The Age Of Dragons (IC)

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Garruk sat in a small campsite, a fire a couple feet in front of him. The orc had been in the forest alone for a fair amount of time time, since his dragon companion had gone off on her own again as she often did. At times, he could swear she was like a child. A very large, scaled, and winged child. But, a child nonetheless. Skyvalla, it seemed, had the tendency to go off and do her own thing, which was often exploring. The orcish male had no idea if this was primarily for the sake of curiosity, to get away from him, or just to annoy him. Still, with the link they had, they would be able to stay in contact, even when at moderate distances. Of course, this often left him to himself, which wasn't normally an issue. At least, as long as he didn't wind up being attacked by something or someone.

As of the moment, he was waiting for his dinner to cook, having went hunting a short while ago. The rabbit wouldn't go very far, but, it would be enough to satisfy him for a while. His dark red eyes gazed at the flames licking the meat on the spit, watching it cook as his mind wandered. Even in the distance, he could hear the occasional clang of a metal pic on rock coming from the mine. He was a fair distance away from the mine that he knew to be near here, so, it was unlikely that he would be disturbed by anyone from there. Still, he kept his weapons near or on him at all times. Then again, he was always like that. Not to mention his well crafted armor that he war. These slavers in the area weren't warriors, even a group of them wouldn't likely be able to take him down. So, he wasn't worried in the slightest.

His dragon companion however, he had no idea about. There was a good change that whatever she had discovered something worth investigating. She was also more than capable of defending herself, so, there was little reason to worry about that. Still, the boredom was the worst thing. He was too far from his new home and his forge, and he could only do so much training by himself. Perhaps he would have to contact her, if for nothing else, just to see what she was up to. The fear of his boredom getting to him was going to be all too real if he didn't find something to do after eating his catch. Maybe he'd go to the mine and clear it out. After all, eliminating one group of slavers shouldn't attract too much attention.
'Skyvalla...where are you? Have you found anything? I'm going to hurt something if I don't find something to do.'
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The people were running about like scattered fowl, but one approached with apparent confidence. "Well, hello there, little one. Why are you here?" it asked. ...he asked. "You can speak right?" he giggled. Slibil felt she should know this person, or something about one would recognize a storybook character come to life...from a book one plans to read. "Maybe you are the one they are looking for?" he finished.

When Slibil spoke, it was as the first words or one born dumb who had suddenly been given voice. But to the soldiers and townspeople approaching, it sounded frightening, as though a cougar and a bear were in argument, and they backed away in haste.

"I don't think I am being looked for," Slibil said as she looked down at Dhuun, "I am here because of...curiosity. But why do you call me little? You are smaller than I am. Aren't you?" Slibil had a second thought on that. It was obvious this fellow was smaller, but she had the nagging feeling she was missing something.

Dhuun was standing there with a curious look on his face. His golden eyes were gazing at the drake before him. His own kin was quite interesting to him, because the drake seemed very confused, or so he believed. He stretched his arms and looked around the area. "Hmm, if you're not the one the people of this city are looking for, then who were they after then?" It piqued his curiosity, followed by him placing his index finger along with his thumb on his chin. Pondering the situation, he tilted his head and looked at blue sky above them. His eyelids were half open as the sun was shining down upon them. Looking straight into the sun, even for a dragon, for too long would be bad, at least for their sight.

He moved his head back down but from the corner of his golden eyes, he was able to notice a figure standing further behind him. It must've been a random bystander in his mind, but still, he could deduce that it was a person of the elven race. He did not pay the inferior race any mind, but decided to continue his conversation with his kin instead. "Oho, I am much bigger, than this, I am just in my human form right now.." He extended his arms out in the empty air and circled them around. "But I guess in my human form I am the little one here." He chuckled to the thought of it, because he was half-right in what he was saying. "Anyways, I am just like you, a dragon.." He smiled at the drake, wondering how it would react.

Slibil looked confusedly ay Dhuun. She had gathered that she was a dragon. But if he was also a dragon...then she looked like that. And she knew she didn't look like that.

