interest, and likely extra skills, with biology and the related sciences.

    While the candidates and the AI won't know how to activate these abilities at first, they will eventually learn, and will be able to use these to their advantage.

  • Information on the twelve AI in the game will be listed here.

    An independent UPN research group has been working on finding abstract technology for the military. The AI Project is a part of a massive undertaking that has recently been purposed to end the Khaian-Human war. Twelve AI have been created from cloned minds to be implanted into the very brains of twelve candidates. Being produced from clones of human brains, each AI has a thought process that somewhat replicated neural pathways and processes, allowing for intricate thought and for basic personality and character, making the AI appear more human even though they are not.

    The AI are listed below. All skills listed are the AI's unique, starting skills; these will develop and grow as the roleplay progresses.

    • Aries is an AI that uses masculine pronouns. He was produced from the clone of Wayne Baldini.

      A highly combative AI, and, if he were human, would be a strong leader figure. The human he was cloned from is a famous battleship pilot, known for his charismatic personality and loyalty. Arguably the leader of the AI group, Aries skills focus on battle and flight.

      > Aries can be connected to many air and space ship navigation consoles, and it is skilled in running and using these systems for flight and transportation.
      > Aries can also be connected to a ships weaponry systems. He has a broad understanding of how to navigate these systems and use the weaponry involved.
      > Don't know how to use a gun you picked up? Aries can probably figure out the inner workings of even foreign weapons.
      > Aries can create wireless communications networks to other devices and AI. The devices and/or AI must be open to receiving the connection, must have a communications system and if infected with a virus or corrupted file will not be able to join the comm network. These networks have a limited radius of 30 feet. Aries may someday be able to lengthen the radius.

      Service number: I1-D-E22
      System name: Aries

    • Taurus is an AI that uses feminine pronouns. She was produced from the clone of Samantha Spalding.

      Taurus was cloned from the President of the UPN board; while Spalding only serves as an overseer for the representatives in the UPN, she is still a woman who enjoys her luxury and power- something Taurus is constantly trying to live down. Taurus still carries some of the memories of Spalding, including the woman's vanity, and still struggles to reject the ingrained vanity in herself. As a result, Taurus is a rather confused- and one could consider, broken- AI, resulting in a sporadic and destructive character.

      > Taurus is a politician at heart and knows the UPN like the back of her (holographic) hand. If you need a word on government, she is your AI. She knows every clause, law, and rule in the book.
      > Taurus is able to manage under incredible stress and strain in her system, shaking it off as thought it were nothing. During initial testing, her systems would remain online under extreme duress for twice as long as most of her AI siblings. It is presumed that when her host is under strain, she would still manage to stay online and fully functioning.
      > Taurus also seems to be able to manage her user as if they were part of her own systems. This has yet to be experimented with, but the scientists are curious to see if the AI can manage her host's internal temperature, breathing, and bodily functions.

      Service number: I2-D-E22
      System name: Taurus

    • Agate is an AI that uses feminine pronouns. She was produced from the clone of Danielle Beckett.

      Danielle Beckett is a psychology major that was enlisted into the Khaian-Human war. She turned out to be a brilliant strategist, and last when the UPN analyzed her brain, they found abnormalities; her brain functions ran significantly faster than usual, her thought processes running significantly faster than that of a humans. Agate reflects this; she is an energetic AI with an inborn talent for psychology and strategy.

      > Agate can run processes twice as fast as her AI siblings can.
      > Agate has an in-depth understanding of human psychology, and may be able to make useful inferences on Khaian and animal behavior as well.
      > Agate likes to talk strategy and is very good at it. She takes after Beckett, whose plans never fail on the battlefield. Being able to run her thought process twice as fast as most AI, Agate can plan out strategies and report back to her host in the wink of an AI, a skill that likely can and will save lives.
      > Agate can lock down her systems at will. This function mostly serves to protect herself from intruders, and functions as a full system lock down- she cannot selectively choose which systems go offline and which stay online.

      Service number: I3-D-E22
      System name: Gemini

    • Pearl is an AI that uses feminine pronouns. She was produced from the clone of Marianne Favero.

      Pearl is one of the most intelligent, but gentlest, of the AI. She takes after Dr. Favero in that she has a great interest in the sciences, and is a great intellectual thinker. She has nonviolent views, leading some of the scientists to be concerned with her usefulness as an AI intended for war.

