The Aberrant Vaults - Lore


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|| Map || The Covenant || The Dominion || Osceli || Scribes || The Order || The Great War || Notable NPCs ||​

The Lands

The Covenant is home to incredible mountains, rocky terrain, and harsh winters. To the far north lies Coldhold, a name fitting for a land almost perpetually covered in snow and ice. It is commonly referred to as the Deadlands due to the earth's inability to grow beyond its evergreens. Just southeast of Coldhold before the mountains begin their rise lies the Cold Scar, an area encased in ice during the Winter that spans from the mountains into the ocean. Due to the elevation, there is only about a 4 month span where this ice has melted enough for travel. Further southeast is the curling peninsula known as the Serpent, home to Storm's Wake and the Head. Due to the constant clashing of cold and warm winds, the Serpent is almost perpetually facing harsh weather. The archipelagos next to the Coiling Sea have rich land used for fruit farms.

Inland lies the capital of the Covenant, Leuvinesce, where the Covenant King and royal line preside. The Gleaming Keep within is ancient in make and white as snow. The province closest to Leuvinesce is Farrenhal, which alongside Leuvinesce and Vyrth, produces the most food crops for the Covenant. Vyrth is located across the Thorymn River, the longest river in Ruane that opens into the Coiling Sea.

The southernmost regions of the Covenant are known as the Hollows. Centuries ago, before the Great War, these marshlands were plagued by magic that left the land boggy and haunted. Necromancy was experimented by Scribes, and due to this, the practice made illegal. To this day, the people of Helmont and Scourgewood burn their dead rather than bury them or send them out to sea. This is in respect and reverence of what their ancestors endured, and to ensure it never happens again.

Up north, though not as far north as Coldhold, would be Blackened Keep, a name given after the keep was engulfed in lava from a nearby volcano. This volcano has been dormant for over a hundred years, but the keep is forever shaped by the now cold, black rock. Northwest of Blackened Keep on coastal peninsulas lies Spearpointe, known mostly for their seafaring, fishing, and whaling.
Covenant Provinces

Nestled just before the Covenant Mountains, the Gleaming Keep stands tall and brilliantly white. The city is quite expansive, housing the majority of its populace within its walls. It is said it is the last city of the Ancients as there are no documents of a time before this city's existence. The city hosts the majority of Covenant holidays and events, such as royal Name Days, Harvest Festivals, and the Solstice Fairs.

Winters are not the harshest in this province. While winter snow will blanket the land for a few months, it is warm enough by the end of spring for the snow to completely melt away in time for the new Harvest.

Leuvinesce is a prosperous province as it is quite large and holds fertile land. It is home to the Covenant King and royal line of House Leuvin. The Leuvin name is only six generations old after King Tynor Leuvin took on the surname to connect his line to the province eternally.

Recently, King Visyn Leuvin passed away leaving his young son, Arront Leuvin, as the recently coronated King.

Architecture is typically very organic and curved due to the influence of the way the buildings were crafted by the Ancients.


Located in the most frigid part of the Covenant, Coldhold is almost completely forgotten. Their saving grace and primary wealth comes deep from within the earth in their mines rich with metals and crystals. The crystals, however, are only useful to the Scribes, and has often been a political point for the Covenant when attempting to sway the Scribes.

The Lord of Coldhold presides in the Frozen Keep, which is known to almost continually have one of its face encased in ice. Lord Barish comes from a long line of Lords who have been loyal to the Leuvin line of Kings, documented even before when the line was Jaer. To this, during the Great War, Coldhold was a stalwart and reliant army.

Coldhold's people are known to be tough survivalists. They've lived in frozen land with fierce bears and wolves to combat either for food or for their lives.

The majority of Coldhold's citizens live indoors, with settlements, cities, and villages all within buildings to live comfortably during the colder months.


Blackened Keep
Centuries ago, Mount Emaer erupted and covered the land in lava. The flow made its way to what is now known as the Blackened Keep. Scribes utilized air spells to cool the lava before it could do more harm resulting in the lava partially encasing the keep in now hardened, black stone.

The keep had always been used as a military fort. Before the Great War, Ruane had been attacked from the north, and thus the northern areas had become more fortified leading up to Spearpointe. During the time of peace before the Great War, Blackened Keep became protectors of citizens who moved close by in efforts to farm the land and mine in the mountains.

Blackened Keep is run by Lord Daniel Freyn and owns the second largest army in the Covenant. They're known for their elite knights known as the Bullwarks. Many all across the Covenant would seek to train at the Blackened Keep if they wish to protect and serve the lands.


Upon the tall northern cliffs looking out to the Frigid Sea presides Spearpointe. Due to the war before the Great War, Spearpointe was once an enemy fortress the Ruanites captured and claimed, which turned the war to their favor and ultimately resulted in their independence.

Spearpointe has since been long held by House Burgham. Most citizens of Spearpointe are fishermen.


Farrenhal provides a lot of the farmland for the Covenant, and is abundant with rich soil and flat plains. Farrenhal's Keep is a large, dome-like structure known for having the best view at any window. It is home to the handsome Lord Theil Vourgous, who almost started the next war about two years prior to present when he accidentally gave a lady a strawberry, to which she was allergic. This lady turned out to be the rebellious daughter of Lord Igrei of Eighe who had run from her home in search of adventure. Luckily, a Scribe was present to save Lady Igrei before the reaction progressed, and was sent home with her secret.

Despite Lady Igrei keeping quiet, rumors still circulate around Farrenhal. Luckily none reach beyond their borders.


Resting upon the Thorymn River just on the cusp of the Hallows lies Vyrth. As the river is quite large and extends to the Coiling Sea, it is used as a port for transported goods.

Fog is prevalent almost throughout the year giving Vyrth the nickname "The Invisible Lands." Also due to the fog, it has a reputation for being haunted by ghosts as the fog tends to cling to the earth in suspicious ways.