Another person came up behind the first. Was she also a dragon? Slibil turned to the townspeople behind the girl, most of whom were watching, then back to Dhuun. Yes, he was different. If he was a dragon and she was a dragon and he had a human form, she must too. Thinking on this, Slibil stretched out a claw and touched Dhuun, as if trying to make a tactile connection to the concept.

The crowd reacted. "Is it attacking him?" "I think it's...talking." "I heard in the old times people used to ride dragons. Is he going to ride it?" They pushed forward. Slibil, alarmed, beat her wings and lifted herself off the ground. "I can meet you by the forest," Slibil called to Dhuun as she headed south to cut her first adventure short. As far as the townsfolk could tell, she was shouting at them for approaching.
"Well met, indeed, little one. I am morose to admit that your story would not be uncommon amid our kind. There are so few of us left that extinction bears down upon our proud race."

Skyvalla gave a bit of a trilling appreciation, she had not expected to be so accepted and welcomed into the Great One's presence. But now she was she felt bolder and flew at a more accompanying distance, though still mindful of his size and obvious power. However his words saddened her. It wasnt as though she expected her race to be still strong and powerful, she knew extinction was a possibility but she had held some hope that it was not so bad as it seemed. But no, apparently it was so, they were on the brink...

'Skyvalla...where are you? Have you found anything? I'm going to hurt something if I don't find something to do.'

She was lurched out of her reverie by Garruk's gravelled voice intoning in her mind and her ears swivelled quickly towards her Rider's location. Suddenly her heart was torn, she wished to fly with this great being for much longer and she had so many questions but she could not so completely abandon Garruk. She would have to trust in her speed.

"Mighty One I would fly with you for a time if I might, but first I must pick up my Bonded. I have a bad habit of leaving him behind often..." She gave a huffed sigh before snapping her wings against her body and diving out of the sky towards the Mountain peaks below her, arrowing for the Valleys where she had left her Rider a few hours prior.

Bonded, a Dragon! I have found another Dragon! Prepare to leave, I must follow him. If you wish I will leave you somewhere along the way, or you can accompany me but right now we must fly.

She spiralled into the valley and landed in a tornado of snow and pine needles next to Garruk, bending her leg and swinging her tail back and forth in impatience as she waited for him to swing onto her back. Once he was settled she took off again like an Arrow from a bow and once in the air it was easy for her powerful wings to catch up with the Old One. For the moment she was quiet as she flew, noting that his attention was definately elsewhere than her, though she sensed somehow that he was also pleased to meet her.

They went far, crossing Nifora completely and finding their way back to Selvana where at last they landed. Skyvalla watched in amazement as the Great Dragons giant bulk spun and morphed right in front of her into some small, slight human male. It was definately still him, his eyes and aura betrayed him, but Skyvalla had never once tried her Human Form as a young Dragon, there had been no need to, so she inspected him closely and circled the suddenly tiny bulk of her Elder with great curiousity.
"It appears there is much I do not know of my own race..." She murmured.
There was not much time to react between being accosted by all sorts; It was Tiernoch's way to be slow and deliberating, yet all these youthful creatures bubbled around him. Before he could answer the lapdog's questions, they were bolting off towards Selvana. A slight smirk curved his lips. 'It seems that he is intent on finding me. I doubt with all their hurrying they could notice a flame in the darkness.'

Tiernoch mused over this for several moments, taking in the heady scent of the poppy flower field before the hatchling had come before him once more, now with a mortal Orc-kin perched upon her backside. A frown then forced its way upon his face, a cause for knitting each brow together. He'd not seen a mortal rider since the times of the Gentle King, an act he personally found distasteful and submissive, though this was his pride as a dragon reacting.

The trouble soon dissipated from his features as he chose now to speak once more, his disguise also tempering the power that his voice held before into that of a refined Elf-kin male, lilting and clear.
"Long ago, dragons still coexisted peacefully with the other races. In particular, the keepers of the natural world, whom was shared with many secrets, and their secrets in exchange, namely illusory magic which enables us to appear as they do so long as we will it, to hide among them and the other mortals, as not all understand what we are."