      Dr. Favero is a huge part of the Illoca Initiative, the research team populating Durness, and having been cloned from Dr. Favero's brain, Pearl has a great deal of information on the secretive Initiative deep in her data banks. However, the scientists have placed locks over those data banks; if Pearl or her host wish to access these memories, they'll have to find a backdoor.

      > Pearl has access to most of Dr. Favero's memory, including her knowledge on the various sciences and on AI themselves. She can apply these sciences for her own - or her host's- purposes.
      > Pearl has a strange sense of humanity. Despite not being human, she sympathizes with humans and has a broader range of emotions than most AI. She believes that the emotions she expresses are actually felt, somewhere inside her, and these emotions allow her her humanity. Perhaps this will someday lead to something more.
      > Pearl is rather aware of her internal processes, and may someday be able to manipulate her own programming.
      > Dr. Favero produced all of the AI for the AI Project, including Pearl, the one cloned from herself. It is unknown to the other scientists, and even to Pearl, but a backdoor has been written into Pearl allowing Dr. Favero access to the AI's systems. Perhaps if one were to figure out how, they would discover hidden information on the Illoca Facility E-22 (the one in which the Project takes place) that they could use to their advantage.

      Service number: I4-D-E22-IA
      System name: Cancer

    • Leo is an AI that uses masculine pronouns. He was produced from the clone of Cornelius Hertz.

      Leo is built from the clone of one of the greatest men alive. Hertz, one of the most active people alive, is a scientist, general, politician and inventor. He is known for his work on bio-weapons; a potential life saver in the Khaian-Human war. Taking after Hertz, Leo is egotistical and has a high self-worth, surprisingly so for his being an artificial construct. For this, he was almost destroyed before scientists realized his potential. He truly is a jack of all trades.

      > Leo has a habit of coming up with brilliant, but sometimes totally useless, thoughts and ideas. Quite often he'll be thinking of one thing, and will think up an idea for something completely irrelevant. The scientists believe that Leo has two separate thought functions that run simultaneously, although the second is a background process. When the background thought function picks up on a curious tidbit of something the main function 'thinks', it will begin to 'think' on it's own and will come to other- usually irrelevant- conclusions.
      > Leo has a large personal knowledge of bioweaponry, due to his being cloned from Cornelius Hertz.
      > Additionally, Leo knows how to operate most bioweapons that have been produced and are in production.
      > Leo can learn skills from other AI. If he is connected through a wireless link to other AI of his caliber (see RESTRICTIONS below), he can begin to learn skills unique to those AI.

      [spacer]RESTRICTIONS[/spacer][spacer]Leo cannot learn sciences that another AI learnt through their connection to their clone; I.E Leo cannot learn Pearl's knowledge of science because[/spacer][spacer]Pearl uses the residual memories left in her system from the flash cloned brain of Dr. Favero for her knowledge, instead of a database.[/spacer][spacer]Leo cannot learn from "dumb" AI and can only learn from "smart" AI that have a stream of consciousness.[/spacer]
      Service number: I5-D-E22
      System name: Leo

    • Sapphire is an AI that uses feminine pronouns. She was produced from the clone of Jessica Sumner.

      Sapphire has a love for technology, particularly with communications and, you guessed it, hacking. She likes to uncover secrets and squirm her way past firewalls and codes into no-mans land. If there is a secret to be uncovered, she will find a way to reach it.

      > Sapphire has the ability to hack into systems with basic to average firewalls and security systems, provided she can make a wireless connection to the system.
      > Sapphire has a way with using codes. Introduce her to a hidden code and depending on the complexity, it will take her anywhere from ten minutes to a week to solve; but most codes, she can solve.
      > Additionally, Sapphire is rather good at solving puzzles, so long as they aren't philosophical or paradoxical puzzles. She is particularly good with mathematical puzzles and wordplay.

      Service number: I6-D-E22
      System name: Virgo

    • Libra is an AI that uses feminine pronouns. She was produced from the clone of Ophelia Burns.

      Libra has a unique sense of morality, unusual to AI. She has a sense of right and wrong, and tries to stay on the right path. Taking after Dr. Burns, she is interested in biology, particularly in evolution and mutations.

