The Adventure Begins

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Yeah, roll me a strength check at disadvantage because you are carrying two of them

Alright so thats 2 + my strength modifier (+3) so thats a total of 5

(sorry for the extra roll I'm still figuring this out. the results the same either way tho so)
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I'm heading outside as well, behind the awkward formation ^^
You try and pick them up, and fail miserably. Hell, the halfling just seems stuck to the ground. As this is all happening, you all hear a terrible screech
Can I really quickly check to see if anyone else is still in the tavern with us? Because I'm lowkey thinking this is a dragon.
Ditto on that. Im guessing there's a drunk passed out on his face under a table.
Make me perception checks at disadvantage, both of you, or you have the option of only one of you with advantage countering the disadvantage
While this is happening what are those outside doing?
Welp I like fire, so Ihrann is probably just basking in the heat, wishing she had something to cook on the giant fire.

And Perception is another d20, with the ability modifier and whatever proficiency your character has in it. Should be in your character sheet next to the stats. I have a +3 to Perception even though my wisdom bonus is only +1.
Oh crap I forgot that for some reason, lol. Still a +2 though.

EDIT: Eyyy, advantage! XD @Rathashan Ninelives do I see anyone?
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I'm not good at any of those rolls, lol. If you're looking for those left behind, Mavek has probably taken note of the action (approvingly) and went outside after the others to look for the screech. So take the roll with advantage.
Oh crap there was a screech lol. I guess Ihrann, being upset that she was interrupted from her enjoyment of the fire, looks around to see if she can find out what it was?
Uru asks Ihrann "any idea what that was? Also do you want to be that close to the fire?" He starts trying to stamp out the embers and small flames that are closest to her.
The advantage was from Davion who I considered assisting to cancel out the disadvantage the smog, smoke and fire. So it was a straight roll but it wasn't that much of a difference so I'll let it slide. alright, you don't see anyone in the inn, and those outside see the first wave of the invaders and the drum beaters, except it isn't where you usually would expect goblins. Those outside look up at them and they seem to be flying via some sort of leathery wings on their backs
Right. In that case, I'm out. Probably muttering something along the lines of "I thought we weren't fucking burning down the place!" under her breath. (Language, Maeve, :P) That, and probably staring at Ihrann and Uru in utter confusion before facepalming and heading out. "Ohhh... that's a lot of goblins... that's, that's no good." *Cue more cursing for good measure.*
So Ihrann just kinda stares at the half orc with a kind of 'wtf' expression on her face and goes, "Did it look like I wanted to be somewhere else? And leave the poor fire alone, it wasn't hurting you."

Then she'll notice the goblins and be like "Welp, fuck. Anyone got any idea how to get them down from there? Cause I might be related to dragons, but I have no clue how to fly."
... So Mevelia sideeyes you with a 'wtf' expression and just sort of sighs in a 'wtf did I get myself into' sort of way, pressing her fingers to her temples. "I mean, bows work. Crossbows work. Magic works. Heck, you could probably throw something at one and down it. They're not that smart, y'know?"

Holy crap, new thought, someone throw me.
Uru backs away from Ihrann and out the door with his hands in the air in a placating gesture.

To Maeve he says, "Bows sound like a good plan." and draws his longbow.

@the.complex-of-constellations throwing you doesn't sound like a safe or sane plan
Mainly on the sane. I imagine they are a bit too far out of reach for a vertical toss.

Mavek scowls and holds his sword and shield at the ready in case any come in close. "Sorry, but I won't be much help in this unless you've got an extra bow laying about."

(Serves me right for not taking javelins.)
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