The ancient dragon gladly divulged what he knew with Skyvalla; It was his purpose to ensure that the lore of Morcaida was never lost, and to do so, he must seed the tree of knowledge within the hearts and minds of his kind. A gentle breeze danced through the open clearing, stray petals flowing past him as the world kissed him windy. The Old One's burning eyes settled on the palace of the Gentle Court far in the distance.

Despite meeting with another of his species, his mission still weighed heavily, especially when discussing the mortal races.
"I forgot my manners... I am the Lore Keeper, King Tiernoch de Ka'les. What of you, youngling? And your... rider." This last word seemed to be forced. Although he understood the Bond, he'd never experienced it for himself out of disdain, even when he had much more appreciation for the inferior kin than he did now.
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The voice from the belly of the cave rumbled with such authority, and power that even young Tiriel stopped in her tracks, hesitant to move forward. Loud, boisterous, it shook the walls of stone, and that alone made her wonder if she should continue on, or turn back. But Gaoth pushed her along, the winds of her mother spirit rushing against her back moving her forward. Such a curious spirit she was, but Gaoth wasnt the only one who was reacting. Tiene's own spirit licked at her fingers, his fires growing with excitement in her palm as she drew closer, and closer to the voice. The elf sighed, and gazed at the flames upon her fingertips with a raised brow. Surely her parents wouldnt lead her into danger, and it was clear now that they knew something she did not.

The voice asked it question, speaking of elven mockery in a language she knew...but hadnt heard in ages. The forgotten language of her people, something not not many of the elves retained to this day. Before she could even reply to this question, she had to see who asked it. She must see his face...the one who was clearly an elder, clearly wise in her peoples old ways. Tiriel rounded the corner, her flames giving light to a large room, and the being who had spoken.

She shrieked.

The sight was not something she had expected, and surely couldnt have been real. Even if the people of Nifora claimed to see dragons hovered over the village, Tiriel had never once in her life witnessed a true dragon in the flesh. Her surprise was expected, her fear well met by the power coming from this strong creature. She must answer his question now, must give the beast an answer lest he burn her here and now out of shear annoyance. Her flames continued to lick excitedly upon her fingertips as she gazed at him, her voice now coming from her lips in a near whisper,"I....was born of Gaoth and Tiene nearly 200 years ago. The....old language isnt spoken much these days. I apologize." It was clear she wasnt familiar enough with the ancient language to speak it fluently, and without mistake, but familiar enough that she can formulate an understandable sentence.

And so she had spoken to the dragon, mighty and brilliant white. He hadnt yet shown any hostile actions, and so her blade had not been drawn, but it still remained on Avidia's hilt as Gaoth's winds embraced the young elf, breezes dancing around her as if she had made the right decision. Hopefully this dragon would think the same.


Scylla watched her human use the power that the slaves had every right to be afraid of, and that grating dragon laugh slipped from scaled lips once more. It was a joy to see the assassin hanging there from his grasped writhing, and gasping for the air she'd not get. Even as her little disguise slipped away, she attempted to take her human's life, but it was all too late. Only when the master arrived did things seem to get a tad more interesting. The sorcerer spoke to Melech, complaining about pests. Surely he could see that she, and her human had taken care of the little elf before things got out of hand, and so, as he looked up at her with an expectant gaze, she raised her head, and arched her neck sitting in a proud manner, and huffing at him in response. He may be The Dark Sorcerer, but she was dragon.

Her attention fell away from The Master and fell upon Melech, who still had the little elf in hand. Craning her head downward, she brought her snout close to the girl, and sniffed once before huffing out plumes of smoke in the girl's face. Not that she would be conscious enough to react. The elf stunk, she stunk of forest, and dirt. She stunk of the lovely queen's land. A deep voice, sultry, and amused echoed within Melech's mind then. "You're such a good human, Melech. You've captured one of Lady Appoline's assassins. She smells of earth, and wood. I assume she's been hiding out under our noses for quite some time now." Another grating laugh shook the dragon's form before she raised her head once more, and awaited her human to act.​
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In times like this, that Shin-ak really questioned his judgment with running away from that man he saw within the forest earlier. There was something very very, strange about him. There was no way he would have been there without seeing the great dragon Tiernoch. Shin-ak said to himself. He looked back towards the edge of the forest. He squinted his eye till they seemed like a straight line.

