Testing 1 2 3

Dr. Benjamin Crane


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Mona "Momo" Jablonski
Interactions: Almira (removed tag)
Location: Restroom


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pulvinar augue eu faucibus aliquet. Ut id dui sagittis, finibus ante in, sagittis magna. Donec finibus urna accumsan metus euismod rhoncus. Vivamus ut tellus sed augue vehicula feugiat. Pellentesque non varius leo. Ut tincidunt risus non ullamcorper faucibus. Aenean a iaculis velit. Nulla condimentum orci vel orci gravida, id fringilla dolor mattis. Mauris ex leo, euismod vel nisi a, tristique dictum ipsum. Aliquam sagittis quis quam id semper. Vestibulum ac quam leo. Nullam vulputate luctus iaculis. Cras mollis nibh ut erat consectetur, eget convallis est cursus.

Donec et pellentesque dolor. Nulla elementum sit amet turpis vel aliquam. Ut ligula tortor, suscipit in velit sed, pulvinar mattis mauris. Ut dignissim elit sed maximus tincidunt. Phasellus et varius mauris, id rutrum mi. Vivamus ornare congue turpis, non tristique turpis dapibus non. Vivamus dictum, neque id feugiat scelerisque, leo dui ultrices enim, in luctus neque ligula ac massa. Suspendisse bibendum orci nulla, sed pharetra lectus fermentum a. Pellentesque tellus ipsum, efficitur in lorem vel, finibus eleifend ex.

Nam eleifend imperdiet lobortis. Nunc sagittis tellus eget odio congue iaculis. Vivamus eget tellus vitae leo volutpat vulputate. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque efficitur ipsum turpis, eget tempor mauris laoreet ac. Nullam eget lacinia mauris. Vivamus pretium mauris posuere, gravida lectus non, posuere odio. Mauris rutrum nisi a purus sagittis rutrum. Pellentesque non imperdiet nunc, id lacinia libero.

Vestibulum sit amet nulla risus. Ut a felis et quam fermentum facilisis. Vivamus tristique feugiat justo, et efficitur leo maximus sed. Sed sit amet urna sagittis leo varius porttitor ac egestas eros. Sed justo turpis, suscipit nec rutrum ac, lacinia quis quam. Morbi vel condimentum mauris. Fusce efficitur ultricies vehicula. Fusce nec ante ut odio pellentesque hendrerit. Aenean nec nulla tempus lorem consectetur consequat sit amet vel felis. Sed orci nulla, convallis sed auctor vel, iaculis ut mauris. Mauris laoreet vitae augue at venenatis. Proin id venenatis nunc.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut convallis eros vel metus venenatis rutrum. Mauris interdum rutrum lacus at ultrices. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent tempus metus ac venenatis tincidunt. Nullam eget interdum arcu. Curabitur a dui quis leo laoreet malesuada. Vivamus fringilla consequat placerat. Nulla a velit ligula. Donec eu augue gravida, efficitur elit quis, rhoncus enim. Donec posuere leo erat, eget rhoncus dui accumsan sed. Nam lobortis sem augue, sed tincidunt nisi aliquet in. Quisque suscipit lobortis enim at mattis. Maecenas ultricies ipsum quis finibus tempus. Aliquam a felis gravida, dapibus tellus nec, faucibus massa. Donec vitae sapien et felis condimentum tincidunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pulvinar augue eu faucibus aliquet. Ut id dui sagittis, finibus ante in, sagittis magna. Donec finibus urna accumsan metus euismod rhoncus. Vivamus ut tellus sed augue vehicula feugiat. Pellentesque non varius leo. Ut tincidunt risus non ullamcorper faucibus. Aenean a iaculis velit. Nulla condimentum orci vel orci gravida, id fringilla dolor mattis. Mauris ex leo, euismod vel nisi a, tristique dictum ipsum. Aliquam sagittis quis quam id semper. Vestibulum ac quam leo. Nullam vulputate luctus iaculis. Cras mollis nibh ut erat consectetur, eget convallis est cursus.

Donec et pellentesque dolor. Nulla elementum sit amet turpis vel aliquam. Ut ligula tortor, suscipit in velit sed, pulvinar mattis mauris. Ut dignissim elit sed maximus tincidunt. Phasellus et varius mauris, id rutrum mi. Vivamus ornare congue turpis, non tristique turpis dapibus non. Vivamus dictum, neque id feugiat scelerisque, leo dui ultrices enim, in luctus neque ligula ac massa. Suspendisse bibendum orci nulla, sed pharetra lectus fermentum a. Pellentesque tellus ipsum, efficitur in lorem vel, finibus eleifend ex.

Nam eleifend imperdiet lobortis. Nunc sagittis tellus eget odio congue iaculis. Vivamus eget tellus vitae leo volutpat vulputate. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque efficitur ipsum turpis, eget tempor mauris laoreet ac. Nullam eget lacinia mauris. Vivamus pretium mauris posuere, gravida lectus non, posuere odio. Mauris rutrum nisi a purus sagittis rutrum. Pellentesque non imperdiet nunc, id lacinia libero.

Vestibulum sit amet nulla risus. Ut a felis et quam fermentum facilisis. Vivamus tristique feugiat justo, et efficitur leo maximus sed. Sed sit amet urna sagittis leo varius porttitor ac egestas eros. Sed justo turpis, suscipit nec rutrum ac, lacinia quis quam. Morbi vel condimentum mauris. Fusce efficitur ultricies vehicula. Fusce nec ante ut odio pellentesque hendrerit. Aenean nec nulla tempus lorem consectetur consequat sit amet vel felis. Sed orci nulla, convallis sed auctor vel, iaculis ut mauris. Mauris laoreet vitae augue at venenatis. Proin id venenatis nunc.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut convallis eros vel metus venenatis rutrum. Mauris interdum rutrum lacus at ultrices. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent tempus metus ac venenatis tincidunt. Nullam eget interdum arcu. Curabitur a dui quis leo laoreet malesuada. Vivamus fringilla consequat placerat. Nulla a velit ligula. Donec eu augue gravida, efficitur elit quis, rhoncus enim. Donec posuere leo erat, eget rhoncus dui accumsan sed. Nam lobortis sem augue, sed tincidunt nisi aliquet in. Quisque suscipit lobortis enim at mattis. Maecenas ultricies ipsum quis finibus tempus. Aliquam a felis gravida, dapibus tellus nec, faucibus massa. Donec vitae sapien et felis condimentum tincidunt.

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[SIZE=20px]Interactions: Almira (removed tag)
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pulvinar augue eu faucibus aliquet. Ut id dui sagittis, finibus ante in, sagittis magna. Donec finibus urna accumsan metus euismod rhoncus. Vivamus ut tellus sed augue vehicula feugiat. Pellentesque non varius leo. Ut tincidunt risus non ullamcorper faucibus. Aenean a iaculis velit. Nulla condimentum orci vel orci gravida, id fringilla dolor mattis. Mauris ex leo, euismod vel nisi a, tristique dictum ipsum. Aliquam sagittis quis quam id semper. Vestibulum ac quam leo. Nullam vulputate luctus iaculis. Cras mollis nibh ut erat consectetur, eget convallis est cursus.

Donec et pellentesque dolor. Nulla elementum sit amet turpis vel aliquam. Ut ligula tortor, suscipit in velit sed, pulvinar mattis mauris. Ut dignissim elit sed maximus tincidunt. Phasellus et varius mauris, id rutrum mi. Vivamus ornare congue turpis, non tristique turpis dapibus non. Vivamus dictum, neque id feugiat scelerisque, leo dui ultrices enim, in luctus neque ligula ac massa. Suspendisse bibendum orci nulla, sed pharetra lectus fermentum a. Pellentesque tellus ipsum, efficitur in lorem vel, finibus eleifend ex.

Nam eleifend imperdiet lobortis. Nunc sagittis tellus eget odio congue iaculis. Vivamus eget tellus vitae leo volutpat vulputate. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque efficitur ipsum turpis, eget tempor mauris laoreet ac. Nullam eget lacinia mauris. Vivamus pretium mauris posuere, gravida lectus non, posuere odio. Mauris rutrum nisi a purus sagittis rutrum. Pellentesque non imperdiet nunc, id lacinia libero.

Vestibulum sit amet nulla risus. Ut a felis et quam fermentum facilisis. Vivamus tristique feugiat justo, et efficitur leo maximus sed. Sed sit amet urna sagittis leo varius porttitor ac egestas eros. Sed justo turpis, suscipit nec rutrum ac, lacinia quis quam. Morbi vel condimentum mauris. Fusce efficitur ultricies vehicula. Fusce nec ante ut odio pellentesque hendrerit. Aenean nec nulla tempus lorem consectetur consequat sit amet vel felis. Sed orci nulla, convallis sed auctor vel, iaculis ut mauris. Mauris laoreet vitae augue at venenatis. Proin id venenatis nunc.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut convallis eros vel metus venenatis rutrum. Mauris interdum rutrum lacus at ultrices. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent tempus metus ac venenatis tincidunt. Nullam eget interdum arcu. Curabitur a dui quis leo laoreet malesuada. Vivamus fringilla consequat placerat. Nulla a velit ligula. Donec eu augue gravida, efficitur elit quis, rhoncus enim. Donec posuere leo erat, eget rhoncus dui accumsan sed. Nam lobortis sem augue, sed tincidunt nisi aliquet in. Quisque suscipit lobortis enim at mattis. Maecenas ultricies ipsum quis finibus tempus. Aliquam a felis gravida, dapibus tellus nec, faucibus massa. Donec vitae sapien et felis condimentum tincidunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis pulvinar augue eu faucibus aliquet. Ut id dui sagittis, finibus ante in, sagittis magna. Donec finibus urna accumsan metus euismod rhoncus. Vivamus ut tellus sed augue vehicula feugiat. Pellentesque non varius leo. Ut tincidunt risus non ullamcorper faucibus. Aenean a iaculis velit. Nulla condimentum orci vel orci gravida, id fringilla dolor mattis. Mauris ex leo, euismod vel nisi a, tristique dictum ipsum. Aliquam sagittis quis quam id semper. Vestibulum ac quam leo. Nullam vulputate luctus iaculis. Cras mollis nibh ut erat consectetur, eget convallis est cursus.

Donec et pellentesque dolor. Nulla elementum sit amet turpis vel aliquam. Ut ligula tortor, suscipit in velit sed, pulvinar mattis mauris. Ut dignissim elit sed maximus tincidunt. Phasellus et varius mauris, id rutrum mi. Vivamus ornare congue turpis, non tristique turpis dapibus non. Vivamus dictum, neque id feugiat scelerisque, leo dui ultrices enim, in luctus neque ligula ac massa. Suspendisse bibendum orci nulla, sed pharetra lectus fermentum a. Pellentesque tellus ipsum, efficitur in lorem vel, finibus eleifend ex.

Nam eleifend imperdiet lobortis. Nunc sagittis tellus eget odio congue iaculis. Vivamus eget tellus vitae leo volutpat vulputate. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque efficitur ipsum turpis, eget tempor mauris laoreet ac. Nullam eget lacinia mauris. Vivamus pretium mauris posuere, gravida lectus non, posuere odio. Mauris rutrum nisi a purus sagittis rutrum. Pellentesque non imperdiet nunc, id lacinia libero.

Vestibulum sit amet nulla risus. Ut a felis et quam fermentum facilisis. Vivamus tristique feugiat justo, et efficitur leo maximus sed. Sed sit amet urna sagittis leo varius porttitor ac egestas eros. Sed justo turpis, suscipit nec rutrum ac, lacinia quis quam. Morbi vel condimentum mauris. Fusce efficitur ultricies vehicula. Fusce nec ante ut odio pellentesque hendrerit. Aenean nec nulla tempus lorem consectetur consequat sit amet vel felis. Sed orci nulla, convallis sed auctor vel, iaculis ut mauris. Mauris laoreet vitae augue at venenatis. Proin id venenatis nunc.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Ut convallis eros vel metus venenatis rutrum. Mauris interdum rutrum lacus at ultrices. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent tempus metus ac venenatis tincidunt. Nullam eget interdum arcu. Curabitur a dui quis leo laoreet malesuada. Vivamus fringilla consequat placerat. Nulla a velit ligula. Donec eu augue gravida, efficitur elit quis, rhoncus enim. Donec posuere leo erat, eget rhoncus dui accumsan sed. Nam lobortis sem augue, sed tincidunt nisi aliquet in. Quisque suscipit lobortis enim at mattis. Maecenas ultricies ipsum quis finibus tempus. Aliquam a felis gravida, dapibus tellus nec, faucibus massa. Donec vitae sapien et felis condimentum tincidunt.
Courtesy of @DANAsaur

I don't Want to Miss a Thing - PostModernJukebox
Wesley 'Wes' James Moore
He tried not to let it bother him. The invitation he hadn't received. The meeting he wasn't supposed to attend. Why did it matter anyhow, whether or not Wesley was invited to some early morning audience with his majesty the Prince himself? They were of the same Toreador blood. Surely it would trickle down the grapevine and he'd hear all about it over a bloody Mary at the bar from another patron. He really did try to not let it bother him.

