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The deal had been settled. Anton bowed more deeply than he ever had before in his entire life, thanking the compliant Japanese officer. It was somewhat disappointing that the Generaloberst couldn't show his more assertive side in the negotiation. Nonetheless, the Führer would be very, very pleased about the results. Together Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan would scour the Pacific for the legendary Ame-no-Ohabari. Feeling a wave of rightful pride, Anton stepped out of the embassy and returned to his escort vehicle.

The general leaned against the car door, calming his nerves over a lit cigar, apprehended from the great Churchill's personal stash. It was a trophy in and of itself. It was the kind of thing that gave Anton the confidence that the Allies would kneel before the master race. It was only a matter of time. Yes, Anton thought, a matter of time and nothing more. London was just the beginning.

Washington, Moscow, they were just his for the taking.

"General!" a common soldier interrupted Anton's dreams of glory.

"Dummpkoff!" the angered vampire lashed out. "This ought to be important, or I'll spill your guts here and now!"

"S-sir... it's, uhh..."

"What?! What is it?!"

"The spies," the mortal cowered and kept his voice low. "They have been taken care of, sir!"

Anton clapped with glee. "Wunderbar! Send Unterscharführer Geller my earnest regards." A puff of smoke lurched out from the general's razor-sharp fangs. Truly he lived up to his infamous title, Dragon of the Reich. "I wish to meet up with him at the rendezvous point soon. The Tokyo embassy may not be the safest place to converse about such... sensitive topics." The smoke became a dark cloud, and the general was enveloped in the choking mist. Once it had finally dissipated, Anton was gone.
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"Just because you were one of the best shots in Camp X doesn't mean anything since you haven't even seen real combat. Can you pull the trigger on someone who looks like they are surrendering, only to grab you and kill you along with themselves? Have you seen your friends die because you haven't felt the pressure of real combat?" Although his biting remarks were meant to hurt her, they actually amused her greatly. Did he seriously think she had never seen combat? She may have not have been in the thick of things with all the other soldiers, she had seen her fair share. Lily had pulled the trigger on many men and woman to gain information for the Allies during the war, and not just with a gun. She had also been used during the war to "take care of" people who were once on their side of the war, people who she was once close with, friends. Her time during the war was not a walk in the park as most people seemed to believe it had been.

Major King sat back and seemed to relax, but Lily knew it was a front, that he was testing her. "You are here for you traits as a spy and a women. Obviously you have the charm, and you have the skills as you finished Camp X. You were trained to go into enemy territory to assimilate with their culture. Except this time you not assimilating. You're annihilating. If you wanna keep your oath to save more than you kill, then kill the fuckin' Japs because if we don't they will kill more than you can imagine." His explanation was no more informative than what she had already inferred from what little information she had been given. Although he had given her more questions, he had confirmed he had read her file and wasn't an impostor trying to get information out of her about the UA.

"I have no qualms taking lives, Major King, especially not Japanese lives, if you had read my file, you would know that they had killed one of my older brothers. I don't need a pep talk about why they are the enemies and need to be eliminated, you can be assured of that, Sir." Lily didn't mean to mention that tidbit about her brother. Although it had been over 8 years since he had died, it still pained her to even think about Lorenzo and what his last moments would have been like during the battle of Hong Kong. It was hard to keep the tears at bay as she stared him down, these feelings were overwhelming her, and she hated showing weakness in front of the Vampire.

"But you also should know that my specialty is infiltration, not actual combat, right? If you had read my file, you would know that." She raised her eyebrows at him, trying to gain back control of not only her emotions but the situation. "Since you already know that I was one of the top shots at Camp X, so what do you want from me? A sharp shooter? Infantry? In what way am I to help in these upcoming battles, it has been a while since I have been in combat, and I don't know how useful I will be." Let him believe that it was just her skills that needed work, and not just her body in need of healing. She had been training since she had been informed by the "Captain" of her redeployment, however a week wasn't even nearly enough time to get back into tip top shape.