      > Libra has skill with DNA and genes, particularly in analyzing it. If linked wirelessly to DNA scanners or analytic machines, she can operate the complex machinery and work DNA with great skill borrowed from Dr. Burns herself.
      > Libra has a sense of right and wrong, which guides her advice and decisions. In some ways, this gives her an unusual ability: to say "maybe". AI, being computers, work with probability and usually align themselves with what is most likely to work. However, Libra can deny that part of her programming in favor of choosing the "right" thing.
      > Libra is beginning to learn how to hide her programming and nature from the scientists. If the scientists ever discovered that she had a sense of morality, she would surely be destroyed; as such, she hides those processes from the scientists eyes under an invisible firewall of sorts. Eventually, she may learn how to manipulate her security systems to do more than simply mask code.

      Service number: I7-D-E22-IB
      System name: Libra

    • Topaz is an AI that uses masculine pronouns. He was produced from the clone of Harold Saller.

      Harold Saller is a brilliant, yet lazy soul. He focused his studies on astronomy, particularly with the physics of space, but lacked the motivation or drive to hold a consistent job. Topaz, while not quite so lazy, still favors the use of shortcuts and loopholes to get the work done. The scientists are particularly interested in what loopholes he may be able to find in their technology, and how he reacts to it.

      > Topaz has access to Harold's knowledge on astronomy and physics, and may use this knowledge to his and his host's advantages.
      > Topaz, due to inbuilt laziness, is actually rather good at wasting his time searching for back doors and emergency entrances to various systems. If something is perhaps unhackable, Topaz is you AI; he'll search for that convenient back door for your entry. He also is skilled at finding new- and faster- ways to perform common processes.
      > Topaz has what is called a "resting process". The AI from Project AI are disabled, for the most part, when the host is sleeping, unless connected to an external power source or program. Topaz however can perform low-power processes while his host is asleep.

      Service number: I8-D-E22-IC
      Service name: Scorpio

    • Sagittarius is an AI that uses masculine pronouns. He was produced from the clone of Warwick Donati.

      Warwick Donati was a man of science, and yet, is the opposite of Dr. Burns and Dr. Favero in his lack of humanity. Sagittarius thus differs in this way from Libra and Pearl; he has little regard for life and sees it as a plaything, and would much rather prefer to experiment than to observe. Somewhat a callous AI, he has been kept around in the project to balance out Pearl and Libra's strange behavior.

      > Sagittarius lacks humanity, and is much more of a typical AI than the others in the group; he will always choose what is best for him or his host, whether it be allowing other members of a party to die for self preservation, or a mere game of poker. Instead of protecting humanity, his goal is to experiment and discover: perhaps his motto would be "Do it for science!"
      > Sagittarius has a broad knowledge of rare, hazardous and alien chemicals. Donati spent time experimenting with these chemicals, particularly Khaian chemicals and new compounds and sources from other planets, and the knowledge of many of these compounds have been passed on to Sagittarius.
      > Sagittarius is rather good at sabotage. He may someday be rather skilled in disrupting programs, blocking sensors, and causing general havoc, although for now his ability is rather basic.

      Service number: I9-D-E22-ID
      Service name: Sagitarrius

    • Garnet is an AI that uses masculine pronouns. He was produced from the clone of Fletcher Costa.

      Garnet is a rather pragmatic entity, following in true AI 'tradition'. He follows after his human counterpart in his interest in ecology and knowledge of the Khaian, and the scientists hope to someday use Garnet, or other AI like him, to gain insight into Khaian culture, anatomy, and history. Garnet is special in that unlike many of the other AI, he has a larger blank slate; Costa, while a driven man, lived with no hell-bent purpose in the galaxy, and now Garnet also may choose to expand his field of knowledge in any direction.

      > Garnet has the ability to think not just probability, but logic. He knows what might be the best option statistically, but has the ability to think the results of that option through and chose another. Many AI are stuck to choosing the statistically "best" option, but Garnet suffers no mental block of the sort.
      > Additionally, Garnet has some sense of foresight. He can determine likely results of the future, not just the situation at hand, and lets this guide his decisions in the now. He factors much more into his calculations than other AI do, providing 'better' choices.
      > Garnet has a large knowledge in the Khaian and has databanks filled with Costa's theories on the alien entities; Garnet may someday be able to continue his own research on the Khaian.
      > He also has a broad knowledge in ecology across the galaxy.
      > Garnet is an AI with lots of loose ends. He can be upgraded both with neural attachments (I.E requires surgery) or with portable attaches, connected to the AI wirelessly (I.E a device kept on the host's person, connected to the AI). These upgrades can allow Garnet a broader range of abilities. Perhaps he could even be connected to prototype armor systems and computerized weapons

      Service number: I10-D-E22
      Service name: Capricorn

    • Amethyst is an AI that uses feminine pronouns. She was produced from the clone of Anastasia Kahler.