With his eyes like this he was trying to get a fix on the air trying to see if there was something in the air. Shin-ak could not make anything perfectly out. His curious mind ran rapid; his thought process could not be stopped without proper answers. That's how he ran; he could not just let things go idly by without his questions answered. Shin-ak started walking towards the forest yet against after all he went through to just get this close to the capital of the nation. He knew this would upset the Dark sorcerer greatly, but he was nowhere close to the Sorcerers grasp.

Shin-ak started to get closer to where he met that man. Shin-ak hid with in a bush, masking his presence and smell with the bush. Shin-ak listened closely to what the man was saying to the dragon and the orc which greatly surprised him seeing an orc no less riding a dragon. When Shin-ak heard the man say his name, Lore Keeper, King Tiernoch de Ka'les his questioned were then answered but lead to more questions.

Shin-ak now thought how was the dragon Tiernoch able to conceal in image. He then remembered Tiernoch talking about how dragons were taught "Illusionary magic." This then stopped his mind on focusing on that aspect of his questions but he still had one more. Lore Keeper, this title he has heard before but what exactly did it bring? Shin-ak now only focused on finding out more on Tiernoch and the knowledge he knew, not because of the Dark sorcerer's orders but because of his own quest of curiosity.

Shin-ak now knowing his true intentions, he wondered if he should keep his concealment in the bushes or if he should make his point known to them all. This was one thing that took Shin-ak the quickest to answer. His decision was to come on out and explain himself. Shin-ak took himself forward and out of the bush walking towards them his hands raised up high above his head waiting to make it know he was not here to fight. My name is Shin-ak Kyoutozaki, yes I am someone who was supposed to track down Tiernoch but I have had a change of mind I want Tiernoch to tell me about the old world tell me about what happened before the Dark sorcerer. Shin-ak said awaiting the decision from the man himself Tiernoch.

He noticed that his little grip did the trick. The orc reverted back to its actual form, to that of an elf, and elven female at that. "Oho?" He uttered, surprised to know that it was actually a female. It was not what he expected, but it didn't really matter. He could see her trying to shake herself off of his grip, but it was pointless, even if she was dangling her legs around with her nails dug down his hand. However, Melech could notice that something else was happening, and could feel that he was losing the air he was breathing, the air in his lungs, his body. She was literally sucking the air out of him. Even to Melech, that would be dangerous. But, he was more than just a human, his body had been modified, he even looked different. His pale skin and pure red eyes with black outlines around it was a result of what he had become. Moments later, before he actually did react to her little attack, the elf became more "friendly". The suffocation process was almost complete. She stopped fighting back, but before that, he noticed the presence of his Master. His hand was somewhat bleeding because of the nails of the elf he had in his grasp, but the pain was ignored.

He moved his eyes towards the Sorcerer before his grin faded away. "The pest has been dealt with.." He stated, before a smirk came across his face. "I'll take care of this elven assassin.." He continued. Unfazed by the event that just occured he slightly lessened his grip on her neck, just so she could get that little oxygen through her lungs. Melech noticed how his dragon, Scylla didn't like the way Master spoke, but there wasn't much Melech could do there, he was indebted to him, but he also understood his own dragon. Moments later, she approached him, but huffed at the female assassin. Melech smiled towards the woman he had captured. He gazed at her figure before moving his eyes towards the poor soul. It was a clear signal so she wouldn't try to do anything reckless, because not only him, but maybe his dragon would deal with her. "Don't do anything foolish, little girl.." He warned her.