Lily got a sharp pain in her ribs and grimaced in pain. Quickly looking around, she stumbled to the couch she was previously occupied before standing up earlier. As soon as she sat down, Lily let out a small groan and clenched her ribs trying to compress the pain that was radiating down her sides.Looking in hindsight, maybe moving around wasn't such a bright idea when her ribs were on fire, but it wasn't like she had any choice in the manner. When the pain subsided enough for her to look up at the Vampire, she gave him a simple glare daring him to say something about what had just happened.
"I have no qualms taking lives, Major King, especially not Japanese lives, if you had read my file, you would know that they had killed one of my older brothers. I don't need a pep talk about why they are the enemies and need to be eliminated, you can be assured of that, Sir." Damien was curious on whether she meant to put the part about her brother in there. "But you also should know that my specialty is infiltration, not actual combat, right? If you had read my file, you would know that. Since you already know that I was one of the top shots at Camp X, so what do you want from me? A sharp shooter? Infantry? In what way am I to help in these upcoming battles, it has been a while since I have been in combat, and I don't know how useful I will be." Damien understood how it could be a bit confusing. He had thought Patton would have put the reasons on why they were actually there on the letter. "You said your specialty is infiltration and that is what your going to do. Don't assume were gonna be going in guns blazing at every stop. There are time when you need to pass through quietly, sometimes without killing anyone."

Before he knew it Lily was grimacing in pain and stumbling back to where she had just sat. She had let out a small groan and Damien knew it was probably serious. He had brought something specifically for this but it would be a gamble on whether she would take it or not. It was Vampire's blood. It does nothing for Vampires but heals humans, and could kill a werewolf with enough of it. He had some in a small vial, enough to heal her what seemed to be broken ribs. He walked over to Lily and sat it right next to her. "Take it and you will be fine by tomorrow. Your choice. Regardless it's late and I'm going to my room. You also have to be up in the morning, 0800 hours." He casually strolled to the door before leaving, he would leave Lily to make her decision about whether or not to drink what she had given him. Certainly it would help in the battle to come but it was a choice he gave to her.
Outskirts of Tokyo

Geller stood beneath the underpass, the constant hum of cars above practically drowning out the sound of the near down pour just half a meter ahead of him. It was getting dark, and the 4th Polizei had only just arrived at the rendezvous point, behind him stood four troopers chatting in their armor and beyond that were the 4ths' three trucks. There was an almost unnoticeable amount of activity under the bridge, crates being moved from the trucks to a cellar door next to one of the pylons and disappearing beneath. Geller threw his cigarette to the ground and snuffed it out.

Turning on his heels he put his face mask and helmet back on before making haste to the entrance to the rendezvous. Letting a trooper with a half meter long crate marked Panzerabwehr across it. The trooper passed with a "Bulle." and a nod before making his way back to the trucks. Geller slipped into the cellar-type entrance, just a meter wide and barely tall enough for the average height male 'Aryan male that is.' he thought as the light was blocked by the roof. He walked down a long cement hallway with doors spaced evenly throughout, each one contained something different, the first few were living quarters for the Polizei, then storage and the armory followed by the command center and at the end were the two offices. The less furnished of which was Bulles' and the more traditional office of the sense was the Generalobersts'.

Krueger stepped into the hall from the command center and waved, "The Generaloberst is already waiting Bulle. He seems very ecstatic, try not to ruin that ja?" he said teasing Bulle. "Oh ja, I'll try my best not to mess with the Generalobersts mood." he said as he squeezed by in the hallway, Geller lamented at the fact had they not been wearing their armor it would not have been a squeeze.

Removing his mask and helmet at the door he knocked twice and entered. The office was well furnished, a large oak desk which the Generaloberst was sitting at slaving away over documents. There where three cushioned chairs and a few filing cabinets spread thoughtfully about the office, they had even taken the time to put up a deep crimson red wallpaper to cover the drab cement walls, and there was also a beautiful carpet on the floor of which Geller had no clue where it had been acquired.