But there was only so much he could do.

Wesley sat in his darkened apartment, leg twitching in annoyance as he squinted in the dim at the shoddy manuscript on the large box computer screen. He tapped a pen against the edge of the keyboard as he hummed along to the smooth record of Etta James' Stormy Weather and tried to lose himself in her hypnotizing vocals. The pit of his stomach still churned with a repulsive feeling of jealousy. His eyes had long stopped focusing on what was written ever since the sun had gone down. All he could think about was the night that could have been rather than the manuscript he was supposed to be editing. Even the lovely Miss Etta James couldn't quell the abominable feeling of envy. It was supposed to be his night off and instead he was beating to a jealous tune.

His phone vibrated loudly across his disorganized workstation, effectively pulling him from his trance. Wesley cursed loudly at the noise. He stretched across a mess of papers and books to reach for his Nokia. A few scattered notes slipped out of places and onto the floor, joining another pile that had already formed days ago. When he saw the name flash across the screen his lips curled up softly. His leg stopped twitching. So Hanna was thinking about him? How sweet. The rest of the message scrolled across the screen and he was up and stripping from his sweats in a heartbeat.

He shoved his wallet in his pocket and replied to Hanna's message before slipping outside. It was getting to be a bit bright out for his liking. Ah well, they'd just have to be quick about it.

anything 4 u cutie - b there in 10

If only a few minutes late, no thanks to a few stray hairs, Wesley pulled up to the outside of Leon's Lounge and parked on the curb. A few heads turned his way and he couldn't deny that he enjoyed the kine's attempts at subtlety to catch a glimpse of the man who had such an eye catching car. Eye catching, eye sore-- it was all attention. He tucked a loose hair behind his ear and glanced at his overall appearance in the rearview mirror. Good enough.

Wesley stepped out of his neon green Dodge Viper and gave a swift kick with his ankle high boot to shut the door behind him. Seeing as sunrise was quite literally on the horizon, he was a bit dressed down for the usual company that liked to hang around Leon's. No point in putting forth the effort if no one was around to see it. The blonde haired Toreador donned a corded sweater beneath his favorite leather jacket, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He had dark ripped jeans on that were far from the bell bottom trend. Those few stray hairs had forced him to tie his hair back at the base of his head in a loose ponytail. It was closer to punk than black tie but it'd have to get him in the door.

He didn't bother to lock the affectionately named 'Green Machine' as he skipped over the curb and towards the bar. If someone really wanted to steal his car, they could try, but Hanna would have them pinned in an alley by the end of the week looking for the keys. Sometimes it was hard to tell who loved the car more. Wesley, or Hanna.

Neon lights and a fine cigarette haze illuminated his tall frame as he stepped foot into the bar. His hazel eyes took a moment to scan the crowd in search of the girls, grinning at Hanna the moment he spotted her next to the new blood. Hard to miss that one, with a scar like that. He couldn't help but feel a touch of sympathy for the traumatic embrace she must have endured. It didn't need to be that way at all. But, that was a topic for another time.

"Hanna, your noble steed has arrived." He walked over to the bar with his arms open and greeted Hanna with a quick peck on the cheek. He turned to Izzy, but kept his distance. It was more so for her sake than anything else. She looked a shade paler than a Ghoul and had a hint of vomit on her breath. "Don't worry, there's room for two." Wesley winked.

Wesley remained standing, opting to lean against the counter instead. He just wanted to get out of there and hear what it was Hanna had to tell him. Gossip was always a good topic of conversation, especially when it involved his majesty.

"Leon, a pleasure as always." Wesley smiled softly. "What's the tab? I'll pick it up tonight."

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"Sure, things are fine you could say. Just... fine."
NAME: Bernadette Marie-Claude Jackson-Dubois
NICKNAMES: Marie, Claude, Claudia, Miss Jackson - just don't call her Bernadette
GENDER: Female
AGE: 26
BIRTHDAY: December 24th, 1994

Marie is of average height, with unremarkable brown hair and brown eyes. She only cuts her hair when she's noticed it's grown too long, as it becomes a nuisance when she has to study, and is known to take a pair of shears to her own head to get the job done. She prefers her thick glasses over contacts for the convenience and cost. Most often she's seen wearing the same old sweatshirt sporting her university logo and a rugged looking pair of denim jeans.

PERSONALITY: Confident with a side of anxiety inducing self doubt, that's Marie summed up with only a few words. On the surface she appears put together with bounds of assurance in herself. Marie is bubbly, charismatic, and willing to get to know strangers in a heartbeat. Beneath the appearance of her charming nature is a woman loaded with nervous tendencies that stem from an unhappy childhood. Marie won't stay the night in a place she doesn't know, and the dark is still just as terrifying now as an adult as it was for her as a child. She just wants to be accepted by her peers, and have a better life than the one she used to.

Marie was born on American soil after the long, drawn out affair between her mother and her ex husband. Odette Dubois was originally a French citizen, who stole the heart of pastry chef Quincy Arnaud in what could have been a cliché tale of love in the city of Paris. Before Marie was born, Odette and Quincy had three children, and lived a happy ten years on the outskirts of France. And then the affair came. No one knows who made the first move but between Odette and Quincy, there were a total of five affairs and a love child to boot. Having had enough, a pregnant Odette moved to America in 1994 and settled down in Seattle. She married quickly, and then Marie came into the world. Her father never fought for custody.

But without the affair, Marie's life doesn't seem all that exciting.

Her stepfather, Garrett, was in and out of her life for most of her childhood. It was only when Odette became pregnant for the second time, when Marie was 14, that he decided to try and stick around. Garrett was anything but supportive or loving. He drank from morning until dusk, and was almost always unemployed. Despite this, Odette accepted him, and did whatever she could to pay the bills. She found work at a local University, teaching French on a part time basis. At night she would waitress to bring home tips. This was the childhood Marie remembered. Her mother, often absent, leaving her to tend to her infant brother while her father drank himself into a stupor downstairs.

Enter Benjamin Crane, a science professor Odette had grown close to and confided in while working. Marie spent many nights at the Crane's house, studying for exams and just trying to find peace and quiet. In most ways he had been more of a father than her own ever was. Using cheaper costs of living as an excuse, Marie quietly moved her things to his large, five bedroom home just a few blocks from the school the moment she turned eighteen.

From then, she adopted the same routine as her own mother. She found a job at a bar as a waitress and dedicated most of her long nights to studying to peruse a degree in anthropology. Marie was fascinated by other cultures and didn't really know what else to do with her chaotic life. Sometime during her third year, her mother began to complain of a strange illness. It wasn't until Marie graduated that Odette admitted to having had cancer for a short spell - as if it were nothing but a broken arm. Garrett disappeared, and Robert was left to take care of their ailing mother. The Crane family generously offered to take them both in, but Odette refused. She was too proud to give up yet. Robert still had a room there though, and visited often. The drama and absolute confusion surrounding the Jackson-Dubois household left little desire for Marie to return.

A few months after Marie learned of her mother's cancer, her brother, Oliver Arnaud, moved to America with his wife. He had heard of Odette's cancer and decided to move. Apparently the family ordeal in France had been just as chaotic, he explained to Marie. More affairs, a heated custody battle over another child, and a general lack of concern for their American bound mother.

He now lives in Marie's childhood home, graciously taking care of Odette.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology - 4 years, University of Washington
  • Master of Arts in Sociocultural Anthropology - 2 years, University of Washington - WIP
  • Doctorate of Philosophy in Social Anthropology - 5 to 7 years, University of Washington - WIP

  • Knowledgeable - Despite her insecurities, Marie is quite knowledgeable about certain subjects. She does her research, and doesn't mind playing devil's advocate every once in a while all for the sake of an argument.
  • Doting - Marie doesn't need anyone to look after her, in fact, she feels much better taking care of others. She fawns and fusses over her friends when they're feeling unwell, and is the first to bring a hot cup of soup and a get well greeting.
  • Tenacious - Life has tried to bog Marie down, and at times she's slipped to rock bottom. But, she is resilient and always lands back on her feet. Marie is a force to be reckoned with and it takes quite a bit to get her to truly give up.

  • Proud - Marie is confident, at least on the surface, and after all she's been through she's finally started to let her confidence show. The only problem being she has a hard time knowing when to stop boasting and play humble.
  • Insecure - This confidence doesn't come naturally to Marie and she's constantly second guessing herself. She's incredible self conscious about everything from her name to the clothes she wears to the major she chose. She feels overwhelmed, and incompetent.
  • Can't Swim - She never learned, and never wanted to. Open water scares Marie more than anything.

  • Odette Jackson-Dubois - Mother, age 52
  • Quincy Arnaud - father, age 60
  • August Arnaud - brother, age 32
  • Constance Arnaud - sister, age 30
  • Oliver Arnaud - brother, age 27
  • Garrett Jackson-Dubois - stepfather, age 56
  • Robert Jackson-Dubois - half brother, age 12
  • Unknown child of Quincy - unknown, unknown
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A Gift from the Gods
Testing Text, a collab between @Kuno and @Lillian Gray

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text-shadow: 1px -1px #F4E3B2;][font=Montserrat]A Gift from the Gods[/font][/div]Testing Text, a collab between [USER=13297]@Kuno[/USER] and [USER=9481]@Lillian Gray[/USER] [/div][/div][/div][/div]
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Bernadette 'Marie' Jackson-Dubois



Heart of the World

  • A
    etheria: an ancient world wrought of mystery and magic. It is said that, during formation of the tiny planet, Aetheria was in turmoil. Unbalanced magic tore the world apart, pushing up mountains, shifting continents, and spitting molten rock up from the depths. The world burned, tremored, cooled, and was ravaged by wild magic again and again. And yet, despite the chaos, life endured. Perhaps the world took pity on the struggling creatures, or perhaps it's simply the way of magic, but the chaotic energy began to coalesce in the centre of the world and from it grew a tiny sapling.

    As the years passed, the sapling grew into a vast tree which would become the very heart of the world, stabilizing the chaotic energy to maintain balance and harmony in cycles of prosperity and dormancy. Civilizations grew and, eventually, all of Aetheria fell under the rule of the Taitellen Empire. Seeking to put an end to the periods of the land's dormancy, the Empire took away the protective stones that permitted the Heart of Aetheria to flourish.

    Now, the world has begun to wane and rebellion is stirring.
  • As a supportive party of the rebellion, you're well aware of the dangers that await, should you be discovered.

    Two months ago, a celebrated rebel leader was apprehended by the Imperial Guard. The man, Magister Kiernan, was a well-known scholar and one of the visionaries behind the rebel cause and his punishment adequately reflected his crimes against the Empire. An announcement was made, and Kiernan was publicly executed by way of beheading. If his imprisonment hadn't been enough to stifle rebellious tendencies, the execution surely was, and many rebels fled Taitelle to regroup in other territories. Rumours that had been circulating about another task Kiernan had begun were immediately hushed, and for two months no one has spoken of ancient Trees or dying lands.

    Until today, that is, when you discover a curious piece of parchment that could only be meant for a rebel supporter...

    5 Lekthas, 3rd Quarter of the Crone, 192 TE

    I regret to inform you that the rumours are true: the Heart of Aetheria is dying.

    I understand that a letter of this nature seems an unusual method of communicating this, but in the present circumstances, it is a necessary precaution: I cannot risk direct communication at this time. We are reaching a critical situation and action must be taken. As you read this, I am quietly assembling a group of scholars, mages, and soldiers who support the cause, and I must ask that this be kept secret, at least for now.

    We are now beginning to see the effects of our actions those years ago, and the situation is dire. Reports from coastal cities are steadily increasing, bringing messages of failing crops and emaciated cattle. Hunters are taking less prey and rates of wildlife predation have increased far beyond what is common in a dormancy cycle. Thus far, these reports have been kept quiet. The Empire was sending meagre relief efforts to the affected areas, though it quickly became far more than they could handle. The efforts are being halted, as the Emperor has decided the plight of these areas must be due to rebel sabotage and does not merit attention or aide.

    Fatalities are on the rise as magical instability increases- something I'm sure you have already seen. Where possible, these deaths are also being attributed to rebel attacks and, otherwise, ignored. They are refusing to see what is plainly before their eyes, and Aetheria and all her people are going to pay the price.

    As you know, fifty-one years ago, the Empire forcibly removed the guard stones from the Tree. In those fifty-one years, the Tree has been unable to enter dormancy and revitalize itself. The argument was that no dormancy meant limitless prosperity-- but our research indicates that without dormancy cycles, the Tree can neither regulate magic nor support prosperity in the land.