Not so long after, he loosened his grip and let her fall to the ground as the peasant she was. His dragon spoke to him telepathically. He extended his arm out and stroked her leg. Her size was quite big but thats how in size they really are. 'Maybe I should let you eat her.... But only after I've had my way with this woman.' Having said that, he looked at her like the helpless person she was. She was alone there, enemies surrounded her, the Sorcerer was there and Scylla was there. What could she even do?. Melech would instantenously seep the life out of her. Crossing his arms before his chest he approached her. She was coughing and barely conscious. "I'll take care of her.." He finished. Moments later, he struck her at the back of her neck so she'd go unconscious. He pulled her up with his arms and threw her on his right shoulder. His arm was wrapped around her body. It was time to take "care" of this elven beauty.
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Ok, so maybe Lemiwaux hadn't failed as badly as she first thought. Her vision cleared as soon as she felt the oxygen fill her lungs, felt her ribs expand with just the one intake of breath. Her golden eyes watched Melech, turn to the dragon. In the back of her mind, she had thought that she had heard the sorcerer, a truly evil voice, even more so than the voice of the man who had very nearly choked the life right out of her. Lemiwaux was conscious enough to realize it was a good thing she was dealing with Melech, instead of the sorcerer.

Don't do anything foolish little girl. It took a minute to register, Melechs words.

Lemiwaux fell to the dusty ground with a loud thud!, her head hitting the stone, knocking the wind out of her one more time. The air rushed back to her as she gasped, coughed, tried to sit up. She put a hand under herself, tried to get up on shaking knees. There was a ringing, a pain, as Lemiwaux turned and looked up at Melech with golden eyes. No matter how helpless she really was, she was in denial. She wasn't going to plead for her life, wasn't going to offer a single word. It was obvious, written across her face in black charcoal that smelled of smoke and ash.

Beyond the point of focus, the world was spinning. Blood ran down the side of her head, caking the dust and mud to her face and in her hair. On top of the spinning buildings, the spiraling plumes of smoke from the furnaces, the droplets of blood dripping from her chin, the newfound ringing in her Elven ears... Melech said something that, while it didn't spell her doom, certainly made her uneasy. What reason did she have to believe this was bad? She could barely make out the words beyond the screeching in her ears, her moment of illiteracy. It was just a gut instinct, something that told her what kind of deep shit she was in...

She had been in Divinia ever since Queen Appoline ascended the throne. She had been out in the wilds for years, living in rabbit holes and eating roots, all for the hope that she would find something of value to the Queen. Something that might prepare her kingdom for battle. And yet, there Lemiwaux Gillafain was, covered in muck, smelling like Divinia's soil, panting for air, blood dripping from her head... What had she accomplished? Nothing? Well, was she defeated, or wasn't she?

Lemiwaux, for all she knew, her last act of defiance was to spit on Melechs boot. Melech was the last thing she saw before he struck her, and everything...