Lord Gregor Vareth currently presides over the provence.


Scourgewood is the last remaining province that was affected by the necromancers centuries ago. Due to this, the majority of the Hollows are technically part of Scourgewood now, as most of the survivors of the other former settlements had migrated there. It is not a pretty nor extremely prosperous group, but they provide a lot of medicinal components that can only be grown in murky lands. The people over the centuries have studied and learned how to survive through intelligent horticulture. And while there is value in their medicines, it's incredibly difficult to transport their goods through the Hallows.

Lord Redding Kelphast, the now the oldest Lord in the Covenant, takes a great interest in the medicines his apothecaries produce, touting that it has given him such vigor and life he may live another twenty years.


Along the coast between the Coiling Sea and the Ocean Never Ending presides Helmont. Helmont wasn't always so close to the ocean, however. The torrential waters have eroded the earth, and some say it is only a storm away from being claimed by the waters. Despite this, measures have been made to fortify the surrounding land.

Due to the rough waters, it is not a port. There is a port further south that is on this province's land, however, called Port Daumoore that handles some of the trade between the southern regions and the Serpent's archipelagos.

Helmont is located both in and out of the Hollows, and therefore does have fertile land fit for farming.


Storm's Wake
Most of the Serpent is owned by the Lord of Storm's Wake, Lord Brandon Foreisch. They provide most of the salt for the Covenant due to the flats along the archipelagos. The terrain is rather rocky and difficult for carts and horses, and so their only source of imports is through shipments to their ports.

The citizens of Storm's Wake build their homes into cliff sides or down into the earth due to the near constant storms that form upon the lands. Despite the rain or snow, their homes stay dry and warm. They are welcoming to travelers, and it is tradition to welcome travelers into one's home if a storm is coming.


The Head
The Head gets its name due to its location on the Serpent peninsula. It was once a prison, and three hundred years ago was gifted to House Korvath. It was repurposed as an alternative sentencing for criminals with minor charges. To this day, criminals can be sentenced to the Head, though rumor has it that this is not the best sentencing one could receive.

Despite the rumors and conspiracies of torture and brainwashing at the Head, they have been investigated on multiple occasions and cleared of any suspicions, at least by the King's advisors.



The society is mainly patriarchal, though women can still be in minor positions of power. This is partially a point that caused a schism between the lands of Ruane, and those that reside under the Covenant banner are more mild when it comes to their feelings on the Great War. They've always believed the war was an unnecessary cause for too many deaths, and don't wish to repeat history. As such, while they still uphold many traditions, they are more open to listening to what the citizens of the Covenant want and need.

With their traditions comes the celebration of Ruane's independence, which is celebrated in the early spring months, typically around the time when most regions see the majority of the snow melt away. They consider the Covenant as the continuation of Ruane's legacy, and may often call themselves Ruanites, per the old term used to refer to citizens of the continent of Ruane.

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|| Map || The Covenant || The Dominion || Osceli || Scribes || The Order || The Great War || Notable NPCs ||​

The Lands

The Dominion is comprised of nine different provinces largely in the western regions of Ruane. They own the portion of the main road that ventures across Ruane's land bridge into the rest of the world. Oldpine owns the gate that shuts out foreigners from entering by land while Highveil is responsible for the protection across the Divide, which is the water between Ruane and the neighboring continent. Dreilphin and Reavenhall does also have their coastal duties. Dreilphin's coastal charge also extends inland with three major rivers running through its land.

Evenhold and Valtheed are landlocked with Valtheed being closer towards the mountains that act as a natural divide between the two factions. Eighe rests upon the southern coast leading out to the Ocean Never Ending.

Up north is Neremun and a few hundred miles southeast is Stonefaire that rests right upon the river framed among the mountains.

The land in the Dominion does not see snow as often as the Covenant. They perhaps see snow in one or two months, typically a light dusting or a thin sheet, or ice if it is just a little too warm. By early spring all snow would melt. It is ideal land for farming.
Dominion Provinces

Highveil is the largest city and province in the Dominion, and is home to the Dominion King, King Grovan Drak. House Drak has long presided in Highveil and spearheaded the efforts that led to the Great War.

The land is known to be lush and vibrant and the city densely populated. The keep is known to be one of the tallest structures in Ruane. A major road connects Highveil to Oldpine and Valtheed.

Highveil has a reputation for having corrupt guards, underground criminal activity that goes unchecked, and a larger portion of the populace being impoverished. On the more positive side, the city is rich with music and arts, has many bath houses, and many legitimate businesses.


Oldpine is the oldest province and fort in Ruane. The old fort has withstood a multitude of battles and was gifted to House Layor almost 500 years ago. The province consists of clusters of settlements and farmland, and is responsible for the watch at the Western Gate leading out to the neighboring continent. Due to its rocky terrain, there is not much land to build upon. The roads and paths are known to cut deep into ravines between cliffs, and have issues with rockslides.

It's a very humble province with the smallest population in the Dominion. Neremun and Highveil often aid in the watch along the Western Gate, though not much activity has been reported in decades apart from the approved merchants.


Neremun is filled with green and fertile lands. It is the second main source of farmland in the Dominion next to Highvale. Lord Faen Haveros currently owns Neremun, though it is said his wife is the true ruler. Due to an injury sustained to his head over a decade ago, Lord Haveros struggles with speech and is often forgetful. Lady Haveros speaks on his behalf.

The people are hesitant and unsure what to believe. Since Lord Haveros is otherwise a fit and healthy man, his son has not been appointed in his stead.


Stonefaire is a rather rocky, yet green province. The city is located just upon the river's edge, and is surrounded by mountains. The land is quite beautiful, albeit difficult to navigate. Many of the roads have harsh turns to avoid rocky obstacles making it a somewhat difficult affair to traverse for commerce. Their mines are rich with metals and precious stones, and they are known to craft the finest jewelry.