    Without dormancy cycles, I am confident the Tree will die.

    No matter how many times he is confronted with evidence, the Emperor refuses to listen. I worry he is so blinded by the threat of revolution and repercussions of what it would mean if our research is correct (which it is), he refuses to see the truth. The more we press him to take action, the more obstinate he becomes.

    Two weeks ago, our most outspoken scholar, Magister Avelissa, was sent to Portwatch to "observe the conditions there," and we have not heard from her since… I now fear the worst.

    The crystalline guard stones removed from the tree have been destroyed, save for the sample specimens that remain in our study. I plan to take these pieces, journey through the Forest of the Ancients, and return them to the Tree. Experiments with the crystals and bark samples taken from the Tree have given us reason to believe that even the smallest piece of crystal may act as a catalyst and restore what we so foolishly removed.

    This will not be an easy undertaking, especially when the Empire discovers what I am doing, as I have no doubt they will. However, it is a risk I am willing to take- and a risk that is necessary if we are to preserve the Aetheria we know and love. Should the Heart of Aetheria be lost, so too shall we.

    Please send return word using the same enchantment by which this message was concealed. If you are interested in furthering your support, I will then contact you with the date, time, and location of our first gathering to discuss options and concerns, and determine how best we may proceed.

    For dissolution, harmony, and a free Aetheria!

    - Kiernan

    6-3-1, 193 TE

    If you think we're giving up because of a little public execution, you are sorely mistaken. To those who wish to actually make a contribution to the world that enables your existence, be at the Randy Gander in the Taithros outskirts by sundown on 21/3/1. Request a room with Chasma-- and don't be a transparent fuckass. If you're followed, you're shit out of luck. Bring ideas, a pack, and a can-do attitude. No one else is going to save our asses.

  • Hello and welcome to Heart of the World!

    If you're looking for a fantasy save-the-world adventure with rebellion, a heist, and hippie communes, you've come to the right place! Take a look around and please be sure to read the rules! If you have any questions, let us know!

    - @DinoFeather
    - @Lillian Gray

    Rules and Guidelines

    Adept Writers
    - Please be able to produce several solid paragraphs with relevant content and demonstrate a knowledge of the English language.

    Active Players
    - We're asking for a minimum of one post per week to keep people active and interested! However, if something comes up and you need more time, or if you'll be inactive for a period but are still interested, please let us know-- real life always comes first!

    Respectful Players
    - Drama? In character only! We're looking for good attitudes and respect for others. It's okay to have conflict now and then, but it will be resolved in a mature and respectful manner, or you're outta here. If you have an issue, please come to us.

    GMs in Control
    - Please do not attempt to hijack the plot or attempt to spin the story to be only about your character. We aim to involve everyone, and if there is a special plot point you'd like to explore, please speak to us about it for approval. GM word is law.

    Player Autonomy
    - Do not control other peoples' characters! Also, please don't conflate what you, the player, knows with what your character knows.

    All Iwaku Rules Apply
    - If you are unfamiliar, please go review them!

    Creative Contribution
    - Want to help us flesh out the world by adding a bit of your own content? Awesome! Have an idea you think we should try? Let us know! We want to hear from you, but we do need to approve ideas before they're just added in to the world.

    Sense of Humour
    - While there will be serious moments, injury, and possibly even death, this is not intended to be a dark or "edgy" RP.

    Mature Players
    - Preferred* There won't be graphic sex scenes in posts and what-have-you (PM the person, if that's your jam), but there will be strong language, violence, and lewd allusions.

    And most importantly-- HAVE FUN!​

  • Ilex Cassine
    Nymph | 22 | Taithros
    Ilex Cassine




    Home Territory:

    A little bit of everything: lockpick, thief, sailor, skald ... He's truly a jack of all trades.

    Ilex is a fairly average 5'10", with a frame more suited to running and climbing than lifting weights or clocking chins. His skin is almost deathly pale, his hair a shade darker than paper. Two, large green eyes are the main draw of his boyish face, followed by an ever-present smile. Upon close inspection, his skin is nearly papery, like a thin bark, and it is soft to the touch, but not the consistency of human skin. This is most evident at the bend of his joints, where it somewhat flakes away to reveal a fresh, greenish layer, with a feel almost like thick petals, while the callouses on his hands have a much harder, barklike consistency. He is very humanoid in comparison to his other nymph kindred, able to pass off as a human from a distance relatively easily. Depending on season, sometimes he has small, trumpet like flowers sprout under his hair.

    However, like the rest of his nymph kindred, his body is beginning to fail him. His skin is a less healthy white, instead shading to a shade of gray. It is obvious that this is a sick nymph, whatever his smiling face might say.

    Ilex takes almost nothing seriously. He is puckish by nature, prone to cracking jokes and enlivening others - and distracting them, as well. He is highly charismatic, with a slight flair for the dramatic, and he enjoys a good show as much as anyone else. He is likewise a fantastic liar and prank, finding it fun to watch others deal with the confusion he instills just for kicks. He does understand when enough is enough, however, and he is sympathetic to the sufferings of others. He has a little bit of a wild streak, tending to go off on his own and do a bit of a job solo, especially to sate his own curiosity, a near compulsion to know things which others wish to hide. That said, his myriad of jobs - many of them illicit - has granted him a rather cunning mind, always thinking several steps ahead.

    Ilex Cassine was born in the manner of most nymphs - through their union within a single tree. However, unlike most nymphs, he was not just born anywhere - he was born in the heart of the Empire, in Taithros - not from just any tree, but a datura. From the very outset, it seemed his parents had planned for him a purpose already in mind. That plan, unfortunately, was never articulated, as Ilex was left, orphaned, on the streets. He matured quickly and learned hard the world of the capital city. A nymph like him stood out, and without his parents to guide him, he was left to his own devices. The pecking order was not kind to him, as a sickly nymph with no one to look out for him, until one day he was caught stealing.... and offered a job.

    From that point on, he grew a reputation as someone who had... a particular brand of skills. The underground world of Taithros, of its beggar children, of its night women, of its contraband goods and its nobles with their wants, soon became his playground. To those willing to learn the ropes, so to speak, the doors opened were endless. Always there was crime to be had, needs to meet. He did a little bit of everything from that point, keeping his ear to the ground for better and better contracts, though nothing that would necessitate his hands getting too dirty. It was through this network that he first heard about Kiernan's Rebellion, their attempt to revive the World Tree and right the rocking ship they all happened to live on. Of course, despite his image and less-than-shiny background, Ilex had no desire to see famine sweep the land, for the continent to be plunged into lawless darkness. Instead, he decided to offer his... unique services... to the rebellion instead, knowing that eventually they might need someone who could smuggle them around.

    And on top of that... this may be a way to get back in touch with a people he had never known.

    Elemental earth magic (beginner)

    - Lockpicking/breaking
    - General person-to-person combat, with and without weapons
    - Strategy and planning
    - Networking
    - Juggling (just for fun)
    - Knot-tying (it is a surprisingly useful skill)


    - extraordinarily even-keel even as plans fall apart
    - able to improvise
    - works independently very well
    - an amazing liar
    - good for morale


    - tends to underestimate enemies and fortifications
    - currently not at his physical best
    - a fan of fancy plans -- which can get out of hand quickly
    - lets his curiosity get the best of him far too often

    No. c: Sorry.


  • Kholas Abalyshevska
    Goblin | 33 | Taitelle

    Kholas Abalyshevska


    Sunshine (Used exclusively by Linnae)






    Taithros, Taitelle


    Healer; Organizer of Rebel Remains


    Tall for a goblin, Kholas stands just over five feet in height, though he still is comparably small to most other denizens of Aetheria. His complexion is green-toned with darker markings over his head and back. Vast, bat-like ears protrude from the sides of his head, with his right ear bearing several piercings. Though he has a flat and rather serpentine nose, the rest of his features are sharp and angular, giving way to dark, silken fur around the edges of his face and jaw. Bright crimson eyes are often lined with kohl, a trend shared by many goblins from Khal Miras.

    Possessing a small and lightweight frame, Kholas highly favours dexterity over strength, though he certainly doesn't look the part of an athlete. Perhaps somewhat unbefitting a healer, he wears his clawlike nails long, though they are kept meticulously clean. Generally well-groomed, he is fond of darker, heavily-saturated coloured garments, which are sometimes accented with small "souvenirs" from his work. A large, carved wooden skull can generally be found lashed to his right shoulder, the enchanted stone inside serving as a magical reservoir of sorts.


    Though not as callous as he might have you believe, Kholas isn't exactly overflowing with warmth and generosity. Perhaps the kindest word one would use to describe him is "incisive," though most would settle for something closer to "acerbic." Results driven, Kholas is tireless in his work, be it his practice of healing, his research, or his efforts with the rebellion. With a record of achievement he has no intention of relinquishing, Kholas is relentless in pursuit of his goals. Shrewd, clever, and confident in his own abilities, the goblin can sometimes come off as conceited, though he has the ability to back up his claims. He has little patience for those he perceives as close-minded or melodramatic-- and even less patience for those who cannot say what they mean. Though not the kindest or most morally upright individual, Kholas can always be relied upon for honesty or a practiced hand in matters of healing.


    Born and raised in Khal Miras, Kholas was fortunate to discover his magic abilities early on. Tireless study and relentless practice saw him rise quickly through academies and gain entrance to the prestigious Magesteria Academy in Taithros, first as a student and again as faculty. While his main focus was magical medicine and healing, he also began extensive research in channelling abilities. Afflicted with an unknown ailment that causes periodic pain, fatigue, and weakness, he was sometimes forced to rely on others to provide him with magical energy when his skills as a healer were needed. Wishing to be more self-reliant and to contribute to the collective knowledge of the Academy, Kholas threw himself into his work on developing methods of storing magic.

    With a partial success, his research was deemed to be of great interest to the Empire, and he was given extensive resources and a team to help him further develop his magic "reservoirs." It was through his research that he discovered shards of the guard stones were still preserved in the Academy, and also how he first met Kiernan. Academic interest turned to friendship, and Kholas began aiding Kiernan in his efforts to better understand the guard stones' relationship to the Tree and its magic. When messages of blight and fading lands reached Taithros, Kholas was quick to back Kiernan's claims and support his rebel cause. Because of his staunch and outspoken support of the known rebel leader, Kholas was forced to flee the Academy when Kiernan was arrested, leaving his work behind.

    Though it took some time to regroup with Linnae, an unlikely friend introduced to him by Kiernan, Kholas vowed to carry out Kiernan's vision of restoring the Tree and eliminating the Taitellen Empire.


    Restorative - Healing & Channeling


    • Anatomy and medicine
    • Planning and information-acquisition
    • Innovation and problem-solving
    • Potion and poison-crafting


    • Exceptional healer
    • Resourceful and quick-thinking
    • Relentless in pursuit of goals


    • Lacking physical strength and periodically enfeebeled
    • Routinely overworks himself
    • Sardonic and abrasive



    Nicholas Kole

  • Laceae
    Nymph | 45 | Taitelle
    Laceae Magnolia Obovata Asiaticus

    Buttercup (by family)
    Maggie (by family)



    Home Territory:
    the woods west of Thaemar

    Herbologist, Healer

    At a quick glance, this nymph in her outerwear is easily mistaken to be human, though perhaps a short one. Her smooth, blush skin and her meager height, just a few inches above four foot, have tricked many into believing the young nymph to be a human adolescent. But just beyond her neckline, her petal-soft skin transitions first into a sensitive, leafy green and then into a rough, flaky bark around her extremities. Laceae's fingers are twiggish, with bark that splits around her joints to reveal the pale pith inside, and her bowed calves are even darker in color and somewhat thicker skinned. Like an exoskeleton, this bark also follows up her spine to the base of her neck. From there grow the thin branches framing her scalp from which bulbous blossoms grow in pale pinks and oranges. The flowers and their leaves weave through her white hair, which grows sometimes so thick that it smothers the flowers with its volume. Smaller flowers bud and bloom along her hands and legs, the same pale tone of her hair. Her eyes are amber in color.

    Laceae's bowed legs are only one of several physical defects she possesses, though they're perhaps the most obvious. Her spine has a slight curve and her shoulders uneven, though not enough to affect further affect her gait. Several of her fingers also lack the flexible interior pith and are instead tough, immovable bark. She suspects that she would be a few inches taller had she a straighter back and legs. Additionally, the greenish skin on her upper left arm and shoulder are dark and tough with scarring. She prefers to dress in lightweight clothes, as scratchy fabrics irritate her softer skin, and heavier ones damage the flora around the upper half of her body. One allowance she makes is for a gifted, sleeved cloak which she wears into large cities and cooler climates.

