


Original poster
[fieldbox= , #106ad5, solid, 10, Trebuchet MS]

Madeleine "Maddie" Anabelle Lior

Madeleine "Maddie" Anabelle Lior

Madeleine "Maddie" Anabelle Lior

  • Name
    Madeleine "Maddie" Anabelle Lior

    ~ Maddie ~ Madds ~ Sparky ("Brothers. What can you say?") ~


    Code name
    Not available at the moment

    5 ft. 6 in.

    Cafe employee. Designer and substitute manager.

    ~ Creative ~ Patient ~ Hard worker ~ Observant ~ Has strangely good (throwing) aim ~
    ~ Quick on her feet ~ Likes to stay healthy and fit ~

    ~ Should not be trusted with a gun (mainly for her own safety) ~
    ~ Has a hard time truly trusting someone outside of her family ~
    ~ Has to see and feel to learn things easily ~
    ~ Is hard on herself ~ She CAN be blinded by her own light ~
    ~ Absorbing too much electricity makes her a a lot bit delirious ~
    ~ She can't use more (electricity) at once than she can store ~
    ~ Has a harder time controlling her abilities during times of fear or panic ~
  • Personality

    Maddie can be considered loyal when it comes to her family and close friends but she's also pretty paranoid when it comes to the motives of others. This stems from years of working at her parents' cafe, both officially and unofficially. The cafe wasn't a seedy bar or anything, but Maddie has always been an observant person and picked up on the fact that people and school in general aren't that nice. It was also at her parents' cafe that she learned to be patient and hard to visibly anger. It definitely helped that she grew up with mild-mannered parents.

    Outside of work related traits, Maddie is someone who generally likes to go on her own pace. If someone didn't like her, she didn't particularly care. Some people are just not meant to be on good terms. She's a responsible, observant person who is prone to secondhand embarrassment not always empathetic but does have the patience to understand that somethings are just what they are.

    While Maddie does seem like a strong confident person, she has a surprising amount of self doubt and insecurities when it comes to something that she created. It's probably the reason why she never made her own costume (other than the fact that she never NEEDED one).
  • Backstory
    Maddie grew up as the middle child of a family of five. Her family consisted of her mother, her father, her older brother by a year and her younger sister by four years. She grew up in a normal warm family who lived in a home above the cafe they ran. Probably the only thing that wasn't normal about her family was the occasional super-powered person that popped up on her father's side of the family. Which, in this case, landed on Maddie.

    The first signs of her powers appeared when Maddie was around three years old. She was fiddling around with the Christmas lights when the three year old decided that it was a good idea to stick her fingers into an electric socket. Of course she gave her parents mini heart attacks, but eventually they got used to the idea that their daughter wouldn't end up killing herself while sticking her hands into electric sockets and broken wires. They did, however, make sure that she knew what she should and should not be doing with her powers.

    From then on her life was usually calm without much chaotic drama outside of the usual drama that occurred in high school. Not counting the time her seven year old self decided to taser a thief for trying to steal her mother's purse. She attended college for a fashion design major before switching and graduating with a business management major and studio art minor. While attending college as a fashion design major, she decided that the professional field of fashion design is not for her because she couldn't enjoy it as a job. She ended up deciding to go back home after graduating to relieve some of the burden of running the cafe from her parents.

    From then on she continued to work at her parents' cafe while making a design here and there just for fun or as a favor for one of her loved ones. Everything was normal...uh...besides the one or two...conflicts that she had to resolve with her tasering abilities. It's not just because of the coffee and bread that some police officers are on good, friendly terms with her.

    ~ Alex Lior (father) ~ Selene Lior (mother) ~ Malcolm Lior (older brother) ~ Serena Lior (younger sister) ~
  • SuperPowers

    Electromancy: Can generate and use electricity. Though there are many ways someone can use electromancy to their advantage, such as using themselves as a personal outlet, Maddie mainly focused on the practical uses of her abilities. So while she does have a lot of control over her powers she hasn't explored it's offensive uses past being a living breathing taser and forming blinding and potentially explosive energy balls of electricity.

    Maddie can stick onto and walk on metal surfaces with her powers. She can also run or jump quickly with bursts of electricity even though it can and often does wreck sidewalks with scorch marks.

