The adventure of time

Fay was bored. Bored to death, almost. Not really, when she came to think about it. There was plenty of home work to do. She sighed and opened one of the books, she didn't really feel like studying. Who did? She read page after page. Soon she had finished the chapter, and looked at the assignment. "Read chapter 8 and answer the questions." She looked at the questions, only to find out it would take at least one page to answer the first question, and probably all of the 7 that was left after that. She didn't feel like doing it. Not at all.

After answering both question 1 and 2, Fay felt that she was done. She yawned a bit and looked out the window again. She thought of those guys and those eyes that would never stop haunting her. She shook her head. That guy had really gotten into her head, she thought. She put her books together and looked at the people walking down the street, trying to imagine what kind of life they were living.
Sandra and Allen discused widely about the security sistems and some posible upgrades to it. Relying in all those machines, computers and bytes wasn't the way Allen used to plan his security staff. But Sandra was good, and she had a point; Human beings aren't perfect, and just a silly mistake and everything changes. But fear not! The company she was representing was there to help them! She had to assume it, their advertising was a little bit... Exaggerated. "Then I believe is all settled?" Said Allen getting up. "Yes, Mr. Sanderson. Everything is set. Next week our team will come and install the new systems. Allen looked at her. "Yes. I didn't forget about 'that'. The files of the team who will install the new system will be sent to you tomorrow first thing in the morning." Said Sandra. "Nice doing business with you." Said Allen smiling, offering a firm handshake to Sandra.

Like his position demanded, he accompained her to the entrance and bid her a professional farewell. But Allen didn't returned inmediatly back into the house. He stood in front of the entrance door, looking at the people pass by. 'Hang in there, Anderson. We got you. We got you.' His dull old eyes looked at the horizon, lost in his memories again. 'Overlord! How are we on that extraction?' Why was this happening again? 'Doing good, man. You are doing good... What the hell, Jimmy, Where is our extraction?' Allen forced himself back to the present and slowly walked back inside. 'Overlord, Anderson is bleeding to death. Where the hell is that extraction?' Maybe a cold shower buries those memories back where they came from.
Fay looked at her arm. There was plenty of time left. She thought of those who almost had no time at all, the once who died. She had been thinking of it quite a lot, what it was like not having centuries of time at ones. She thought about the poor districts. Had she ever met anyone who wasn't from her own district or close to it, who was rather rich? Sometimes she felt spoiled. She thought of if she really deserved all of the time that she had, when there was people willing to kill for just one more day. But that was far away though, somewhere else. That didn't mean it didn't exist, though. She opened the door to her room, she had to talk to Allen about it. He would understand.

Soon Fay was sitting at his desk, since he wasn't at his office yet. She was sure that he would come soon. She looked at all of the papers, tried to imagine what it was like working with that all day. She made sure not to touch anything since she didn't want to ruin anything, in case he had sorted it somehow, in a specific order, or something. She looked at the whole room for a second, as if it was hers. Then she looked towards the door, waiting for Allen to come.
Allen walked slowly all across the huge mouse, heading to his office. Once in there he notices someone is in there, and so he open the dor als walks inside. "Oh, Fay. Didn't expected you here." Said him taking off the jacket of his suit, leaving to the sight the leather chest holster and the gun strapped to it. "How did the breakfast with your parents went?" Asked him leaving the jaket in a chair. "Is everything alright.." Said Allen, leaning on the table and looking at her. She looked like she owned the place, and that made him smile. "... Boss?" Said him finishing the sentence.
Fay looked at Allen as he walked inside. Finally she didn't have to wait any longer! She looked at him, and a big smile was seen on her face as he ended his sentence. Boss. She wasn't sure if she had ever been called a boss before, it felt strange. But at the same time it felt somewhat good, she felt more adult than otherwise. "Well, the dinner was alright. We talked for a bit, they said that education is important, the best way to learn from life, while I thought that learning from life by actually living it was a better alternative", she said and smiled a bit, although it was quite seriously, what she was talking about. And what she was going to talk about, as well. She looked at Allen with a far more serious gaze than she meant to.