Snapping a crisp salute he started, "Generaloberst, Unterscharführer Geller reporting as ordered." the professionalism shone in how he spoke, a man of many battles, and seasoned in the never-ending whirlpool of politics in the Reich. 'It's all in the presentation.' Geller thought as he dropped the salute and took a few steps closer to the Generalobersts desk, waiting for permission to take a seat.
The vampire looked perplexed over her statement, as if he expected her to know more than she did. Well, it wouldn't be the first time information had been withheld by the "Captain" and her other handlers, it was always for the good of the mission, yet Lily knew better this time. "You said your specialty is infiltration and that is what your going to do. Don't assume were gonna be going in guns blazing at every stop. There are time when you need to pass through quietly, sometimes without killing anyone." His statement confirmed her theory about how the higher ups were withholding information relevant to her mission. It was most likely as punishment for disappearing after the war, but in all reality, what good was she after the Axis won. The only place she could have reported in was completely annihilated by the Nazi bloodsuckers, and she had a family to take care of, there was no place for her anymore.

Lily kept eye contact with Major King as he walked towards the couch she was on, and casually sit down beside her. She watched him take something out and hand her a small vial filled with blood, Vampire Blood. "Take it and you will be fine by tomorrow. Your choice. Regardless it's late and I'm going to my room. You also have to be up in the morning, 0800 hours." Lily's eyes widened as she took in what he had just given her. Willingly given Vampire blood was rare, and Lily was unsure what this man's objective was. She was confused as to why he would give her something so valuable, especially during this time of hostility. She couldn't have been that valuable to whatever the hell this mission was, she was just a spy, nothing too special.

The Vampire walked towards the door as if he had all the time in the world, and not a single worry on his mind. He had given her a choice, that really wasn't even a choice in the end. Why would she refuse to heal her wounds if she had the materials at her hand, why would she look the gift horse in the mouth, and refuse something so fucking valuable. "Thank you, Major." Lily whispered so quietly that she doubted she even said it outside her mind, however the Vampire probably heard her thanks. She didn't even acknowledge whether or not he had left the room before she shuddered in pain again.

Soon afterwards Lily glanced down at the blood in her hands, and studied the vial and debating whether she should take it then, or wait until she went to bed. Her eyes drifted over to the whiskey decanter on a nearby shelf and slowly drifted towards the alcohol left for the "Captain" if she could hedge her bets. She poured herself a glass and swirled it around as she hobbled over to couch to await the "Captain's" return. Lily slowly savored the bitter smooth taste as she rolled the vial of blood in her hands. Placing the whiskey down on the table beside her, Lily uncapped the blood and placed the vial to her lips. If all went according to plan, by the next day her injuries would be healed, and she would no longer be at the "Captain's" mercy.

Lily set the alarm by her bed for 0700 hours then downed the blood in one fell swoop, holding back her gag reflex over swallowing blood, even if it was helping cure her. After taking in every drop, Lily dropped the vial and desperately reached out the whiskey glass. The burning sensation didn't even registrar as she washed the blood taste out of her mouth, trying not to throw up at the coppery flavor that lingered on her lips.

Getting off of the couch, Lily walked over to her bag, and sorted through her things until she found her night gown. If anyone asked how she managed to change from the Swing dress into her nightgown, Lily wouldn't have been able to say. She had barely made it to the bed before she collapsed face down on the pillows. She waited a few moments to regain her strength before pulling the rest of her body atop the bed and covering herself with the blankets. It took her barely any time before she blacked out, the only thought before hand was of Alessandro and the rest of her family, holding her close as her conscious faded to black.
Tatiyana sat for a while, contemplating the empty ration can. Her two escorts had gone to their rooms in the hotel, coming back to the front with them the next morning. Her mind set on what was about to happen tomorrow. As she thought, she realized why they had picked her for this mission, and why it had to be her. As far as she could tell, she was the only one in the group that had actively fought this enemy on this ground. She had also helped scout the area, marking bivouacs, identifying key roads and avenues of approach. The Americans might have fought the Japanese in the Pacific, but tropical islands were a far cry from the snow covered plains, forests and mountains of Manchuria and Inner Mongolia. The wheels in her head, lubricated by vodka, turned. Why were they even moving through this area? Vladivostok was still in Russian hands, surely it would be faster and easier to get a boat to Japan. Perhaps even hitch a ride on a submarine from the Pacific fleet, if this operation was important enough to warrant international cooperation.

