The Aether - Harbour in the Sky

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Hey Kria, welcome to Iwaku! And yeah, it's a Jump In, so you can just start whenever.
I still need people to help me in who's talking to who, and who is where, and I'm still waiting on Novapierce to answer my question, which is why I haven't posted! Please help me out! Most of you are only tracking yourselves and maybe whoever you're talking to while I'm trying to keep track of all of you at the same time!
*unleashes the Summary Monster*

Uunia, the Indian-like aristocrat = Talking to Arthur in the harbour
Richard, the random poet = Talking to someone(?) in the harbour

William, the random artist kid = Sitting in the harbour looking through his luggage
Greg, the Inventor = In his shop at the edge of the harbour
Roman, the watch sergeant = Going to harass William and Greg as he walks across the harbour

Captain Sortaec of dodgy steambot ship = In the clerk's office, talking to Spaulding
Captain Spaulding of the Titanic - In the clerk's office, talking to Sortaec

Jayde, the bounty hunter = In the pub.

Jericus, the Mechanic = In his factory somewhere
Thanks, Asmo. Still waiting on Nova to answer my PM so I can figure out how to respond with Arthur. Also, who's turn is it with the clerk?
haha random artist kid. =D