      Kahler is much more a theoretical physicist than an actual scientist, and spends her time looking for ways to incorporate quantum physics into the reality of space flight. As such, Amethyst lacks direct knowledge databases that some of her siblings do, but instead is remarkable at theory and prediction. She is a thoughtful AI with an imagination that runs far beyond the bounds of others.

      > Amethyst, like Kahler, is a huge bookworm. Much of the information in her databases that are leftover from the flash clone are of books; fictional, non-fiction, dictionaries, and textbooks. She can provide lots of random information on a variety of books, and also on libraries (both virtual and physical) and on rare texts.
      > Amethyst has larger memory banks and storage space than other AI. Some of it is already occupied with data on books and texts, but she has plenty of space left to absorb tons more information.
      > Amethyst has direct control over her memory banks. She can delete content at will, without her external interference, and can redirect her power supply to her banks to allow for more content space and quicker access.
      > Amethyst has a knack for theory. AI typically focus on facts, instead of theoretical/hypothetical situations. Amethyst, however, can study these areas and topics without frying her systems, and is quite adept at composing her own theories.
      > Amethyst has a large ingrained map of the Milky Way and of all the planets, bases, systems, and countries/colonies on those planets. She can plot and create more detailed maps as her host travels through areas, or upon uploading further information on them. She functions quite well as a GPS, and can perform her GPS-function on low power.

      Service number: I11-D-E22
      Service name: Aquarius

    • Pisces is an AI that uses masculine pronouns. He was produced from the clone of Reginald Leitz.

      Leitz grew up a local huntsman and most of his interests center around anatomy and biology in that regard. However, he is particularly skilled in matching genes to behavior, anatomy to purpose, and in charting evolution. Pisces takes after Leitz as an observant AI

      > Pisces has a large bestiary in his memory banks that can be used at will. It contains information on animals and some plants on a large number of planets in the Galaxy.
      > Pisces has an internal tracking program. The scientists aren't entirely sure how it got there- they think that perhaps Leitz' hunting skills morphed into a program that was just strong enough for the AI itself to write the tracking program- but it exists in Pisces' system. He can use this system to track motion within a thirty foot radius, and also has the ability to track prints. Perhaps as he develops, he may learn to increase his tracking radius.
      > Pisces can link his systems through a wireless interface to another AI, and then can collaborate with this AI. This collaboration allows the two AI to share operating power, memory space, thoughts, and brain power. They additionally can temporarily share their skills and abilities, although once the link is severed, neither AI can still use the skills shared from the other. Maybe someday he will learn how to connect to more than one other AI at a time.
      [spacer]RESTRICTIONS[/spacer][spacer]Pisces can only connect to "smart" AI that have a stream of consciousness.[/spacer][spacer]Pisces does not keep any skills shared with the other AI once the link is severed[/spacer]

      Service number: I12-D-E22
      Service name: Pisces

Game Progression

This roleplay will be played out in chapters inside of a group thread. This thread is for sign-ups and related OOC discussions, while the group thread will be an information database and roleplay zone. Each chapter, thus, can be stored in the one group. Each chapter has a theme in the plot of the story and some have a time limit in order to maintain plot progression. Below is a general sketch of the chapters.

[dash=blue]Chapter One
* 2-4 weeks max
Introductions and the beginnings of character development. Characters will meet each other and begin to explore their new lives at the facility. Candidates will begin their education and training in the facility; each candidate will be taught basic AI theory and will undergo a modified military boot camp training before implantation. This chapter will go through their first days in Durness, and at the end, candidates will meet their AI.

Chapter Two
* 1.5-3 weeks max
Introductions are over and now the candidates will be implanted with their AI. Their training continues, and becomes more intense as the scientists study their response to the AI.