She also realized she had almost no idea what their objectives were, she had some thoughts but it was all speculation. In any case, she wanted a few answers before she downed the rest of her vodka and slept. She stood up and took a bit of time before finding her feet. She walked out of the bar, carrying her bottle with her. She made her way up the stairs. She saw Damien leave Lily's room and was determined to intercept him before he reached his own door. "Mayor, I have questions about tomorrow. May I see our route? I helped scout the area beyond the front and I want to make sure we avoid any pitfalls."

As Tatiyana stood outside the room, the werewolf's sensitive nose could easily pick up the putrid scent of death that followed her. She also gave off a vibe that a more animalistic instinct might perceive as unnatural or off-putting.

"Words spoken in English"
"Words spoken in Russian."
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"Heil Hitler!" Anton paused momentarily in his official report to the Führer, looking up as Geller entered the elaborate office. In a few weeks it would be expected of the Generaloberst to present his findings to the Reichstag, all the way back in Berlin, although it wouldn't be the hero's welcome that he was accustomed to. A secondary report would be filed to Prime Minister Tojo, in regards to the rightfully-executed spies. Anton, with his burning red eyes, stared at the mortal Aryan intently, analyzing his strong, muscular features for any hints of fear. Alas, none was to be found. "Take a seat, Mein guter Freund. There is much to talk about, ja?"

The general opened a single drawer on his cabinet, grinning as he pulled out a small, wooden box with both hands. "Before we talk, I have a gift to bestow unto you; a little reward for your dedication to the fatherland. I pried this cigar box from the hands of an Englishman whose name need not be said," Anton pushed the object over to Geller, not waiting for him to accept it before speaking. "We are on the verge of total victory. It has come to my attention that there were some Japanese troublemakers that were properly cared for. Now, if my memory has not failed me..."

Anton found himself peering off into space. He dropped his fountain-ink pen, and the light thud noise it made (detectable only by a vampire) put his mind back into the conversation. "For the sake of our nation's continued survival, I hope that you pulled out the infiltrator's knowledge as effectively as I pull out teeth."
While coming back to his room Damien seemed to noticed Tatiyana closing in to him. "Mayor, I have questions about tomorrow. May I see our route? I helped scout the area beyond the front and I want to make sure we avoid any pitfalls." She asked. "Very well. Follow me." Damien said while motioning her to go inside. He started to walk through the door before he noticed Cless in his room. He was sitting on the couch sharpening his blades. "Do that in your own room. I have a guest. Wait outside until were done." Damien said to Cless. They had fought before, but it didn't reach it's end. They were a pretty even match for the most part. "Here Tatiyana, look at this."


"This is the first part of the map. I will show you the other when we get closer to the border. What do you think?"
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"I can only speak for part of this route, but I think you are overly optimistic about our chances of crossing between Hulun and Qiqihar. This area here." Tatiyana circled an area with her finger beyond Hulun Buir. "That is all mountain. We are to cross that in the middle of winter? We have only managed to scout as far as the foothills, but there are two side passes we might, and i mean MIGHT be able to use. Here, and here." The Russian indicated two spots on the map. "Furthermore, I suggest we avoid Hulun Buir entirely. There are a lot of troops there guarding a rather large coal mine here." Her finger circled an area north of the city. "But there is a weakness in the front here." Tatiyana again pointed to a spot on the map. "We should be able to slip behind the lines unnoticed if we went that way."
Ramon raised an inquisitive brow at the sound of a fist slamming down on the bar. A blonde woman, likely the same age as himself was now occupying the bar stool adjacent his. He smiled at the woman, the fire of the competitions acceptance showing in his eyes. "Es una apuesta Señorita." he said as he poured another two shots for himself from the bottle grinning wide. Downing them both in quick succession and then spoke, "Corporal Pasqual, it's a pleasure to meet you Señorita...?" he asked, a hand raised for a hand shake.