Faded to black...
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Luna was a bit perturbed at basically being ignored by not only the drake-which she could understand ignoring her. But the golden haired man too?? Now that was a bit insulting, she was about to approach them when the drake suddenly leaped into the air and flew off with another roar toward the forest it seemed. Blinking in surprise she frowns, was it frightened of the townspeople around them? Tapping the golden haired man lightly on the shoulder she waits for him to look at her before speaking. "Uh hi there, sorry to intrude. But were you by chance speaking to that young drake? Are you a rider?" Her voice was soft and light, much like a soothing breeze, but her tone held curiosity looking up at the man with honest turquoise eyes. She ignored the whispers and exclamations from the people around her, dragons didnt frighten her, they fascinated her.
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The dark sorcerer looked at the dragon showing, his, untruest worthiness of the dragon. The Dark sorcerer despised all dragons that were not under his control if they were riding with someone else he had even more despise for them even if they were riding with one of his own. This distrust and despise grew greater when the Dragon of Melech's mocked its loyalty and respect for him. "Melech you do know that this thing should first be questioned not played with until all knowledge is taken out of her." The sorcerer moved his robed hands to his back. "I hope you heed his order well I would hate for you to kill this girl without know if there are more assassin like her out in my slave fields. " He stated as he turned around and looked at his slaves. "For compensation on holding off your killing how about you have your little lizard here take three lazy slaves?" He suggested knowing this would irritate the dragon have somewhat direct orders from him to her. "I bid you all a pleasantly kill full dead." He said before letting out a dark chuckled before letting his dark smaug come over him and move him back into his chamber room.
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Drake awaited in silence as the voice made it's way towards him, a small flame guiding it. The flame exposed the large stone room, and the dragon who sat within it. The elf shrieked, but not out of fear, but as if a child have discovered their long lost toy. The elf stood with long blonde hair, while her skin sat even the palest of color. Drake guessed the young elf to be of 100, a mere child, however with a gaze towards her weapon, his thoughts over took him. She is of elf, yet a power poors from her, and she smells of fear. Then the female elf spoke, her ancient speech broken, while her voice was in a whisper. "I....was born of Gaoth and Tiene nearly 200 years ago. The....old language isn't spoken much these days. I apologize." Drake face changed as the elf spoke of the two gods, never before spoken of by ancients. "Who ar-" Drakes voice was cut off by a blood curling roar, his in fact. The cave shook as he slammed against the cold stone floor, nature flourishing around him, while a blinding light consumed him. The light lasted for only a few monuments, but where the large dragon once sat was now a small pale man. He lied on his side, his back facing the female elf. He lied upon a small patch of grass, while 3 large vines broke from beneath the stone few feet behind him, rushing towards the female elf.
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The creature was large, and pleasantly easy to look at. Fearsome, and mighty...yet she felt she wasnt in any real danger. She had spoken her words, answered his question. He was about to ask another when his sudden cry shook the cave, and rang loud in her ears. She jumped from the sound, and watched in disbelief as the mighty dragon fell over, her own bright eyes instantly filling with worry before she had to shield them from that blinding light. What was happening? What was wrong with the dragon? Tiriel dropped her arm from her eyes as the light faded, and gazed upon the pale man laying in the dragon's spot. She'd heard stories of dragons being able to shift from dragon to human, but never thought it true. She had no time to think upon this though as three vines thrust themselves in her direction.

What was happening?

Tiriel clenched her teeth as the flames dancing on her fingertips flickered. She was confused, but she wouldnt let this be her downfall. Not now...not when she had just discovered something so magnificent. "Tiene! Lend me aid!" The flames on her fingertips grew, and swirled around her creating a flaming shield, and as they did, they grew a bright, magnificent white. Light, just like the dragon's had, lit up the cave as white flame burned away the magical vines on contact. The fire then faded once again from white to red to nothing. Heat licked at her skin as Tiene's flame burned within her, her father spirit caressing his daughter, giving her his protection. Tiriel thanks the fire spirit before rushing to the dragon's side, and falling to a kneel beside him...she dare not touch the mighty beast though. " you live? Are you okay?" Worry was heavy in her Elven voice. She waved her hands over his head where a gentle wind blew over his face, cooling him.

Within his mind he would hear the echoing voice of Gaoth, a beautiful voice cooing to him.
"Rise dragon. I am Gaoth Goddess of the Winds. Awaken, your elf is waiting..."


The Master could be such a nuisance at times, and her annoyance for him was growing more, and more as he remained here. Fortunately for him, she respected him enough to not remove his intelligent head from his less appealing shoulders. Scylla huffed again as she watched the elf female fall to the ground and spit upon her human's shoes. Such a disgusting little creature. Surely Melech didnt mean what he think she would even think to place such a dirty piece of meat in her mouth. The thought was distasteful. Scylla huffed a plume of smoke at her human, attention returning to The Master. Now he was insisting she devour slaves....she'd rather feast upon the elf.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the touch of her human's hand upon her leg, a touch to which she responded by craning her neck, and turning her head toward him. Snout mere inches from his face. It was amusing really...his entire body was even half the size of her head. Such a tiny...powerful man. "Tiny human, do as you will with the elf. Her scent is distasteful to me; Earth, and eating a tree. I assure you, I do not need the fiber." She chortled at him, and then turned her attention to the slaves that gazed on at the scene. And within minutes, she'd grasped three of the laziest within her tail, and two front hands.

"I am off to dispose of the scum as requested by The Master. You are My Human, and so should you need me, all you have to do is call. I shall come."