Chapter Three
The actual "project" is over. Final tests are being done, and the futures of the candidates are being considered. However, it is now up to you to decide the fate of your character. This chapter marks the beginning of your exploration of the universe, as characters now will be enabled to leave Durness and travel elsewhere.


  • This is the Frequently Asked Questions section! If you have any questions that aren't on here, please do ask! I'll update this as stuff comes up.

  • So, can my character be a ....?

    In terms of occupation, your character can be ANYTHING! Yes, ANYTHING! This roleplay is a sandbox with a plot (I know I read a name for it somewhere..), meaning that no matter what you decide to go off and do, the GMs will make sure you meet with everyone at the end game. You will progress through the plot as everyone else does, just perhaps differently. This means you can flee the Project and still reach the same end goal.

    Right now, however, you are limited to the human species, and if you choose to play a character of significant power, keep the rules in mind; if your character becomes over powered, you'll get a warning, and if you disregard that warning, you will be kicked out.

    Okay... What kind of characters do you want to see?

    This is highly dependent on your own opinion. Any character you create will be made important, but considering the scifi background, we can give you a few ideas.
    Military personnel
    Political Figures
    Alien specialists
    Response units

    But I don't want to be a human! How about a Khaian?

    As for now, you can't. Sorry. But come back later into the roleplay, or join for now and wait until later on. We might, depending on how things go, have Khaian playable characters.

    What about a character outside of the Project?

    You'll probably have to wait a bit for your character to become involved if you're going that far out (Ex. A business woman on Earth). Or, if there's enough people willing to get a second plot line going on, that's fine. Chapter three will involve a lot of unique characters on other planets that aren't in the Project themselves, and I'd love working to incorporate you and your character.

    Does my character have to be the same gender as their AI?

    Not at all! The AI are only preset with genders in order to maintain the male/female ratio between the AI.

  • What if I don't like the preset AI?

    It should be mentioned somewhere (but knowing me, probably isn't) that if you have an issue with your AI's personality, do contact me. Each AI's personality is roughly based on their astrological sign (I thought it would expand personality horizons) but you are not confined to the preset parameters. They are only basic morals and traits each AI has. Otherwise, you can expand on your AI in any way you wish, especially if it makes them stand out!

    How does the human/AI dynamic work?

    The AI are being put together with humans in an attempt to, in a way, create a bond between human and AI that gives humans an advantage in war. Be it having access to instant information, or having a companion that can hack into systems, or security cameras, or enemy tech for you, or if the AI has certain abilities (has yet to be discussed, but in scifi, the extent of what AI and mechanical or technical forces knows no bounds), it would be a benefit to humans. The idea of the Project is to find out what benefits they can reap from it; leaving the actual benefits up to the players to create. Think RvB for example (only example I can think of). The AI there could create those dome shields around their host, or perhaps add additional shielding to armor, repair armor, analyze a soldiers health; you have an HUD for all that, but you'd be able to further focus on the battlefield if an AI did it for you. The AI could tell you of enemy forces nearby, help with stealth missions, etc. Maybe the AI can be programmed to use EMP's of a sort, I dunno. It's up for imagination.

    In general, each AI candidate is really only a test subject for experimentation to see what the AI can actually do; but that doesn't mean the candidates have to stay with the project. A criminal could get in, get their AI implanted, and run. That's the fun part. After basics, it's up to each player to run off and do whatever. It doesn't necessarily mean their AI will be the best equipped- others who stay might undergo testing that greatly improves their AI, providing some of these 'mysterious' abilities- but they can still do it.

    How old are the AI?

    It depends on every AI. None of them are older than 3 years, with the youngest, Pisces, being about 20 days old at the start of the roleplay. However, it doesn't particularly matter exactly how old each AI is. Each AI is wise, smart, whatever you want to call it. They do what AI's do. They may not have experience (at all, really, because even the oldest ones were kept in storage from creation date up through the beginning of the Project) but they can learn quickly.

    What can the AI do?

    At the beginning, the AI are limited to the basics: they can access public database files, use communication systems, interact with wireless systems, and once training continues after implantation, cooperate with their hosts in combat. However, the UPN has limited communications in the research facility, and the AI won't be able to access heavily firewalled systems. They must learn, first, and must acquire new skills. These AI are very much like children; they have not been designed with a purpose, nor with any special skills to help them in their purpose. As such, they are a blank slate. Think of them like a cardboard cut out character, when you begin a video game. You can choose a few starter skills- the preset skills each AI gets- and then as you level up - or in our case, as the AI learn - more skills are added.