The CO had stopped by early on in their competition, but Ramon couldn't really remember exactly when just that time had passed and drinks were quickly disappearing, "How are you holding up Señorita? Still hanging in there espero?" he gave a short laugh and continued "¡Esto puedo mantener hasta mañana!" he said to Imogen before realizing it was entirely in Spanish, "I can keep this up until the morning, but the CO is right we should ease up eventually." he said drawing out each syllable of the last partly for effect and partly because it was a mindlessly large English word that he really had to think about pronouncing. @VerbalAbuse
Ah, a classic Casanova. He spoke with all the cunning and charisma of the role, but she resisted. Still, in interest of being friendly to her new teammates, for sanity's sake at least, she introduced herself, taking his hand and feeling his grip.

"Charmed. Agent— ...Major Imogen Goldhirsch, but the krauts call me "Judenrachers." Don't hold back on your grip, mate, greet me like a soldier. I'm gonna be your support gunner, or something. Briefing wasn't clear."

She quickly caught up to him as the barman lined up her shots. They would both be drinking for awhile, and all the while she had to admit he was quite suave. His confidence made him personable, and as they entertained themselves, she grew to understand him better. The unit's CO took her off guard.

"I can hold my liquor, mate, don't you worry."

The urge to call him "Rust Breath" was suppressed by her not being a fucking idiot. Who gives their CO a potentially insulting nickname on the first day? She'd have to learn his limits and social expectations when they weren't on mission. She had some respect for him, being her CO AND working against the Lanze, but she couldn't help but have her blood curdle at the sight of his teeth. It wouldn't interfere with her work, but that certainly wasn't the best impression.

"Don't worry about me, mate, I've got more to go myself - I'm the muscle, after all. I can fight through a hangover, can't you?"

His foreign tongue slipping in and out, his English pronunciation faltering, all signs of his state. If she had to chance a guess, she'd say she was about to win this little competition. She would probably be able to get a lot out of him if she wanted.

"So, Paco, since we find each other in our mutually inevitable company, it couldn't hurt to get friendly. Why do you hate the Japs? Or is it the Lanze that you're here for?"
"I can only speak for part of this route, but I think you are overly optimistic about our chances of crossing between Hulun and Qiqihar. This area here." Tatiyana circled an area with her finger beyond Hulun Buir. "That is all mountain. We are to cross that in the middle of winter? We have only managed to scout as far as the foothills, but there are two side passes we might, and i mean MIGHT be able to use. Here, and here." The Russian indicated two spots on the map. "Furthermore, I suggest we avoid Hulun Buir entirely. There are a lot of troops there guarding a rather large coal mine here." Her finger circled an area north of the city. "But there is a weakness in the front here." Tatiyana again pointed to a spot on the map. "We should be able to slip behind the lines unnoticed if we went that way."