"I'm just a bit curious about something", she started out. "I'm thinking about time. Not everyone has as much time as you and I. How come? And, don't you feel a bit spoiled sometimes... for having such a great amount of time... well, at least I do... maybe you don't, maybe you've... earned it", she said, and she almost was confused by her own thoughts. Then she looked at Allen, hoping he would have a good answer for her questions.
Allen nodded and sat in one of the chairs in the room. Those were some tough questions to answer. "Well, the way our society is built, there will always be poor and there will always be rich people. And in order for rich people to be rich, there must be poor people they could compare themselves with. Just like you did." He sighed. "Is not a bad thing, Fay. You did nothing wrong. Your father earned all that time, I'm sure he already told you a thousand times how he earned it. And your mother, well, as far as I know, her family was quite famous and rich a few years ago." Allen looked at Fay. "And you are not spoiled, you are a good girl, you study pretty hard, you are kind, helpful, and nice... It may be a little bit too much, you are right, but all the time your father gives you is one of his ways to say he is proud of you. Believe me, he was born and rised in a rather poor district. If he would think you don't deserve it, he wouldn't give you all that time." Said him with a smile. "Of course, I'm just wondering out loud."
Fay nodded thoughtful. Allen was right. She did deserve all the time she had. If she didn't, her father wouldn't give it to her. On the other hand, it felt wierd thinking that he would let her run out of time just like that. That was killing, wasn't it? Killing your own child. That just sounded very wrong and wierd, she thought, and sighed. She wasn't good at this.

She opened her mouth, but closed it again. She wasn't sure whether she wanted to know anything more or if this was the end of the disscusion. She looked at him thoughtfully and then stood up. "May I do something on my own?" she asked, because Allen was probably quite busy, and she didn't feel like being stuck in the house forever. She smiled a bit at him. "Please?"
Allen looked at her, getting a little bit more serious. "Let me guess.... That thing involves you getting out of the house all by yourself?" Wondered him. "Fay, you know I don't like that." Said him, realizing he may was being a little bit overprotective, but in the end, that was his job. "I wouldn't like having to punch half of the city's faces in order to find you if something happened to you." Said him, still serious. He would probably do that if it was required to help Fay. Allen looked at Fay again and sighed. But in the other hand... She was old enough. "Mmmm... Let's do something. You tell me exactly where are you going and where are you going to be, and I will give you a couple of hours. After that, If you are not back, I will turn the city upside down if I have to in order to find you. Deal?" Said him.
Fay smiled as he finally agreed to letting her go out on her own. She laughed a bit as he mentioned punching half of the city's faces, although she didn't doubt he wouldn't actually do it if that was what was needed. She nodded thoughtfully as he had finished. It sounded good, she was okay with that. "That sounds great. I'll tell you exactly where I'm going and then you'll come looking for me if I haven't showed up in a couple of hours. How many?" she asked. She would like to know when to be back. Because if 'in a couple of hours' could mean both 2 and 4 hours, then who knew for how long Fay could have been gone when Allen finally decided to go looking for her?

She looked at him, and then at the desk. Then she looked at her lap. Where was she going to go? She wasn't quite sure. The park didn't feel like a good idea, although it was tempting to go down there again. Allen wouldn't like that, though, she thought. Maybe she could just go for a simple walk somewhere outside. On the other hand, then Allen wouldn't know exactly where she was. She sighed. This was harder than she thought it would be. "I don't know where I'm going."
Allen looked how she was uncertain where to go and quickly understood wwhat was happening. "You feel caged here, right?" Said him with a smile. "This place is huge, but still it feels like a prison sometimes..." Said Allen as he got up. His job was to ensure her well being, and right now she didn't seem as happy as he had seen her many times before. "Could I suggest something? You could call some of your friends and go grab a drink in some pub of the district." Said him, making it sound like a nice and safe plan.
Fay looked at him, surprised but happy. Did he really suggest that? It sounded too good to be true, almost. Would he really let her do that? With her friends it wouldn't be a problem though, she thought. She smiled at him and nodded. "That's a good idea, I love it!" she said and looked around. "Well then, um, could I borrow your phone? To call them... or at least one of them", she said. She thought of who she might could call, there were plenty of girls she knew but she wasn't that close to any of them. But soon she came to think about someone she knew better than the others, and if she was right there wouldn't be just the two of them, since this girl she knew had plenty of friends herself.
Allen nodded, her joyfulness always took the best of him . "Sure, use the one on the table..." Said him walking to the table and putting aside some papers, revealing a phone. "There, all yours." Said him with a smile. Lately, Allen only had smiles for her, that little girl made him feel better with himself and the world in general. "I'll be in the kitchen, don't forget to pass by before you left. I want to know where are you going." Said him and then he left.
Fay grabbed the phone and phoned one of her friends, Mallory. Soon someone picked up at the other end of the line. "Mallory, it's Fay...ette... Fayette. And I was wondering if you'd like to do something? Like, going to the pub or whatever... I'm kind of bored, you know", she said, and then listened as Mallory spoke. "Yeah, sure, you could bring some friends if you like. One? Yeah, that's fine. A guy?" Fay asked and grinned a bit. There had been a long time since her and Mallory had talked about guys or met one. "Great. I'll meet you halfway", she said, and the she hung up. She went out of Allen's office and to the kitchen. "Allen, I'm leaving. I'm going to the pub with Mallory and one of her friends", she said as she passed by, then she kept walking almost without stopping for a second, walking to the hallway to get her coat and shoes on.
Allen was sitting in a stool, talking with the chef, when Fay told him where she was going to be. He nodded in aproval and then took a sip of a cup of something the chef had preparated, too fancy to be pronounced. "Aren't you going with her?" Asked the chef. "No." Replied Allen. "You know, you are too rude with me, Allen. What did I do to you?" Asked the chef. Allen got up with his cup and walked away. "Who konws. Maybe is that I have feelings for you." Said Allen jokingly. "Yeah, yeah. Really funny." Replied the chef. No, the truth was that Allen liked to mess with him, no hard feelings or anything. Afterall, the chef was a pretty nice guy, and he was the one manipulating the food, so it was better to be friendly with him. Who knows, maybe he could try to poison me, thought Allen, almost laughing. Still, his face went serious and he returned to the kitchen. "Hey, chef. I'm going to the games room. Would you like to be beaten at billiards?" Asked Allen. "Beaten? Sir, you are going to recieve the most humiliating defeat you have ever suffered." Replied the chef. And between laughs both of them went to play some billiards.
Soon Fay was ready to go out. She had gotten dressed and closed the door behind her, and looked at the landscape in front of her. It was quite windy, so she hurried up a bit as she stepped out to the road and walked towards the pub. She didn't walk too fast though, they were supposed to meet about halfway, which wasn't that far away, and if she knew Mallory right, she wouldn't be there in a minute.