    At her core, Laceae is a mother. She carries strong maternal instincts that carry into her medical career, resulting in unusually fierce, protective behavior over her patients. Over time she grows to feel similarly about companions and friends, and treats those close to her like an extended family. This extended family is massive, and ever growing. Her interest in travel has shown Laceae all around the world, and she adds each new friend to her mental connections catalog, many of whom she loves like children, siblings or aunts/uncles. She loves easy, and hard, and takes betrayal very personally.

    What Laceae lacks in body she makes up for in zest. Shes an outrageously joyful spirit and a loud personality, which often manages to make her seem bigger than she is. Her strong presence is largely attributed to her confident manner of speaking--without yelling, she manages to project her voice in an authoritative way that manages to avoid sounding rude or commandeering. A bubbly and typically positive attitude give her a few more inches to boot. Since she was young Laceae was always an outspoken individual, even sometimes to her own detriment. She sometimes lack the foresight to hold her tongue, and holds the belief that honesty is always the best policy, even when the truth hurts. Abundant with confidence, she is fearless pursuing her beliefs and goals.


    Laceae grew up in a small grove near the woods west of Thaemar, occupied by herself, her mother and her many siblings. Her mother, unusually involved and maternal, was the glue that held their family unit together, teaching her children to garden and grow the many herbs she'd gathered on her adventures across Atheria. She would tell stories to Laceae of great adventure, where Laceae herself was always the heroine saving her mother's fictional worlds. When she began to grow ill, their family began to grow apart. Several of Laceae's elder siblings moved on to live more solitary lives, while her siblings with youth grew more separated from their previously tight knit family life. Their grove garden began to wilt. Desperate to heal her mother, Laceae first tried to use her weak healing magic to treat her mother, and when her efforts failed, enlisted the help of Thaemar's greatest healers, but none could slow the progression of her mother's illness, and she eventually died.

    Laceae was riddled with misplaced guilt, and helplessness. What good was her magical gift if she couldn't save her own mother's life? Distraught, she impulsively decided to return to Thaemar with one of the healers, who took her on as an apprentice in the city. Though he couldn't teach her much in the ways of magic, he began her traditional education in medicine. Not long after her arrival in Thaemar, she grew thirsty for more knowledge, and for more opportunities to help others in need. She began to travel from city to city, learning from the healers as she went and catching rides from caravans and messengers to save her the exhaustion of walking the roads with her ambling gait.

    Eventually her travels brought her to Tórlinn, where she settled down with a medical crew tending to the mine workers. Here she met Shaela, a young horned woman and single mother to a half human half horned daughter, Raycene. Their love was hard, and fast, and short; Shaela fell to black lung, and too stubborn to quit working, it became deadly too soon to be treated. Laceae did what she could, healing with her novice magic and with her homebrewed medicines, but after only a year together, she passed away, leaving Raycene in Laceae's care.

    Once more feeling like a failure, Laceae took Raycene with her to Taitelle, where she sought a proper magical education at the Academy. She met a small group of nymphs displaced from Eldan by the cropland expansion and took up residence with them. She found sweet commonality in living with working nymphs, and in sharing their pains over the slow poisoning of Alterra's environment. It seemed every day more people came to the city seeking refuge and food that there simply wasn't to be had. Laceae took to offering free medical care to such refugees, creating her own medicines from the herbs in her garden. She eventually found herself taking on a role more involved than that of nurse; unwilling to watch young children starve, she adopted several more youths into her shared home.

    In the capital, Laceae was introduced to imperial politics, and before long began to hear whispers of rebellion. At first, she vehemently avoided these whispers and the people who spoke them, unwilling to become involved and risk the safety of her family. It was when Raycene was arrested due to rebel involvement that Laceae experienced a shift of opinion. Her home became a halfway house for those wanted by the Empire, and she used her magical gift with earth to coax her garden into growing faster and stronger so that she could feed her many charges. Some of the Eldan nymphs she originally sheltered with supported her; but others disagreed with the risk she was taking, and left to live in Estura. Although it pained her, she sent several of herbadopted children away too to live with family in her homeland grove.

    Initially when Laceae received the letter, she felt skeptical. She was playing her own part, and couldn't abandon her children and family. It wasn't until a rebel refugee told her that her daughter Raycene till lived that she made up her mind to accept and take a role in saving the world. Her mother, she felt, would be proud.


    • Restorative: Healing and Enhancing
    • Elemental: Earth


    • Herbology & Botany: skilled with identifying, utilizing and growing various flora, particularly medicinal plants and herbs
    • Culinary: though a vegetarian, Laceae has a knack with food and a strong palette, particularly with pastries (though her sweet tooth isn't quite to everyone's taste)
    • Tinkering: when life gives Laceae lemons, she experiments with them! She often uses homespun tools to help her with life's everyday activities. Among her favorites are a glove to help her grip her sewing needle, and the "arm-extenders" she uses to cook while keeping a healthy distance away from the fire (one can never be too far away from a flame!). Not all of her gadgets are particularly sturdy, however...
    • Medicine: Laceae has been studying and using traditional methods of medicine since before she began to study magic. She has a strong understanding of physiology and pathology, making her particularly well suited to treating disease and infections, but is also practiced in tasks such as bone-setting, diagnosing and some surgical procedures.
    • Sewing


    • Empathetic and motherly: Laceae makes a particularly good nurse to the sick and injured, not just because of her medical skills but because of her empathetic and caring attitude
    • Creative: being somewhat maladapted to the world, Laceae had to grow accustomed to finding her own solutions to everyday problems.
    • Natural navigator
    • Collected
    • Astute


    • Maladroit: Laceae, unlike others of her kind, lacks physical agility and can struggle with dexterity due to her bowed legs and the stiffness of some of her fingers. While she still possesses stamina, she struggles with maneuvering obstacles unaided in unfamiliar environments, and walks with a visible limp. She refuses, however, to carry a cane or any sort of walking aid.
    • Gaps of knowledge: though a great doctor, Laceae is primarily accustomed to family medicine. She is not particularly skilled with poisons, curses or battlefield care and may struggle without her handy medic kit
    • Combat deadweight: that is to say, Laceae has never received combat training and doesn't want to. She will defend herself, but isn't inclined to carrying a weapon and would rather flee or hide than attack
    • Blunt
    • Pyrophobic


    Lourdes Saraiva

  • Linnae
    Nymph of Aquifoliaceae | 75 | Estura

    Linnae Ilex Aquifolium of Aquifoliaceae


    Brambles (used exclusively by Kholas)





    Home Territory:

    Outskirts of Caelora, Estura




    For a nymph of her species, Linnae is somewhat stunted in height, being only 5'3" from her heels to the branch like 'hair' on her head. She blames it on the current situation with the guard stones. Her skin is soft, and closer to actual skin than bark, and a pale olive in color. Linnae has dark ruby red eyes. At first glance, she does appear more humanoid than some of her brothers and sisters, although the supple twigs coming from her make it apparently plain that she is anything but human. During periods of growth, short green leaves sprout from the twigs and sometimes produce small holly berries.

    Do not eat the berries. Holly berries are poisonous and Linnae will be annoyed.

    Having spent so much time mingling within Taithros in order to stay close to Kiernan and the rebellion, Linnae grew comfortable with the idea of donning layer upon layer of the garments typical humans wore in order to blend in. Within any densely populated city, Linnae wears the long robes of a scholar, with a delicate mantle to cover her head - one of the few personal effects of the nymph's. Anywhere else, she prefers something that is easy to move in. Outside the city, Linnae will typically wear a sleeveless tunic tied at her waist, with leathers and flat sandals.


    Years of witnessing the destruction and vandalism of the Forest of the Ancients, and its precious Heart, have made Linnae wholly distrustful of all races and left her with vehement opposition to Taitellen rule. She regards strangers with skepticism and often times an air of hostility that does not go unnoticed. To friends and allies, Linnae is actually quite relaxed and temperate in nature, although it takes time before she considers a person to be close enough to be called as such.

    The Nymph is not cruel. She is guarded, cautious, and harbors feelings of disapproval not unlike those living within the larger capital cities of the five greater nations. However, it can be difficult to see past her initial persona. Once allied with Linnae, she is incredibly loyal and wants nothing more than to provide whatever assistance she can. Then - she is friendly, warm, and would do nothing short of take an ax to the arm to see her family safe.


    Linnae was born not long after the removal of the guard stones was deemed necessary, and was a young sprout of a nymph when they were removed from the innermost center of the Forest of the Ancients. She claims to have few memories of the event, blocking them out from the chaos within the communities of nymphs in the wooded areas around and within the forest. But that claim is a lie. Watching, feeling it in the dirt and in the trees, as men came and shattered the enigmatic stones. That kind of horror as the very world she knew fell apart bit by bit, those kinds of memories were impossible to forget. She could feel the effects in the years after whenever she ventured too far from the forest itself, and at first she brushed it off as nothing more than discomfort being so far from home. But the lethargy, the rumors from the far-reaching isles, Linnae found it too difficult to ignore. It wasn't until almost two decades later she met a most curious man, a teacher.

    He explained how he felt he had made a grave mistake in helping to remove the guard stones, and she felt inclined to believe him, but offered no help. Had less time passed, she might have held enough fury to end the man's life right then and there. Unfortunately, he was found and taken to Taitelle before he was able to carry out the vaguely detailed mission he had shared with the nymph. The then curious Linnae followed. In the years that followed she met his student, Kiernan, finding his company to be tolerable despite the city he hailed from. Linnae began to spend less time near the center of Aetheria, and more near the outskirts of the very city she hated. In time, she was introduced to Kho, and an odd friendship was formed. The rest, was history.


    ❧ Subliminal - Soothing & Hypnosis
    ❧ Elemental - Earth


    ❧ Gardening
    ❧ Botany
    ❧ Deception


    ❧ Devoted ally
    ❧ Attuned with nature
    ❧ Physically strong despite small stature


    ❧ Distrustful of strangers
    ❧ Declining health tied to the Heart of Aetheria
    ❧ Highly susceptible to heat and flame


    Sure if you want to bark up that tree...I'll be rooting for you.
    Yes. The answer is yes.

    Credit to SEPHITROTH ART

  • Malik

    Human | 34 | Stillharbour, Ventha

    Malik Shendoa








    Previously, loyal soldier of the Taitellen Empire. More recently, deserter.


    Standing at 6'2", Malik is on the taller end of the human scale, with a stocky build that even a year on the run couldn't quite diminish. His stature has traditionally been useful, what with the longer reach that comes with it, but he's gotten into the habit of slouching and keeping his head down since his desertion. Standing out in a crowd when one is a wanted criminal is bad, after all. A pair of old scars mar the right side of his face; one cuts through his eyebrow and curves uncomfortably close to his right eye, and the other slashes down his cheek and through his signature black-and-silver goatee. His eyes are a pretty blue-green, pale green around the pupil that shifts into blue around the outer edge of the iris. Black runic tattoos are usually hidden beneath the armor he wears far too often these days and the only other notable scars he bears are on his chest.


    Though the last few years have put a sizable dent in Malik's previously bold outward personality, there's no doubt that he remains an extrovert. He's patient and warm, the sort who makes a good listener and conversation partner...provided one doesn't mind his particular brand of blunt humor, of course. Malik was raised around sailors and dockworkers and spent his adult life surrounded by the common soldier - if someone is looking for politeness, manners, and a lack of cursing, they'd best look elsewhere. Something else that tends to come across soon after one meets Malik is his stubborn nature, as that stubbornness underlines many of the things he is and does. It makes him a dedicated ally and all the better at defensive magic. It also serves as the reason he spent so many years working for the Empire.


    Born to a pair of dockworkers in the ever-expanding port of Stillharbour, far in the south of Ventha, Malik had a simple and rainy childhood. When Malik recalls it, he usually tells of imagined adventures on the beach and watching all the comings and goings in the harbour with childlike wonder. When his parents recall it, they describe how adventurous and troublesome their son was with a fond sort of exasperation, and highlight his fascination with scaling Mt. Kinsae, which still looms threateningly over the island. Whichever version one chooses to believe, before Malik was twelve years of age he could tie an excellent whipping knot and had already collected a few scars.

    The pressures of adulthood began to press more on Malik as he grew into his teenage years. After eight months spent working on the docks with his parents, Malik came to the conclusion that life in Stillharbour wasn't quite right for him any longer. At age nineteen, he decided to enlist in the military. Serving the Empire that managed to remove the guardstones sounded like a truly excellent idea back then, and Malik is grateful for that chance to pursue magic, but sometimes...he wishes he'd thought to stay in the city of his birth.