Leatherworkers and metalsmiths are quite common as well in Stonefaire. It is said they produce the prettiest and strongest weapons in the Dominion as many of their craftsmen find their work as art.


Valtheed is a very old city, though its age is still being studied. Parts were built from ruins, and the foundation was demolished and rebuilt several times in a few places. Citizens don't believe it is older than Oldpine, though scholars believe this could have been the site of the long-dead ancient civilization that lived before them.

Valtheed has always been a larger city, and for a time House Drak considered negotiations to take over the city due to its historical prestige. Ultimately, it was left to the original presiding royal line of House Sylves, who also claim to be direct descendants of the Ancients.


Dreilphin originated as a foreign settlement in Ruane. They came from the neighboring continent a century before the Great War and established themselves quietly. Eventually, they were able to cultivate a well rounded and prosperous land, and was discovered by House Drak early in their time on Ruane. They were left alone until the Great War began, to which the current King Drak negotiated with the neighboring continent for the land and people of Dreilphin. After negotiations were set, Dreilphin became part of the Dominion, and trade would remain open between Dreilphin and their neighbors across the Divide.

House Draugane lords over Dreilphin and is responsible for the protection of the border due to the various rivers that flow through the lands.


Evenhold presides mainly in the mountain foothills and reaches out into the plains that extend towards Valtheed. Evenhold's keep and small city is built within a small mountain and is designed around nature. The area around the city is dense with forest, and villages along the lands are built in small clusters along roads.

Lord Iman Koltaigne rules over Evenhold.


Reavenhall has the smallest keep in Ruane. The land itself s a small sector of fields and forests, and its people live a modest life. Due to how spread out the population is in Reavenhall, highwaymen are in abundance. It is quite common to be robbed along these roads, and so it is also common to hire sellswords as guards to travel through.


The province of Eighe is home to the largest port city in Ruane. It opens out into the Ocean, and accepts trade from approved allied nations. It is also the only port in the Dominion that ventures across the Ocean for exploration or commerce.

Eighe, pronounced ay-hee, is ruled by House Igrei. Lord Bal Igrei's eldest daughter, Naleia, had gone missing for months, and recently returned. It is rumored that she was kidnapped, though no official statements have ever been made to quell suspicions.



The dividing factor in why the Dominion was created in the first place was due to an outcry against tradition and how Ruane was run under one king. The people of the Dominion believe that the Lords of the land should have more say in overall affairs, and that there should be a better distribution and cultivation of food.

The Dominion is currently in efforts to determine if the people will be receptive to women being the Lords of the land, which would result in a law of first born rule rather than first born son. They're currently stuck on if the title is too masculine, and some citizens believe it is a rather odd debate point, but are encouraged by the discussion nonetheless. It is typically a joke at local taverns to make up names for the new Lord title and post them on the board. Whomever has the best made up title that day gets a free round of drinks.

There is a crime crisis in the lands due to how the population of the Dominion clusters together across large portions of land. The cities seem to have guards that are easily paid off, at least according to rumor. And due to the various ports, it is easy to smuggle in illegal goods and sell them on black markets.

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The Lands

Osceli is located in the western mountains around the center of the continent. The land owned is only about a fifty mile radius of land between the mountains and a valley. The main road cuts through Osceli that is typically only used by merchants with permits into either faction, and Scribes going to and from their destinations.

The Osceli School is located upon the nearest mountain overlooking the valley below, and within the valley is a modest town built by Scribes, typically retirees, that consists of homes, shops, and a tavern and inn dating back centuries that is situated along the main road. While the main libraries are located within the school, The Valley also has a library of its own where travelers can donate a book to its shelves.
Osceli Locations

Osceli School of Written Magic
The Osceli School of Written Magic is the main term to describe both the initial schooling for Scribes, but also the entirety of the location, which in addition encompasses the University, dorms, libraries, and space for independent studies and experiments. New Scribes attend the initial portion of their schooling from the point of their discovery into about age 18. In this time, they are provided three meals a day, necessities, and dorms during the school year.

There are about 8,000 students in a given year aged 6-18. While the school is not yet near capacity, it is still a large number of students to attend to. These students have a rotating schedule of aiding in tasks such as cooking, cleaning, or gardening, which are designed to help the students learn basic life skills alongside their academics.

In terms of curriculum, students attend classes that delve into both magic and non. They're taught how to read and write, mathematics, history, and the sciences currently known. Their magic-based classes are their focal point as it is their whole reason for attending this school. They do also offer extracurriculars as the student ages and matures, such as music, painting, tailoring, among others. At age 14 they are required to learn how to ride a horse, and learn how to fight or fend for one's self when they are unable to use magic.

The dorms during their initial years typically house five to ten students per dorm. Classrooms can seat between 10 and 30 students depending on the subject. Many Scribes take on the roles of professors, who are also provided individual rooms for housing. Professors tend to be classified as Masters and have already honed their focus.

Students are required to go home during the Harvest months, but can petition to stay at Osceli if their family does not own a farm, or if their family or guardians are potentially abusive. These requests do require investigation to ensure the child is not attempting to skirt duties, though the claims of abuse are taken very seriously. By Covenant and Dominion law, if a child is deemed unfit in any way to return home, they are allowed to remain in Osceli without guardian intervention.

The Osceli School of Written Magic has not always been the same building. The first location was in the Valley and now serves as the foundation for what is the tavern and inn today. The current location has been in place for the last 300 years.

Elegant halls stretch the interior expanse with large windows that allow for natural light. The exterior holds a grand courtyard, often used for outdoor practicing of spells, a greenhouse and garden, and pathways up and down the mountain.


Osceli University
When a Scribe graduates from their initial schooling, they can elect, and are encouraged, to participate in the university program. This is on the same campus as the rest of the school, and focused more on the upper levels. Dorm rooms are separated into two or three per room, and it is particularly common for curriculum to take them away from campus for months at a time depending on their focus.