    Electrical Immunity: Can absorb and store electricity without directly harming herself. But while she can absorb electricity, too much can cause her to have an almost drunk or delirious state of mind. Maddie often describes this feeling as something you would probably feel when you've had practically no sleep for over three days, drank so much coffee that your mind feels like a hyperactive engine and yet your body can seem to keep up with said mind. ...It just results in a lot of unintentional electrical outbursts and tripping. She usually ends up crashing. Sometimes she even throws up the next morning. It is advised that she works on her capacity before she actually hurts someone.
  • Costume
    Maddie's costume will be given to her during the roleplay. She does keep a pair of sunglasses on her though (so she doesn't blind herself like an idiot).

    (Base color: Stormy grey. Accent color: Silver.)
  • The brunette stared out the window as she absentmindedly mopped up the last of the day's worth of grime and dust on the floor. Even as she put the mop and bucket away, she continued to stare out the window. It wasn't for any particular reason. It was just something that she often did when she was thinking about something. It's been an hour since the last of the customers left. Since she shooed her brother and sister upstairs with their parents, offering to clean up on her own. It wasn't like she was the one who had paperwork to file or had finals to study for.

    "Honestly, only those two would procrastinate work with other work," she sighed as she dropped down on a chair by one of the large windows of the cafe. Her green eyes slid down to her hands, which were resting on the table. Lifting one hand, she let near-white blue sparks of static arc over the tips of her fingers before forming a small, glowing translucent ball of buzzing electricity over the palm over her hand. "Well...it's not like I'm any better."

    But who could blame her? She wasn't hero material. She just...couldn't really see what those recruiters were talking about. The most she ever did was stop a robbery. Anyone, even without superpowers, could stop a robbery if they had...let's say a bat or pepper spray. Even a can of plain old tomato soup would work. She wasn't trying to be a hero. She doesn't think she can be a hero.

    So why?

    "Maddie? What's taking you so long, sweetie? Dinner's already ready for you upstairs?"

    "Nothing! I just finished cleaning. Let me lock up and I'll be right upstairs!"

    Why did she say yes?
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  • Name
    Selene Alkaev


    5' 9"

    Waitress during day shift at Meirin's Restaurant and Bar.
    Bartender during night shift at Meirin's Restaurant and Bar.
    Works Sunday through Thursday. Only has a night shift on Sundays.

    Lead Guitar
  • Confident | Femme Fatale | Manipulative | Adaptive

    Selene Alkaev is a woman who came from a family with strong, confident women. So it was no surprise when this young woman came out into the world with the same confidence and grace as her predecessors. And while Selene certainly does know that she's beautiful, that confidence in her own physical appearance isn't so excessive that it's considered vain. In fact, it's not unusual to find the young woman doing "dirty work", such as fixing roofs or unclogging drains, with an unfappable, adaptive attitude as long as it gets the day going smoothly again.

    Even with this attitude, however, Selene can't exactly be called self-sacrificing or a sweetheart. If she feels like someone or some event is too distasteful, Selene is quick to turn the situation in her favor. Often, she's the one the other girls at her workplace turn to when their customers get too rowdy or handsie. With a flash of a sweet but cold smile and some carefully placed words, many of the more disruptive customers find themselves thrown out of Meirin's Restaurant and Bar and told to never come back.

    Some even find their wallets mysteriously empty by the time Selene is done with them.

    But that isn't to say that Selene is a tall bundle of bitchiness. Though Selene can get sharp, stabbing with her words in just the right places to cause the most pain, her friends and family can confidently say that there is no one more loyal than Selene. They, her mother especially, says that while Selene does often use white lies, when it comes to sharing confidence with her loved ones, she's honest. Selene claims that she finds it irritating that people are so easily disheartened but she's also one of the first ones to briskly pick you up and build you up again.
  • ~ Selene is one of those people who likes giving quick and brutal pep talks ~
    ~ She genuinely enjoys fixing people up and seeing them build up their own confidence ~
    ~ She can speak Russian but she can't write well ~
    ~ While she doesn't look like it, Selene is actually pretty good at handiwork because "it's cheaper to do it yourself than hiring someone to do it for you" ~
    ~ She enjoys writing her own music but she admits that she's not the best singer for most of these written songs ~
    ~ She has both an electric guitar and an acoustic. She even has an ukulele. ~
    ~ Rather than shopping for herself, she enjoys shopping more for other people ~
    ~ Food is her best friend ~
    ~ She has a cat named Tuxedo Mask. He's a green-eyed, fluffy black cat with a white bow tie pattern on his chest which is what earned him his name. He was a stray kitten that Selene found near her workplace. ~
    ~ While Tuxedo is relatively well-mannered, he didn't like Selene's previous landlord. Even Selene's pretty face couldn't convince the landlord to let them stay when Tuxedo somehow clawed up all his dress shoes. ~
    ~Before any of you ask...yes, Tuxedo is neutered.
  • (From G-Force version 1...hahaha...all my other stuff are shameful so they're never seeing the light of day. 8D)