    Four years after he joined the military, Emperor Ruslan died, and within a year the Sovereign Treaty was retracted by his replacement. Then only twenty-four, an apprentice Runic mage and a dime-for-a-dozen soldier, Malik had his first thoughts of rebellion. But he was a willful child that grew into a stubborn man, and he refused to abandon his choice of career. It took seven more years of carrying out Emperor Petros' increasing cruelties on the population for Malik to snap and abandon the banner he'd faithfully served for so long. He was lucky enough to trip over the Rebellion a few months after his desertion, and threw himself into proving himself to them with all the fierce loyalty he'd previously had for the Empire. Subtle he was not, but he was a fighter, intimately familiar with the Empire's tactics and training. A useful asset. Then Kiernan was killed, and everything fell to pieces.

    Malik has wandered for the months since, careful and cautious. It's dangerous to be a deserter in these times.


    Runic - Defensive, Warding
    Runic Tattoos
    - A set of three runes are inked across the outside of his left forearm to ease the summoning of his shield, and the backs of both his hands are each tattooed with a circle of defensive runes. The runes are functional, but artfully done; Malik likes to believe that form and function aren't mutually exclusive.

    Warded Amulet
    - Though it isn't so much an amulet as a smooth river stone hanging from a leather thong, it's marked with a ward which vibrates the stone whenever something moves within a short radius around Malik. He has to deactivate and reactivate it periodically to prevent the ward failing on its own.


    Magical combat, swordsmanship


    Planning and laying out fortifications & defenses


    Physically strong

    High levels of endurance and general sturdiness


    Patient, nearly unflappable

    Considerate and empathetic


    Too heavy for agility

    Terrible sense of manners and propriety


    As subtle as a sledgehammer

    Worries about everything




    Marccus, on Tumblr.

  • Melsinde Blackfinger
    Satyr/Female | 37 | Venthas

    Melly, Mel



    Home Territory:

    Chronicler; storyteller

    Melsinde stands a petite 5'2", her horns barely pushing her to 5'5". Her build is best described as slender, with thin arms, spindly legs, and a swannish neck supporting a thin face. The satyr has a set of narrow hips, leading to a set of shaggy goat legs, as is the custom for her race. Her hooves are neatly kept, the fur a light speckled gray and black. Her skin is fair, with slight freckling and scarring from a storied life, and her coloring is light, with fawnish brown hair and light brown eyes. Her hair is often down, free-flowing around her face, falling to her shoulders. Melsinde's voice is a soothing, even alto, with a slight scratch from years of smoking a long pipe.

    She carries herself with regal, if a bit stiff, bearing, a countenance of confidence. Her clothing style is often in grayer tones, with flowing blouses and skirts covered by a well-worn, brown traveling cloak smelling heavily of tobacco smoke and earth. Her horns are well maintained, about two feet in length curving away from her face, often decorated with chains. Her fingers are ink-stained from long hours writing with quill and parchment. Her every move is languid, careful. Poised best describes her appearance.

    The single word that sums up Melsinde's personality is 'even-keel'. The satyr is calm to an almost catatonic degree, finding little to ruffle her feathers. Panic is not in her vocabulary, managing to keep her cool in trying situations. That is not to say she lacks emotion - merely that she processes events carefully and methodically, before finally digesting the events in question. Her sense of humor is wide, stomaching all manners of japes. There is little that offends her sensibilities. That said, she does have a deep, simmering anger when sufficiently disturbed, and she holds grudges for quite a long time.

    Melsinde is somewhat of an outsider, even among her own race. Hailing from around the Briar Glen, as a young satyr she was found by shepherds, alone and lost, somehow separated from her family. Moved by her apparent distress, the old shepherd couple took her into their home temporarily, knowing that there would no doubt be another group of satyrs to come through. However, time dragged on, and Mel soon became a part of their family.

    Yet, even with her adopted human family, there was a burning need to know what had happened to her biological parents. A wanderlust and desire to travel seemed inborn, faceted by the structure and discipline of shepherding with the couple that had raised her. When her adopted father finally died, she stayed for the funeral, though the rest of the family seemed unsure what to do with this additional member. Aware that she was an interloper in her own family, she chose to leave her elderly 'mother' in her foster sisters' and brothers' care, to search for her family... and perhaps run from a grief she had not totally processed.

    She traveled to Briar Glen at the age of seventeen, speaking to groups of satyrs in search of her family. However, so much time had passed, and she found the satyr almost as confusing as her adopted human kin. Eventually, she did find her lost satyr folk, and while they thought her as odd to them as they were to her, they accepted her with open arms, glad to have found a lost daughter. There seemed a lingering sadness in her, nevertheless, that would not abate. The lack of structure to satyrical life was difficult for her to adjust to, having grown used to often herding sheep, soothing sick animals, fetching hay and water. She eventually left them as an adult, feeling that there was still something missing to this life.

    Heading to the heart of the empire, she attempted to enroll in a school, and immediately she was enthralled by the act of penning stories, real and imagined. As part of the university in Taithros, specifically in the College of Annals, she soon found herself recording the rebellions and disasters going on in other parts of the empire, sojourning to bear witness to others' stories - but forced to write them in the Empire's favor, despite what she may see. She traveled, listening to and asking about the stories surrounding rebellion, loss, and hardship.

    This led to a vested interest in Kiernan's rebellion, hearing through the grapevine that there was a man looking to replace the Guard Stones that had been removed from the Tree. Painstakingly, she sought to build trust with the resistance force, feeding them information much sought after through the libraries she had access to, using her network of contacts to tip them off about patrols. In the meantime, she has helped to compile their information, curating the story of the rebellion - and the expedition to revive the Tree.

    However, a black cloud fell over when Kiernan was found out and sentenced to execution. Melsinde Blackfinger was requested to bear witness, to pen the proceedings and the event in question. She was present at his beheading, with a front-row seat and no choice but to pretend to be an impartial observer of the Empire. She can only hope that the presence of a friend gave him some little comfort.

    Subliminal: Illusory branch - Projection (only). Adept. She has been working on a way to store magical energy through a glass box that would later project events as seen through the eyes of the observing magician. It is a very slow process, however. She is particularly good at projecting memories, but only for short bursts of time. The effect is a bit like a vignette, with blurred edges and the most important or well-remembered elements standing out in stark clarity. She can also project multiples of herself within 20 feet.


    + Smooth Talking
    + Excellent audiovisual memory
    + Deductive reasoning
    + Can read and write


    + Emotional stability
    + Great sense of hearing
    + Gifted in persuasion
    + Very good with maps
    + Perseverance


    + Strictly non-combative
    + Easily distracted, especially by a good story
    + Little stamina
    + Physically average
    + Procrastinator/Perfectionist



  • Miri Vaunea
    Horned/Human | 23 | Wyndfel
    Miri Vaunea


    Half human, half horned


    Home Territory:


    Silk merchant/Drug Dealer Psychedelic Fungi Seller on the side


    Miri, like all half-breeds, takes after her mother, a human. She keeps her red, curly hair cut short to just below her chin because if she lets it grow longer, it tends to get out of control. She has light, freckled skin and wears large round glasses. From her father, she inherited two small horns that grow straight back from her temples, curling slightly upwards at the ends and blue eyes. Although her father was average height for a horned, her mother was fairly short. Miri is somewhere in between them around 5.5". She has 7 total ear piercings, 2 in each of her lobes, 2 in her left helix and an industrial in her right. Her body is covered in tattoos of various plants and animals, mostly on her back and legs. Most of them are kept covered except for a small tattoo of a mushroom on her left wrist and an opium poppy on her right.


    Miri somehow has an amazing memory and is extremely forgetful at the same time. She can recite a book word for word after reading it only a couple times but forgets things like appointments and important dates regularly. She gets distracted very easily and is extremely curious. Things about fungi pique her interest the most, but she loves learning about just about everything. In her free time, she enjoys cultivating her collection of fungi and drawing detailed diagrams. Cheerful and friendly, she tends to be overly talkative. Miri isn't afraid to say what's on her mind and can be very blunt. She is a very straightforward person and can have a hard time understanding people who are sarcastic and is a bit gullible.


    Miri's mother was the daughter of a wealthy silk merchant from Tumana. Her family often went on vacation in the Wyndel mountains near Tórlinn in the winter, which is where she meat Miri's father. She attended the Magisteria Academy, specializing in Runic enchantments and warding. After graduating, she turned down an apprenticeship and settled down with her horned lover in Wyndfel. The two of them love children. Miri has 9 younger siblings and the twelve of them all work together to keep their family business of selling enchanted armor, clothes and wards afloat. Miri proved to be horrible at both silk making and her father's trades of smithing and leatherworking. She did, however, have a talent in enchantments and wards. After finishing her work, Miri would often wander into the mountains around their home to avoid babysitting duty. She often spent several days at a time in them and soon, grew a special fascination for the fungi that lived there. Miri began cultivating her own mushrooms and soon became notorious among the community for selling psychedelics. Although she grew poppy, she never sold opiates. She only grew it because she found it fascinating that such an innocent-looking flower could produce such a powerful drug.

    As rumors of rebellion began, Miri's mother received a letter from an old classmate, asking for her help. Initially reluctant, she and her husband began secretly supplying the rebellion with enchanted items after seeing the effects of the crystals' removal on their home. After Kiernan's arrest, however, Miri's mother cut off all contact with the rebellion, afraid of putting their family and young children at risk. Her father reluctantly agreed and left the letter he received a year later on his desk unopened.

    Meanwhile, Miri, who spent much of her in the mountains, was among the first in her village to notice and voice her concerns about the dying vegetation. She began to become resentful of the empire. When Miri found the letter addressed to her father, it was the first time she had ever heard anything about her family being involved in the rebellion. She made the decision to join and left home.


    Runic - warding and enchantment

    Her poppy tattoo is a ward against subliminal magic. It doesn't make her immune but does help make her more resistant. Her mushroom tattoo is a ward against poisons. Unfortunately, she messed it up when making it and it also prevents her from getting high and drunk. Although she can do both enchantment and warding, her specialty is in wards.


    • Mountain survival skills
    • Growing and identifying fungi
    • Photographic memory


    • Learns quickly
    • Skilled at Warding
    • Patient


    • No combat experience
    • Easily Distracted
    • Can be forgetful



  • Pan Tall-Bones
    Satyr | 21 years | Wyndfel
    Pan Tall-Bones



    Home Territory:


    Pan towers above his Goblin peers but is himself of unremarkable height at 5'7", though his profession keeps him solid and strong. His exposed skin tone tends to the light tan, while his fur tends toward a walnut brown. Scars shallow and deep etch his skin, as a smile perpetually etches his face.

    While he goes about in mining leathers on the usual, Pan does wear a mixture of hide and heavy bark armor to fend off the more territorial, mountain-dwelling creatures that occasionally seek to win back the caves the mining Goblins intruded upon.

    Pan is almost a prototypical 'good-ol-boy'. Raised to seek out those in need and aid them where he may, he is patient and trusting. That trust comes easily but is re-earned painstakingly, and he has no use for liars. His strong sense of justice has more than once prevented him from coming to a point of empathy, and bridges have been burned because of it, and sometimes literally. Mostly uneducated but a hard worker, and with an almost unerring sense of direction, Pan has made himself an asset to his adoptive family

    Raised from birth in the little-regarded Goblin mining village of the Heights in the Black Mountains between Estura and Wyndfel, Pan Tall-Bones was born to a refugee Satyr woman fleeing a fear she refused to ever name. He never knew her, she having survived his birth only long enough to wean him, leaving an old Goblin maester to adopt him and raise him with his daughter. Yigwit the Maester taught him as much as he could about mining, and Pan became valued in the community for his size, being therefore much more efficient than the average Goblin at their mining. Moreover, he was far a more threatening presence to the cave-dwelling predators and mountain stalking monsters than his fairly short family, which only made him more popular.

    Yigwit called Pan into his hut one day with a grave expression. The world was dying, he said, and its one vocal proponent had been killed for daring to say something about it. Pan, furious at this injustice, asked how it was Yigwit even knew about all this. The Maester, it seemed, had been in contact with Kiernan, the man in question, and being something of an expert on all things Stone, had been advising him on the subject. Moreover, Yigwit explained, Pan's foster-sister Periwinkle had discovered the week previous a metal that enhanced twofold the effects of runic magic that it was charged with. The rebellion, what remained of it, could surely use the material in their weaponry, Yigwit surmised, but they had to know about it. Pan accepted his task willingly, and packing his bag with two samples of the metal, one blank and one charged with defensive wards, supplies, and strapping an axe forged by Periwinkle to his back, he set off for Taithros.

    No magic

    Pan is a miner by trade, so his skill set mostly falls under that purview. He is also reasonably handy with weaponry, if never properly trained.