University years can range anywhere from two to four years depending on the skill level of the Scribe. Even if a Scribe has an apprenticeship with a Master, they are still able to attend University should they wish. University curriculum is typically more niche and advanced.

The classrooms vary in sizes, though tend to allow for more attendants. The campus can have anywhere from 2,000 to 3,000 upperclassmen each year. All upperclassmen have access to the same facilities as the lower classmen, though their rotation into other tasks are not as frequent.

University students are able to enjoy dueling rooms, their own study halls, and are allowed their own food in their dorms. They also have access to the advanced sections in the library, and can request viewings of tomes held in the Council's Library.


The Libraries
There are several libraries on Osceli grounds. The largest library is within the school's center and is several stories high. This is the largest compilation of both Script and non-magic works, and even travelers are allowed access so long as the textbooks and scrolls do not leave the premises. There are no magical books or tomes housed in this library.

Tomes, books, grimoires, etc, are kept within the Council's Library. This is a smaller library built on the Council's level, and is restricted to only the Council's use. University students and above are allowed to request access to these tomes for the purposes of study, and they are supervised while handling the books. It's very rare to be denied the ability to see a book, but sometimes there is a waitlist.

The library in the Valley is also open to the public, though it holds more non-magic content than it does any Script. It is tradition among travelers to bring a book to be placed into the library, and for Scribes to bring a book back for this library from wherever they've traveled. Travelers are also allowed to take one book for the rest of their travels. These transactions are free, and there is no obligation.


The Valley Homesteads
The Valley Homesteads are often just referred to as The Valley. This is the location in Osceli where Scribes are allowed to either build or purchase homes and businesses to run and live on grounds without political affiliation. They're governed and operated under Osceli rules and requires that at least one owner is a Scribe. This allows for non-magic spouses, children, or business partners to live under Osceli governance. In times of peace, they are not bound by any faction, but unfortunately during times of war, the same laws that are applied to the Scribes and the Order are applied to non-magic citizens of Osceli as well.

The Valley does have a village that was built around the Osceli Tavern and Inn. This establishment is located along the main road, and was built upon part of the foundation of the old Osceli school. A technical drawing of the old school is framed and hung above the bar showing that the tavern only occupies a portion of what the school once was.

Various Scribe owned shops and businesses also line the main road, and around this are residences. If there is no home open for purchase, Scribes can request a plot of land to build their own home. A few homes and businesses utilize what's left of the old school's foundation to cut back on supplies needed. Due to this, many of the buildings look to be a mixture of both old and new architecture.



Scribes have always been inherently neutral, and have always carried a focus on using magic for everyone. And while war has caused its people to choose sides at times, Osceli remains neutral ground. It is considered bad form to draw blood on Osceli grounds as it disrespects the most powerful people in Ruane.

Crime is considerably low on Osceli lands, mostly because everyone is consciously aware they could be seen by the Order, which would make swift work of any criminal activity. Bar fights are swiftly dealt with by the owners, verbal altercations have community aid to help prevent escalation, and anything of serious note is brought to the attention of the Council.

The Council of Scribes is comprised of about 20 to 30 Masters with the Headmaster to sway any votes from a draw, and to officiate any proceedings. Council meetings are open to the public provided they remain quiet during proceedings. They believe in full transparency, once after every new moon the public of Osceli are able to bring any petitions, concerns, or ideas to the Council for deliberation and determinations.

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Who They Are

Scribes write magic through a universal language known as Script. They write these spells using specific and special inks and papers, and are the only individuals who can harness magic. Their affinity towards magic is discovered at an early age typically noticed around ages 6 through 8, but never later than 8. The signs a child has an affinity is the child's continual and repetitive "doodles" that appear to be runic in nature. A Scribe is called out to assess these "doodles" to see if they are part of Script.

Being the only people who can wield magic, they are revered and sought after for their power. There was once a time a millennia ago when it was speculated they ruled the lands, but in present day they do not typically care to partake in political affairs or advancements as a society. Growing as an individual is a main goal, as well as learning more about what magic has to offer. Ruling over the lands is widely regarded as almost underneath them.

Their obligations to the factions came as a necessity of survival and continuation. To be allowed to preside within Osceli, they had to agree that in times of war, they are required to return to their faction's capital. It has been hundreds of years of peace, and so this binding agreement hadn't been much of a thought until recently.

There are Scribes throughout the world that those in Osceli used to keep in touch. Due to the Great War, trade and travel have been heavily restricted, and due to foreign Scribes being unregulated, it is very difficult to invite one into Ruane. Thus, it is fairly common for a Scribe from Osceli to venture out to other continents to report and share research and knowledge.

Scribes within Ruane mainly preside in Osceli, though venture out to work or live across Ruane and even across the world should they choose. Ruane Scribes are governed by the Scribe Council, a group of around 40 to 50 Scribes who have achieved the rank of Master. This rank is awarded to Scribes who have shown an incredible skill within the focus, and with magic overall. Not all Masters are part of the Council as there are hundreds of Masters currently throughout Ruane and the world.

Script is the term used for the runes that make up a spell. Script is the only language that can craft a spell, and is universally understood. Script can also be used as a means to communicate across other language barriers in a non-spell format.

Script has no phonetics and cannot be spoken. To read Script, one just uses the terms from their native language.

In Script, the runes often form words rather than individual letters. For example, the word "heat" would be one rune. The structure of Script depends on the spell, and can often be written in a manner of organized directions and clusters that look like designs of their own. When being utilized in a non-spell format, it is typically written and read from left to right as spells are typically written in a clockwise direction.


Ink and Parchment
In order for Script to be able to activate magically, it also requires special ink and paper components. These components are only crafted by Scribes, and the technique is taught to all Scribes who attend Osceli within their first years of school.