    Today, Maddie had to admit, wasn't one of her best days. She was the morning person of her siblings, and so she was usually the first of the three to be up and moving. Her parents were almost always up even earlier. So it was a bit of a surprise when a bleary eyed Madeleine stumbled downstairs into the kitchen after her brother and practically tripped into a chair by the island. It wasn't a surprise, however when she muttered something about getting carried away and new aprons and uniforms for their parents. Malcolm Lior, the ever understanding older brother (no matter how snarky he is), wordlessly slid a plate of pancakes in front of his sister with an amused grin.

    "Thanks, Mal...but why no coffee?" she asked, yawning widely before reaching over for the maple syrup and spreading the sticky goodness over her pancakes. She gave a light drowsy hum of appreciation before digging in. "Not that I don't appreciate your lovely pancakes. But coffee."

    Mal rolled his eyes and slid the mug of coffee over too. "I should call you Coffee Monster, Sparky."

    "Mm, no thanks. Sounds too much like Cookie Monster." Maddie shoved the rest of the pancakes into her mouth and swallowed before taking a satisfying sip from the given mug. Feeling the last of the drowsiness being swept away by the morning coffee, Maddie practically purred out a content sigh, "Besides, one of us had to end up obsessed with it or something. We live above a cafe, Mal."

    Again, he rolled his eyes.

    Then, they started washing the dishes together with a few comments here and there. Which somehow ended up starting a little soapy water fight. That also somehow dragged in their little sister, Serena, just as she came down to get her own breakfast.

    It was your typical weekend morning in the Lior household.


    Maddie hummed as she stood outside Fox and Hunter Industries HQ. It was a tuneless hum that rolled out casually as she looked over the grand building. It wasn't the first time she's seen the building, but it was definitely the first time she had a reason to actually go inside the building. It was to strange, in her eyes, to be dressed so casually in front of Fox and Hunter Industries HQ while others milled in and out of the building in business suits. She felt more than a little out of place with her simple attire, which consisted of a tan v-neck t-shirt, dove grey jacket and washed out skinny jeans. It almost made her want to just turn tail and run back home to change into a business suit herself.

    Almost. But not quite.

    She let out a heavy sigh, brushed imaginary dust off her pants, straightened her jacket, and practically marched herself into the building before she really decided to be ridiculous and run back home to change. Her march slowed into a walk when the interior design of the building momentarily distracted her. "Well, at least I know the woman has style..." she murmured to herself as she slowly but surely reached the reception desk. Maddie distractedly reached into her bag and pulled out her letter from between the pages of her sketchbook. As she finally glance up to look at the receptionist while placing the letter on the marble surface of the desk, she started at the sight of the bodyguard like man.

    Nervous, she felt energy practically crackling at the pits of her stomach. It made her absently wonder if she could spit or throw up lightning. 'Not that I want to know,' she thought dryly to herself as the initial shock died down. Shoving down any anxiety that was left, Maddie pulled up her best "public smile", "Hi, I'm Madeleine Anabelle Lior and I'm here for the formal lunch that Ms. Isabelle Hunter is hosting today?"

    The intimidating man took her letter from the desk, briefly scanned over it, before looking up at Madeleine. He stared for a good few seconds as if wondering why she was here even with the letter explaining the details. (She didn't blame him. She's been asking herself the same thing ever since she got the cryptic letter.) She was starting to wonder if she should have just listened to her instincts and ran back home when the man vaguely smiled as if she reminded him of a private joke and told her to wait for Ms. Hunter in the waiting area.

    '...And that helps me feel so safe.'

    Still, she thanked the man with another smile and quick nod of the head before heading over to the seats and sinking into one of the unoccupied ones. After a second thought, Maddie took out her sketchbook and pencil to finish up on a design she had been drafting for a few days now. She wasn't in any particular rush to finish the piece nor was she bored, but the woman wanted to look occupied. Anti-social she was not. But it didn't change the fact that her nerves were thoroughly frayed and left her with little desire for more anxiety.
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NAME: Akihito Shibuya AGE: 2 FACECLAIM: Hokuto Hidaka (enstars!)