    • Strength (literally; breaking and hauling rocks for a living will do that)
    • Agile climber
    • Proficient and creative cook (to a goblin palate, anyhow)


    • Struggles understanding anything more complicated than a wheelbarrow
    • Uneducated and mostly illiterate
    • Ignorant of the world beyond his borders



  • Penelope Pexori
    Horned | 26 | Bard

    Penelope Pexori
    [spoili]Prudence Hawthorne[/spoili]







    Home Territory:

    Tórlinn, Wyndfel




    Often times, you'll hear Penelope strumming a tune on her worn down lyre before you ever see her face. Her melodic voice is often described as being soothing, and pleasant to one's ear. She stands tall at an even 6'0" with sharp features and a permanent smile etched onto her face. She often wears the same deep purple coat, a gift she is sincerely grateful of. Otherwise Penelope can be most often seen wearing tunics ten sizes too large, cinched with thick belts to keep her figure about her. Two horns curl horizontally away from her forehead, tips pointing towards the sky. Her skin is an ashy gray tinged with a light blue color. From head to toe she is covered in minor scrapes and burns, the most obvious she keeps under wraps around her wrists and arm for when she is performing. Penelope has thick black hair with a few interwoven braids, and two bright blue eyes.

    Always at her side is a large black and gray cat named Jack.


    Penelope is good-natured at heart, an altruistic soul with the best of intentions and nothing to her name but the shirt on her back and the lyre in her hands. She'd give her last coin to a complete stranger for no better reason than because they'd asked. Although her generous nature makes many think the horned woman is a bit of a pushover, she is anything but. A girl still needs to eat, after all. Despite the open friendliness she displays, the horned woman never talks much about herself, preferring to keep her own life private.

    She tends to dote on her friends at every opportunity. And to Penelope everyone is a friend as soon as she knows their name. Penelope isn't one to display weakness, and has a difficult time accepting help from others. Call it pride, she just doesn't feel comfortable taking more than she needs. Considering her personality Penelope tries not to think about the obvious hypocrisy.

    Jack is the best. He's a sweet cat with so much love. Air biscuit master.


    Born in Tórlinn, Penelope Pexori was born Prudence Hawthorne to a well to do couple in support of the Empire. She spent the early years of her life in her mother's shadow, who worked the medical tents outside the larger mines and assisting those who had been injured mining or smithing. Her father was a soldier for the Taitellen Empire and his loyalty to the military was unquestionable. In time, he earned a promotion and the family was relocated to Taithros. It was during this stressful move in which Penelope first discovered her innate ability for healing. While her father was ecstatic, her mother showed signs of unease with every improvement the young girl made. At the age of fourteen, her father had her enrolled in the military to hone her abilities and support the Empire. Her mother didn't approve. Her parents constantly fought over whether or not it was appropriate for her to be enlisted at such a young age. Then, one day, her mother fell ill and within days lost her life to an unknown ailment.

    It wasn't until years later Penelope finally learned the truth. In a drunken episode, her father finally admitted he had poisoned her. It was for the good of the Empire, he had said, and that she was not a true supporter of their Emperor. When Penelope discovered her father was behind her mother's death, she was devastated. The last two years of her life she'd spent in the military on her father's order and decided she had to leave at the age of sixteen. They argued, they fought, and in the end Penelope stabbed her father in his sleep and ran without looking back. Penelope isn't sure if he's alive or dead. She hardly cares.

    It was on the road to nowhere she encountered Octavius and Beaumont. They were kind enough to let the starving girl travel with them, even going so far as to help her find a place in one of the many schools at Khal Miras dedicated to fine arts. It was Beaumont who encouraged her to take up the life of a bard after listening to her sing on the road. She dedicated her life to spreading joy and helping others, just as the two strangers had for her.

    There are very few people in the world who know of her actual history in Taithros. Penelope tells everyone she grew up in Khal Miras and her parents died when she was young to avoid the sensitive topic, and no one has questioned her otherwise.


    ❖ Restorative - Healing, Purifying


    ❖ Swordplay - Being in the military, even if only for a short while, came with some perks
    ❖ Identification of poisons and toxins - Training in the military has given Penelope the advantage of a wider array of knowledge of common poisons and toxins
    ❖ A variety of musical instruments, favors the lyre - She can play many instruments but this one is her favorite and the only one she owns
    ❖ Cooking - The young woman enjoys learning new recipes and is an excellent on the spot chef


    ❖ Charismatic - friendly to anyone she meets and radiates confidence in her speech
    ❖ Purification - the branch of Restoration magic has always come naturally to Penelope
    ❖ Good natured - honest intentions, is always willing to go the extra mile for others


    ❖ Hot headed - Hot tempered and foul mouthed, can be easily set off if one can find the right sore spots
    ❖ Lost - Directionally challenged despite her ability to navigate difficult terrain
    ❖ Reckless - Emotions tend to blind Penelope from rationalization, she has little regard for the consequences



    Credit to WingBuffet Twitter

    Human | 36 | Taithros, Taitelle
    Phineas de Pemos

    Fin, Finny (for his lovers only)



    Home Territory:
    Taithros, Taitelle

    Ghostwriter (and impromptu advisor)


    Phineas is an impressive specimen of man, gifted with a stature of 6 ft and impeccably handsome features. His body is lean and in good form, though to say he was athletically built would be a generous statement. He is meticulously well-kept, with nary a hair out of place on his head nor on his face. His hands and skin are surprisingly soft, a key indicator of the pampered life he has lived up until this point. When he walks, it is with a slight swagger, limbs loose and relaxed as if he hadn't a care in the world.

    His outer garments often betray him as someone of wealth. Try as he might, his penchant for finer things prevent him from wearing anything of poor quality. He tends to wear long tunics and high-collar shirts, staying away from the over-the-top robes his contemporaries insist on wearing. A steel sword hangs always at his side. At the hilt of the sword is scratched out hole where the family emblem used to sit.


    Endowed with a spritely and vivacious spirit, Phineas is not one to remain stagnant in his persona. Loving both life and all that comes with it, he lives each moment to the fullest, with a heady energy hardly found in men his age. He is a passionate man, whether it be in his love, his work, or anything else he sets his attentions too. Perhaps passionate to a fault; in his pursuit to experience all that life has to offer, Phineas is susceptible to making reckless decisions on a whim. He fancies himself a heroic adventurer of sorts and does not seem to realize that he is not, in fact, invincible.

    But he can be quite chivalrous. Phineas' immense respect for the opposite sex has put him in the mindset that they must be treated well at all times, as one would care for their own wife. He loves all women deeply and is quick to pursue it; race matters little to him. His affection towards them has spawned him no small smattering of lovers (and perhaps children) throughout Taithros, although he does not confess to committing to any of them.


    Phineas has never worked a hard day in his life. Being born to the Pemos family name came with automatic merits: endless coffers, elite education, and the immense privilege of being part of one of the oldest families in Taitelle. His parent's specific branch of the family oversaw tax collections for the main district of Portwatch and its surrounding residences. As the youngest of three, it did not fall on Phineas' shoulders to continue the family empire. Instead, for a time he was pushed to pursue a career in the Imperial Guard. Back then, his skill with a sword seemed promising. Delighted, he felt his calling was to be a valiant knight and signed up with the Imperial Guard as soon as he was able to. The experience was tragically short-lived. He never spoke of what happened to anyone, but sources claimed it involved a sword, his foe's severed arm, and his face planting itself into the ground. Phineas wisely decided on another career.

    He moved on to his next best talent: writing. It turned out that many high-ranking army officials and politicians were quite lacking in literacy and paid a pretty coin for someone to write speeches and letters for them. They needed something to infuse their image with intellect and charm, both of which Phineas possessed in apparent abundance. The demand for his written art placed him in a social sphere close to the Emperor and his associates, and by his 2nd year living in Taithros, he had firmly established himself as a fixture in Taithros' elite society. Around this time, Phineas made a sizable contribution to the Magisteria Academy, where he would meet his soon-to-be good friend Magister Aona. He often attended her lectures on the guardian stones, and in private they discussed the state of the world and the wide scale corruption he witnessed when associating with his "high-class" friends. It was Aona who finally introduced him to the rebellion.

    Phineas took her invitation to heart. He accompanied her to a small meeting of five, and although met with open hostility, he quickly pledged his support. The rebel cause utilized him to write anonymous and highly discreet missive to try and rally further support for the rebellion. Further, he would incorporate their words into current works he published. A rebel could identify a coded message from other literary works by a distinct watermark in the bottom right corner; after performing a short spell, the true words reveal themselves. He continued this work up until Magister Kiernan was executed. After that, he sought out Aona at the Academy but found her nowhere to be found. She had disappeared without a trace, and Phineas feared for the worst. Two months have passed with no word yet from her. It is his ardent hope that he will find her safe from harm at the next rebel's meeting.


    • Illusory (Glamour) - Adept, middle tier skill. Something that has more than once saved him from capture from would-be foes and spurned lovers.
    • Repel Enchantment - This enchantment on his sword allows any debris--blood, flesh, dirt--to be repelled instantly from his sword, keeping it clean at all times. A petty thing to most people, but necessary for Phineas.

    • Grand Orator - His immense skill with both spoken and written words allows him to give voice to the cause, as well as provide rousing speeches for low morale.
    • Bladesman - Phineas is an average swordsman, although he hardly utilizes it, preferring to spare weapons until no other recourse can be taken. The blade at his side is mostly for show.
    • Blockhead - He has a higher tolerance towards subliminal magic than most, and can sense when someone is employing it against him. In addition, his skull is very hard. Avoid headbutting him.
    • Sharpshooter - As with most things, he was tutored in archery in his youth. Phineas still retains a high level of skill as an archer despite his reluctance to engage in battle.
    • Escape Artist - He's had much practice over the years of breaking free from constrainments. Armed with a meager lockpicking skill and flexibility, Phineas is able to worm his way out of most traps and cages set upon him by others.
    • Mirror Image - His most impressive skill is the ability to mimick the movements, mannerisms, and occasionally voice of a subject after quick study. Combined with his illusory magic, he is able to create a convincing doppelganger of another man.


    • Wealth - Being of the Pemos family, Phineas possesses a considerable amount of money, as well as the deeds to certain holdings in the territory of Taitelle, as well as one in Estura.
    • Links - Both his line of work and his family have provided him with valuable connections with both government and army officials, although whether they will provide much use is questionable.
    • Humble - Despite his status in life, Phineas is reasonable in his view of himself, thinking he is no better than any other fool put on this planet. His lack of an ego allows him to function well in team capacities.
    • Renaissance Man - Having gained a general education of most studies as a youth, Phineas is a cultured, intelligent man. He retains knowledge easily.
    • Big Heart - Phineas is an affectionate man and loves freely. He is known to be a fantastic lover.


    • Gore - Phineas has a strong reaction to anything bloody or gory. He simply cannot stomach it; he will swoon.
    • Magic-less - Offensive and defensive magic never quite took to him, so he's quite ignorant and ill-prepared for it.
    • Lustful Eye - Beautiful creatures, predominantly women, distract him, to the point of abandoning tasks entirely. His insatiable desire for companionship can be a hindrance to others.
    • Noncommittal - Phineas is fiercely independent and wayward. Nothing can tie him down permanently, which makes him a flight risk if a situation turns hairy.
    • Rich Boy - Having lived a life of ease, he is unused to hard work and rough, poor travel. He stands out easily as someone of higher birth no matter how hard he tries to blend in.

    Other Info:

    • He's an absolutely atrocious flute player, but will insist on playing at any given opportunity. His response to criticism is that he's still "learning"-- despite the fact he's been playing since childhood.
    • Phineas is currently engaged to a rich heiress from Portwatch. He has been dodging the wedding for years now, which has moved his would-be bride to hire men to hunt him down and retrieve him. They have yet to succeed.
    • The Pemos family is widely despised by the common people for their widespread corruption and their collection of taxes for the Emperor. Although Phineas is cut from a different cloth, he often refrains from admitting his true identity upon first meeting individuals, especially fellow rebels.

    Yes, in every way

    (Include credit for FC artist, if applicable.)

  • Rahne O'Braoin
    Human/Female | 25 | Wyndfel
    Rahne O'Braoin




    Home Territory:


    Rahne stands proudly at a rather modest height of 5'4,the average for someone of her age. She has a strong, lean, well-muscled figure that screams fighter. As if they weren't enough, her body has various scars, across her arms and even the bridge of her nose and eye. It's quite rare to see her without some sort of injury. Her somewhat fair skin is often marred with bruises, or her fingers wrapped in bandages. Her hair is a salamander shade of orange and is kept straight and somewhat long, descending just past her shoulders. Her eyes are teal blue.


    Rahne is not the most intelligent person. She leaves much to be desired as far as formal education goes. She can handle the most basic of maths (so long as she can use her fingers), and she can read, though she isn't the fastest. Beyond that, she knows nothing, and even within that, she finds herself struggling often. She finds herself struggling when it comes to the nuance of social interactions, often misunderstanding a situation entirely, or even being fooled.