The ink is formed using coal, a plant-based stabilizer, crushed crystals, and the Scribe's blood. Two drops per bottle is enough for the ink to produce its magic. It must be mixed until it produces a slight glow when excited. The ink can be used with any pen, but it is encouraged to be used with a good pen to ensure there are no anomalies when writing. One out of place drop can ruin the whole spell. Any spell written by a Scribe using their own ink will be more potent or have greater success due to the use of their own blood within the ink. Scribes are still able to cast spells written by other Scribes, however, and typically only has very minor differences.

The paper is typically made from wood pulp and cotton fibers that are softened in water and screened into sheets. The Scribe's blood is also dropped into this slurry and mixed before the sheets are removed and dried. It only takes a few drops to make a successful pulp. A Scribe utilizing paper made with their own blood ensures a stronger spell, which in turn makes it easier to cast.


The most common form for written magic is on a Scroll. A scroll contains only one spell per scroll. The complexity of the spell varies depending on the skill level of the Scribe. Typically, Scribes prefer to carry only the spells they write themselves, however, sometimes Scribes are gifted better spells already written. Scrolls are typically encased in waterproof cases that allow for ease of removal or reading. Battle Scribes often have smaller scrolls with simpler spells strapped to their chest along a specialized belt so that they can quickly and easily cast their spells. Due to the ease of scrolls, Scribes who have a focus in magic particular to fighting often prefer scrolls over utilizing a tome. While a tome is powerful, they're heavier, take longer to cast the spell, and drain the Scribe's energy more quickly.


The rarest form of written magic is a tome. Tomes are comprised of hundreds of similar, focused spells that are written to not only work individually, but in tandem depending on how the Scribe utilizes the tome. It is complex, often requiring decades, or even generations of writing, revisions, and trials to get it right. It is more common for a Scribe to inherit an incomplete tome than it is to receive one that is finished. It is incredibly rare for a Scribe to finish their own tome, but it has been done before. These Scribes are highly praised and well known not just by Scribes, but by everyone in the land. Nemiah Toul is one of these few, having written the Ambrose Tome; a tome of great healing. While those interested in healing seek to apprentice under her, it is well known she will always refuse, and is quite secretive of the contents within her tome.

A scribe may inherit a tome either from the passing of a relative Scribe, or by a Master passing it down to their apprentice upon their retirement. On rarer occasion, the Council may award a tome to a Scribe given particular merits. Scribes who have tomes and do not pass it on to anyone have their tomes secured in the Council's library to be studied by petition and supervision.


Spells have a particular format when written on a page. To craft a spell, the Scribe must consider the two main parts that comprise a spell: the Identifiers and the Descriptors. Identifiers define what type of spell will be cast, such as elemental, aether, healing, among others. Typically identifying the focus of the spell. Descriptors define how identifiers will be manipulated.

For example, a simple spell Identifier format would be:


In this simple phrase, water is intended to be cold to the point of freezing. It must be in this order as the water needs to be cold in order to be frozen. This, however, only freezes water and nothing more. The spell still needs to be provided descriptors to know what will be done with the ice.


Pull from

These basic descriptors define the moisture to be pulled from the air around the Scribe to form an ice spike. More descriptors must be added to ensure how much moisture is taken, the shape and size of the spike, and can even define if there is any effect of the ice upon impact, whether it shatters, explodes, boils, or melts.

In order for a Scribe to activate a spell on a page, they must Flourish. Flourishes are hand gestures that define how the spell is pulled and cast. Standard Flourishes either pull the spell offensively or defensively though some spells require a supporting Flourish that looks like a combination of the two.

Offensive Flourishes pull and end with a point towards the target.

Defensive Flourishes pull and end with fingers closed.

Support Flourishes pull and end with fingers crossed.

While a Scribe's imagination is the limitation for what they could potentially write, there are also physical limitations for how much magic they can conjure. Minor spells expend less energy while greater spells can cause considerable fatigue. A Scribe must be consciously aware of their limitations within the bounds of their energy or they can cause themselves to slip into unconsciousness before a spell can even complete in its flourish, or worse. When a spell does not have anymore energy to take from the Scribe, the spell becomes volatile. A once harmless fireball could consume the Scribe in flames. A strengthening ward on the mind can cause an aneurism. A spell of blades can eviscerate the caster. Any Scribe who allows themselves to continually expend beyond their limits is seen as a danger to be around, and in extreme circumstances are forced to retire.



Scribes are made consciously aware of their power at a young age so that they can grow and understand the stance they take as a people within Ruane. Being the only people who can wield magic, they can easily place themselves in positions of power were it not for the regulations in place. Osceli, among many other Scribe societies throughout the world, take a neutral stance in affairs and political gains.

There was a Scribe society centuries ago that took power in their lands, and the people fought back. It was ultimately genocide, and the other Scribe societies had to come together to rid the lands of this power hungry group. Since then, they have remained mostly to themselves to enjoy growing and learning without outside fears.

During the Great War, or sometimes referred to as the Dividing War, the Scribes of Osceli turned against each other to fight for their families. The Scribe Council in this time also frequently met in Osceli to discuss the terms of war as laid out by their kings, and to try to find a way to end the war or find compromises. It was due to their efforts that a peace treaty was formed and negotiated on Osceli grounds. In the years to come, Scribes would be revered not just for their magic, but for their diplomacy.

Despite this, Scribes must still answer to their faction of origin in times of war. This was negotiated by the Council to ensure Scribes were not completely removed from Ruane, and to ensure future generations of Scribes would receive proper education.

Scribes celebrate both the individual and the group. While they don't spoon feed information or hold hands during lessons, they know encouragement goes a long way, especially in one's younger years. If a Scribe shows a lack of motivation, they attempt to find ways to push the Scribe forward, but ultimately look into their strengths. If a Scribe does not wish to be in Osceli at any point in their stay, they are allowed to go back to their place of origin or find other work within Osceli.