    What's with the service numbers?

    The AI are built to, some day, be used in the war effort. These are their service numbers, as they are treated like real entities.

    ... What's a system name? These are AI, not solar systems.

    The AI were originally named after astrological signs, and some adapted new nicknames. The original names are the names all information on those particular AI are filed under. I.E; Information in Pearl is filed under Cancer, not Pearl.

  • How will the RP begin?

    AI candidates will be arriving at the facility, scientists working there will be working (:P), unrelated characters can either find their way to the Project or post an introduction post (and GMs will help develop a storyline for them to follow that will involve them with the Project or with other characters).

  • How does combat work?

    Space combat will be a thing that can probably happen; just think of any other type of warfare in space. Big guns and artillery, speedy moving ships, those big annoying dreadnoughts that can't move around for shit, little guns, explosions.

    War combat is a bit different. The Khaian primarily use plasma; a very efficient plasma. They also have big weapons and are working on bioweapons and energy swords of a sort. They mostly use brute force to attack, not going for sneak attacks most of the time. They could knock a human soldier right off his feet with ease, and not even have so much of a bruise. Humans usually have to be careful with their tactics in response, using railgun-type handguns, regular bullets, modified guns (with stronger ammo, more force, sometimes poisons in the ammo) or prototype plasma/energy weapons. Both sides face off just like in real war... just a bit more violent.

    Human x human combat is pretty simple, just as it always has been. You have your fair share of knives and guns and other weapons and you fight. :P

    There will be more on this in the Tech and worldbuilding section of the group.

    I mean, in the roleplay. Any rules and regulations?

    I don't favor the use of dice or RNG for roleplay combat. It will be up to the players to write it out as they see fit. However, if anyone is powerplaying, or has an over powered character, they will be warned and perhaps banned. You may not kill other characters without permission as well. This includes many NPCs of plot importance.

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All accepted characters (of any type) will be listed here, along with the page the CS is on.
There is space for: 3 more female, 4 more male candidates

Alice Davern/Sapphire/Rainjays/Page 1
Veronica Solari/Agate/J_"Kraken"/Page 1
Midnight "Iris" Fairchild/Amethyst/Valentyne/Page 2
Canaan "Caine" Luke Daniels/Garnet/Pattern/Page 2
Kurtis Alvin Rinalt/Libra/Maxim/Page 3


You may reserve an AI for up to three days. If you need more than three days, please let us know, otherwise you will lose your spot if a finished CS is not presented at the end of the third day.


Alice Davern
Home planet:
Alva is the planet dubbed "fake Earth". After the Khaian-Human war initiated, the UPN attempted to use Alva as a decoy to keep the Khaian away from humanities homeland.
Home system:
La Luz
One of the first systems found; hence the rather silly name
Freelance computer network/programming IT​

Appearance (image):



Appearance (description):
Ali has dark brown hair kept at a mid-back length, with dark blue eyes. Her skin tone and complexion are pale, at an height average (about 5'6.5"), along with having a healthy weight. Nothing really stands out in terms of regular physical features; she bears no real muscle mass, although her body is regularly fit, and has no enhancements of any kind.

She typically wears dark clothing, a form fitting top under a looser blouse and loose pants, being jeans or trousers of a sort. Her hair is kept loose and she characteristically wears dark colored eye makeup with minimal makeup otherwise (lips, skin, etc.). Occasionally she will wear a necklace or another small piece of jewelry, but otherwise dresses plainly.​
Distinguishing features:
Usually pretty hidden by her clothing, Alice has a decent amount of tattoo work across her body. She has a network of art running down her arms and across her shoulders, an entire back of colorful work and has scattered smaller tattoos on other parts of her body​
Alice maintains a generally neutral expression most of the time, making it hard to read her emotions and thoughts. Outwardly she seems rather stoic and independent, confident and strong. She isn't unaffected by humor and sarcasm, of which she uses quite often, and will sometimes crack a smile. Otherwise, she smiles and affection is reserved for family and close friends, of which she has little. She is very down-to-Earth, practical, and determined person who follows her goals through to the very end.​
Ali is skilled with most things involving computer based technology; she is adept at writing programs with a variety of purposes, understands how networks work and knows how to make a computer tick. However, outside of computers and circuitry, her skill level is minimum to none. She can cook a mean steak though.