And with that, she flew off.​
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Melech stood by and listened to the Master before he left, his eyes diverted to his dragon. A smirk came across his face before he turned around. 'Splendid, because I know what I need to do with her' Giving his Scylla a simple respond, he started to walk away, with the elf on his shoulder. It was time to visit the science department that he oversees. It was time to turn this elf into something else, something more darker. Something that he can send back but as a spy for her, but only so she could get closer to the Princess, and to eventually assassinate her. A grin marred his lips. His strings on his helmet fluttered greatly, due to his dragon flapping her wings to ascend and disappear. It was time for her to heed the Masters words and take care of some slaves.

"Don't worry, little Elf.. I will make sure to fix you up" He uttered, though he knew she wouldn't hear a word of it, she is after all unconscious. The slaves around the area were afraid, some of them even averted their eyes from him and down the ground. Some started to work. "Change is good!" He laughed.

He had big plans for this woman. He telepathically decided to speak to his lovely dragon, Scylla. 'After I am done with my little experiment, we'll have to find out where the Old One went. And perhaps quell your hunger, if any, that is' Melech hadn't forgotten about the Ancient dragon, and it still begged his mind. He wanted to know absolutely everything. It was his nature, his dark and sinister nature.


He didn't flinch, or stepped back. Both his hands were on his hips as the dragon before him touched him. A curious expression formed around his face. He did not utter a single word, but he could hear the rants by the townspeople around the area. He did not look back, to see their reaction. He had a smile on his face, because he knew what the dragon was trying to do. Moments later, ascended into the sky and Dhuun's gaze followed the dragon. "Why not. I'll meet you there. Shortly." He gave it a proper respond before it flew away. This dragon needed the knowledge to understand this world, and how it works. He wanted to help his own kin. He wanted to see what it could do. His mind was piqued with interest and questions. His curious side got the best of him.

Momenst later, a woman, who he knew was always there, poked him from behind. "Hmm?" He uttered, before turning around, facing the blonde Elven woman. "Maybe? I may be its rider." He decided to give her half the truth, but in actuality, wanted to have some fun. He could feel this familiar feeling inside him when he gazed at her. She was different than what he had expected, but seconds later, the feeling changed drastically. No moments hesitation, he knew that he found his rider, but he was not the type to easily accept one to ride him. The Golden Dragon, that is. Dhuun scuffed before he turned around. He walked a few steps forward before he turned around, looking at the woman from the corner of his golden eyes.

"So, don't you want to find out more? Wanna come?" He asked her, with a cheerful and playful voice.
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Luna blinks in surprise at the mans unpredictable attitude, but she cant help but smile at it. Something felt...Different about him, she couldnt quite put her finger on it though....Not yet. To his unexpected invitation she giggles softly tilting her head slightly at the hold haired man, her own white-blonde hair falling to the side some with the motion, her eyes curious. "Hmm your a very interesting man, alright I shall accompany you, try anything though and you'll regret it." Her voice is light and teasing with a serious undertone at the end, she wasnt one to be underestimated. Walking up to him she holds out her pale slender hand to him smiling brightly, "My name is Luna" For some reason looking into the large man's gold eyes gives her the feeling that he knew something about her....Something she couldnt figure out.
The dragons unwilling call to his power was quickly defeated by the elven girl, sending flames to purge the vines. With a smile and a thanks, the young elf ran to drakes side, falling to kneel beside him. "Dragon!...Do you live? Are you okay?" but her words only egged through drakes ears, pain still ran through the dragon, he was prisoner in this body. "Rise dragon. I am Gaoth Goddess of the Winds. Awaken, your elf is waiting..." Drakes head rose from the cold stone ground, while his body acted the same, standing drakes back faced the elf. "I am cursed by my very faith...." Drakes words where no longer of the ancient elf, but the very same the girl have spoken. "This...curse gives me power....but at a painful cost. Rider, i will follow you." Drakes voice was deep, holding a serious tone. His white hair fall just past his eyes, while it faded around his long pointed ears. The back fell just about to the middle of his long pale neck.
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