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Who They Are

It is uncertain how long the Order has been in existence. It is believed that they were created by the Ancients, but this knowledge is lost to time. They are a group dedicated to balance and order, though what defines this is only known to them. Their practices could be considered religious, though without any sort of deity to worship. Their practices include meditation, combat training, endurance resistances, and how to move quietly.

Agents of the Order were all once considered outcasts from orphans to criminals. Those in charge of the Order, known as the Whispers, often make their rounds in the villages and cities in Ruane in search for the next future agent to pluck off the streets. Anyone they feel is worthy to join the Order are observed for a length of time, even if they are stuck in a jail cell. Once determined worthy, negotiations are made with whomever owns them.

Children under the age of 15 are very rarely brought into the Order due to the extensive and rigorous training required. It is believed one must experience childhood properly in order to be shaped into the person they will be, which in turn shows them if they are truly worthy. Children from 15 to adulthood are not as frequent, but are still more common than those younger.

They train in stealth, patience, and understanding. If they are not physically fit to perform their duties, they will take up selective work only on Osceli grounds. If they do not wish to become an Agent of the Order before their training is complete, they can request retirement, which involves the use of an amnesia spell. This spell causes permanent memory loss of their life up until their retirement.
Agents of the Order

The Religion
They do not worship a deity, but are dedicated to Balance and Order within the world. In this, they act as a silent observer and quiet hand to push chaos into balance. They do not meddle in affairs that are of no concern to their objective, but their objective is also quite broad.

Anonymity is their greatest importance. Their true identity is never to be known to those outside of the Order. Those within can share each others' lives, names, and appearances. But to the outside world they are faceless as they adorn masks to shield their identities. Their bodies from head to toe are often covered completely, though some opt to wear fingerless gloves or only don a hood when outdoors.

Their training is intense and rigorous before their Ascension. Ascension is for those within the Order who have mastered the ways of Silence, Knowledge, and Perseverance. It is believed these three ways create a perfect Agent of the Order, and Agents are taught to be mindful of these items at all times.

Ascension is when an Initiate has proven they are worthy to become an Agent of the Order. They receive their tattoos in this time, which signifies a commitment to the Order. There is no returning to the life before once the tattoos are received.

The Order has three ranks: Initiate, Agent, and Whisper. There are only about 300 Agents of the Order in Ruane, with about 20 to 50 Initiates in a given year. There are only 10 Whispers with three that operate in Osceli.


The Discipline
Once someone is chosen to become part of the Order, they are taken to their base deep within the Osceli mountains. The first thing they learn is how to be Silent. They cannot speak, cough, sneeze, or talk in their sleep. They must learn how to walk quietly both with shoes and barefoot. They must learn to pick up items and place them back down without a sound. They cannot cause a breeze when they move, or breathe too quickly to stir the air. They must learn how to walk through obstacles without bumping into objects.

With silence comes the teaching of Quiet, their sign language and primary form of communication. In the time that they learn Silence, they also learn how to properly sign and communicate without making a sound. Quiet is a form of sign language that does not require boisterous motions, and is often done close to the chest.

There will come a point when the Initiate is granted the use of their voice, and by this point they will have a good grasp on the appropriate times to speak versus sign. This is also typically when lessons in politics, history, problem solving, and academics are brought into their routines. While they are not required to be the best at the written language, or know advanced mathematics, they are required to understand the world around them, and know how to utilize their own emotions, or that of another, to gain understanding. They learn the art of manipulation, how to remain calm despite one's own emotions, and above all, they learn patience.

Patience ties into Perseverance, and is the final lesson to master before Ascension. They are forced to fast for long periods while standing completely still. They learn how to excuse themselves from an area without detection. While combat is a last resort, they learn how to fight or disengage from a situation. They learn how to use their environment as weapons or tools when their own weapons are unavailable. They also build resistances to poisons and venoms.

Once these three lessons are mastered, the Initiate can Ascend to an Agent where they will put their practices to use in real world situations. Their tattoos allow them to disappear from view at will, and so there is a time before their first duties where they learn to harness this ability to its potential.


The Mask
An Agent's mask is crafted by the Agent before their Ascension. They are simple in design, but allow for some individuality. Once a mask is made, it is worn until it feels familiar to both the wearer and those around them. Every Agent must know their peers not just by their physical appearance, but also by mask or code name or the way they walk. The mask allows for anonymity when performing duties, but also allows for each Agent to know who they are communicating with at any given time. It is only when they are among each other in their own Order Hall that they can freely remove their masks.

Masks are typically made of strong materials that can withstand wear and tear. The mask is made to cover the entirety of the face apart from the eyes.

In the time they craft their mask, the Initiate chooses their Call. A Call is the name in which the Agent would be referred to as when on duty. These are typically simple words like "Dream" or "Flight" or "Grass." Some Initiates like to add a simple motif to their masks to reflect their Call, but it is not always done.


The Tattoos
An Agent's tattoos are sacred and exclusive to the Order and is comprised of an ancient spell that allows the Agent to turn invisible to the eye at will. Passed down for millennia, only three Scribes in Ruane have the knowledge of this ancient Script, and they are the only ones that can transcribe this spell onto an Agent's body with special ink.

The process of receiving the tattoo takes days to complete. The Agent wears their mask during the process, and is not to speak vocally. They are tasked with reflecting on the pain with each pierce of the needle. The tattoo covers the majority of the Agent's body.

It is important for the runes to remain intact for the spell to be able to be used. The spell is broken if a rune is sliced through by any means, though there are ways to repair the spell depending on the injury.

The nature of the tattoo is sacred and so in the presence of others it is covered.

This tattoo allows the Agent to disappear at will, and it takes some time for them to master this ability before they are allowed to go on duty. They utilize all of their mastered lessons to perform with their invisibility. While they are invisible, they are still physically present within the world and thus must be consciously aware of their surroundings.