Mallory was already walking down the street as she picked her phone up, dialing someone's number. To be exactly, she was calling her brother's friend. She was sure that Fay would enjoy it, it was going to be fun. After all, they hadn't been together doing something for a long time. "Hey, it's Mallory, Mike's friend. Ready to go out? I said we'd meet her halfway. I'll wait for you outside that cornershop you know, if that's cool?" she said.
Daniel was leaned on the chair of his room, always perfectly tidy as her mother demanded. The phone rang, and he made a little jump, since he wasnt waiting any call that day. Not that he wasn't doing anything intereting neither. "Yes?" Said him picking up the phone. It looked like it was Mallory, some friend form my brother, thought him. But she was nice, and cute, and having anything better to do he kindly accepted her offer to hang out with a friend of her. So he dressed up in some casual suit, nothing too fancy, and then he walked outside. That wasn't the best of the days, but in this lands there wasn't many good days. He walked to the meeting point and once there he didn't had to wait too long until he saw Mallory. "Hey! Here!" Said him waving his hand and getting to her. "Hey, How are you?" Asked Daniel.
Mallory smiled at Daniel as she spotted him as he finally walked towards her. "I'm fine, what about you?" she asked and then began to walk towards the pub where they were meeting up with Fay. "So, what have you been up to lately?" she asked and glanced at him as she walked.

Fay walked towards the pub, she was almost there. She glanced at the sky and enjoyed the feeling of freedom as she actually walked alone outside, for once. Usually she didn't, but she was happy that Allen had let her. She looked around her, looked at everything, as if she hadn't been outside before. She hurried up a bit when the wind blew even harder than before.
"I'm fine too, a little bit bored, you know, all days the same: College, home, college, home..." Said him with a smile. "So, what did you had in mind for today?" Asked him, following Mallory by her side. He didn't knew her too much, in the end, she was his brother fiend, they had only meet a couple of times before in some party or meeting, he couldn't really remember what was he doing in those places anyway. He always had to pretend for his family to be proud of him, which got annoying sometimes.
"I was just thinking that we'd meet up with Fay, a friend of mine. We're going to the bup. It's been a long time since I met her, so we'll sure do something fun. She can be kind of reckles sometimes", Mallory said smiling, looking at Daniel. She spotted Fay as they got closer to the pub. "Hey, Fay!" she shouted, and Fay turned around. A slightly smile was seen on Fay's face as she realised it was Mallory. Mallory hugged her tight and then turned to Daniel. "Well, this is Fay, and Fay", she said, turning slightly towards her, "is Daniel." Fay looked at Daniel and nodded slightly. "Hi", she said.
Daniel blushed a little bit when he saw Fay. "Hello." Replied him, nodding back. As many man, he had a small weakness for cute girls, and to be fair, Fay was really cute. "So, to the pub, eh? You girls plan to get me drunk?" Asked him jokingly, chuckling.