    But for what she lacks in intelligence she more than makes up for in ferocity, conviction, and heart. She's a stubborn and unyielding girl who, when convinced that she's right, is nigh impossible to convince otherwise. When she commits to something, she commits wholeheartedly, sticking with her decision until the end, even when the going gets tough. She always says what she means and means what she says, even if it comes across as offensive. She means well and tries to do right by everyone when she can.


    The eldest child born to her parents, Rahne was born and raised in Rola. As a child, she would go outside to play and often come back with scrapes and bruises from fighting with other kids or trying to do something dangerous to impress others as well as herself. This worried her parents to no end, and eventually resulted in her father to bringing her to assist him with logging, making her use her energy for something more productive than scrapping with other kids or pulling some dangerous stunt. The work was tough, but it was simple and rewarding, and Rahne quickly grew to appreciate it. But as she grew, her appreciation for the work was dwarfed by a sense of wanderlust, a desire for adventure.

    As Rahne grew older she began to grow bored with her life in the small town. It was pleasant, but it was repetitive. The days began to run into one another and she found herself unhappy with her life. It was on her 19th birthday that she made the only decision she could think of to get out of Rola and explore: enlist in the military. Unfortunately, her first few years as a soldier weren't what she thought they would be. While she was no longer bored with her life, it was far from how she thought it would be. While she had always pictured her life as a soldier as one of heroics and adventure, the cruelty of the empire did not sit well with her, affecting her sleep and even her appetite despite never partaking in the actions. Just sitting idly by and working with those who would follow through with any order, no matter how cruel was enough to make her regret her decision to enlist. She lasted only three years in the military before she defected.

    It wouldn't be long before she found herself shacking up with the Rebellion. To her, it was an easy choice to make. What the empire had become could not be allowed to stand any longer. If rebellion was the only way to bring about change then so be it. The only thing she could offer was her sword and skill, who would turn down another body to throw at the enemy?

    Runic - Offensive.
    Runic Belt - The runes engraved on her belt increase her physical abilities, allowing her to be stronger, faster and resist fatigue longer than she normally would. She can even take a few more blows than normal so long as the leather belt is wrapped around her waist.


    Hand-To-Hand Combat


    Sturdy and Enduring
    Dedicated and strong willed
    Bold and unyielding
    Open and honest


    Rather stupid
    Terrible leader
    Speaks mind without thinking of the consequences
    Stubborn as a mule, not very flexible when it comes to opposing viewpoints
    Headstrong and rash

    Art is by Morry!

  • Eulalia Belemoux
    Lamia | 28 | Southern Luras
    Eulalia Belemoux




    Home Territory:
    Southern Luras



    When standing upright, Ula stands at an average height of 5'7" with a slim build. Her midnight-black hair falls past her waist and is often pulled back into a loose braid when she is working, revealing a pair of pointed ears. Her peachy skin is often decorated in various necklaces and jewels, a sign of pride of both her family and her own work. The toned muscles of her stomach slowly give away to iridescent black scales that seem more blue in the right light.

    Her full lips hide sharp teeth that she flashes liberally when irritated. Freckles span across the bridge of her nose. Her bright emerald eyes are narrow, framed by long lashes and dark eyebrows that are often raised in silent judgement.


    Ula had learned quickly that people didn't like her based off of her family line. Who could blame them? Her family had profited off of the Empire for generations. She wears this prejudice like a badge, keeping her chin high and never apologizing for the family that she was born into. Her pride is often her downfall, as she refuses to admit that her family was in the wrong for opening up trade with the Empire.

    Her enemies would describe her as two-faced while her friends would describe her as resourceful. She is fiercely loyal to those who gain her favor. Her allies' enemies become her enemies. When she isn't playing a part, she truly enjoys the company of others and finds it easy to relax around those that she trusts.


    Ula had always been ambitious, even as a child. Half of her time was spent watching her father twist shining metals and jewels into beautiful chains and bracelets while she spent the other half studying magic with her estranged cousin.

    Long before Ula was born, when Merizoc surrendered control to the Taitellen Empire, her family had been one of the few to benefit. They had taken their fine jewels and carefully crafted silks and begun to send those most comfortable with leaving their home territory to Taithros to trade. Their business had gone as far as providing carefully crafted jewelry for officials in the Empire. Her father had been the one to take their goods to the capital, a job that was to be passed onto Ula one day. As a young lamia, she'd accompany her father on long expeditions to Taithros to trade. She'd been fascinated by the Aetherian Market, from the different species that dwelt there to the wide variety of goods.

    It was when her father was falsely accused of conspiring with the rebellion and promptly arrested that the market lost its luster. She'd been 19 and unable to convince the guards that her father was innocent before she was forced to return to Merizoc.

    Upon returning home, her cousin approached her with an offer to join the rebellion and save her father. Her association with the rebellion began as a way to get her father back but slowly became a cause that she was loyal to. She hadn't realized that the Empire's actions had truly damaged the rest of the world. While the search for her father didn't yield any results, she did find a sense of belonging in the rebellion.

    She continued her father's craft of creating beautiful jewelry to sell, only this time she used her constant traveling to deliver messages for the rebellion. Despite her father's arrest all those years ago, her family still remained a renowned trader in the Aetherian Market. Her facade as the vain and materialistic daughter of the Belemoux family served her well, allowing her into upper class circles.

    Although she fights for the rebellion, in the end her loyalty is to her family and to making the Empire pay for taking her father from her.

    Subliminal - Alteration


    • Metal working; Ula is very good at creating accessories and light ornamental armor.
    • Gem identification; Ula can properly identify and work with most gems and precious metals.
    • Hand to Hand Combat; Ula learned how to defend herself once she realized that playing the role of a spy can be dangerous.


    • Charisma; Ula's tongue is as silver as the metals that she works with.
    • Speed; Ula is fast and relies on this heavily during fights.
    • Adaption; Ula is very good at 'shedding her skin' and becoming whoever she needs to be for different social situations.
    • Connections; Ula has many connections from her time at the Aetherian Market.


    • Endurance; while Ula may be fast, her stamina keeps her from maintaining her speed for too long.
    • Cold Climates; Ula cannot handle cold climates and finds it difficult to accomplish anything, even if she is wearing enough layers to be warm.
    • Ranged Attacks; due to her nearsightedness, she cannot see ranged attacks until they are literally upon her.
    • Pride; Ula does not take criticism about herself or her family very well and is not easily swayed on her opinions, even if she's wrong.



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Wesley's Codes - multiple boxes

Wesley 'Wes' James Moore
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et accumsan lectus. Suspendisse ullamcorper mauris eu porta tincidunt. Integer tempus lobortis metus nec ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pharetra accumsan nulla, vel lacinia dolor tempus sed. Nulla vitae massa tincidunt, volutpat mauris at, scelerisque tellus. Donec eleifend turpis sapien, et lacinia metus accumsan et. Sed iaculis ultrices orci, at rhoncus ante fermentum a. Morbi semper est quis urna convallis placerat. Nullam ac luctus arcu, nec malesuada diam.

Mauris vitae tincidunt arcu, non tempus quam. Quisque dictum quis odio eu suscipit. Cras sollicitudin egestas lorem, at porta nulla. Nullam aliquam eget libero sit amet pulvinar. Morbi tempus nisl at lectus egestas commodo. Aliquam turpis erat, rutrum eu eros id, luctus dictum odio. Praesent finibus ac leo sit amet lobortis. Nunc nec justo arcu. Phasellus convallis, nisl ac gravida volutpat, erat ligula mattis orci, at sodales erat ante interdum ex. Aenean volutpat est et fringilla facilisis. Nunc ut lorem ac nulla vulputate convallis id nec quam. Pellentesque sollicitudin neque ut arcu semper, vitae fermentum diam porta. Maecenas fringilla, justo at finibus suscipit, urna odio fringilla erat, quis condimentum elit ex sed tellus. Duis rhoncus dui vel hendrerit pharetra. Donec risus lorem, elementum vitae mauris sit amet, sollicitudin tempor arcu. Ut sit amet interdum augue, a scelerisque arcu.

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opacity: 0.85;]Wesley 'Wes' James Moore[/div]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et accumsan lectus. Suspendisse ullamcorper mauris eu porta tincidunt. Integer tempus lobortis metus nec ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pharetra accumsan nulla, vel lacinia dolor tempus sed. Nulla vitae massa tincidunt, volutpat mauris at, scelerisque tellus. Donec eleifend turpis sapien, et lacinia metus accumsan et. Sed iaculis ultrices orci, at rhoncus ante fermentum a. Morbi semper est quis urna convallis placerat. Nullam ac luctus arcu, nec malesuada diam.

Mauris vitae tincidunt arcu, non tempus quam. Quisque dictum quis odio eu suscipit. Cras sollicitudin egestas lorem, at porta nulla. Nullam aliquam eget libero sit amet pulvinar. Morbi tempus nisl at lectus egestas commodo. Aliquam turpis erat, rutrum eu eros id, luctus dictum odio. Praesent finibus ac leo sit amet lobortis. Nunc nec justo arcu. Phasellus convallis, nisl ac gravida volutpat, erat ligula mattis orci, at sodales erat ante interdum ex. Aenean volutpat est et fringilla facilisis. Nunc ut lorem ac nulla vulputate convallis id nec quam. Pellentesque sollicitudin neque ut arcu semper, vitae fermentum diam porta. Maecenas fringilla, justo at finibus suscipit, urna odio fringilla erat, quis condimentum elit ex sed tellus. Duis rhoncus dui vel hendrerit pharetra. Donec risus lorem, elementum vitae mauris sit amet, sollicitudin tempor arcu. Ut sit amet interdum augue, a scelerisque arcu

Mentions and Suggestions:
Wesley 'Wes' James Moore
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et accumsan lectus. Suspendisse ullamcorper mauris eu porta tincidunt. Integer tempus lobortis metus nec ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pharetra accumsan nulla, vel lacinia dolor tempus sed. Nulla vitae massa tincidunt, volutpat mauris at, scelerisque tellus. Donec eleifend turpis sapien, et lacinia metus accumsan et. Sed iaculis ultrices orci, at rhoncus ante fermentum a. Morbi semper est quis urna convallis placerat. Nullam ac luctus arcu, nec malesuada diam.

Mauris vitae tincidunt arcu, non tempus quam. Quisque dictum quis odio eu suscipit. Cras sollicitudin egestas lorem, at porta nulla. Nullam aliquam eget libero sit amet pulvinar. Morbi tempus nisl at lectus egestas commodo. Aliquam turpis erat, rutrum eu eros id, luctus dictum odio. Praesent finibus ac leo sit amet lobortis. Nunc nec justo arcu. Phasellus convallis, nisl ac gravida volutpat, erat ligula mattis orci, at sodales erat ante interdum ex. Aenean volutpat est et fringilla facilisis. Nunc ut lorem ac nulla vulputate convallis id nec quam. Pellentesque sollicitudin neque ut arcu semper, vitae fermentum diam porta. Maecenas fringilla, justo at finibus suscipit, urna odio fringilla erat, quis condimentum elit ex sed tellus. Duis rhoncus dui vel hendrerit pharetra. Donec risus lorem, elementum vitae mauris sit amet, sollicitudin tempor arcu. Ut sit amet interdum augue, a scelerisque arcu.

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[/div][div=border-bottom: 2px solid #A6292D;
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border-top: 2px solid #A6292D;
background: #2a2f29;
opacity: 0.85;]Wesley 'Wes' James Moore[/div]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et accumsan lectus. Suspendisse ullamcorper mauris eu porta tincidunt. Integer tempus lobortis metus nec ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pharetra accumsan nulla, vel lacinia dolor tempus sed. Nulla vitae massa tincidunt, volutpat mauris at, scelerisque tellus. Donec eleifend turpis sapien, et lacinia metus accumsan et. Sed iaculis ultrices orci, at rhoncus ante fermentum a. Morbi semper est quis urna convallis placerat. Nullam ac luctus arcu, nec malesuada diam.

Mauris vitae tincidunt arcu, non tempus quam. Quisque dictum quis odio eu suscipit. Cras sollicitudin egestas lorem, at porta nulla. Nullam aliquam eget libero sit amet pulvinar. Morbi tempus nisl at lectus egestas commodo. Aliquam turpis erat, rutrum eu eros id, luctus dictum odio. Praesent finibus ac leo sit amet lobortis. Nunc nec justo arcu. Phasellus convallis, nisl ac gravida volutpat, erat ligula mattis orci, at sodales erat ante interdum ex. Aenean volutpat est et fringilla facilisis. Nunc ut lorem ac nulla vulputate convallis id nec quam. Pellentesque sollicitudin neque ut arcu semper, vitae fermentum diam porta. Maecenas fringilla, justo at finibus suscipit, urna odio fringilla erat, quis condimentum elit ex sed tellus. Duis rhoncus dui vel hendrerit pharetra. Donec risus lorem, elementum vitae mauris sit amet, sollicitudin tempor arcu. Ut sit amet interdum augue, a scelerisque arcu.[/div][/div][/div]

Mentions and Suggestions:
Collaboration with:
Wesley 'Wes' James Moore
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et accumsan lectus. Suspendisse ullamcorper mauris eu porta tincidunt. Integer tempus lobortis metus nec ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pharetra accumsan nulla, vel lacinia dolor tempus sed. Nulla vitae massa tincidunt, volutpat mauris at, scelerisque tellus. Donec eleifend turpis sapien, et lacinia metus accumsan et. Sed iaculis ultrices orci, at rhoncus ante fermentum a. Morbi semper est quis urna convallis placerat. Nullam ac luctus arcu, nec malesuada diam.