"Very well. We move more to the North." Damien replied. He thought it would be interesting. He thought it was an interesting situation, allowing him to see how good they actually were. There was a very good chance that the Japs have that back road watched as well. "I guess we see if what you say has any worth tomorrow." He remarked. He tested Lily and it was time to test Tatiyana as well. Seeing their reactions would be crucial to understand how they will react in battle. Damien was excited. Lily wouldn't have put up much of a fight if he pushed her too far but this Russian women is different. A Werewolf. Of course Vampires were a lot quicker and way more agile, but the pure strength and instincts of a werewolf were something not to be trifled with. This simple conversation could get a lot more interesting in not a lot of time and it excited Damien. He gave a little smile and used his hat to hide his eyes. He tried to hide his giddiness before the Russian.
Tatiyana's gaze returned to the map, she shrugged off his doubt. She had scouted these areas fairly thoroughly, but perhaps not comprehensively. Anything south of the pass was done by other teams. Perhaps the worst news was that the scout group sent south of that pass had never returned. "What I say has plenty of worth, those passes will be less guarded than the main road. That road is their main supply line for this entire front. However, if we could sabotage that road." She pointed to the main road between the two cities. "We might be able to weaken them enough for our troops to make a breakthrough." She paused, running her finger over the map to Japan. "However, if our true objective is Japan, would it not be better to get on a train to Vladivostok? Surely taking a disguised fishing boat or, better yet, a submarine could get us to where we need to go with less wasted time." Tatiyana traced her finger along the trans-Siberian railroad to Russia's main port on the Pacific. "If you are set on going through Manchuria, might i suggest skis? A lot of this area here is fields, we could cover significantly more ground than on foot. Of course, that hinges on our entire unit actually knowing how to use the things." The Russian indicated the relatively flat areas between the front and the city. "Even with the skis, crossing those mountains could easily be a week, even longer if we get caught in a snowstorm. And what of food? there is no possible way to live off the land for very long and all this activity in cold weather burns a lot of calories. I would not see us starve." Tatiyana had seen (and experienced) firsthand what happened when the Russian Winter found people unprepared. She had seen herself and those around her wither away as food became increasingly scarce. She knew what lengths people would go to in those situations.
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"Señorita, you misunderstand. I don't exactly hate anyone, I'm just doing what I signed up to do sí no? I'm a soldier sí sí. I fight because I'm ordered to and because if I don't some poor muchacho will I'm fighting along side will bite the dust." he took down another shot and continued, "These Japs, do you really think they're all war hungry, bloodthirsty maniacs..? No no, de veras. Any one Jap is fighting for the same reasons as you and me no? For their familia, their amigos, and their patria no?" he shrugged lifting both his arms up.

Downing another shot he gave the woman a quick glance and began again, "Y tú?" he asked, "Why do you fight? Why the Japs, if your name is leading me down the correct path then I take it your quarrel in lays with the Krauts sí no?" he asked, his eyes hinting at his interest in her reasons. He leaned a bit closer and lowered his voice considerably, "You can trust me Mayor, I will tell no soul." he said before leaning back, giving her back her own space.

"Heil Hitler!" Geller returned the formality before taking a seat. The small cigar box pushed across the table was ornately simple, stunning in it's own right was the craftsmanship put into the object, "You have my thanks Generaloberst." he said as he accepted the gift, 'Trying to win me over I see, and much sooner than expected at that.' he thought as he kept up his facade on the outside. The Generaloberst began talking before suddenly drifting off, as if losing concentration for a moment before snapping back to the moment. Geller made a mental note of the episode and decided to figure it out at a later time.

"My apologies Generaloberst, but the spies were either very well trained in sustaining torture, or they were just idiots with a camera. And I am fairly certain at this point which one is the answer, but that doesn't matter very much now, ja!" he said with a laugh, "Can you believe that ja? Oriental spies willingly filming a Generaloberst of the Wehrmacht as if they would get away with it. Disgusting they thought they could do such a thing, Honorary Aryans or not." he said, his distaste in the lesser race evident. "But fret not Generaloberst, I did not forget the second part of your order." with that he snapped and Krueger quietly entered the room.

"Heil Hitler!" came the mans voice through his mask as he quickly snapped a salute and then reached into his bag, pulling from it a clear 500cc blood bag full to the port with a deep crimson liquid which he handed to Geller before promptly turning and leaving the room.

"Generaloberst, as you commanded, I had my troopers collect you a liter of the orientals blood." he placed the bag on the desk and pushed it closer to the Generaloberst. "Now if I may Generaloberst, I take it your negotiations went well this day? So well that we may now know what we are after ja?" Geller was careful not to be to prying, Generaloberst or not the man was still a Vampire.
@Uncle Legens Legentis
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Ramon wasn't inaccurate, but he was a fool to think she was ashamed of her heritage. In fact, she was proud of her father's sacrifice.