The world is very aware these Agents can turn invisible at will. There is always the looming fear that the Order is watching them, and it is quite possible depending on the situation. Agents are sent out across Ruane to investigate rumors of potential chaos to attempt to keep order. They will assassinate as needed, though they try to solve each issue without death if they are able. Some believe it is due to their efforts that there has been such a long period of peace.

Agents are very patient people, but they are not completely without personality. A common game among those attending Osceli is to "Make The Walls Laugh," or to make an Agent laugh. It is quite rare, but it is considered a crowning achievement, and the Agent tends to mess with the jokster. At least, that is what is speculated. Sometimes this can just be their classmates blaming the Agent.

Knowledge is regularly shared among Agents. Anything they find of note, they report to the Whispers, and all subjects are discussed in a monthly gathering where they work through matters in-depth.

While Agents are able to turn invisible at will, they are not allowed to use this ability for their own personal gain. Any perverse acts are swiftly punished, perhaps too harshly as many have resulted in death.

The Great War claimed the Order in their peace treaty due to either side being afraid of the Agents being unchecked. In order to continue to maintain balance in Ruane, the Order agreed that in times of War, both sides would be able to utilize Agents under very restricted rules that took months to negotiate. Regardless, the agents are required to report to their assigned faction in times of war.

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The Conflict

Sometimes called the Dividing War, the Great War took place over 100 years ago. There is no veteran still alive today, but the effects of the war has reshaped Ruane and its people.

The war divided Ruane into two factions: the Covenant and the Dominion. Those within the Covenant, including the royal line, are the traditionalists and those who uphold the old ways of living. The Dominion was created when Lord Halfast Drak formed an alliance with other Lords of the Lands who were dissatisfied with how Ruane was governed. There were food shortages that threatened widespread famine, which would only cause more of an uprising if the current king did not make changes for the betterment of all Ruanites.

The Covenant Alliance was formed in response as the king rallied his loyal houses to reaffirm their standing. It was said the lords were given the option to restate their loyalty, or ride out to Highveil to join the Dominion as their enemy. The lord of Eighe begged for reinforcements in this time, but it was not enough, and in the early months of war, Eighe was the first province claimed by the Dominion and the noble line executed.

The war continued for four years in the Dominion's efforts to either overthrow the old ways and the Covenant King, or to garner independence. Many lives were lost in this time across many battles, and so in the months before Harvest, the kings came together to negotiate peace. This gathering is known as the Kings' Accord.
Notable Events

The Overtaking of Eighe

Eighe was initially loyal to the old ways, and Lord Halish and his house swore allegiance to the Covenant soon after the Dominion formed. Eighe, being a profitable port city with a fleet of ships, was an obvious target for the coming war, and Lord Halish pleaded with the Covenant King for reinforcements. The reinforcements came soon after the initial siege, but they were not enough and were forced to retreat. House Halish was executed entirely after their defeat and Eighe put under the rule of House Igrei. There was minor civilian resistance that was quickly snuffed out, and ever since the port city has been under Dominion rule.

The Battles Across Osceli

While Osceli is neutral ground, it was not always so. During the Great War, the Scribes were mostly split in the conflict, and thus the grounds itself was at its own war with who to align. Both factions fought upon its fields within the valley with several skirmishes and attempts throughout the years. This is home to one of the most devastating battles due to the sheer amount of Scribes participating and the volume of magic being used. Towards the end of the second year of war, Scribes gathered together after suffering such great losses to hold a mass funeral for their departed, and it was then they realized they could not fight against each other.


The Battle for Vyrth
The Dominion also set their sights upon Vyrth, not just for its position within Ruane, but its port. Cutting the Covenant off from Vyrth would be a considerable blow, and would also bottleneck their routes to the Hollows through Farrenhal, which would further lessen their numbers and trade. This was perhaps the dirtiest battle of the Great War where the citizens of the Hollows flanked the Dominion armies with undead they herded from the swamps into their camps. The Dominion armies fought off the undead during the night, which lowered their overall morale for the battles during the day. The Dominion retreated after a month.


The Seige of Highveil

In retaliation of the Dominion's efforts, the Covenant launched a substantial siege on the capital of the Dominon. Covenant troops traversed the western mountains to avoid many of the more populated areas, though their attack was not completely surprising. It was a great clash between a large number of forces that took place just before the city. The Covenant's efforts were thwarted by the Scribes still loyal to the Dominion who used powerful fire magic along the front, though the acting king was killed in this assault. Unfortunately, the Scribes perished as well in their efforts as the magic they conjured was too powerful and used too frequently for their bodies to handle. It still awarded the Dominion victory, and monuments were resurrected to commemorate their efforts in the war. Six statues stand tall on the grounds where the battle was once held, their forms three stories tall. Each statue faces east, their hands in positions of their flourishes.


The Battle of Valtheed

Valtheed's location and foundation have always been a pride for the people of Ruane, but when the lord of Valtheed swore allegiance to the Dominion, the Covenant King was dismayed. There was careful planning to take over Valtheed from the start, and a few skirmishes to test the strength of Valtheed and the Dominion's protective efforts. Ultimately, they did not attempt a large scale battle until well into the third year of war as part of the efforts in charging forward to Highveil. The battle was used to distract the majority of the Dominion's forces to the protection of such a valuable province, which was a risky strategic move for the Covenant that, in the end, was a considerable loss and defeat.


The Kings' Accord
After four years of constant war, the two kings of each faction came together in Osceli to negotiate peace. This was an effort largely orchestrated by Scribes, who saw themselves as too great of a weapon to be utilized with such emotionally charged warfare. It took nearly a year to finally have both kings consent to this arrangement, and Osceli was determined the best location for such a political gathering as the Scribes were already far more amicable at this point.