Mauris vitae tincidunt arcu, non tempus quam. Quisque dictum quis odio eu suscipit. Cras sollicitudin egestas lorem, at porta nulla. Nullam aliquam eget libero sit amet pulvinar. Morbi tempus nisl at lectus egestas commodo. Aliquam turpis erat, rutrum eu eros id, luctus dictum odio. Praesent finibus ac leo sit amet lobortis. Nunc nec justo arcu. Phasellus convallis, nisl ac gravida volutpat, erat ligula mattis orci, at sodales erat ante interdum ex. Aenean volutpat est et fringilla facilisis. Nunc ut lorem ac nulla vulputate convallis id nec quam. Pellentesque sollicitudin neque ut arcu semper, vitae fermentum diam porta. Maecenas fringilla, justo at finibus suscipit, urna odio fringilla erat, quis condimentum elit ex sed tellus. Duis rhoncus dui vel hendrerit pharetra. Donec risus lorem, elementum vitae mauris sit amet, sollicitudin tempor arcu. Ut sit amet interdum augue, a scelerisque arcu.

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[/div][div=border-bottom: 2px solid #A6292D;
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[/div][div=border-bottom: 2px solid #A6292D;
border-top: 2px solid #A6292D;
background: #FEFDFD;
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padding: 5px;][URL='https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/threads/vampire-the-masquerade-visions.184903/post-3975441']CS Link[/URL][/div][/div][div=background-color: #FEFDFD;
margin: auto;
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background: #2a2f29;
opacity: 0.85;]Wesley 'Wes' James Moore[/div]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et accumsan lectus. Suspendisse ullamcorper mauris eu porta tincidunt. Integer tempus lobortis metus nec ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pharetra accumsan nulla, vel lacinia dolor tempus sed. Nulla vitae massa tincidunt, volutpat mauris at, scelerisque tellus. Donec eleifend turpis sapien, et lacinia metus accumsan et. Sed iaculis ultrices orci, at rhoncus ante fermentum a. Morbi semper est quis urna convallis placerat. Nullam ac luctus arcu, nec malesuada diam.

Mauris vitae tincidunt arcu, non tempus quam. Quisque dictum quis odio eu suscipit. Cras sollicitudin egestas lorem, at porta nulla. Nullam aliquam eget libero sit amet pulvinar. Morbi tempus nisl at lectus egestas commodo. Aliquam turpis erat, rutrum eu eros id, luctus dictum odio. Praesent finibus ac leo sit amet lobortis. Nunc nec justo arcu. Phasellus convallis, nisl ac gravida volutpat, erat ligula mattis orci, at sodales erat ante interdum ex. Aenean volutpat est et fringilla facilisis. Nunc ut lorem ac nulla vulputate convallis id nec quam. Pellentesque sollicitudin neque ut arcu semper, vitae fermentum diam porta. Maecenas fringilla, justo at finibus suscipit, urna odio fringilla erat, quis condimentum elit ex sed tellus. Duis rhoncus dui vel hendrerit pharetra. Donec risus lorem, elementum vitae mauris sit amet, sollicitudin tempor arcu. Ut sit amet interdum augue, a scelerisque arcu.[/div][/div][/div]

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Home Territory:





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Credit to WingBuffet Twitter
  • Useful
Reactions: Kuno
Can Pan axe the cultists a question.
1-3 : he dead
4-6 : he not dead, but wounded
6-9 : moderate success
10 : fine, he can



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How hard does Rowan punch Silph

Updated Wes codes thanks to @Spectre of the Fade

[div=background: #f2f2f2; margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; display: flex; font-family: Georgia;][div=flex: 15%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-evenly; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; height: 570px; background: url(https://i.imgur.com/JiUxDeI.jpg) repeat top right; background-size: 295%; color: black; text-align: center; padding: 15px;][div=border-bottom: 2px solid #A6292D; border-top: 2px solid #A6292D; background: #FEFDFD; opacity: 0.85; margin-top:475px; letter-spacing: 1px; padding: 5px;][URL='https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/threads/vampire-the-masquerade-visions.184903/post-3975441']CS Link[/URL][/div][/div][div=background-color: #FEFDFD; margin: auto; flex: 70%; color: black; padding: 8px;][div=margin: auto; margin-bottom: 5px; color: #f8f8f6; font-size: 30px; font-variant: small-caps; text-align: center; border-bottom: 2px solid #A6292D; border-top: 2px solid #A6292D; background: #2a2f29; opacity: 0.85;]Wesley 'Wes' James Moore[/div][div=height: 500px; overflow: auto; padding-right: 5px;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et accumsan lectus. Suspendisse ullamcorper mauris eu porta tincidunt. Integer tempus lobortis metus nec ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pharetra accumsan nulla, vel lacinia dolor tempus sed. Nulla vitae massa tincidunt, volutpat mauris at, scelerisque tellus. Donec eleifend turpis sapien, et lacinia metus accumsan et. Sed iaculis ultrices orci, at rhoncus ante fermentum a. Morbi semper est quis urna convallis placerat. Nullam ac luctus arcu, nec malesuada diam. Mauris vitae tincidunt arcu, non tempus quam. Quisque dictum quis odio eu suscipit. Cras sollicitudin egestas lorem, at porta nulla. Nullam aliquam eget libero sit amet pulvinar. Morbi tempus nisl at lectus egestas commodo. Aliquam turpis erat, rutrum eu eros id, luctus dictum odio. Praesent finibus ac leo sit amet lobortis. Nunc nec justo arcu. Phasellus convallis, nisl ac gravida volutpat, erat ligula mattis orci, at sodales erat ante interdum ex. Aenean volutpat est et fringilla facilisis. Nunc ut lorem ac nulla vulputate convallis id nec quam. Pellentesque sollicitudin neque ut arcu semper, vitae fermentum diam porta. Maecenas fringilla, justo at finibus suscipit, urna odio fringilla erat, quis condimentum elit ex sed tellus. Duis rhoncus dui vel hendrerit pharetra. Donec risus lorem, elementum vitae mauris sit amet, sollicitudin tempor arcu. Ut sit amet interdum augue, a scelerisque arcu [/div][/div][/div]

[div=background: #f2f2f2; margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; display: flex; font-family: Georgia;][div=flex: 15%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-evenly; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; height: 570px; background: url(https://i.imgur.com/JiUxDeI.jpg) repeat top right; background-size: 295%; color: black; text-align: center; padding: 15px;][div=border-bottom: 2px solid #A6292D; border-top: 2px solid #A6292D; background: #FEFDFD; opacity: 0.85; margin-top:400px; letter-spacing: 1px; padding: 5px;]Mentions and Suggestions: USER [/div][div=border-bottom: 2px solid #A6292D; border-top: 2px solid #A6292D; background: #FEFDFD; opacity: 0.85; margin-top: auto; letter-spacing: 1px; padding: 5px;][URL='https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/threads/vampire-the-masquerade-visions.184903/post-3975441']CS Link[/URL][/div][/div][div=background-color: #FEFDFD; margin: auto; flex: 70%; color: black; padding: 8px;][div=margin: auto; margin-bottom: 5px; color: #f8f8f6; font-size: 30px; font-variant: small-caps; text-align: center; border-bottom: 2px solid #A6292D; border-top: 2px solid #A6292D; background: #2a2f29; opacity: 0.85;]Wesley 'Wes' James Moore[/div][div=height: 500px; overflow: auto; padding-right: 5px;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et accumsan lectus. Suspendisse ullamcorper mauris eu porta tincidunt. Integer tempus lobortis metus nec ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pharetra accumsan nulla, vel lacinia dolor tempus sed. Nulla vitae massa tincidunt, volutpat mauris at, scelerisque tellus. Donec eleifend turpis sapien, et lacinia metus accumsan et. Sed iaculis ultrices orci, at rhoncus ante fermentum a. Morbi semper est quis urna convallis placerat. Nullam ac luctus arcu, nec malesuada diam. Mauris vitae tincidunt arcu, non tempus quam. Quisque dictum quis odio eu suscipit. Cras sollicitudin egestas lorem, at porta nulla. Nullam aliquam eget libero sit amet pulvinar. Morbi tempus nisl at lectus egestas commodo. Aliquam turpis erat, rutrum eu eros id, luctus dictum odio. Praesent finibus ac leo sit amet lobortis. Nunc nec justo arcu. Phasellus convallis, nisl ac gravida volutpat, erat ligula mattis orci, at sodales erat ante interdum ex. Aenean volutpat est et fringilla facilisis. Nunc ut lorem ac nulla vulputate convallis id nec quam. Pellentesque sollicitudin neque ut arcu semper, vitae fermentum diam porta. Maecenas fringilla, justo at finibus suscipit, urna odio fringilla erat, quis condimentum elit ex sed tellus. Duis rhoncus dui vel hendrerit pharetra. Donec risus lorem, elementum vitae mauris sit amet, sollicitudin tempor arcu. Ut sit amet interdum augue, a scelerisque arcu.[/div][/div][/div]

[div=background: #f2f2f2; margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; display: flex; font-family: Georgia;][div=flex: 15%; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-evenly; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; height: 570px; background: url(https://i.imgur.com/JiUxDeI.jpg) repeat top right; background-size: 295%; color: black; text-align: center; padding: 15px;][div=border-bottom: 2px solid #A6292D; border-top: 2px solid #A6292D; background: #FEFDFD; opacity: 0.85; margin-top:375px; letter-spacing: 1px; padding: 5px;]Mentions and Suggestions: USER [/div][div=border-bottom: 2px solid #A6292D; border-top: 2px solid #A6292D; background: #FEFDFD; opacity: 0.85; margin-top: auto; letter-spacing: 1px; padding: 5px;]Collaboration with: USER [/div][div=border-bottom: 2px solid #A6292D; border-top: 2px solid #A6292D; background: #FEFDFD; opacity: 0.85; margin-top: auto; letter-spacing: 1px; padding: 5px;][URL='https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/threads/vampire-the-masquerade-visions.184903/post-3975441']CS Link[/URL][/div][/div][div=background-color: #FEFDFD; margin: auto; flex: 70%; color: black; padding: 8px;][div=margin: auto; margin-bottom: 5px; color: #f8f8f6; font-size: 30px; font-variant: small-caps; text-align: center; border-bottom: 2px solid #A6292D; border-top: 2px solid #A6292D; background: #2a2f29; opacity: 0.85;]Wesley 'Wes' James Moore[/div][div=height: 500px; overflow: auto; padding-right: 5px;]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et accumsan lectus. Suspendisse ullamcorper mauris eu porta tincidunt. Integer tempus lobortis metus nec ultrices. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pharetra accumsan nulla, vel lacinia dolor tempus sed. Nulla vitae massa tincidunt, volutpat mauris at, scelerisque tellus. Donec eleifend turpis sapien, et lacinia metus accumsan et. Sed iaculis ultrices orci, at rhoncus ante fermentum a. Morbi semper est quis urna convallis placerat. Nullam ac luctus arcu, nec malesuada diam. Mauris vitae tincidunt arcu, non tempus quam. Quisque dictum quis odio eu suscipit. Cras sollicitudin egestas lorem, at porta nulla. Nullam aliquam eget libero sit amet pulvinar. Morbi tempus nisl at lectus egestas commodo. Aliquam turpis erat, rutrum eu eros id, luctus dictum odio. Praesent finibus ac leo sit amet lobortis. Nunc nec justo arcu. Phasellus convallis, nisl ac gravida volutpat, erat ligula mattis orci, at sodales erat ante interdum ex. Aenean volutpat est et fringilla facilisis. Nunc ut lorem ac nulla vulputate convallis id nec quam. Pellentesque sollicitudin neque ut arcu semper, vitae fermentum diam porta. Maecenas fringilla, justo at finibus suscipit, urna odio fringilla erat, quis condimentum elit ex sed tellus. Duis rhoncus dui vel hendrerit pharetra. Donec risus lorem, elementum vitae mauris sit amet, sollicitudin tempor arcu. Ut sit amet interdum augue, a scelerisque arcu.[/div][/div][/div]
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