The first thing you would notice about Akihito Shibuya is that if he's there, he's there to help. If he's not there, you have to look for him for help. Not that it's hard to find him. He's usually seen wandering around everywhere when possible. No music playing in those headphones of his and daydreaming about who knows exactly what. Or doing...you know, death god duties.

Though not exactly a dreamer (nor idealistic enough to try to be one, he finds the thought of it extremely stressing and tiring), Aki does often get lost in his thoughts. And for that, he often gets nagged at by the little voice in the back of his head to get his easily distracted self back into work. Aki does find the voice strange and...a bit rude, but he can never find it in himself to really argue. At least it's helpful.


Though not exactly the most cheery of the bunch--he's much too quiet for that--Aki is definitely one of the most serene. Perhaps it just has to do with his gentle and compassionate nature. It definitely has a large part in his calm demeanor. However, after spending some time with the young death god, one would notice that as serene as Aki is...he never seems to be capable of fully expressing happiness. Sure, he gives plenty of those small ones as a greeting or maybe out of amusement...but he never seems to have the will or the energy to let happiness fully bloom into his face.

It's as if life or at least had wrung the will to be happy out of him.

@Soli and @monopoisoner
memento mori
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now my child. Because sometimes only in silence can you listen to the cries of the lost. Sometimes just hearing isn't enough.

we can find no scar
Emily Dickinson; There's a certain slant of light

exorcism: Shinto
soul weapon: Headphones
faceclaim: Hokuto Hidaka (enstars!)
The first thing you would notice about Akihito Shibuya is that if he's there, he's there to help. If he's not there, you have to look for him for help. Not that it's hard to find him. He's usually seen wandering around everywhere when possible. No music playing in those headphones of his and daydreaming about who knows exactly what. Or doing...you know, death god duties.

Though not exactly a dreamer (nor idealistic enough to try to be one, he finds the thought of it extremely stressing and tiring), Aki does often get lost in his thoughts. And for that, he often gets nagged at by the little voice in the back of his head to get his easily distracted self back into work. Aki does find the voice strange and...a bit rude, but he can never find it in himself to really argue. At least it's helpful.


Though not exactly the most cheery of the bunch--he's much too quiet for that--Aki is definitely one of the most serene. Perhaps it just has to do with his gentle and compassionate nature. It definitely has a large part in his calm demeanor. However, after spending some time with the young death god, one would notice that as serene as Aki is...he never seems to be capable of fully expressing happiness. Sure, he gives plenty of those small smiles as a greeting or maybe out of amusement...but he never seems to have the will or the energy to let happiness fully bloom into his face.

It's as if life or at least someone had wrung the will to be happy out of him.

(1) Since Aki doesn't know much (if any) purification prayers for ritual purification, he sticks with throwing amulets and talismans that he makes ahead of time (he studied a lot to get at least that right).
(2) Once, he ran out of charms to throw and ended up throwing a daruma at the ghost instead.
(3) Most of Aki's exorcisms look pretty ridiculous but sometimes he gets lucky and gets to just dump a good dipperful of shrine water on them.
(4) Because he's a respectful child, Aki feels bad about throwing blessed objects so readily and usually visits a shrine to perform temizu.
(5) The one time he threw the daruma, he prayed at a shrine for a good hour. (Religious or not. Throwing blessed/religious items isn't exactly the nicest thing to do. And what if some higher being decides to smite you for it?)

soul weapon
(1) just a pair of noise isolating headphones that work particularly well
(2) they cancel all outside noise for the wearer so Aki doesn't wear them over his ears often
(3) they will probably be useful against the ghosts who like to wail and scream a lot
(4) the wire is usually short (not longer than a hand length) but can be extended and used as a rope
(5) Aki doesn't know what exactly the significance of these headphones are but he knows that someone close to him have given it to him

As a death god, the only things he seemed to know from the beginning was his name and the constantly lingering weariness. Akihito does want to get his memories back but he's not in any particular hurry to do so. He believes that waiting patiently for his memories to come along would be best for himself.

So far, he remembers walking with someone hand in hand as a child but he can't seem to remember the face--let alone who it was. Whenever he thinks back on that memory however, he can't help but feel a pang of guilt for some reason. This worries him because guilt can mean anything. Aki really hopes that he hasn't done anything harmful to anyone.

Fun Facts: He also seems to have an instinctual talent for soccer. | He speaks in Kansai dialect so he assumes that he's from the Kansai region.
Hint: The fun fact is not really a hint. Just a small but relevant part of Aki.
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