Negotiations took months to determine, with many meetings spanning days at a time just to come to one conclusion. Scribes and the Order were both heavily involved due to their involvement within the war, which only multiplied the issues needing negotiation and resolution.

In this time, all fighting ceased to allow their rulers time to negotiate peace. Originally, both sides wanted either king to step down before they would agree to further peace, but it was concluded that since neither king would do so, that they must accept that Ruane would no longer be united.

Eighe was part of the terms for the Covenant, though the Dominion was ultimately allowed to keep Eighe as the Dominion's terms were that if they gave up Eighe, they would receive Vyrth instead. The Scribes and the Order were able to negotiate their neutrality and continual presence in Ruane under the condition that in times of war they answer to the factions, and the factions could only have restricted use of their abilities. These restrictions were heavily negotiated to ensure war was fair between them, and set repercussions for any warcrimes.

Every four years, the two presiding kings would gather in Osceli as a show of continued peace. This would still be called the Kings' Accord, or sometimes just The Accord, and would consist of noble and political parties from both factions to gather within the Osceli school with a festival, fireworks, a grand ball, and many banquets. It is considered a fun celebration, and one of the few times both factions gather under one roof purely for the sake of communion.


Osceli's Involvement
The Scribes

The Scribes were at the forefront of most battles utilized as powerful weapons. Any focus that did not provide an edge or advantage to a fight was set aside, and for the most part Scribes were completely battle ready.

Before the Great War, Scribes kept to themselves, and came from various parts of Ruane. When the war began, they chose to stand beside their family either willingly or with a sense of loyalty and duty. They were emotionally charged and hurt by whatever was believed, and thought that if they fought with their kin they could help end the war before it went too far. But it was due to their numbers that both sides felt they had the advantage.

It took a considerable loss on their own soil for the Scribes to back out of the war on a large scale, though not all would follow suit.


The Order

Perhaps the scariest and deadliest force used was the Order. They saw the chaos and couldn't sit idly by, but the humanity in the Agents led towards their own split in views and interpretation of the Order's prime directive. They were utilized as assassins, and ultimately pitted against each other in efforts to either gain the upper hand for one side, or thwart their efforts quickly. Their numbers dwindled, and it was determined by the Whispers that they had to use whatever means necessary to end the war.

And so they incited many battles, mostly without either side knowing they were behind the information given. They knew that neither side would get what they wanted, and so they moved for the most amount of devastation and loss to push the sides to have to agree to at least some amount of peace. Without their efforts behind the scenes, the war would have likely wiped out all of Ruane.

No one but the Order knows of these efforts. To the rest of the world, it all was part of how wars play out.


The Resolution

The Great War caused a considerable devastation that neither side truly wishes to repeat, though will do so again if it is justified. The war was waged for four years, and in that time hardly anything was achieved apart from many deaths. This was never about territory, but about fighting for beliefs, and neither side would budge.

The peace treaty has been honored over the generations to come. No blood has been spilled, at least none that they're aware for political gain across the factions. Most of what has transpired in these hundred or so years has been covert tactics and information gathering. Trust has always been a bit shaky between them since the war ended. Ambassadors are stationed on both sides, and are hardly trusted, but they are required to join any governing meetings and affairs, per the treaty.

In the years to follow, as each generation is born, fear of another war became less and less on everyone's mind. For the most part, it's just the old folk who spout warnings that are dismissed by the younger. It's been peaceful for civilians.

Osceli has returned to being neutral ground after the war ended, and will remain such even in times of war. There are stipulations that the Scribes and Agents of the Order must answer to despite this, but at least Osceli would remain untouched from any future conflicts.

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Davroste Aman
Master Scribe

Focus || Soul || Illusions
Age || 36
Height || 5'10"
Homeland || Dreilphin

Davroste was recently elevated to Master within the last five years. His particular focus is within Soul magic, particularly illusions, and he inherited the partially written Grimoire of Illusions from his former master. The book's intended purpose is to be able to recreate memories and thoughts in a way that could bring them to visual life not just for the caster to see, but for others to see, albeit likely briefly. The grimoire is far from complete as the former owner, Jamus Tal, started the book well into his fifties, and passed away when he was sixty-six. Davroste has made it one of his primary goals to complete, and is often found within Osceli's many libraries.

He hasn't married and doesn't seem all that interested. When not in Osceli, Davroste travels to various locations throughout Ruane in efforts to understand people and how they think and act. He often says, "The more you understand people, the more you understand how to write an illusion."

Nemiah Toul
Master Scribe

Focus || Soul || Healing
Age || 44
Height || 5'6"
Homeland || Helmont

Nemiah Toul is somewhat of a celebrity due to having finished her healing book, the Ambrose Tome, while in her thirties. She was a prodigy in her youth, having begun writing her book even before Univeristy. She began her apprenticeship with Laya Brightal at age sixteen, and her skills and focus were fostered and perfected from then on. She has yet to use the Ambrose Tome to its fullest potential. While technically complete, she still feels it could be better. Her cat, Jingles, has been the only being to receive the book's full spell.

Nemiah married her husband, John, when she was twenty-eight. John is also a Scribe, but not as well known. He is a battle mage, and together they have three daughters, none of which are Scribes. Their daughters live in Osceli in their family home, though the eldest has gone off to Leuvinesce to become an architect.


Whisper Agent of the Order
Age || 48
Height || 5'7"
Homeland || Storm's Wake

Whisper Seek is a prominent and well known figure of the Order. She is one of the few Whispers that makes their presence known throughout Ruane visually, and will speak on behalf of the Order in any political matters or affairs requiring the Order's input. She's said to have a very smooth and melodic voice, which one can easily distinguish as her. Her mask is made of thick layered materials and painted with soft blue streaks.

Her responsibilities are to monitor the affairs of Osceli primarily. When she was first promoted to Whisper, she was responsible for procuring new recruits.