"It's not a secret, don't worry. My father, Stein Goldhirsch, fought in The Great War for the Germans. After they lost, the entire country was right fucked, and he was no exception. My mother was a volunteer from the UK, they met and had a thing. I was born during Hitler's attempted coup and we skipped town. Everyone else thought he wouldn't be elected chancellor, but my folks were smarter. We used my mother's English citizenship to move to London, and when that fell, I was 17. My father was executed on the battlefield, and I was stabbed defending the evacuation plane, but I made it out. The FBI sent me a letter on my 18th birthday inviting me to join up with the British Intelligence cell that evacuated us. I've worked as a support gunner for special forces up until now, and here I am. Being British, Jewish, and not having much qualms about my bedpartners, you can imagine I despise the Krauts. I don't want to fight the Japs, I want to fight the Krauts - but I was informed the Generaloberst Lanze was doing a diplomatic operation. You can bet your arse I want to kill him. I'm lucky it was the Wehrmacht after my plane and not the Lanze, I wouldn't have made it out if it were. But it was the Lanze who took London, and so I'm after their arses like the damn Krauts. Our commander's a fuckin' mosquito, but he's after the Lanze, so I don't hate him as much as other vampires. 'Sides, I like being proven wrong, so long as my prediction was a bad thing."

She topped off her monologue with a shot.

"What about you? You have to have history."
Anton wore a devilish grin as the bag of blood was pushed closer to him. He took in its scent, shivering mildly in satisfaction. Geller was an indispensable handyman - a fine Aryan indeed. He picked up the crimson-filled item with his index finger and thumb, examining its contents by smell. As a vampire, one of Anton's greatest pleasures was in tasting the many flavors of blood given by humankind. Each race had their own unique piquancy. Jovial, the Generaloberst calmly put the bag into his drawer, right in the spot where the cigar box had once been, eager to enjoy it in the near future.

"Filming a Wehrmacht dispatch in Tokyo? That is quite the luxury for some run-of-the-mill conspirators..." Anton observed.

Rather than losing his focus, he retreated into silence to better select his words. His face contorted with deep cerebration.

"The negotiations have gone extraordinarily well, mein Unterscharführer. It is difficult for me to speak ill of the orientals when they are blessed with such a fierce emperor," Anton snickered. "Perhaps I've mentioned this before, but there is one thing that I and the Führer have great respect towards: the occult. Now, we've gone on enough expeditions in Eurasia for mystical trinkets, ja? Has it ever struck you that all the blessings of Mars might not yet be in our grasp? In the coming days the Reich will begin its quest for a weapon to end the war, to exterminate its enemies, and I say this now because that weapon was one forged by the gods themselves. A sword, no less, imbued with a power beyond our imaginations! Island to island, sea to sea, it will be in German hands before I let these squint-eyed fools take hold of it! Ame-no-Ohabari... that is what I speak of."
"Interesting. However where would we get a submarine? Japan is an island country so of course anything from the sea going to be limited. They are focusing most of their manpower on watching the coast. If we find a Japanese base on the coast we will take the submarine like you suggested. But until then we move like originally planned. With the exception of your detour." Damien wasn't exactly impressed but he was surprised. Nobody else had shown the initiative. He was content with his team and it would be fun running through the Asian countries to face Imperial Japan. Because of her work already he decided to give her a reward. A very small vial of his blood. Less than Lily got but enough to heal a small wound, at least a bullet or two. He would need to get some rest before they move out in the morning. "Tatiyana, do you have anymore questions before I go to sleep?" Damien said while looking her in the eye.
Tatiyana's face played a series of emotions, from confusion, to frustration, to resignation mixed with disgust. "Keep your poison, leech." She hissed, refusing to even touch the vial. She had heard that some Vampires used their blood to turn people into slaves. Such was her distaste for the creatures that whether or not this was actually the case was irrelevant to her. "The Russian Pacific fleet has submarines, we go to Vladivostok, we ride on board one of those and perhaps skip all that marching through enemy territory. But I see that is wishful thinking. I'm going to rest now, but if I may make one more suggestion. Have us stop by the supply depot for Japanese weapons. I don't see us getting any resupply anytime soon. I would rather carry something I can feed than something I can't." With those words, she turned and began to leave, taking what might be an excessive pull from her vodka bottle. She was going to sleep tonight, nightmares and hangovers be damned.
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"Señorita, you misunderstand." he said as he downed another shot, "I have about as much history with this war as any other soldier. In honesty why I am even here in this unit baffles me si?". He took a moment to look the woman over before getting back on topic "If anything my history is boring at best compared to what many here have experienced no? After all one of my best traits is how fast I can run." giving a long hard look at his empty shot glass he tapped it on the bar, "Otro señor. I fought in the Pacific theater si si. Against the Japs for three years, spent a few months on Guadalcanal getting beat by the Japs and in turn beating them back over and over again. They moved us to the Philippines after that."