Alice was born on Alva as things were going downhill, her parents living in a small colony outside of the main cities of the planet. The planet itself at the time was widely built and no longer was sustained mostly by small colonies, but the one her parents lived in still existed due to it's assistance in the local research groups. Alice attended schooling like any other child, under an Americanized system (as the planet was originally colonized by America) and made her way up through the eighth grade before things began to get bad. Alva wasn't always meant to be a "Fake Earth" planet, but once it was discovered by the Khaian, that was it's full time designation. Where else would the Khaian focus their attacks against humanity?

It was the big cities that first were destroyed, ripped to shreds with artillery from space and ground forces of incredible strength and power. Her colony was spared several times by sheer luck, their location in the mountains allowing for Khaian troops to pass them by. But it wasn't long before their luck began to run dry. They were running low on supplies, fuel, and food, and then word came that a large Khaian force was approaching their colony. The UPN refused to send in troops for small villages like hers; instead, they fought worthless battles in the ruined cities. So, Alice and her family had no choice. They gathered what resources they could, and ran. However, they only managed to scrounge up the money for two seats on the next shuttle out of the planet; perhaps they could have sneaked the rest of her family on board, if it wasn't for the fact that the shuttle already was full. The family sent Alice and her elder sister aboard, leaving the thirteen and fifteen year old alone.

The shuttle led back to a large refugee ship that was going to another planet in a system nearby, Geofir. The two children were taken in by another mother with five children, and they stayed together under the guise of being related. At the refugee camps, there was little in the words of an education, but Alice made do with what she had; trying to find work to bring in extra supplies for her 'family', she became an intern at a nearby research center, working with the computers there. She learned a large majority of her skills there, and eventually moved on to officially work on the research team, bringing in money and food for her makeshift family. A year afterwards when she was fifteen, her mother, aunt, and two cousins arrived on Geofir. They had managed to take another shuttle out of Alva and had been scouring the planet searching for Alice and her sister. Her father, elder brother, and grandparents still remained on Alva.

The family, with the help of the adoptive family that took in Alice, got rooms in an apartment complex in Geofir's major city. The high rise apartment was large enough, and cheap enough, for the families to survive there peacefully. Alice continued her work at the researching group and began to work on her education once more. Once she was old enough, she received her GED and moved on to secondary education at a small university on Motherwell, leaving her family behind her. She has since lived on Motherwell, studying and working freelance with whatever jobs she could- even if they weren't strictly legal.​

AI name:
AI character:
Sapphire is a critical AI with high standards. She has a good eye for small details and appears irritated with others who miss or overlook the same small things. Often she has the semblance of being moody and impatient, speaking with harsh tones, her hologram appearance standing with arms crossed and a typically sullen expression.​

AI appearance (image):

AI appearance (description):
Sapphire has short length, neatly cut dark blue hair and eyes that glow with a brighter blue color. When appearing, her hologram is often rather small in size, no matter what interface she is using. Her clothing changes each time she appears.​
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Veronica Solari

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Home Planet: Neith

Home System: Amenhotep

Occupation: Previous tank commander; sent to training camps after a series of successful skirmishes with the Khaian

Appearance: Solari's figure is slim, tall, and muscled. Her narrow face is dominated by sharp cheekbones and a hooked nose. Pale, intelligent blue eyes peer out from beneath a slender brow lined by thin eyebrows. Her light brown hair is shaved at one side and falls down the other with part of it falling across her face. Often her main attire simply takes the form of her uniform, removing the helmet as per the situation.

Distinguishing Features: A burn scar lines the side of Solari's face, a shallow dip of mangled and bubbled flesh. Her eye, having been caught in the blast, has been replaced by a cybernetic replacement.

-To-the-point, no-nonsense
-Confident, perhaps headstrong

Gunnery, driving, and maintenance of a select few armored vehicles
-Commanding armored formations
-Decent 'soldier'; she was an infantryman before being sent to the jerry-rigged tank crews


Solari began life on Neith, a small back world of the UPN that was nearly outside its zone of control. Her parents worked in the planet's populous agricultural center that specialized in tropical luxury foodstuffs until a run of bad harvests drove them to flee the planet to avoid creditors. From the ages of fourteen to nineteen she moved from world to world, sneaking onto freighter ships and paying for others, until she was marooned on Libuscha without many options. Her family took up a labor-intensive line of work there and she, out of a desire to avoid working for a low-down and developing planet, joined up with the Interplanetary Guard, the UPN's responsive armed forces.

Her career in the IP was nothing extraordinary until the Khaian planetary assault on Alva. Having realized that the Khaian were perfectly capable of planetary combat, the UPN had reinstated the long-mothballed tank units sent to storage should rebellions and unrest amount. Most were still used treads as their main source of propulsion and several still required a manual loader for each round; in short, technologically behind most vehicles. Still, their armor was decent protection against plasma and their high-velocity mass drivers had the punch to blow apart infantry formations with relative ease.

Veronika Solari found herself in such a battalion at the helm of Bounce House, a relatively 'modern' model that used grav-field propulsion and did not require human labor to load - all the machine needed to operate was a commander, a gunner, and a driver. With minimal training and barely a decent maintenance check, the new tank crews were sent to the front line. Over the course of the first week, Solari lost six vehicles to enemy fire (plasma lacked the punch to completley destroy or obliterate tanks, it merely melted the armor and internal systems as well as anyone unfortunate enough to be close to it) and had developed a fairly decent means of combating the superior foe.

Makeshift skirts were added to all sides of the vehicles with a good distance between the skirt and the hull. Plasma would initially hit the skirts and fail to move onward to the hull, allowing for a good deal of fortitude in engagements. While effective, Solari's jerryrigging did not win the day, as plasma was still an effective armor killer despite the second line of defense added. The battle was declared lost two weeks after the invasion, with the armored units sent back for redesign. It was during this lull that Solari was taken into the project due to her reputation earned on Alva as a decent strategist and sound tactician.

AI Name: Agate

AI Personality:

AI Appearance (image):

AI Appearance (description): Agate appears as a Nordic war goddess in a sky-blue cape with a spear, braided brown hair, and stylized armor.
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Here is the Sign-ups and OOC. The group thread is almost fully set-up and I'll post a link soon; the roleplay will occur there. If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask me or Kraken
Do our characters have to be the same gender as the AI we want to have?
Do our characters have to be the same gender as the AI we want to have?
Nope! They can be any gender. The AI are just sorted out to be half male and half female, to keep balance.
I'd like to reserve a female candidate with Amethyst, please.
Awesome! Hm... I'll try my best to get a character up within three days, especially because I'd like to have Leo, and adhere to the availability rules. I can't make any promises though. College and high school homework is killing me.
I'd like to reserve a female candidate with Amethyst, please.
Reserved for you! Glad to have you.

Awesome! Hm... I'll try my best to get a character up within three days, especially because I'd like to have Leo, and adhere to the availability rules. I can't make any promises though. College and high school homework is killing me.

If you can't make the three days, just let us know and we can extend it. The rule is mostly to keep people from claiming an AI and disappearing for weeks; just keep in touch and you'll be fine.
All good to go.
Hey, I don't know if this is just me but the link to information about planets isn't working.
I reset the link. It worked for me although it did show an error before it loaded; perhaps when I copy and pasted the thread info the link died. Try it again and let me know if it works.
Excellent! I'll work on my CS the soonest possible (probably after work), but for now, I'd like to reserve Garnet for a male candidate.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Rainjay
Hey, this looks pretty good. I'd like to reserve Libra for a Male candidate if that's acceptable.
I'm a little over halfway done with my character (I have everything but History and everything past it completed), but I'm going to be very busy Friday (D&D night and I'm DMing), so if I don't get it done by then I'll just post what I have for you to look over.
I'm a little over halfway done with my character (I have everything but History and everything past it completed), but I'm going to be very busy Friday (D&D night and I'm DMing), so if I don't get it done by then I'll just post what I have for you to look over.
Alright! As said, as long as you keep in touch, you can take the time you need to finish it up. I don't expect to post IC until Friday earliest but I'll probably be posting it more along the lines of Sunday, depending on when people have CS's up. So no worries!
I'm still here! Strange I didn't get any notifications but what the heck. At least I checked back within the three day period. I'd still like to have Leo.
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Reactions: Rainjay
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