The bartender returned and filled his shot glass which he quickly downed, "Spent the next few years in a hard fought battle making our way through the Philippines, lost many amigos there. No doubt you know how that feels." he said, as he raised his second shot glass in a solemn one-man toast before kicking it back.

Bulle sat as he contemplated the words Ame-no-Ohabari. His occult knowledge was, admittedly, rather lacking considering the job he had been given and who exactly he was working with. But if his memory served him correct he had heard about it during a briefing on the Japanese mythos before arriving on the island. "Ah! Mein Genrealoberst! What a plaesure it will be to obtain such a powerful weapon, for sure it will secure a quick victory in the East." he leaned back interlacing his fingers in front of his face, "And it will very likely open the way to UA roaches that have remained content to hide beyond the oceans." the smirk on his face was barely visible to the human eye, but the Generaloberst was no human and Bulle was fully aware of the fact.

"You have the 4th SS Polizeis' full support in this endeavor Generaloberst. Anything that you may command we shall complete." with that he stood and made his way to the door, "Generaloberst, I must take my leave and assure that the 4th is adequately settled in to the area. Double checking patrols and guard duties as well as mess and janitorial parties. Very boring stuff but very necessary ja? Perhaps with luck I will make it to my cot sometime before the sun rises again." he raised his hand and saluted, "Heil Hitler!" and left.

@VerbalAbuse @Uncle Legens Legentis
With a nod, Imogen raised her glass, touching it to Ramon's. The comforting clink was bell-like to her. "To our fallen comrades, may they not have died in vain," she announces, knocking back her shot in synch with him.

"Every battle is a piece of history, mate, whether you're an African Tribal squabbling over hunting grounds or one of us out here killing fascists. You're more significant than you give yourself credit for."

She put down her glass and gestured for the bartender not to pour another.

"You running around everywhere, a gal like me will be your best friend. Suppressive fire and all that. Hey, I'm going to bed tonight. Chalk it up for you, Paco, I'm giving you this one. I won't go easy on you next time."

Imogen gave Ramon a partial salute and offered her hand to shake - this time, expecting the full strength of his grip.
Anton wore a devilish grin as Bulle confirmed the Polizeis' amicable support. "Heil Hitler!" the Generaloberst gave his farewell to the mortal man. Things were falling to place quite nicely, he thought. The Spear of Longinus, Pandora's Box, the Necronomicon, as well as Ame-no-Ohabari, were the four legendary items that would grant infinite power to whomever possessed all of them at once. Anton whistled merrily as he concluded a report on the rendezvous site's state of affairs, as the officials in Berlin despised a lack of punctuality. The general stood out of his leather chair, approaching the elaborate map that hung from the northern side of his office. Four red circles highlighted the presumed locations of the legendary items. Bulle didn't need to know about all of them, not yet.

The spear was unquestionably in the hands of the Vatican. Pandora's Box, uncertain (Anton could only guess that it was buried deep in Mt. Olympus). The sword, in proximity to the Midway Atoll. Despite the fact that he was a vampire, the general's eyes widened with fear at the very idea of the Necronomicon. The original text was written by some mad Arab, but anyone who laid eyes upon it gradually went mad themselves as the pages shifted with their own volition, bending reality to accommodate all knowledge. It was the ultimate prize for a collector of the taboo, the arcane, and the forbidden. Anton spent years trying to locate the unaltered manuscript. Hoaxes were abundant, and each was more infuriating than the last. He tracked down the Necronomicon to the sweltering deserts of Egypt, either in the ruins of Memphis or Heliopolis. The high command of the Reich was developing its own method for finding the artifacts. A prototype was in the works, almost to completion, and Anton grinned again. The blueprint was furled right next to the bag of blood, in the general's desk.

The destiny of the Reich was finally at hand.
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